Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1555: 1 yuan heavy water

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

"Let's do things separately." Chen Jianghai's voice came from the coffin, a little trembling and he was extremely excited.

Before Li Muyao expressed his objection, the coffin suddenly accelerated, leaving only a black shadow in the night sky, and disappeared.

Pei Junlin shook his head, and no longer hesitated to choose a direction to fly into the air, and soon Pei Junlin fell on a piece of grass. A bright light appeared in a bush not far from him.

There is no doubt that this is a treasure scattered here, Pei Junlin did not immediately approach because he was not sure whether it was safe.

After Pei Junlin observed the surroundings and confirmed that there was no abnormality, Pei Junlin slowly walked towards the treasure. When Pei Junlin opened the grass, a treasure similar to a hip flask lay quietly there.

But when Pei Junlin stretched out his hand to grab it, the hip flask suddenly rose into the air, and at the same time shot out a stream of water, violently nourishing Pei Junlin's face.

Pei Junlin was teased by a treasure for the first time, and he was taken aback. But soon, Pei Junlin realized that this treasure is not simple, it seems to be full of surging water vapor, it seems that rivers, lakes and seas can contain it.

There is no doubt that this treasure is great, and Pei Junlin's heart is moved for a while.

Feeling that Pei Junlin stopped, the teapot baby did not go far, but stood not far away from Pei Junlin, seeming to be staring at Pei Junlin.

"You need a strong man to be your master." Pei Junlin tried to communicate this treasure with words and directly convinced him.

It is a pity that soon, Pei Junlin declared a failure. This treasure did not intend to return to Pei Junlin. Instead, he stood ten meters away from Pei Junlin and sprayed Pei Junlin again.

A light blue stream of water sprayed towards Pei Junlin's face, which contained an extremely cold air.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and this water flow turned into a sharp ice skate in his palm. But Pei Junlin's palm was wrapped in flames, and the water flow was immediately melted.

"No matter how arrogant you are, you are a chamber pot. Believe it or not, I caught you and really use you as a chamber pot." Pei Junlin moved the real fire.

Without warning, Pei Junlin raised his hand and a yin wind blew it, condensed into giant white bone claws in the air, and fiercely grabbed it towards the teapot baby.

But this time Pei Junlin failed again. The speed of the teapot baby was extremely fast. After a flash of phantom, True North appeared again, seeming to be constantly shaking like Pei Junlin's provocation.

"Hey, you just have this ability, do you think I really can't help it?" Pei Junlin smiled.

He pointed to the teapot and there was no sign of a black whirlpool, which was a chaotic golden bucket. The chaotic golden bucket originally had the function of dropping treasures. At this time, a chaotic aura naturally enveloped the teapot treasure instantly.

The teapot baby kept shaking, emitting a bright green light on the surface, as if wanting to break free from the chaotic golden bucket, but everything had settled.

Soon there was a teapot baby in Pei Junlin's palm. This baby should be forged of some kind of metal. It looked a little magnificent, with countless gems inlaid on the surface. It should be the beloved thing of a big man.

Unfortunately, this treasure is not for use against the enemy, but a life protection. That is to say, the person who forged it at the beginning was not used as a weapon, but as a baby who was really used to drink tea.

It seems that a cultivator not only has to worry about fighting with others every day, but also about cultivating his sentiments, drinking wine and tea.

Pei Junlin observed this treasure, and the most important and precious place was that there was a formation inside this teapot called Shuiyun Dazhen.

In the core of this water cloud array, there is a black water ball named Yiyuan Heavy Water. This Yuan Zhongshui is no less than a treasure that has been updated to this day, and Pei Junlin is naturally very happy.

"Did you spit it out by yourself, or did I take it myself?" Pei Junlin said while looking at the delicate looking jug in his palm.

The teapot shook a few times, seemingly aggrieved, and spit out a black water ball from the spout, which was exactly the one yuan heavy water Pei Junlin dreamed of.

Pei Junlin held the pitch-black water ball in his palm, as heavy as it was grasping. This thing looks plain and flat, but suddenly offering an unexpected effect when facing an enemy, it can be said to be a must for a Yin person.

The first treasure was a little unfavorable, but it was just a flower, which could only be seen but not used. However, the one-yuan heavy water obtained from this teapot baby is a sharp weapon, which can be used by the yin person, and even more powerful than the magnetic elementary needle obtained by Pei Junlin before.

Pei Junlin happened to have an idea, and that was to merge the Yuanci Shenzhen with this Yuanzhong Water. But he doesn't have this time now, because the integration takes a certain amount of time, and the most important thing for him now is to grab other treasures.

Pei Junlin flew up again, taking advantage of the night sky against the grassland, flew forward to it extremely fast, and the place he passed was like a breeze blowing on his face, which was completely imperceptible.

When Pei Junlin landed again, it was a small mound with no one nearby, but a cloud of brilliance appeared on the grass.

The treasure this time made Pei Junlin a little surprised, because this time the treasure turned out to be a fan. Moreover, this fan looked very difficult, not to mention the jewels, and even the breath of wind was circulating on it.

Pei Junlin reached out and grabbed the fan, but soon he found something unusual. At the moment when Pei Junlin's hands were about to touch the fan, a blade of light strangled towards Pei Junlin.

Someone hides in this mound and uses this fan as bait to lure treasure hunters.

Pei Junlin's cold hair is standing up, and an experienced person like him must have carefully searched the four weeks before the treasure hunt.

Even so, it was still a hundred secrets, leaving these assassins hidden deeply, and Pei Junlin was directly blinded. For a moment, Pei Junlin faced a life and death decision.

If you are not careful, your body will be crushed.

Obviously, the few people who ambush this time are not weak hands but big characters.

Although Pei Junlin wanted to get this fan very much, he had to admit that the few people ambushing here were not easy to provoke, and he would be life threatening if he continued to stay.

Suddenly, he punched out Pei Junlin's fist and hit the most critical position, which was the weakest place of the killing array.

Sure enough, Pei Junlin punched out the strangulation power of the entire killing formation, which immediately weakened a lot, but Pei Junlin took the opportunity to rush to the high-altitude figure and fled without stopping.

Just as Pei Junlin left on the front foot, seven people on the back foot jumped out from under the mound. These seven people are not tall, but all of them have a harsh color on their faces.

One of them had a gray-headed face, half of his face sunken, and blood was still dripping from the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that Pei Junlin's punch just hit his cheek.

"This person is not an offensive character, let's quickly change a place." The leader among them looked at the direction Pei Junlin was leaving with a gloomy expression.

However, there were also objections, and soon these people were hidden on the mound again.

In less than a moment, another person landed on the mound, but this person was not as lucky as Pei Junlin, and he hurriedly reached out to grab the fan just after landing.

At this moment, a blade of blade light swept over again, this person did not even scream, and instantly turned into pieces of meat, even the true spirit wanted to escape, but was blown away by someone.

These people jumped out of the mound again, collected the belongings of the dead man, and quickly hid them again.

Pei Junlin naturally didn't have the time to be familiar with these few people who were waiting for him. He landed in another place, here is a river. In the river water, there is also a faint light of treasure, gushing out from it.

This time, Pei Junlin was more cautious than before, and was not so impatient. Just now because of greed, he lost his vigilance and was almost ambushed.

But this time Pei Junlin had to be more cautious. He first surveyed the surroundings and determined that there was no danger before he jumped into the river. Soon Pei Junlin rushed out of the river. UU reading www.uukanshu. com has another treasure in his palm.

This treasure is a treasure similar to a flower basket, which looks like something used by a woman. The residents tried a few times, and as long as the treasure was activated, a shower of petals would be sprayed from South China, trapping the enemy's treasure, thereby delaying the effect of the enemy's attack.

This treasure is said to be powerful and powerful, and it is like that if it is not, but Pei Junlin likes to kill decisively and make quick decisions. Such treasures are obviously not that interested in Pei Junlin.

He put away the flower basket, Pei Junlin was going to look elsewhere.

"Hahahahahahahaha..." There was a burst of laughter in the night sky.

When Pei Junlin saw the distance, someone kept flying in one direction, and it seemed that there was a treasure in that place. A black light rushed into the sky, reflecting the black light on half of the sky.

A piece of treasure is thousands of times larger than the exposure of an ordinary treasure. It can be seen that this treasure is definitely beyond the reach of all the treasures combined.

However, this piece of treasure is not the largest in the distance. On the other side, Pei Junlin also saw the skyrocketing fire, which should be the location where a flame treasure appeared.

Greedy to chew, Pei Junlin flew towards the nearest black light, and a dozen figures had already gone in that direction, but Pei Junlin did not change his direction.

Before landing Pei Junlin, he heard a scream. With the sound of wild laughter, a master of the real king realm was blasted into flesh by a **** man.

"Don't grab anyone from me, I want this stove." The black-clad man was extremely arrogant.

The land will be opened with a punch, and Pei Junlin can see the violent black wind sweeping around him. As long as he gets close to this big man, the whole body will be attracted to him.

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