Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1556: Flower basket

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

This is practiced by the people of the magic way, it is the fist technique of the magic way.

However, the fierceness of this big man did not completely scare people. Just at the moment when Pei Junlin fell, there were seven or eight master Weilongs.

If all these masters become strong men, they will be wiped out by this **** man in the blink of an eye, and there will be mud all over the floor, looking terrible.

Pei Junlin didn't rush to take action, but watched with cold eyes, because Pei Junlin sensed dozens of breaths around him. If there is no absolute strength at that time, it will be cannon fodder to rush up.

Sure enough, while Pei Junlin was waiting for this moment, several people couldn't help but rushed up. These people were obviously together, and they were all carrying long swords in their hands.

These people play very well-organized, and it is obvious that they have been studying the black file for a long time, and they are sword formations.

A cluster of starlight was attracted from above the nine heavens and injected into this formation, while the seven sword-holders stepped on the position of the Big Dipper, constantly changing positions.

The endless sword aura rose from mid-air, and the testimonies of these seven people were horns to each other, continuous and airtight. The black man was surrounded by a black wind, and he was also weakened layer by layer.

Seeing the two sides fighting, Pei Junlin watched with gusto, but he did not lose his vigilance, because the battle on the battlefield did not mean that his position was absolutely safe.

"A bunch of brats, it's true that I can't stop you if I don't show off his power." The black man was so troubled by the sword formations of several people, he finally got angry.

His fists closed, and he blasted towards the ground.

In an instant, the ground exploded and showed an explosive crater, and taking advantage of this opportunity, the black fog swept across his body once again.

This black wind is like the most ferocious disaster in nature, but it can take away the aura, blood, and all rules and systems encountered, and it will be swept away.

If a person does not have any defense, falling into this black wind will immediately engulf all the flesh and blood and turn into a mass of white bones.

As expected, no one among the seven swordsmen was guarded, and they were immediately caught up in the black wind and screamed. Soon several white bones were pulled out from the black wind, and the flesh and blood on the white bones had disappeared.

This horrible sight made many people conceal a deep breath. In a moment, Pei Junlin discovered that at least 70% of the people had left quietly. Obviously these people did what they could and felt it was impossible to grab this. Pieces of treasure.

I still have three adults staying here. One of them has a strong aura. It is obvious that he is going to make a final appearance to **** this treasure, and the other two are lucky.

Waiting for the snipe and clam to fight, the fisherman gains, just like waiting here to watch the two gangs fighting each other and both lose, they will seize this treasure.

At this time, Pei Junlin probed his divine sense into the black light, and there was an extremely strong aura in this black light. As soon as King's Landing's sense of consciousness went in, it was severed, and it seemed to be torn apart by a big hand.

Even if Pei Junlin's current strength suffered such a severe injury, he snorted and his face was a little pale. He just cut off his consciousness quickly, if otherwise he would be uprooted by the person, and even the whole person would be killed. It can be seen that the treasure in the black mist is extremely strong, not good.

"There is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey is the king, the black wind, do you think you can be invincible if you are surrounded by the black wind?" A man descended from the sky.

The man stepped on his boots and pulled out a golden stick, and he looked tall and mighty. The stick in his hand stretched out suddenly, became longer in an instant, and hit the **** man's chest fiercely.

The black-clad man was originally named Heifeng. He was caught off guard by the opponent's move. He was immediately hit in the chest and his body retreated.

However, this black wind was not a good match, and a black whirlpool swept over with both hands suddenly. The man holding the golden long stick suddenly waved the stick in his hand, and clusters of golden wind blades flew out from the stick, violently colliding with the black vortex.

However, the black vortex looked fierce, and there was no decline at all. The man holding the golden long stick saw his move broken by the opponent, and suddenly jumped into the air with a cold snort, instantly turning into a long dragon full of golden light.

However, Pei Junlin discovered that this long dragon had no horns on its head. Obviously, this was not a real dragon, but a flood dragon.

The dragon's body was like a sheep's tail forged with fine iron, and suddenly it was about to slap against the black wind disaster. It was just an instant that flesh and blood flew across, and the entire tail of the dragon was almost turned into flesh by the black whirlpool.

What Pei Junlin saw was also shocked in his heart. He didn't expect this black wind vortex to be so powerful, and he couldn't help but think of the breath of the wind he controlled.

The same is the breath of wind, this black wind always has an unspeakable aura of mighty and disaster. You thought for a long time, and finally came up with the difference between the two. The reason why the black wind breath is so powerful is that it incorporates the power of disaster.

Grandma is the most terrifying thing in the world. Natural disasters and man-made disasters represent the ultimate disaster in this world.

The **** man looks like a chimpanzee, but the treasure he carries with him is truly remarkable. It's no wonder that one person does not let go of this treasure. It turns out that he has real skills.

The dragon was in pain, his body was scrapped and vacated to escape, but how could the **** man give him a chance, his body was suddenly raised, and as soon as he reached out, he caught the black dragon and fell to the ground.

He lifted half of the black dragon's body with both hands, and both hands suddenly faced each other. Only a click was heard, and the spine of the dragon was directly broken.

Soon Pei Junlin saw that this big man named Heifeng used my hand to dig into the flesh and blood, and pulled out a white Sensen skeleton. A transparent tendon was attached to the bone, which was pulled down and held in his hand making a buzzing sound.

"This dragon tendon is the most delicious." Heifeng laughed.

He raised his eyes and found that there were a few breaths around him, but he did not dare to make a move while hiding there. The black wind was full of triumphant expressions. As soon as he turned around, he strode towards the black light, seeming to be snatching. This treasure is out.

Pei Junlin coldly watched that Heifeng had some strength, but it was too arrogant. No wonder he was anxious to take away the treasure before the danger was completely calmed down, obviously a little impatient.

The so-called eagerness can't eat hot tofu, dead pigs are surrounded by powerful enemies, this black wind is out of the treasure at this time, once there is a fork and is intercepted by someone half waist, if you sneak attack, I am afraid that you don't even know how to write the dead word.

However, Pei Jun Linhe's black wind has never had any friendship at all in his life, and it is impossible to remind him.

The black wind's burly body disappeared into the black mist. Soon, Pei Junlin felt the black bee's life aura weakened rapidly in the blink of an eye. He didn't even have time to scream, this black wind It disappears invisible.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin took a breath and was shocked.

It seems that the biggest hurdle today is not contention, but how to surrender this treasure is the top priority. The black wind is overwhelming the heroes, and his face is full of triumph. Who knows that just approaching this treasure, the strength is swallowed and even the dregs is left.

There were a few breaths hurriedly leaving in the darkness. Obviously, they had noticed that there was no hope for snatching this treasure, so I took this time to look at other areas.

However, there are still a few breaths circling here, obviously still waiting for the opportunity.

Pei Junlin instantly jumped out of the darkness and rushed into the black mist. He no longer wanted to wait any longer. When you enter this black mist, Pei Junlin immediately feels a violent absorption of power.

After the tall pill furnace can support the world, it seems that there is only one pill furnace left between the heaven and the earth. The dark furnace tripod was carved with a beast pattern, giving Jun Pei an extremely fierce breath.

Pei Junlin didn't expect the treasure hidden here to be a tall pill furnace. Moreover, there is still a raging flame burning in the mainland, and UU reading seems to have an ominous sign, shrouded toward Pei Junlin.

Entering the range covered by the pill furnace, Pei Junlin first felt the hot high temperature, and then there was a huge suction force, as if he wanted to **** people into the pill furnace for complete refining.

Pei Junlin was fighting against the fierce suction while also fighting the extreme heat. Confronting the things on both sides is not easy for Pei Junlin, but it is not difficult, but the most important thing is that the spiritual suppressing power makes Pei Junlin sweat all over his body.

In this single area, there is a man who seems to be whispering a monologue. The vicissitudes of life and hoarse voice seem to be the most mysterious and incomprehensible scripture between heaven and earth chanted by the previous master.

"The sky is the hut, the earth is the tripod, the man is the firewood, the yin and yang are echoed, burn..."

Pei Jun was listening, and he could hear the words that the man was faintly saying, and he kept repeating it.

Although it was very difficult, Pei Junlin still walked one way step by step, and the pill furnace in front of him was vast, like a pillar between heaven and earth.

Every step Pei Junlin takes, he has to endure tremendous pressure.

And just as Pei Junlin was struggling to move forward, an illusory figure appeared behind him. A golden light flew from the figure, assassinated towards Pei Junlin's neck.

This is a flying sword, extremely sharp. Without waiting for the flying sword to fly in front of Pei Junlin, the phantom once again stretched out his hand and patted it again, and the two pale golden talismans were like the boundless mountains, coming to suppress Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was caught off guard by this combination of punches, but at this dangerous moment, Pei Junlin still calmed down.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and what kind of gun appeared in Pei Junlin's palm, suddenly picked it up, and the flying sword was directly shot by Pei Junlin.

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