Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1557: Sky furnace

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

But in the face of the two flying talisman, Pei Junlin frowned, because she saw the doorway in it. It seemed that these two talisman records were simple, but in fact they contained university questions.

If ordinary people don't understand the formation and the talisman, that's it, maybe they can survive. But this person's insidious methods are insidious in this place, and it is specifically aimed at people who are particularly skilled in formations.

Often people who are particularly proficient in the way of formation will face this problem according to inertial thinking.

Very complicated and very simple, it will fall into the trap set by the other party, and eventually there will be no bones left.

However, Pei Junlin was obviously not in the other party's calculations, and Pei Junlin's understanding of formations had exceeded that of ordinary people. Therefore, Pei Junlin looked at the problem from a condescending perspective, regardless of the size of the matter, and one of them could be clearly seen at a glance.

One of these two talismans is a dragon and the other is a tiger.

If it were suppressed by ordinary means, it would be counterproductive, and the surrounding infuriating shield would be cut immediately, and it would end in a different place.

There was a flying sword in the dragon's mouth, and there was an amazing flame in the tiger's mouth. Don't reach out to touch it, it will blow up.

Pei Junlin did not retreat, as soon as the other party wished he stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards the talisman. The captive exploded in the air and turned into a green dragon, suddenly turning towards Pei Junlin to make a big mouth, and another flying sword, cutting towards Pei Junlin.

It seemed that Pei Junlin accidentally touched the opponent's killer move, and the person in the phantom seemed to make a cold laugh.

But everything that followed did not follow his script, because Pei Junlin was very indifferent when facing the flying sword. This blue yingying flying sword surrounds Pei Junlin's edict. If it were an ordinary person, he would have fallen to the ground.

It was Pei Junlin, but it was different. This flying sword didn't even cut Pei Junlin's gas shield, but made a harsh squeal.

Instead, Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grabbed it directly with the palm of his flesh. This was not a sword.

A grinning smile appeared on the residents' faces, and their five fingers suddenly moved towards the center. This flying sword was directly broken by Pei Junlin's abuse. In the end, the ball was rubbed by Pei Junlin's hands and turned into a ball of metal.

The horrible scene happened before his eyes, and the people in the phantom were scared to death.

On the other side, the tiger-shaped talisman had reached Pei Junlin's face, and a fierce tiger was painted on the door, spouting flames. Pei Junlin was still not in a hurry, grabbed it with his hand, and once again grabbed the talisman to tear it apart.

This violent method scared the other party half to death, and wanted to turn around to escape. Unfortunately, Pei Junlin didn't give him this opportunity. The magic spear in his hand was pierced instantly, piercing the phantom, and directly attacked a middle-aged man. Nailed to the ground.

This battle seemed to be extremely long, but in fact it was only an instant victory. With a beckoning, the magic spear of the mixed world returned to his hand.

But at the moment when Pei Junlin was about to flash away, another phantom came toward Pei Junlin's shop. The shadow is not an attack, nor is it a flying sword method, but a set of dark figures, wanting to enter Pei Junlin's body in a simple manner.

Pei Junlin was startled for a moment, his hair was horrified, because he suddenly felt that the true spirit of the middle-aged man was not completely annihilated, but wanted to take advantage of this stimulation to take advantage of himself.

Such a method did not say that it was Pei Junlin, and most people might be thrown on their bodies by the opponent in an instant. Pei Junlin is no exception. There is no time to react at all, only feeling the momentary top-heavy and chilly.

The very short period of time is like having a very severe cold, aching all over, and his head groggy. Pei Junlin knew that another spiritual will has been lurking into his own affairs, and this person's methods were extremely insidious, and he should have specially practiced some kind of deprivation method.

And seeing this kind of familiarity, this is not the first time I have done this.

Pei Junlin was so upset that he was entering under this pill furnace, neither retreating nor retreating, and at this time, if his energy was not up to the point, he would instantly be swallowed by the pill furnace.

What's more, it was at this moment that Pei Junlin sensed that he was not dead, that the hidden aura in this separate outer part was actually beheaded in an instant. Obviously, this area where a master came and fell in love with this pill furnace.

Just when Pei Junlin was looking for the remains of the true spirit lurking in his spiritual will, a tall young man walked in.

The man was wrapped in a black robe, his skin was extremely white, and there was a red crack at the center of his eyebrows.

Above the man's head, there is an oil lamp suspended. Obviously this oil lamp is some kind of mysterious treasure and it should have incredible effects.

The young man saw a look of shock on Pei Junlin's face at a glance, but when he saw Pei Junlin's state clearly, the man showed a smile on his face.

"You are not bad in your methods. You have reached this point, and you can resist the ignition of the sky furnace." The man walked towards Pei Junlin step by step, and gave birth to a black lotus without taking a step under his feet.

This was not a formal Daoist method, but the steps of a Demon Sect. Pei Junlin saw it carefully, and felt cold all over.

So far, Pei Junlin has nothing to retain. If he saves his strength, he will not even know how to die next.

At the moment when Pei Junlin was about to sacrifice the Soul Umbrella, the palace lantern above the man's head suddenly flew out of a ball of flames, which instantly turned into a phoenix, winding towards Pei Junlin.

The flame is the size of a soybean, but it turns into a phoenix in the air, emitting a clear and beautiful call.

Immediately afterwards, Pei Junlin felt a hot breath enveloping himself, as if he was about to burn himself to death.

Pei Junlin's head was dizzy, and he felt the mental fragment of the poisonous snake lurking in the sea of ​​knowledge about to move at this time.

Obviously the person who seized the house didn't want Pei Junlin to die like this, so at a critical moment, he evacuated the key area of ​​Pei Junlin in the world, so that Pei Junlin had recovered sober.

And Pei Junlin also seized this critical moment, and the pale blue flame instantly wrapped his body to isolate the flame as big as soybeans.

Pei Junlin pointed his backhand, and the big Buddha's finger swept out instantly and pointed at the palace lantern above the man's head.

I thought that Pei Junlin had only half his life left, and he was unable to resist. How could I know that Pei Junlin was suddenly energetic, swept away the previous decline, and fought back like a violent storm.

The man was taken aback, but the corner of his mouth was still smiling, obviously he didn't take Pei Junlin seriously.

He clicked his finger again, and the light suddenly turned on, and 8 holes appeared in all directions. Eight groups of flames flew out from this hole and gathered in the air to form a large mountain of flames.

"This day the furnace is a treasure of the magic road, what are you fighting with me?" The black robe man walked towards Pei Junlin step by step and patted it. Pei Junlin immediately felt a burst of cracking flickering around him.

Pei Junlin was silent, because he is currently suffering from internal and external difficulties and traveling. If you are not careful, that group of spirit hidden in the world will take the opportunity to seize the house.

Therefore, Pei Junlin did not speak, but silently operated the sacred place, completely guarding his spirit.

The so-called foreigners must be settled first, Pei Junlin didn't mean to target the black man immediately, but took a guard posture for a short time.

Blow the soul umbrella to form a black barrier, wrapping Pei Junlin in it. At this time, Pei Junlin closed his eyes like a sleepwalking, in fact, a great battle was unfolding in his sea of ​​knowledge.

You decided that you didn't guess wrong, this one who wanted to take away his spirit and will has practiced a certain number of methods, so it was cunning like a ghost and it was difficult to deal with.

In the Dead Sea of ​​Pei Junlin, this group of consciousness and Pei Junlin are playing hide and seek, it is difficult for Pei Junlin to catch each other.

But even if it is difficult and difficult, Pei Jun is not allowed to have a spirit in his body that does not belong to him. Now there is the Pure Land of Posuo, guarding his spirit, he can't be taken away, but if this spirit stays in the body and is not completely eliminated, waiting for his weakness, he may encounter a fatal blow. UU reading www.

"Old Wu, bombard me with spiritual arrows." Pei Junlin commanded towards the soul of the soul umbrella.

Lao Wu was dumbfounded, he didn't expect the master to make such a request to himself.

"Just follow my order." Pei Junlin frowned slightly.

The old Wu dared not resist, and immediately ran the Soul Umbrella, and an invisible spiritual force instantly attacked Pei Junlin's sea of ​​consciousness.

A huge spiritual power is 30 million mutated demon. The combination of spiritual power can almost kill a demigod master in an instant, and Lao Wu does not have the power to let go of the attack, but only uses 10% of the power.

The power translated into it was also a fall in the sky for Pei Junlin, the general feeling, his brain was muddled for a moment, and various complicated and complicated sounds came from his ears.

I saw that Pei Junlin seemed to have returned to the earth, back to the past.

I soon became sober Pei Junlin. He re-examined his own affairs. As expected, he found that the spirit and will had completely disappeared in the spirit bombardment just now.

There are no hidden dangers, Pei Junlin is naturally happy, but this time his injury is not light. Pei Junlin swallowed thousands of heavenly magic pills that were as white as jade.

These pills are pure mental powers, and they happen to be able to come to your currently damaged sea of ​​consciousness on their own. Soon Pei Junlin recovered a bit. He opened his eyes and saw that the man in black was looking at himself in surprise.

Because the Soul Umbrella absorbed all the attacks, the man's attack on Pei Junlin did not cause any damage to Pei Junlin.


The power like the collapse of the sky suddenly exploded, this is Pei Junlin's counterattack.

The magic spear in his hand rushed forward fiercely, and the surrounding space shattered in an instant.

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