Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 156: Live

Rongchanghe, Maoshan!

The Maoshan School is also one of the birthplaces of the Huaxia Guoshu method. It was once glorious and well-known. When it comes to the word Taoist, people think of Maoshan Taoist, Wudang Taoist, and Dragon Tiger Mountain Taoist.

However, with the passage of time, as the years have changed, in today's generally depressed environment, the development of the Maoshan School is also extinct, the glory is not there, and the gatekeepers are dying.

Feeling Rongchang and the seemingly modest but aggressive aggressive spirit, Pei Junlin could not help but flash of coldness in his eyes, and unceremoniously said coldly: "Just as long as you practice, you can reach the peak. People deserve to be instructors here? "

The spiritual practice is called a monk, its practice is completely different from the martial arts realm, and the realm is not so troublesome, but it is divided into four simple levels: the initial stage, the middle stage, the peak, and finally Real people!

Among them, the strength of the early stage of monasticism is almost equal to the level of bright energy of the warrior, and the dark strength of the medium is equal to the dark energy of the warrior. The peak of the monasticism is comparable to the martial arts realm of the martial arts.

As for the comparison between grades, it is far less detailed. The strength of the strength depends entirely on the comprehensive strength of the individual.

Pei Junlin's current practice is known as a real person. He was shocked when he thought about it. Wan Mu bowed his head and painted the ground as a prison. It is normal to look down on the peak of Rongchang and the meditation path.

However, these words fell into Rong Changhe's ears but felt a shame, it was too crazy!

He is a rare figure in the pinnacle of spiritual practice today. Wherever he goes, he is admired by thousands of people. Due to the current general depression in the magic circle, although he is a strong person in the pinnacle of spiritual practice, he can be regarded as a warrior. The innate strongman in the meeting, sometimes he is also very polite.

Because the monks possess various feng shui, formation methods, runes, metaphysics, and other skills to reduce demons and demons, the martial arts simply do not possess.

On the basis that things are rare and precious, the strongest monks in the path of cultivation have a very high status in today, and even the country treats them politely. Rongchanghe is a magic instructor who has been invited by the state.

Unexpectedly, now Rong Changhe, who has always been proud to be humiliated by Pei Junlin, is so humiliated in the face! How can he not be annoyed!

"The gangster is wanton!"

Rongchang and fury, a robe without wind automatically, a horrible momentum erupted on his body, the golden pen humming in his hand.

"Today's master is going to meet instructor Pei for a while. He has some real skills and dares to speak so wildly!"

The words didn't fall, Rong Changhe and his hand already had a stack of already prepared rune papers, two of which were quickly affixed to himself, and a flash of golden light burst suddenly. Rong Chang and his whole body were shrouded in a golden mask. Among them, it seems that the gods are brave and mighty, like the legendary great master who lowers demons and removes demons!

And then, the rest of his rune paper was thrown at Pei Jun, wow, but when the sky was full of gold, the moment when these rune papers flew out, it had turned into a small golden sword with seven handles. Qi brushed Jianmang at Pei Junlin's body, making a sound of Jianming.

"Sacred sword!"

In the camp of the students, there was an incredible sound of exclaiming. All the students widened their eyes, shocked, and mixed with excitement.

Shen Jian Yu Jian, this is a very powerful ability in the minds of countless people, just like the pictures shown in many movies and TVs. The powerful monks can control the flying sword with the mind. Cut heads and kill thousands of miles away!

Unexpectedly, in today's reality, I have seen it with my own eyes, how not to make people excited!

At this moment, Rongchanghe was covered with golden light, and in front of him was a small golden sword with seven blings floating in the sky. The sound of the sword was incessant, and the power was extraordinary, comparable to the legendary fairy.

"Boy, this is the famous golden light sword art sent by Maoshan School. If you are young, you will have such a practice. If you want to be talented, quickly apologize, and the Chief will forgive you this ignorance!"

The sound of Rongchang and the majestic jail sounded all over the playground, which alarmed a lot of people. The base was approaching in all directions, and powerful thoughts came toward this side, and more people flickered, and more powerful people approached this side.

"How could it be him!"

In a dense forest, there were two figures gathered together. When Pei Junlin standing on the playground was clearly seen, he couldn't help showing shock. These two people were the same Kong Lin, Guan Yue two.

"Golden Sword Art?"

However, unexpectedly, in the face of Rongchang and such a domineering and mighty spirit, Pei Junlin's face did not change in any way. Not only that, the corner of his mouth also revealed a touch of unmasked irony, and sighed softly: "It's no wonder that today's Maoshan faction is withered and the scenery is gone. It turns out that the doormen are all such frogs at the bottom of the well!"

"It's just a trick, and it deserves to be worthy of the word" sword art? "


Just when the words just fell, Pei Junlin stepped out suddenly. This step was like a giant spirit **** stepping down, causing the whole playground to shake, just like the earthquake came, causing bursts of exclamation.

Then, everyone saw an unforgettable scene!

I saw that with Pei Junlin and Rongchang and their bodies as the center, the ground fiercely cracked a gap under the foot, and a wild vine tree root broke through the ground, and Rongchang and the whole person were directly covered by lightning. Entangled.

The golden light that originally enveloped Rongchang and around his body, under the tough and sharp vines, seemed to be bubble-like and broke directly.

There are even thorny vines like spirit snakes, with a harsh sound of breaking through the air, stabbing at the seven small gold swords floating in the void.

When the tenacious vines touched the small golden swords, these small golden swords, which were originally sacred in the minds of the students, were also as fragile as tofu residues, one by one turned into golden light, disappearing and nothingness.

The battle came fast and ended quickly, until Rongchang and the whole person were entangled in thick arms like vines and **** in the air. Numerous spiky vines, such as spirit snakes that spewed letterheads, pointed away at a distance. Everyone just woke up like a dream, one by one chin startled.

The trainees were so scared that they sat on the ground with pale faces, full of fear!

As for Rongchang and himself, he was completely stagnant. He was trapped in layers of vines. His face was full of helplessness, and it seemed that he did not even react.

Around the playground, there were many figures who came to watch the battle. Many eyes of the strong also burst out with intense light, full of shock.

Somewhere in the high ground of the military fortress, Lu Qingkong didn't know when he was standing there with two old men of about the same age. They all saw what happened on the playground below and kept nodding.

"It is truly terrible! I thought the rumors were untrue. I saw today that this Pei Junlin is really a rare genius for a century!" An old man with white hair and ruddy face applauded.

"It's just a pity that each of these geniuses has his own urine, and few people want to be bound!" Another old man suddenly shook his head and sighed.

Lu Qingkong smiled brightly: "That's not necessary! As long as the method is used correctly, everyone's weaknesses are pinpointed, and no matter how talented these people are, they have to be good for the country!"

The two old men stunned at the same time, then both showed bright expressions, and at the same time landed their fingers on the clear sky: "You old guy! No matter how cunning prey, it is difficult to escape the hunter's hand ... But why do we listen so Happy! "

The three seniors are almost two hundred years old, and they laugh very happily, just like children ...

In the playground below, the atmosphere was dead and silent, and everyone was shocked by Pei Junlin's means, especially those students who had a blank brain. How could they ever see such a mysterious scene.

The vines and tree roots at the bottom of the ground will suddenly emerge from the ground, like a rope that binds people into mules, and some rattans even have life, growing a sharp thorn, turning into a snake, and vomiting a snake letter……

Is this the true power of the spell? !!

At this moment, all the students who had originally been skeptical of Pei Junlin no longer had this idea. Instead, they were in awe of emotion. Looking at Pei Junlin was like looking at the gods, full of worship.

As for Rong Changhe, who was trapped in a cage, he finally reacted. How ugly a face is.

"Reading that you did not really kill me just now, I will give you the original words, and also forgive your ignorance this time!"

Pei Junlin's icy bitter voice sounded slowly: "But next time, you will be punctured by these vines and pierced with holes!"


The vine tree roots imprisoning Rongchang and his body quickly receded, and the splinters with sharp thorns also retracted to the ground, as if never before, only the broken earth proved everything that just happened.


Rong Changhe fell to the ground with a very embarrassing gesture, but he didn't care about it all, his eyes were fixed on Pei Junlin's face, and his breathing was quick: "You ... have you stepped into the realm of real people?"

Pei Junlin didn't say anything ~ ~ After a long time, he said lightly: "It's true! Someone did call me this before!"

Rong Changhe suddenly trembled, her face looked cloudy, shameful and bitter, and finally turned into panic and excitement. Ma Li crawled up from the ground, bent over ninety degrees, and saluted to Pei Jun: The real person is here, and I am too old to know Tarzan! "

When the word "real person" fell, not far away, the students who had just recovered a bit of their sane minds stayed again, one by one, completely struck by lightning, and completely fell into a blank.


They have always been regarded as a legendary existence, they can speak according to the law, and even stand alive in front of their eyes, and they are still so young, so handsome, so charming ...!


The worldview collapsed overnight!

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