Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 157: Rookie team

"" Spells are always related to martial arts! "

"Everyone says that the most important thing for a monk is spiritual cultivation. For the monk, the physical body is optional!"

"Actually this is the most wrong view!"

"If we compare this world to a sea of ​​bitterness, and when people are in the sea, their physical body is a sturdy ship, and their mental power is the man who controls the boat. Both are the most important and indispensable things. Both are indispensable!"

"Maybe the flesh is not the most important thing for the monk, but he is an indispensable part!"

"Three ancient practice steps of refining and refining gas, refining gas and refining God, and refining the gods are still widespread, so far have been widely spread!"

"The essence here refers to the strength of a person's essence and blood, as well as the physical quality. Only a person with a strong physical body can refine the exuberant essence in the body into Qi, and then transform the Qi into mental energy. The mental power feeds the flesh again, forming a perfect cycle! "

"Therefore, no matter whether it is a martial arts practitioner or a spiritualist, the end is the same!"

Halfway up the mountain, in a huge space hollowed out in the center, Pei Jun's majestic voice resounded, and the 200 members of the Shufa Pavilion were silent and attentive.

Since learning that Pei Junlin is a real person in the legend of the magic circle, all students can almost describe it with a kind of crazy worship, no one has any doubt!

In particular, the knowledge explained by Pei Junlin broke the rules and was unheard of by all the students.

As we all know, of course, the most important thing for a monk is to cultivate spiritual power. In addition, there are various aspects such as drawing symbols, writing, matrix, metaphysics, feng shui, etc. But Pei Junlin said nothing about these things.

Time flies and blinks in a day, unlike the drowsiness, inattention, and boringness in the previous practice courses. All practitioners of the Shuge Pavilion on this day, when the course is over, It's all a rare meaning.

In the evening, Pei Junlin did not assign any homework to the students, but just let the students rest as soon as possible, because tomorrow they will start the real physical training.

On the second day, at four o'clock in the morning, when the sky was still dark, there was a sound of chicken flying dog jumping in the area of ​​Shufa Pavilion. Almost all the trainees were still in their sleepless dreams. A strong suffocation surged, and the students' dormitories burst into thick smoke.

Countless students who were still asleep were stunned to run out, shouting on fire! It's on fire!

At this moment, a sharp sound of spoons came. It was a signal of build-up. The students who were embarrassed and snotted and shed tears ran in the air while the chickens and dogs jumped, and finally gathered on the playground.

Some female students are wearing shorts and short sleeves, exposing white thighs and plump breasts. Many male students who look straight look bright and forget that they are the same embarrassed.

"Everyone, Li Zheng!"

The majestic voice sounded, and two instructors were already standing there as if they were in front of them. The students did not dare to delay and lined up.

"Instructor Pei, a total of 196 students in the Shufa Pavilion have assembled, please instruct!"

Instructor Fang turned around and saluted somewhere in the dark.

In the dim night, the students saw that there were already two figures standing in the shadow. One of them was Pei Junlin, and the other was Rongchang He.

"You guys let me down!"

Pei Junlin's cold and bitter voice sounded low: "At this moment, I finally understand why in the past several times in the past and other foreign awakeners, the Huaxia technique has been ridiculed by people all over the world!"

"Due to your discipline and quality that are not as good as ordinary soldiers, I really don't know if the high-level head of this Yanhuang organization was kicked by a donkey or caught by the door. How dare you send such garbage to participate in the competition!"

All the trainees were silent and their heads were ashamed. In fact, they were usually not so helpless and embarrassed. It was just the sudden change of smoke and fire that scared many people.

"To tell you the truth, I may not be the instructor of this technique for too long! After you participate in this international competition, we will have no relationship at all!"

Pei Junlin suddenly said, "So you better cherish this short two months!"

"If next time, let me see your wolf how unbearable without any discipline, maybe many of you will be directly fired and leave this magic hall forever!"

The trainees' expressions changed from panic to panic.

"Well, I won't say any more nonsense! Starting today, we will start the real training mission with a week cycle!" Pei Junlin's cold voice continued to sound.

"Did you see the package in front of you? Each of you has a package, equipped with the same survival items. Later, you will follow me to a wolf tiger leopard dense mountain old forest for a week of life and death! "

"Ugly said in front, this time really will be dead!"

"So, you'd better be fully prepared. During this period, don't expect any help, but if you can't keep up, you will be kicked out of me directly, and will not be hired again!"

"Now, everyone immediately stepped forward to collect their own packages and left in five minutes!"


At the moment when Pei Junlin's words had just fallen, the students, who were scared in their original expressions, went mad and rushed to the place of the parcel.

Five minutes later, Pei Junlin led all members of the Shufa Pavilion and left the military base.

Hengduan mountain range is so large that there are some really ferocious places. There are no deserted people or wild animals.

In these harsh environments, unless you are a strong person above the Grand Master level, the following Grand Masters are all dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will lose your life.

Long before departure, Pei Junlin had found Lu Qingkong, and came to a detailed mountain map of the Hengduan Mountains to find out where the most dangerous and peaceful are.

This time, the place he chose was naturally the kind of dangerous and overgrown barren mountain.

It is really that the physical fitness of the students of this session of the Shufa Pavilion is really too bad. If Lu Qingkong's request is not agreed, Pei Junlin may have the idea of ​​directly leaving.

Of the 196 members of the entire Shufa Pavilion, the strongest physical quality is only able to reach the level of dark power. Many people are bright, and even several bright powers are not good. They are even special forces. Not as good.

Therefore, in the face of such a difficult problem, serious medicine should be used fierce medicine!

After almost two hours of rapid march, finally, the team came to a solitary barren mountain surrounded by cliffs and cliffs on all sides. The trees on the mountain were towering, the vegetation was lush, and the beasts roared in the daytime.

Tired students, when they heard the roar of the fierce beasts, their expressions turned pale. Until then, many students realized that Pei Junlin was not kidding. This time, he might really die!

"Everyone checks their parcels and rests in place for ten minutes. After ten minutes, everyone enters the desert island, the test of survival, and the official start!"

Pei Junlin's expressionless voice sounded coldly: "But if you can't keep it up, you will shoot with the signal gun in the package, and someone will naturally save you!"

"But it must be stated that once the shot is fired, it means that you personally have lost the qualification for this trial and will be expelled from the Shufa Pavilion! So use it with caution!"

The trainees were full of nervousness and anxiety, and soon, ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye. With the order of Pei Junlin, all trainees were driven into the unpredictable and wild mountains.

"Instructor Pei, now that time is so tight, just a week of survival training, will it really affect their physical quality?"

After a group of students entered the barren mountains one after another, Rongchanghe couldn't help but ask the biggest doubt in his heart.

Although Pei Junlin's cultivation is inscrutable, but a real person in awe, everyone's strength does not mean that he will teach others, plus time is so rushed ...

Pei Junlin said indifferently: "A week does not play a big role, but my goal is not that!"

"What is that?" Rong Changhe and the two instructors around him couldn't help showing curiosity.

Pei Junlin meaningfully spit out two words: "Guts!"

"Did you not find out that this group of students are the kind of flowers in the greenhouse? They don't have the iron and blood sharpness that half of the soldiers should have, even I am sure that nine out of ten students in it, even the real blood. I haven't seen much! "

Rong Changhe and the other two instructors were silent. This is indeed a fact. Many of the newly recruited new members of the Spellcraft Pavilion are the kind of masters and princesses who are dignified. They are really spoiled and peaceful at the moment In this world, where has experienced what is the test of life and death!

What's more, they didn't say anything about it ~ ~ The international competition two months later, the new members of this group of magic cabinets are just where the foils are. The country really cares about the other two A special magic court team.

Those two teams are the real main force. The characters from the middle to the highest level of monasticism are equal to the dark masters and grand masters in martial arts!

The entire international competition was divided into three games, namely the early, middle and highest peaks. The team taught by Pei Junlin is undoubtedly the most recent rookie!

Noted that Pei Junlin didn't seem to understand all of this. For a time, Rongchang He and the two instructors hesitated for a while, wondering whether they should tell the other?

However, who is Pei Junlin who is, and how Rong Changhe and his other people reacted, how could they hide him? After noticing the abnormal emotions of the three, he even asked, "Did you have anything to hide from me?"

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