Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1561: The true meaning of disaster

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

The death of the two Taiyi Immortal Sect disciples was so sudden that everyone present was shocked, even Chen Zhentian was stunned, not knowing what happened.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint, and the two disciples of the Taiyi Immortal Clan destroyed each other in this tragic way. All the people present did not know what happened, only Pei Junlin knew about it, and knew it well.

The corpses of two Taiyi Immortal Clan disciples were still standing there, one lost his head, and a huge cavity appeared in the other.

Everyone looked at Pei Junlin, with a trace of panic in their eyes.

Although people don't know what method Pei Junlin used, but in short, it can be attributed to one reason, that is, Pei Junlin made the move.

Moreover, using this unconscious means to make a sudden move, hit the opponent by surprise, and did not leave any truth to Taiyi Immortal Sect, and even caused Taiyi Immortal Sect to suffer a dumb loss.

After all, under the eyes of everyone, no one saw Pei Junlin's real shot, only two disciples of Taiyi Immortal Sect killing each other.

"You guys have to testify for me. I didn't do anything. It's just that these two Taiyi Immortal Sect disciples may have lived too long and are tired of their lives. That's why they killed each other. Or maybe the two people stole each other. The other party's wife suddenly found that she was wearing a green hat. She was so angry that she had a deep grievance." Pei Junlin smiled and explained to the onlookers with an innocent face.

Except for Chen Zhentian's gloomy face, everyone present laughed knowingly. The people present were all sect disciples who were very dissatisfied with the Taiyi Immortal Sect. At this time, they saw that Pei Junlin had killed two of them. A disciple of Taiyi Immortal Sect, he felt happy in his heart.

It is the consensus in everyone's mind to see through it, but no one tells the story of Pei Junlin's murder, just a knowing smile.

"Junlin Pei, what are you talking nonsense here? The two seniors of Taiyi Immortal Sect died just like that, but you were smiling and laughing beside them, even slandering whether you are still human behind them?" Chen Zhentian opened his eyes. Seeing two disciples of Taiyi Immortal Sect die tragically in front of them but unable to intervene, I felt a little bit ashamed and angry.

Although he also suspected that Pei Junlin would take action, he was more confident than the onlookers around him. He watched the two men kill each other without any signs, because Chen Zhentian did not see any abnormalities in Pei Junlin's body.

This matter is too weird. Whether or not Pei Junlin took the shot, he didn't see who the murderer was today. That's for sure that his reputation was damaged.

"Chen Zhentian, don’t hold a chicken feather as an arrow. Everyone is a brother. Don’t always use an ordering tone to talk to me, okay? You are willing to give him Taiyi immortal door as a dog. I still don’t want to. What does their death have to do with me?" Pei Junlin sneered, and did not save Chen Zhentian face at all when he spoke.

Hearing this vicious speech in Chen Zhentian’s ears, it was maddening. Not only did it slap his face in public, it even meant to humiliate her in public, and Pei Jun came to reprimand him as the whole wife. The running dog of Otosenmen...

"Pei Junlin, pay attention to your words. This is outside. I won't teach you. When I return to the Blue Bull Holy Land, I will ask you to kneel and apologize to me." Chen Zhentian got used to being arrogant and was suddenly hit by Pei Junlin. , The anger is not light.

He is very clever, knowing that he will teach Pei Junlin at this time, and he will lose the population, and even if he can't take Pei Junlin in a short time, his reputation will be damaged.

Just swallowing this breath and pretending to be a big brother like a father, can actually win a lot of reputation for himself.

In the entire Green Bull Holy Land, Chen Zhentian is a big brother in name. The level is attributed to the high-level personnel of the entire Green Bull Holy Land.

Ordinary disciples didn't dare to collide with Chen Zhentian at all, they would be killed at every turn, and those core disciples were all polite. No one dared to break the rules like Pei Junlin and openly contradict Chen Zhentian.

But today Pei Junlin not only did it, but also did it with integrity. This is because Pei Junlin will judge the situation and take the opportunity to take advantage of Dongfeng to suppress the onlookers around him, and then pretend to face Chen Zhentian.

Pei Junlin's style of conduct is nothing more than two words of explanation. With today's major events, he wants to completely improve his reputation and Chen Zhentian's resistance.

"Good beast, you dare to attack my Taiyi Immortal Clan disciple, you have survived the moon." Another amazing light fell from the sky, and a man wearing a brocade robe walked out of the light.

This man is wearing a high crown with his hands on his back, and his whole person looks amazing and majestic.

"It turned out to be Junior Brother Zhao, you listen to me to explain this matter." Chen Zhentian glanced at Pei Junlin helplessly, pretending to be a kind eldest brother, wanting to take matters on his head and stand in the way for Pei Jun.

Pei Junlin saw all this in his eyes and sighed deeply. Chen Zhentian not only has the strength but also has a thick-skinned face. What makes people feel even more incredible is that this person's acting skills are also very superb.

"Brother Chen, this matter cannot tolerate your explanation. In fact, I have already seen clearly in secret. It is this Pei Junlin who secretly killed two disciples of my Taiyi Immortal Sect. There is nothing to say about this matter. It must be killed. Pay a life." The Taiyi Immortal Clan disciple surnamed Zhao didn't give Chen Zhentian any face at all. He wanted to kill Pei Junlin, and he had to buckle the **** bowl on Pei Junlin's head.

This thing was indeed done by Junlin Pei, but he did not leave any evidence, so some of his disciples directly buckled the feces basin on Junlin's head, and there was buzzing discussion around him.

Some think that Pei Junlin is dead this time and offends Taiyi Immortal Sect. Whether there is evidence or not, Pei Junlin can't get out of the Mulan Grassland alive.

There are also some people who think that Pei Junlin's strength should not be underestimated. Even if these disciples of Taiyi Immortal Sect break openly with Pei Junlin, it is not yet known who will die today.

There are very few people in this group, and most people have expressions of regret on their faces, feeling that there is a high probability that Pei Junlin will not survive today.

Pei Junlin was indifferent, standing there didn't mean to be nervous at all.

Brother Zhao was even more angry when he saw Pei Junlin's so relaxed and natural look. Seeing the corpses of two Taiyi Immortal Sect disciples standing there, they were seen by the people around them as curiosities, and his heart suddenly became angry.

Taiyi Immortal Sect is famous in the entire starfield. It is like the sky. No one dares to openly fight Taiyi Immortal Sect. But at this time, Pei Junlin used secret methods to kill two Taiyi Immortal Sect disciples, and also Triumphant with no evidence.

"I'll kill you first and then talk about dog stuff." Then Senior Brother Zhao didn't give Pei Junlin any opportunity to defend himself. Once he shot it, it was a clear signature method, Taiyi Jinguang.

However, this Taiyi Immortal Sect’s signature method, Taiyi Jinguang, had to separate its powers. For example, the two disciples who used Taiyi Jinguang on Pei Junlin would easily break free.

But this method was finally used by the perpetrator, and the power was not the same. For a moment, Pei Junlin seemed to be trapped in a world of golden light, surrounded by amazing disasters, with squalls, blizzards, heavy rain, volcanic eruptions, and mudslides. , Earthquake, tsunami and so on.

Nine suns appeared in the sky, scorching the earth hotly, and Pei Junlin was haunted by this disaster world. He had to endure the suffering of disaster every minute and every second. There was nothing to get out of here. hope.

That is the Taiyi Golden Light of the Taiyi Immortal Gate. It is called Golden Light. It sounds like a shining golden light. It is actually a disaster. Absorbing this world, the forces of disaster rules trap people in it and die in various disasters. .

Those natural disasters could still resist the bombardment of a large meteorite in Pei Junlin's eyes. Pei Junlin quickly avoided, but soon Pei Junlin found that the air was emitting a green poisonous mist, which was a plague of natural disasters.

Moreover, this plague is not a quick corpse that ordinary physical bodies can resist. Pei Junlin's body is not only like this, but also enters her acupuncture points and meridians to draw a lot of spiritual energy.

The immortal gate of Taiyi was named Mingmen Zhengpai, but it was extremely vicious when it carried out things. For example, this plague and natural disaster was simply not a right way.

Pei Junlin was so poisoned that his face turned green, his whole body trembled, and his blood quickly declined.

Sure enough, the Taiyi golden light displayed by the top master was really scary, even Pei Junlin could not resist it. However, when Pei Junlin felt that his breath of life was declining rapidly, he did not believe in the rein, but quickly launched a fierce counterattack.

In Pei Junlin's eyebrows, there was a tree of life, the tree of life, which suddenly entered the void, drew out a large amount of life force, and injected it into Pei Junlin's body in a very short time.

The poison in the golden light of Taiyi, the natural disaster's corrosion to Pei Junlin was quickly offset by the breath of life, accompanied by a large number of cell deaths and a large number of cell production.

With strong winds and showers, flying sand and rocks, like houses, big boulders rolling all over the ground, Pei Junlin was trapped in this harsh environment.

Moreover, the disaster in the golden light of Taiyi was not static, but constantly evolving. Soon Pei Junlin felt that a lot of rain fell from the sky.

I thought it was ordinary rainwater, but I was soon ruled, and I realized that I was wrong. It turned out that it was not ordinary rainwater at all, but boiling oil...


The ground was scorched by the waste oil into a mist, and by the way, the oil and gas rolled up a large amount of venom and filled the entire space.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that the disaster rules in the Taiyi Golden Light could be so changeable. In this way, the power of disaster is not a superimposed effect.

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