Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1562: Steal power

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

At the moment when Jun Pei was stunned, a large number of rocks rolled down from the sky, followed by sharp knives.

Knife in the sky, this may only happen in illusions, but in this Taiyi golden light, everything is not an illusion, but is determined by the power of the rules here.

Pei Junlin constantly dodges in this rain of bullets, and occasionally a knife will fall on him. If Pei Junlin cultivates the Nine Heavens Star Art and becomes a star body, he is not afraid of these swordsmen adding to his body.

Although it is still safe for the time being, with the evolution of the disaster in the entire Taiyi Golden Light, Pei Junlin has no idea how far the disaster here will eventually evolve, and the nine suns in the sky are getting hotter and hotter. The earth is about to melt, and the billowing poison is also evaporated, and the dark green poisonous smoke is filled between the heaven and the earth.

"Although Junlin Pei is from your Blue Bull Holy Land, those who killed our Taiyi Immortal Sect must be punished." The Zhao disciple of Taiyi Immortal Sect stared at Chen Zhentian coldly.

Who is Chen Zhentian in the Blue Bull Holy Land? That is also a top-level existence. Now that the monk surnamed Zhao is so unceremonious, his heart suddenly became annoyed.

You must know that he secretly associates with the Taiyi Immortal, and even Taiyi Immortal has funded him a lot of resources. Now Chen Zhentian still feels that his majesty has been violated, even if it was Pei Junlin's previous contradiction, he did not slap his face this time.

"It's the people of our Green Bull Holy Land, so naturally we have our Green Bull Holy Land set off on their own. You people from the Taiyi Immortal Clan, I'm afraid it's a Henan Opera. I'll give you three breathing times to release him from this Taiyi golden light. "Chen Zhentian stared at the monk, his body suddenly became extremely tall, the whole body was violently scraped, and the Taixian Clan was instantly oppressed, and the disciple almost lay on the ground.

The reason why Chen Zhentian said this was not a good intention, to save Pei Junlin, but to take care of his own face. If his brother is imprisoned and detained by others in front of him, or even murdered directly, without being indifferent, then his prestige of Chen Zhentian will be wiped out with his majesty and worthless from then on.

Although Chen Zhentian also hoped that Pei Junlin would die, he had to react like this at this moment.

The disciple surnamed Zhao was pressed by Chen Zhentian’s aura and couldn’t move at all, and his whole body was upside down, but his thoughts seemed to be hanging from countless swords, spears, swords and halberds. As long as Chen Zhentian was willing, just a thought could be complete Chop him into minced meat.

This is the aura between the masters, and there is no room for negotiation at all to completely crush.

But the time of three breaths, this is too questionable time. Chen Zhentian blended the room for speech into his tone, and the disciples who took the famous brand shoes immediately received this very delicate message.

The two only need to exchange eyes to understand each other's meaning, and the disciple of the Taiyi Immortal Sect also expressed that he would give Chen Zhentian a face and release Pei Junlin.

But there is a prerequisite for Pei Junlin's release. What you want is to wait until a few big brothers from Taiyi Immortal Sect come here to decide this matter.

The double reed between the two sang very well, and it almost determined the fate of Pei Junlin in a very short time. Now the disaster in the Taiyi Golden Light is constantly evolving. As time progresses, the disaster will become more and more terrifying Whether Pei Junlin can persist anymore is an unknown.

There is a high probability that Pei Junlin will die in this golden light before being released. At that time, Chen Zhentian will also be regarded as the Mingsheng who studies the wetland and open the door, and he will actually kill Pei Junlin and maintain Face.

Both of them are old treacherous and cunning people, and they can't understand the other side's meaning, but the decision was made in a very short time.

At this time, Pei Junlin was trapped in the golden light of Taiyi, and the disaster that gradually evolved became more and more serious. The earth began to crack, the entire planet would burst, and even the stars of the universe would continue to fall, dying out and turning into ashes, and the whole world seemed to be heading for extinction.

But Junlin Pei didn't panic. He knew that the power of Taiyi Golden Light had a limit, which was determined by the person who used this magical power.

The Taiyi Immortal Sect disciple Pei Junlin, surnamed Zhao, had seen it before. He was only a master in the middle of the true king realm. Although he was a terrifying Taiyi golden light magical power, he would definitely stagnate when the disaster evolves to a certain point. , After all, a person who displays magical powers has limited strength.

Sure enough, the disaster reached a certain level, and the universe seemed to have entered a period of evolutionary chaos, but at this stage, the Taiyi golden light finally evolved to its limit and stopped. And Pei Junlin stayed out of this billowing disaster leisurely, and even believed in Ma Youyan and walked in it.

The Taiyi Immortal Clan disciple with the surname Zhao would never have thought that Pei Junlin was so powerful, not only could he walk in disasters easily, but also could avoid all the rules of disasters.

He did not know that Pei Junlin was not only reborn in the disaster, but also realized the unparalleled magical powers of the fairy gate

This Taiyi golden light is an incredible deterministic supernatural power. Pei Junlin is in the interior of this Taiyi golden light at this time. He carefully comprehend the trajectory of the supernatural power, and gradually traced a general impression in his mind.

But in this way, he could learn the magical powers of Taiyi Immortal Sect's decision secretly. It was too simple. Obviously, Pei Junlin could only realize three levels by relying on his own savvy.

Wanting to fully master this Taiyi golden light magical power is not something Pei Junlin can accomplish now, but Pei Junlin has other means. He has an army of 30 million heavenly demons, and even a servant of the demon king, Lao Wu .

At this time, the disciple of the Taiyi Immortal Clan and Chen Zhentian were silently waiting for Pei Junlin to completely die in this Taiyi golden light.

But as everyone knows, Pei Junlin is not only alive, but also studying the magical power of Taiyi Golden Light. He not only needs to master this magical power, but also thoroughly learn it.

Knowing the magical powers of Taiyi golden light, even Chen Zhentian was dreaming of it. He once secretly exchanged the green wood magic skills of the Blue Bull Holy Land with Taiyi Immortal Gate, but was rejected.

It also happened between the electric light and flint, Pei Jun came to repeat the old trick, and once sent Lao Wu, in Lao Wu Nai is the body of the demon, lurking in the body of the Taiyi Immortal Clan disciple.

If it’s an ordinary disciple, it’s very difficult for the Heavenly Demon to steal magical powers, but now the Taiyi Golden Light is operating, and it happens to be able to steal some key information, so Lao Wu immediately took action and got a lot of feedback about Taiyi. Jin Guang's information was instantly transmitted to Pei Junlin here.

After Pei Junlin got the first-hand information, he quickly began to study the rule operation and some other rule forces in the entire Taiyi Golden Light, and he was instantly touched by Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin was sitting in the Taiyi Golden Light. , Began to integrate.

Everything happened in a very short time. Pei Junlin had a faint smile on his face. This peerless supernatural power will soon be in his pocket. The power of this great golden light, Pei Junlin has seen It is all kinds of disasters after a shot, it can be described as illegal on earth.

You really feel sad that he must learn his hand, and he will be able to type before, and he will not be overdrawn.

No one could have imagined that Pei Junlin would have such a method. Everything was going on silently. I don’t know how long it had passed. Pei Junlin suddenly felt the smoke dissipate, and the surrounding disasters began to slowly disappear. When they all died out, Pei Junlin was shocked.

Because everything around him is countless pairs of eyes, and the appearance of him sitting cross-legged here safe and sound also shocked Chen Zhentian and even the masters of the Taiyi Immortal Sect.

This is just a golden light suspended above Pei Junlin’s head. Within this golden light, the phantom of disaster is constantly evolving, and the eyes of the core disciples of the Taiyi Immortal Clan are very bright and immediately see With this phenomenon, everyone almost fainted in shock.

"What is he doing? He is secretly learning the magical powers of our Taiyi Immortal Sect." After the Taiyi Immortal Sect disciples noticed all this, UU read www.uukā immediately became dead and almost went crazy.

Pei Junlin himself did not expect that he had neglected Xingzang under his carelessness, and the disciples who asked her to open the door were aware of his behavior.

Anyway, Pei Junlin, who had completely offended these Taiyi Immortal Sect disciples, was not afraid. Now that he is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, he has completely learned the magical powers of the Taiyi Immortal Clan, so he is naturally unwilling.

The people of the Taiyi Immortal Gate were not polite at all, and instantly eight sword lights came towards Pei Junlin from all directions.

Faced with the eight sword lights that came, Pei Junlin was unambiguous at all, and blasted out with a punch, and there was a ring of qi around him.

This Gang Qi is like a golden ring, condensed by Pei Junlin Jinde Emperor Yuanshen in an instant, and almost contains the Jinde Emperor Qi of the entire chaotic Golden Dou world.

This ring was so heavy that it was condensed by Pei Junlin in an instant, and the surrounding space began to shatter, and even time and space were distorted.

Hearing the jingle, there was a shattering sound, and all the eight golden lights that had struck were broken. After Feijian was retracted in, a peanut-sized gap appeared on the blade.

This amazing method stunned the entire scene in an instant, and even Chen Zhentian was a little surprised. He did not expect Pei Junlin to have such a powerful performance in a short period of time.

Today's Pei Junlin is like a reborn, the whole person is filled with a swaying breath, and the whole person is like a sheathed sword, full of sharp aura.

This is the change brought to Pei Junlin by the Taiyi golden light magical powers. This Taiyi golden light magical power is indeed unprecedented, and the newcomers are the masters of magical powers. Strength, immediately the whole person's spirit is reborn.

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