Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1575: Hope of going out

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Pei Junlin has a feeling that Bai Fan is like a neurotic, his expression and words are completely like a lunatic.

Before Bai Fan's understanding of Qi Luck surprised Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin was not sure what would happen after the Qi Luck was completely absorbed, but now Bai Fan has completely answered this question.

If a person is sucked out of all his luck, his good fortune will come to an end, and even his heart may stop beating at any time, and he will go wrong in every minute of his practice.

Although you won't die directly after being sucked out of your luck, that kind of unlucky bad luck will soon die.

Heavenly Dao is nothing more than a vast number of days, Pei Junlin's little practice secretary also has some unique insights into Tian Dao, so Pei Junlin fully agrees with Bai Fan's analysis.

"You said before that you have lived here for a month, which means that this thing did not absorb your luck for the second time in this month. Either he is not hungry, or there is something on you. Let that thing be jealous and dare not do it to you." Bai Fan’s eyes flashed with wisdom, which seemed crazy, but in fact he was extremely shrewd. In just a few words, everything that happened to Pei Junlin could be analyzed clearly. Chu.

Even Pei Junlin himself was shocked when he heard Bai Fan's words, because he had never thought of these problems before. Bai Fan lived a long time, and his strategy was indeed extraordinary.

It is by no means accidental that such a character can cultivate to the realm of a saint, and it has its inevitable existence.

"I don't know this. Anyway, I am alive and confused." Pei Junlin pretended to be calm.

Bai Fan didn't seem to mean to pursue this matter, but looked at Pei Junlin more strangely, his eyes didn't look like he was looking at someone but he was studying a rare treasure.

"This is an immortal palace. It is a treasure refined by immortals. I never thought I would walk out of this place alive. I entered here before and I thought about it a lot. I thought I could control this fairy palace. , And then ascend to the sky in one step, but now the dream is broken." Bai Fan seemed to be talking to Pei Junlin as if talking to himself.

But Pei Junlin closed his eyes, not wanting to hear Bai Fan nagging like this.

"It seems that someone is attacking the big formation of Xianfu, and the outermost layer of the big formation has been torn off." Jin Ye's voice came into Pei Junlin's ears again, making Pei Junlin feel a little excited.

Sure enough, the entire Immortal Mansion soon began to oscillate, seeming to have been subjected to huge shocks and fluctuations, and Bai Fan, who was sitting opposite to Pei Junlin, looked a little surprised and excited at this time.

"What happened? Did some kind of change occur in the fairy house? The two of us are ready to prepare and rush out as soon as there is a change." Bai Fan was enveloped in a hazy light, unexpectedly He was covered tightly.

The hazy light was like a layer of extremely strong armor, covering Bai Fan.

Pei Junlin didn't know what the white hair meant at first, but immediately after a huge shock wave, Pei Junlin's internal organs almost split instantly when the impact from the outside of the immortal palace came in.

Even if Junlin Pei had practiced the celestial body, his body strength was almost the same as that of a saint-level powerhouse, but in the face of such a giant shock wave, Junlin Pei opened his mouth and spouted blood.

At this moment, Pei Junlin finally understood why Bai Fan had to wrap himself up. It turned out that he had already expected such a powerful shock wave to occur inside this fairy mansion.

"It should be that Emperor Qingniu is attacking this place. If he can really blast open the gate of this fairy mansion, then I will hold you hostage to protect my life. Then you will cooperate with me, as long as I find a chance to escape, it won't It hurts your life." When Bai Fan spoke clearly, his eyes were extremely clear, as if he was saying something unusual to Pei Junlin.

But hearing these words in Pei Junlin's ears was tantamount to a thunderbolt in the sky. He did not expect that when Bai Fan entered here, the first float would appear.

If Qingniu is really bombarding the big formation vigorously, according to Pei Junlin's estimation, it is impossible for that level of strength to blast the fairy house.

"I will cooperate with the Great Emperor Qingniu on the periphery, and take the initiative to open some formations so that he can open the gate of the fairy mansion faster. Then, you will take the opportunity to escape." Jin Ye's voice passed into Pei Junlin's ear Here, Pei Junlin's face changed slightly.

According to the strength of Qingniu's great strength, it is impossible for the immortal palace to blast away, but if there is Jin Ye to do the internal response, there may be a slight opportunity.

"Pei Junlin, I am the Green Bull of the Green Bull Holy Land. The immortal mansion gate I open now will rescue you. There may only be a moment later. You must seize the opportunity and don't miss it." Pei Junlin's ear A deep voice came from Bian unexpectedly.

It was the first time Pei Junlin heard this voice, but this voice was filled with a kind of cordial feeling, which made Pei Junlin feel extremely weird.

Will Emperor Qingniu come to save himself?

Pei Junlin was a little dumbfounded. Although he was a disciple of the Blue Bull Holy Land, he had always met the Blue Bull Great Emperor. Why did the other party take such a huge risk to save himself? No matter how you think about this matter, it's a little weird.

"Emperor Qingniu will spend so much effort to save you. It seems that your position is not shallow in his heart. I have always been curious about your origins, and now it seems that you have something to do with that Qingniu. Yes, I guessed it right?" Bai Fan looked at Pei Junlin in surprise, and in his eyes, Pei Junlin suddenly became unpredictable.

But Pei Junlin didn't even know why the Great Blue Bull came, so he wanted to talk about himself. Then Chen Zhentian would surpass himself. If the sacred place was so big, Pei Junlin would not believe that there was no talent to kill.

But why does this Qingniu Da's first emperor-level figure favor him so much? This made Pei Junlin feel ridiculous in his heart.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, but now is not the time to analyze it. After all, the danger Pei Junlin is facing now is far from resisting. If you don't say it, Bai Fan will make Pei Junlin a headache.

And the mysterious and evil existence behind this fairy mansion, the guy who devours the luck of others, hasn't appeared from beginning to end.

"Senior, there is a great emperor-level figure bombarding Xianfu outside the Xianfu. Now there is a chance to go out. Can you come out from behind this door?" Pei Junlin walked behind the door and turned towards the mysterious existence behind the door. Said.

There was no response behind this door for a long time, no matter how Pei Junlin called, there was no response behind this door, as if it had disappeared.

This result made Pei Junlin's hair horrified, and indirectly confirmed his previous thoughts that the guy who claimed to be imprisoned was a fake.

From beginning to end, it was the mysterious existence behind this fairy mansion, a farce self-directed and performed.

"The gate of Xianfu is about to be opened. At this time, you must be very careful. The mysterious existence behind Xianfu is likely to take risks and forcibly absorb your luck." Jin Ye's voice sounded in Pei Jun's ear again. Remind Pei Junlin to be careful.

At the moment when Jin Ye’s reminded words fell, Pei Junlin suddenly felt a chill in his back, and as soon as he turned around, he saw a black rope twisting towards him.

On the other side, Bai Fan was not much better, his complexion was distorted, and his entire face was in horror. Obviously Bai Fan had the same experience.

As the black chain entangled, Pei Junlin saw a tentacle-like existence, opened his big mouth and began to suck, a purple breath was instantly sucked into the big mouth.

His own luck was being taken away. Pei Junlin knew that this was a time of life and death. He concentrated all the spiritual power of the 30 million Heavenly Demons in the Soul Umbrella in an instant, and instantly bombarded the opponent.

There is a powerful spiritual power, and it was swallowed by the other party like a mud cow entering the sea in an Instead, a face with evil twists and a scornful smile came out of it. Pei Junlin could not To describe the evil application on this face for termination, the most evil thing in the world is not as evil as this thing.

The black shadow gradually turned into a creature similar to common sense, but his open mouth was full of canine teeth. Pei Junlin felt extreme fear in his heart, but he also reacted in a very short time.

The mysterious earthen jar was sacrificed by Pei Junlin, and the misty mist instantly enveloped him. At the moment when this crockery was taking care of Pei Junlin, the monster's face suddenly became extremely hideous and confused. It seemed that he had lost Pei Junlin's goal in an instant, and his eyes were searching back and forth in the air.

On the other side, Bai Fan's experience was much worse than Pei Junlin. At this time, Bai Fan was caught by one of the monster's sharp claws, and the other big mouth suddenly sucked from the top of his head.

The large purple breath of luck was sucked into the mouth of the monster, and the monster's face showed an extremely enjoyable look.

At a critical moment, Pei Junlin used the mysterious earthen jar to hide his breath and escaped into the sky. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. However, he carefully observed the appearance of the monster and found that it was somewhat similar to the dragon.

Although it looks a bit like a dragon, Pei Junlin can confirm that this monster is not a dragon, and he has no body.

The whole body is like a fog, and the condensed form is more like the existence of a certain spiritual will.

Why can this evil creature control Xianfu? Pei Junlin can't tell, and the way is unknown, but this thing **** luck a bit.

Gradually, in Pei Junlin's eyes, the face that looked red with white hair began to dim, and his luck was almost sucked by the monster. ?

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