Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1576: Hangu Pass, Kunlun Mountain

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At this moment, the gate of that fairy mansion was forced to open a gap. Pei Junlin, who was in shock, reacted in an instant, turning his body into a light and shadow, and rushed towards the periphery of the fairy house.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint, Pei Junlin's speed is incredible, which is his fastest speed so far.

But even so that the extremely evil thing gave up Bai Fan in an instant, and rushed towards Pei Junlin, unexpectedly extending two sharp claws under its armpit.

These two sharp claws, like a rigid hook, instantly grabbed Pei Junlin's ribs with lightning speed. A feeling of sharp pain came, even though Junlin Pei had trained to form a body, he still felt that the sharp claws had penetrated into the body.

At this time, Pei Junlin was in a dilemma, and further his body was likely to be completely torn apart. If he retreated, there would be no time to see the sun again.

However, even if the body is torn, it will not necessarily die, but if you continue to be trapped in the fairy house, there will be no peace. As soon as Pei Junlin gritted his teeth, his body burst into an amazing light, and instantly rushed towards the cracked gap. go with.

He knew that this was his only opportunity, and if he missed this opportunity, he would probably not be able to step out of this fairy house in this life.

A feeling of sharp pain came, Pei Junlin gritted his teeth and rushed out for an instant, but he did not make this evil existence feel better.

Just when Pei Junlin's body was torn apart, a light blue flame instantly enveloped the dragon. The look of this evil dragon froze the moment it came into contact with the blue flame, and then a look of extreme horror appeared on its face.

At the moment when Jun Pei was about to be completely torn apart, the evil dragon finally let go, because the blue flame had already made him feel the threat of death.

On the other side, Bai Fan, who was weak in his body, had been sucked out of his qi, but he was not physically damaged. At the moment when Pei Junlin was about to walk out of this gap, the alum threw a rope and tied it to Pei Junlin's body severely.

In this way, Pei Junlin dragged Bai Fan out of this gap abruptly. The moment Pei Junlin walked out of the fairy house, a tall figure enveloped him, and then Pei Junlin saw a sky-shielding. His big hands completely enveloped himself.

However, at this moment, Pei Junlin didn't feel any danger, on the contrary, he felt an extremely safe and warm feeling.

He knew that this was the Great Emperor Qingniu who had protected himself, and immediately after time and space, Pei Junlin found that he had appeared in a central hall in the Holy Land of Qingniu.

As for what happened to Bai Fan, Pei Junlin has no idea.

At this moment, Pei Junlin finally woke up, looking at the Blue Bull Emperor in front of him, making Pei Junlin feel unrealistic.

He has always had a dream to find a great emperor who is willing to help him refine a world-breaking talisman. This is Pei Junlin's most urgent desire, because he must get the help of a great emperor to return to the earth.

Standing in front of him was a tangible figure of the emperor level, and it made Pei Junlin feel extremely excited in a moment.

Although I don't know if the other party will help him, the Great Emperor Qing Niu eagerly rescued him, and he didn't have much malice towards him.

However, Pei Junlin also knew that there was no free lunch in the world. He and Qingniu Holy Land had never met, so why did the other party spare no effort to save himself. He even rescued himself by grabbing food from the mouth of the fairy mansion. There are a lot of questions that are supporting roles, which you desperately want to know now.

At this time, Qing Niu Great Emperor Pei Junlin could only see a back, dimly, and felt like a man standing upright.

Just standing there simply, the message from his back is extremely lonely. Even the emperor-level characters have a day of tragedy ending, the Qingniu the Great also encountered an unforeseen danger, that is, the five declines of heaven and man.

As long as you don’t become an immortal in this world, you will always be limited by your lifespan, and no one can achieve true immortality.

Once the mysterious five decays of heaven and man are reached, then the emperor-level characters are basically on the verge of death, just like when human beings will encounter various disasters in old age.

Although the Blue Bull Great Emperor possessed the strength of the Great Emperor level, he was still trapped by the Heavenly Dao. Now the entire back looked riddled with holes, lonely and sad, giving people an extremely tragic feeling.

Finally the Azure Bull Great turned around, and Pei Junlin saw the opponent's face.

The face is very ordinary, but there is a special charm, as if standing in front of Pei Junlin is not a person, but a sculpture.

Pei Junlin knew that this was the coercion that the Great Emperor Qingniu had deliberately suppressed, and if he hadn't stood here, he would have already been wiped out.

"Do you know why I spent so much effort to save you?" The Emperor Qingniu smiled at Pei Junlin, and there was a hint of kindness in that smile.

Pei Junlin felt a warm current flowing all over his body. At this moment, in this strange heart, he suddenly found that he and the Emperor Qingniu seemed to have some closeness.

"Hangu Pass, Kunlun Mountain." The Great Emperor Qingniu opened his mouth gently, and said two words that made Pei Junlin's shocking hair stand up.

Pei Junlin was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, and he looked at Emperor Qingniu in disbelief.

"Yes, I'm from the earth, and so should you." The Great Emperor Qingniu looked at Pei Junlin lightly, his eyes filled with emotion.

Pei Junlin didn't expect to meet a native of his hometown here, but the gap between their identities prevented them from having a complete dialogue.

The Great Blue Bull had the strength of the Great Emperor, and Pei Junlin was very pressured in front of him, even though the Great Blue Bull had shown kindness.

"Senior, how did you come to this area? How did you stay here for so long, why didn't you go back?" Pei Junlin tried to ask.

Emperor Qingniu shook his head, and looked at Pei Junlin with a pair of eyes, like a kind elder: "Do you think I don't want to go back? But it's not easy to go back to the original place."

At this time, Pei Junlin was puzzled, because he already had the strength of the Great Emperor, it shouldn't be difficult to refining a Boundary Breaking Talisman with this level of strength to return to the earth, why would the Great Azure Bull say so?

The Great Emperor Qingniu looked at Pei Junlin with a confused face and shook his head, and finally said: "My time is running out, they should be coming soon, but before leaving, I can tell you a message, which is where you are now. This world and the world in the original earth age are not the same world. You can understand it as a different world. The world we were in is called the Central Great World, also called the Great Thousand World, and this world here is not called the Great Thousand World, but It is called the Sanqing World, a world created by three gods."

The news about this aspect Pei Junlin has always been just a few words of information, and has not formed a complete chain of evidence, but now the words from the Qingniu Great Emperor’s mouth have given Pei Junlin an update on his situation. Awareness.

He didn't expect that the golden python actually took him to another world, the world and the world were like two different bubbles according to the words of Emperor Qing Niu.

It's like a child blowing bubbles in the air. Every bubble that is blown out is a world, and the Great Thousand World and the Sanqing World where they are now are not completely in one bubble.

Between completely different bubbles, I don't know how many bubbles are separated or how many void spaces are separated. To find the original great world, it is like finding another drop of water in the ocean.

In the eyes of Emperor Qingniu, it is not difficult to practice this broken talisman, but it is very difficult to find the drop of water that belongs to the earth. It is almost impossible to spend a lifetime, and perhaps it is impossible to return to the original world. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Pei Junlin was dumbfounded with a numb scalp and a look of despair on his face. He did not expect that the golden carriage would actually take him to another world.

If there was still a glimmer of hope, then now, Pei Junlin is completely desperate, because a character like Qingniu the Great doesn’t know what to do, and he is just a cultivator in the realm of a true king. May there be a chance to return to the original world?

The longing for his relatives and the longing for his beloved wife made Pei Jun feel like a knife. He didn't expect that he would come to another world, as if he had died. I am afraid that he will not be able to return in this life.

"Things that even seniors can't accomplish, I think I have no hope in this life..." Pei Junlin's face was pale, and his voice was trembling.

The Emperor Qingniu seemed to see that Pei Junlin was hit, and his face showed unbearable expression. He sighed and said: "The founder of the Sanqing world was also from the earth. But I just follow one of them. Now that Sanqing has completely disappeared for millions of years, and my bare face has reached its limit, I am about to go to that nihil world. But I can tell you, as long as the seeds of hope are in your wish, one day achieve."

Pei Junlin has heard too many inspirational stories and too many chicken soups, so at this time he said these words of encouragement from the mouth of Emperor Qingniu, listening to Pei Junlin’s ears with the same chewing wax, there is no meaning of joy. .

"Senior is really hopeless. The most extreme power between heaven and earth like you can't achieve such a thing, so how can I be able to do it? Unless I become a fairy." Pei Junlin's face was full of despair. It seems that the strength of the whole body has been completely hollowed out. ?

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