Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1577: Eclosion?

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Seeing what Pei Junlin said, Emperor Qingniu finally smiled. He shook his head and explained: "The sky you see is only this big, so in your sight, you will feel that the strength of the Emperor is already This world has the most extreme strength, but I can tell you that it is far from reaching the limit. There is even more powerful strength above the emperor. As for the immortal, that is an unattainable dream."

Pei Junlin thought that the strength of the emperor level was only one step away from the immortal, but now he heard that the emperor Qingniu said that, he was a little surprised.

Regarding the division of the strength of high-level cultivators, Pei Junlin knows too little, because he has no time or opportunity to get in touch with things at that level.

Just when Pei Junlin wanted to know more from the mouth of Emperor Qingniu, a strange sound suddenly came from outside the house.

There is a strange cry, as if it was made by some kind of animal. The voice was cold and weird, full of evil and unknowable things.

The moment he heard this sound, Emperor Qingniu seemed to be much older. However, there was not much fear on his face, instead there was a kind of relief.

Pei Junlin was about to twist and looked outside the hall, and suddenly found that he couldn't move, his whole body seemed to be imprisoned.

Except for the turning of the eyeballs, the rest of the body can't move at all, even the hair is still.

Pei Junlin looked towards Emperor Qingniu and found that Emperor Qingniu was also looking at him kindly, with a slight smile on his face.

He tidyed up his clothes and said softly toward Pei Junlin, "Don't look at it. You have to go with me when you see that thing."

You just wanted to talk, but your mouth couldn't open, and the cold sweat came out, but soon Pei Junlin became aware of the Great Emperor Qingniu.

In addition to communicating with voices, cultivators can also communicate with consciousness. Although Pei Junlin can't move, his consciousness is not frozen.

"What's the matter with Senior? Where is the place you are going to?" Pei Junlin said impatiently.

Finally met a native of his hometown, and he was still a top cultivator like Emperor Qingniu. Suddenly, the Great Azure Bull was about to leave, making Pei Jun Lin feel lost, missing a comrade-in-arms fighting side by side.

Moreover, Emperor Qingniu abruptly rescued him from the fairy mansion before, and Pei Junlin didn't even say a thank you, and now he is about to be separated suddenly.

"Death is not the end, or another beginning. You still don't understand this matter. If your cultivation level can keep going up, maybe you will be able to understand what I'm saying one day." Great Emperor Niu looked relaxed. Looking at Pei Junlin, he said something that shocked Pei Junlin inexplicably.

At this time, Pei Junlin finally understood what the place in the mouth of Emperor Qingniu was. It turned out to be the world after death, which meant that Emperor Qingniu's lifespan had been exhausted.

So what is the reason for the beast's tweet behind him? What is their origin? Why did Qing Niu the Great confine himself to the place where he couldn't watch?

Pei Junlin had a lot of questions in his heart, but it was a pity that Emperor Qingniu had no time to answer him. When Pei Junlin saw Emperor Qingniu walking towards the outside of the hall with a spring breeze smile on his face, the entire hall was empty, as if he could only listen. To the sound of the footsteps of Emperor Qingniu.

Pei Junlin wanted to explore his spiritual sense, but found that his spiritual sense seemed to have been forbidden. He couldn't stick out of his body not too far, and couldn't see what was going on.

In a hurry, Pei Junlin used his divine sense to sacrifice a mysterious horse crown in an instant. The moment that misty light enveloped him, Pei Junlin actually released his imprisonment.

"No." The Great Emperor Qingniu seemed to feel that Pei Junlin had broken free from the imprisonment and let out a scream.

But it was too late. Pei Junlin turned around and saw the two mysterious creatures.

Two creatures resembling **** dogs, but without a single hair all over their body, and no eyes at all, and a long, slender mouth.

The moment he saw these two creatures, the matching distance produced a sense of absurdity. He had seen such creatures before.

The two creatures seemed to have seen Pei Junlin. Knowing that Pei Junlin had seen them, they seemed to make a cry of joy, and one of them rushed towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin looked outside the hall, the sky was gray, and the whole world was like the end of the day. A dark vortex appeared above the hall, and countless illusory figures condensed toward the vortex.

These people include old people, young people and children, and all kinds of struggling faces.

Pei Junlin has seen this kind of scene many years ago. When a large number of humans die, this kind of death whirlpool will appear. Those transparent figures floating in the air, Pei Junlin has reason to believe that those are human souls.

It's just that this kind of death vortex reappeared, turned out to be a great emperor-level figure, to ascend, the emptiness of the world is also going to death, which could not help but shock Pei Junlin.

At this moment, the strange-looking, so-called Soul Eater rushed towards Pei Junlin. Everything happened between the electric light and flint, Pei Junlin had no time to react at all, even too late to fear, and did not know what happened.

The moment Pei Junlin realized what had happened, the Soul Eater had already screamed, because the moment he encountered the grayish aura on the surface of the mysterious earthen jar, half of his body was directly melted away. .

The soul eater with the remaining half of its body was still not dead, but the screaming screams made people upset.

On the other side, the Blue Bull Emperor looked at Pei Junlin in surprise, and looked at the crown on Pei Junlin's head in surprise, as if he had a clear understanding. But at this time, a group of brilliance had enveloped the Great Emperor Qingniu, and his body had already turned into an empty body.

The body of Emperor Qing Niu became transparent, and his original human form became a cyan bull. Only then did Pei Junlin realize that this young man is really not a human, but a bull demon.

Pei Junlin had personally heard the name Hanguguan said by Emperor Qingniu, and then contacted Niu, Pei Junlin seemed to have a flash of lightning in his mind.

But Pei Junlin was not sure what happened, he only knew that Emperor Taurus might have some connections with the mysterious figure in the legend.

Emperor Qingniu was already speechless at this time. This was opening his mouth to Pei Junlin as if he was saying something. But what the Emperor Qingniu said was not only inaudible, but even his mouth was vague. Pei Junlin had no idea what he was talking about.

One Soul Eater, half of its body was melted, and the other Soul Eater finally didn't dare to provoke Pei Junlin. It was constantly rotating around Pei Junlin, not daring to approach the area around Pei Junlin.

The whirlpool began to lift off, the huge green bull disappeared into the whirlpool in the sky, Pei Junlin felt a sad feeling in his heart.

People like Emperor Qingniu all face death one day, so what about himself? In the future, will it be the same as the Qingniu Great Emperor, who will eventually enter that nihility world?

The black whirlpool gradually disappeared, and the two soul-eaters also walked into the whirlpool the moment the whirlpool disappeared. Everything returned to peace, as if nothing happened.

It was Pei Junlin who discovered that the whole world seemed to be wrapped in a thin film when the vortex gradually disappeared, and this thin film would gradually melt away.

The world became gray, and gradually had colors, and gradually Pei Junlin's ears also heard the voice of birds and flowers, and at this moment several powerful auras descended in the hall.

These people didn't know Pei Junlin, there was only one person, Fang Zhiqing.

Fang Zhiqing's eyes turned around, as if looking for the voice of Emperor Qingniu, but in the end he was disappointed because Emperor Qingniu had disappeared.

"Has the emperor feathered?" Fang Zhiqing asked with a choked voice.

With a few white-haired elders, they are all with an astonishing aura, and the whole body exudes a dazzling light. Com Pei Junlin guessed that these people should be the Supreme Elders of the Blue Bull Holy Land, and they should all have the strength of the top saint level.

What makes Pei Junlin strange is that Fang Zhiqing actually called the death of Qingyou Great Emperor Feathering, which made Pei Junlin a little surprised.

"Yes, I saw that the emperor went to that world with my own eyes. I didn't explain anything to me when I was parting, but simply said a few words of comfort." Pei Junlin said, and explained everything, because he Don't want to face this endless cross-examination.

Because Pei Junlin knows very well that a huge sacred land of green cows is a piece of oily fat. Such a big benefit will cause fierce competition.

As the Blue Bull Emperor, the last person he saw before he died, Pei Junlin will undoubtedly be covered with a layer of mystery in his identity, and he is likely to be in a vortex of contention.

With Pei Junlin's current strength, he would be torn to pieces in minutes, leaving no dregs at all, so Junlin Pei knew very well that at this time, only the rapid retreat would have a way to survive.

Sure enough, after hearing what Pei Junlin said, the several elders all let out a sigh of relief.

"The Great Blue Bull once instructed me that the future leader of the Great Blue Bull will be you Pei Junlin. I once said that you are equivalent to his nephews, so all the huge properties of this Blue Bull Holy Land will be delivered in the future. In your hands, we people will also assist you." A majestic voice came into Pei Junlin's ears.

When Pei Junlin looked at it, he discovered that there were 4 rounds of light floating in the entire hall, and in each round of light like the sun, there was an old man sitting in each round of light, like a statue of Buddha enshrined in a temple.

The sound just now came from the biggest light, full of majesty and supreme respect. ?

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