Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1578: See also Soul Eater

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If he hadn't seen Emperor Qingniu in person, and had close communication with Emperor Qingniu, facing these extreme saint-level powerhouse Pei Junlin might have a look of worship or fear in his heart.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin felt no sadness or joy in facing these people, and he didn't even feel a trace of pressure. Even from the bottom of his heart, Pei Junlin had a trace of contempt for these pretentious people.

The emperor-level figures are still simple and unpretentious, but these saints are acting as monsters, disguising themselves as gods one by one.

"Sorry, Emperor Qingniu didn't ask me these things at all, and he once asked me to keep me away from here and try to get away from the dispute, so for everyone's words, I forgive the younger generation for not complying." After Pei Junlin said these words, Feishen flew past the outside of the hall.

As soon as Pei Junlin approached the main hall gate, a transparent barrier instantly enveloped him. But at this time Pei Junlin wanted to leave, it was too late.

"What do you mean? Isn't it OK for me to leave? I said that I don't have any interest in the ownership of everything that belongs to the Emperor Qingniu. So Pei Junlin announced my withdrawal from the Blue Bull Holy Land. From then on, this Blue Bull Holy Land has nothing to do with me." Pei Junlin said decisively.

A murderous intent enveloped him, causing Pei Junlin’s cold hair to stand up, but he stood still in place. At this time Pei Junlin knew that any struggle would be futile. Facing these top saint-level powerhouses, he is now As weak as an ant.

Anyone among the nine golden beams stretched out a finger and could easily crush it directly to death like a massage.

The pressure gradually receded like a tide, and the killing intent disappeared. Pei Junlin, feeling that the four-week barrier slowly disappeared, he didn't hesitate anymore and flew directly out of the hall to fly high in the sky.

Pei Junlin did not leave directly, but flew towards Jinling Peak where his cave mansion was located. There Pei Junlin still has to leave some information for Zhang Huizi. After all, to leave here, he will be his only friend and must have something to clarify.

In addition, for the two brothers Geng Hu and Geng Pin, Pei Junlin must have an explanation. After all, the two brothers and sisters followed him desperately. They had no credit and hard work. Now that they are leaving, they must give them a good place to go. Row.

Such a huge change occurred in just a few days, which made it difficult for Pei Junlin to adapt for a while. When a person was flying in the air, his brows were frowned.

Today's Blue Bull Holy Land is no longer the place where Pei Junlin came here, and after he has really seen a figure of the emperor level, Pei Junlin's inner yearning and expectation for that kind of character has been completely wiped out.

The realization of the dream is too simple, everything seems a little illusory. Once Pei Junlin put all hopes on the emperor-level characters, but when he really saw Emperor Qingniu, Pei Junlin realized that a mountain is higher than a mountain, even if it is. At the level of Emperor Qingniu, perhaps in the eyes of some cultivators, it still belongs to the existence of ants.

Cultivation is endless. Pei Junlin once thought this was an inspirational remark, but now he discovered that it turned out to be a fact.

Pei Junlin landed on the Jinling Peak by pressing Luoyuntou, only to find that the whole mountain was in a mess. The entire mountain nearly collapsed in half, and even the lintel of the cave mansion on the top of the mountain fell.

The top of the mountain is okay, but when Pei Junlin came to the mountainside, he discovered that all the buildings here were destroyed, and there were all kinds of corpses on the ground.

Pei Junlin was cold, and only then did he understand why the mysterious death vortex appeared before? It turns out that a large number of creatures died in this catastrophe.

"Big Brother Pei." A surprise came from the jungle, and then Pei Junlin saw more brothers and sisters running towards him from under a big tree.

Both brothers and sisters looked a little embarrassed, their faces were black, and even Geng Hu's shoulder still had injuries.

"What happened? Why did so many people die?" Pei Junlin said with a ugly expression.

I was relieved to see that the brothers and sisters were still alive Pei Junlin, after all, there is a difference between the siblings, Pei Junlin did not know these dead people, and there was not much psychological pain.

If more siblings had an accident, Pei Junlin might be sad. But seeing these two brothers and sisters vividly appearing in front of him, Pei Junlin was a little grateful.

"In the first two days, when Brother Pei was away, the whole mountain, or the entire Green Bull Holy Land, had a disaster. Within a radius of thousands of miles, a disaster that was rare in hundreds of thousands of years was brought down." Geng Pin said. At the time, his face turned pale, as if recalling the scene at that time, I still have lingering fears.

After more siblings' descriptions, Pei Junlin learned that a catastrophe happened a few days ago. A large number of cultivators failed to survive this disaster and died in that disaster.

There are even more ordinary people who die, and it's hard to count hundreds of millions.

"Why is there such a disaster?" Pei Junlin showed a very confused look on his face.

Because he suddenly saw the natural recognition of the disaster from the two brothers and sisters of the Geng family, which surprised Pei Junlin.

It seems that in the concept of these two brothers and sisters, this disaster will definitely come. Those who died are not worthy of pity, but conform to the trend of the sky.

Based on the understanding of these two brothers and sisters, Pei Junlin knows that these two brothers and sisters have always been very kind, but the modern performance has disappointed Pei Junlin. After all, everything the two brothers and sisters showed seemed too indifferent.

Among the two siblings, Geng Hu is very carefree and emotionally rough. The younger sister is more delicate, and can observe some subtle things.

For example, the slight change in Pei Junlin's expression at this time caused Geng Pin's doctrine. In an instant, the girl knew what Pei Junlin was thinking, and her face also showed anxious expression.

"Big Brother Pei, don't you know that this kind of disaster will occur whenever a great emperor-level character is about to emerge. According to legend, this is called burial. After all, when a great emperor-level character dies, a large number of creatures will be required to accompany him." Geng Pin explained carefully.

"What's this, there are still some people who want to die in this catastrophe! Because they feel that it is their honor to be buried for a figure of the emperor level, and they will enjoy the glory and wealth in another world. Isn't it true that one person can ascend to heaven?" Geng Hu also said with a smile on his face.

Only then did Pei Junlin know that he had misunderstood before, it was not that the two brothers and sisters were too indifferent, but came from the barbaric knowledge of this world.

After understanding the causes and consequences of the matter, Pei Junlin didn't say anything, because Pei Junlin knew the reasons behind the disaster that was even more taken for granted by the brothers and sisters.

It's not a disaster from heaven at all, but the mysterious death event, this kind of disaster deliberately created. Pei Junlin guessed there was only one reason for knowing such a large-scale disaster, and that was to absorb a large number of human souls.

"When the disaster happened, did you see a huge vortex appearing in the sky? Did you see two weird, dog-like creatures? Did you hear a very sad cry?" Pei Junlin Several questions were asked in a row.

Hearing Pei Junlin's series of questions, the two siblings were dumbfounded. They shook their heads repeatedly to indicate that they had not heard anything, did not see, or even knew what Pei Junlin was talking about.

Pei Junlin was also speechless. There was such a **** vortex in the sky, anyone with eyes should be able to see it, but the two brothers and sisters were completely unaware, and they didn't seem to be lying at all. Pei Junlin also fell into contemplation.

Perhaps the mysterious vortex can only be seen by him with another person. As for the reason, even Pei Junlin himself does not know why it is very complicated.

"Yes, UU reading from today on, I will leave the Green Bull Holy Land, what should you two do? If you want to stay here, I can leave you a lot of money, enough for you Used for cultivation." Pei Junlin said, looking at the two brothers and sisters.

Suddenly heard that Pei Junlin was leaving, the two siblings were shocked. The Geng Hu was not very good at talking, and his face was flushed with anxiety, while the younger sister Geng Pin was full of tears, hanging on her cheeks like stringed beads. on.

Pei Junlin was also a little shocked. He didn't expect the two siblings to put so much affection on him. Especially the tears of younger sister Geng Pin made Pei Junlin a little bit self-blaming, after all, in his eyes, these two siblings are not that important.

"Big Brother Pei, can you take us with you when you are leaving? I'm used to being by your side for a long time. If I suddenly separate, I don't know what to do." Geng Pin said in a very sad voice. Pei Junlin said.

On the other side, Geng Hu also nodded again and again, looking at Pei Junlin expectantly.

Pei Junlin sighed at the banquet that is everywhere in the world. He has been exploring the endless circles in this starry sky. It is difficult for Pei Junlin to stay in one place for long.

Moreover, with his current status, he may encounter danger at any time, and bringing these two brothers and sisters really harmed them. I cruelly said the refusal, Pei Junlin really couldn't say it. For a while, he stood there with embarrassment, not knowing what to do.

Pei Junlin knew very well that now the Great Emperor Qingniu no longer existed, and that Taiyi Immortal Gate completely launched an offensive against the Holy Land Qingniu, it was a matter of time.

Without the emperor's level figures, once again suppressing the Blue Bull Holy Land, it is still unknown whether they can hold onto the huge family business, so that even more brothers and sisters stay here, and they may also encounter danger in the future. ?

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