Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1579: Contain

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Standing on the mountain outside the Blue Bull Holy Land, Pei Junlin's eyes were full of emotion. He came to this Blue Bull Holy Land, and it has been two or three years.

Thinking of the purpose of coming here, Pei Junlin thought that he would fight a protracted battle, which would take at least several decades, but he did not expect that good luck would have accomplished his original goal in just a few years.

But the end result was that Pei Junlin was extremely desperate, because he realized that if he wanted to return to the original world, if he wanted to return to the earth, even the emperor-level characters could not help him.

"Brother Pei, let's get out of here quickly." Geng Pin seemed to have not much nostalgia for the entire Green Bull Holy Land, and hurriedly urged Pei Junlin to get on the road.

In the end, Pei Junlin still decided to take the two siblings with him. After all, they were in the Blue Bull Holy Land, and they were likely to be liquidated afterwards.

At the beginning, Pei Junlin offended many people in the Blue Bull Holy Land. Now if the people from the Blue Bull Holy Land who he left take the tea cold, the two brothers and sisters do not know what kind of revenge they will encounter.

Especially after Chen Zhentian's death, He An and the others lacked restraint, and they might retaliate wildly. They walked away and ended up happily, but the two brothers and sisters followed them for so long, and they might end up miserably.

At the moment when Pei Junlin was about to leave, a powerful aura suddenly came from behind the mountain, followed by another powerful aura.

Pei Junlin is familiar with these powerful auras, because one of them is He An and the other is Luo Song and Meng Qing.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that the top ten core disciples in the Blue Bull Holy Land would come three at once.

He An can understand Pei Junlin after chasing here, after all, his younger brother He Yundong died in his own hands. But the other two people, Meng Qing and Luo Song, were chasing here, and Pei Jun was in a hurry. It was puzzled. After all, Chen Zhentian was dead. What purpose did these two people come here now?

However, behind the three of them there was an aura of Ruoruuowu, which was hidden deep, but it was still caught by Pei Junlin. After perceiving this breath, Pei Junlin showed a faint smile on his face, and he finally understood who could support these three people at the same time.

The smile on Pei Junlin's face gradually disappeared, replaced by indifference. The person who could unite He An Mengqing and Luo Song together, and deal with him together was Bai Fan. Pei Junlin did not expect that Bai Fan, who was still in his shadow, escaped from the fairy house.

Pei Junlin saw with his own eyes that Bai Fan's whole body was completely sucked up. A person without any luck is not terrible at all, because he is suffering from bad luck all the time and is entangled in bad luck. There is no possibility of victory at all. Even if Junlin Pei is standing still, Bai Fan cannot be injured today. To him.

So Pei Junlin was not nervous at all. He looked at Meng Qing Luosong two people indifferently, shook his head and said: "He An came here, I can understand. After all, he and I are enemies of life and death. His brother died in mine. In the hands, but you two ran here with a mouse to die, what do you mean?"

When Pei Junlin spoke in a condescending manner, his tone was terrifying, and Luo Song and Meng Qing's expressions were extremely ugly, and their eyes were even more contemptuous, looking at Pei Junlin as if looking at a dead person.

"Junlin Pei, you hurt my brother but it's still second. The blame can only be blamed on his poor academic skills, but today the three of us came here for another purpose, which is to leave the treasures on your body. You can cooperate obediently, and we can let you leave here." In contrast, He An's attitude was the most peaceful among the three.

In fact, Pei Junlin didn't need to ask, he knew that Bai Fan was staring at the mysterious earthen jar on his body, because that mysterious earthen jar had helped Pei Junlin escape from the fairy house, so Bai Fan was staring at him. .

"You two hide over there first, I will solve the matter here." Pei Junlin said towards the two brothers and sisters, Geng Pin and Geng Hu.

The two brothers and sisters knew that staying here would not help, so they stood aside obediently, and the three of Meng Qing Luo Song and He An were in a tacit understanding, forming a triangular pyramid general Pei Junlin surrounded it.

As for Bai Fan, who was hiding in the dark, he didn't mean to stand out from beginning to end. He obviously wanted to be a behind-the-scenes man in the dark.

Alum has been expelled from the Green Bull Holy Land a long time ago, and his identity at this time is naturally not an outsider. The reason why he was able to support people like Meng Qing Luosong and even He An, it is obvious that these people have the handle to fall into Bai Fan's hands. .

After all, Bai Fan was the former helm of the Blue Bull Holy Land and possessed extraordinary strength. Therefore, using these three people to deal with Pei Junlin at this time did not surprise Pei Junlin in the slightest.


The battle began in an instant, and the three of them were all battle-tested veterans, they were the essence of the cultivators, and they were also top talents, and their moves were all without warning.

When a cultivator of this level is playing against it, there is no need to take the first shot. Whether it is first or second, the outcome is actually doomed.

There was a strong sonic boom in Pei Junlin's ear, and countless amazing rays of light cut towards him. When the strength is so strong, there is no need for too many bells and whistles at all. It is often the magic weapon and its own strength. These three hard conditions determine the outcome of the battle.

This piercing sound was a treasure that He An sacrificed, and this treasure was similar to a large conch. This conch sent out a sonic attack. The strong sonic wave instantly penetrated, forming a big net, and wanted to cut Pei Junlin into pieces.

Pei Junlin had never seen this treasure before, but he had been in contact with a sound weapon like this for a long time, and he naturally understood the lethality of this weapon. At this time, he was caught off guard, and Pei Junlin did not form an effective defense.

However, he cultivated the Nine Heavens Stars Secret Art and became the sacred body of the stars, which is naturally not easy to bully.

Pei Junlin made a sudden lap and exploded all around, forming a vacuum zone. This vacuum sonic boom was enough to isolate all sonic attacks, and it also made Pei Junlin's money transfer safe, but this was not the secret code Pei Junlin wanted. There was a more rapid counterattack, and Luo Song and Meng Qing rushed over.

King's Landing did not directly counterattack He An, but counterattacked two people who watched the excitement who did not seem to take action, because these two people who watched the excitement did not completely watch the excitement, but waited for the opportunity. Any flaws in Pei Junlin will cause the two of them to pounce and bite like crazy dogs.

Then He An had already sacrificed the treasure. At this time, his mana had been consumed, and he couldn't spare his hands in a short time, so the two most dangerous were Meng Qing and Luo Song.

A dark spear appeared in Pei Junlin's palm, which was Pei Junlin's magic spear. Ever since Pei Junlin's magic spear was integrated with the Promise Wolf King, its strength has been infinitely high, and its lethality is also extremely amazing.

The Hunshi Demon Spear exudes a grayish breath in an instant, which is exactly the infinite murderous aura cultivated by the Wuji Wolf King. This breath enveloped him, immediately covering Pei Junlin's whole person, and the sky of sword light was instantly swept away.

Immediately after that, a tall white wolf phantom slaughtered Luo Song and Meng Qing in an instant. This Promise Wolf King still belongs to the semi-holy level of strength, and the powerful pressure released in an instant made Meng Qing and Luo Song shocked.

The moment the two hadn't reacted, the huge figure of the Wuji Wolf King flew in front of the two of them, two paws pressed down, and half of the mountain was exploded.

In contrast, Luo Song was far less calm than Meng Qing, and at the moment of encountering a crisis, he would flee without a fight, flying high and flying towards the distance.

Pei Junlin did not expect that Luo Song was so spineless.

Just when Pei Junlin thought he had run away a powerful enemy, Luo Song suddenly stayed there, rubbing his hands, and a dark whirlpool appeared in front of him. UU reading www.uukahnshu. com

From this whirlpool, a group of powerful creatures flew out in an instant. These creatures had huge fleshy wings, and their faces were covered with fangs holding flaming guns in their hands.

Pei Junlin had never seen these creatures, but he was certain that these creatures should belong to underground monsters. Because of the evolution of these creatures, they have no eyes, but they are surrounded by flames.

The musket in the hands of a creature instantly threw it towards Pei Junlin, leaving a long flame shadow in the air like a long javelin.

The biological industry of the remaining huge fleshy wings is the same as the first shot, throwing the weapons in Pei Junlin towards Pei Junlin. For a while, live fish are assassinating towards Pei Junlin, and the speed of these guns is extremely fast. Only a whistling sound came from my ears.

Bang bang!

A dull sound appeared on Pei Junlin's head and a huge black umbrella appeared. These fire-rained muskets fell on this soul umbrella, completely blocked.

Pei Junlin waved a golden palm print from the sky and crashed into the crowd of these demons. The muddy flesh exploded in an instant. Although this monster in the heart of the earth had a thick skin, it was as paperless in the face of absolute strength.

The minced meat was mixed with bone dregs, forming a cloud of blood in the half, erupting towards the surroundings.

Pei Junlin's hand completely shocked the three people in this battle group, especially that Luo Song's face was even more ugly. He knew the strength of Jie Dimo's body very well in his heart, and it was difficult for ordinary real king realm masters to hurt the flesh of these earth demons.

Moreover, to cultivate an empire like this requires endless resources, not only a large number of pills, but also some special potions, etc., which all need to be soaked in order to refine them into monsters of this type of terrain. ?

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