Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1580: Mark of the Devil

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Now the Demon he had cultivated so hard was destroyed by Pei Junlin in the blink of an eye, which made Luo Song feel a pain, and it seemed that his heart was severely grabbed.

Luo Song was naturally not reconciled, the black vortex revolved again, and this time several human-shaped monsters flew out of it. These monsters have blue-faced fangs, all covered with silver scales, and transparent wings grow behind them. In some places where clothes can't cover, you can see inch-long white hair.

Pei Junlin recognized these things with just one glance, not humans but zombies. And this zombie covered with white hair should be stiff and hard to deal with.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of white hairs jumped out of the vortex and stiffened, forming a formation, and rushing towards Pei Junlin.

These hundreds of white-haired zombies are not ordinary non-zombies, but have been specially refined. It even blended some special bloodlines of the demons.

If an average cultivator encounters these white hairs flying stiff, he will be sucked up all the blood in an instant, and even the soul can hardly escape.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that Luo Song would have cultivated such a vicious zombie. It seems that a person can't look like a person, and the sea water can't be measured. A person can't just look at its appearance.

The previous terrain motorcycles could not cause damage to Pei Junlin. Now Luo Song has learned to be smart for a moment, and he has sent hundreds of white hairs flying stiffly, and a large swath of Wuyang is besieged towards Pei Junlin.

On the other side, Meng Qing and He An were not idle either, showing the horns, and attacking Pei Junlin. These three people cooperated with each other, and the clothes were seamless. If they were an ordinary cultivator, they would have died on the spot.

But Junlin Pei is not an ordinary person. The magic wall in his hand and the soul umbrella suspended above his head are seamlessly coordinated with one attack and one defense. Moreover, when Pei Junlin cultivates the Nine Heavens Star Art, the shadows and the nine heavens in the sky are constantly echoing. The power of the stars provided him with a source of strength.

In almost a second, Pei Junlin made thousands of moves. The speed was absolutely incredible. The white-haired non-zombies were all beaten into blood mist and turned into cannon fodder before they came to Pei Junlin's side. .

As soon as these blood mists dissipated, the Soul Umbrella in Pei Junlin's hand suddenly sucked the blood of hundreds of non-zombies and was completely sucked, and was directly sent into the inner space of the Soul Umbrella for the heavenly demons to give. Swallow.

These heavenly demons had been hungry for so many days, and immediately rushed forward, sharing these fresh blood foods among themselves.

"What should I do if this person is not easy to deal with?" Meng Qing spoke towards He An, but Pei Junlin had completely overheard the communication between the two.

"Can't let him go. This person has the gun in his hand and the **** umbrella floating above his head. They are all top treasures." He An looked at Pei Junlin greedily.

As for the other side, Na Luo Song had completely lost his reason, and the successive methods of sacrificing the bottom of the box were directly destroyed by Pei Junlin.

Then he had already hit a real fire, and he didn't care about anything at all. At this time, he actually rushed towards Pei Junlin. There was a mysterious mark on the center of his eyebrows. At the moment this symbol appeared, a large number of monsters suddenly emerged from the black whirlpool.

Pei Junlin's face changed slightly, because the motorcycles that rushed into the black vortex this time were much stronger than before.

Looking at Luo Song with a weird expression, Pei Junlin found that this person was a little weird, and the mark on the eyebrow was actually a bit like a devil's rune.

Could it be that the mark on Luo Song's eyebrows is the legendary mark of the devil, which can open the channel to the world of demons and summon endless demon?

Pei Junlin once again grabbed the large number of demon heads summoned by Luo Song. This time, the big smashed palm instantly shattered these demon heads, and a large amount of blood mist was absorbed into the soul umbrella again.

Na Luo Song finally realized that these ordinary monsters had caused any damage to Pei Junlin at all. Instead, he changed his method and three eyes appeared from the center of his eyebrows.

The moment the third eye appeared, a dark light shrouded Pei Junlin. At the same time, He An and Meng Qing on the other two sides also sealed off all the roads of Pei Junlin very tacitly, trying to block Pei Junlin's wind in place.

At the moment when this light appeared, Pei Junlin felt a creepy feeling all over his body. He knew that this black light from the third eye was definitely not simple. Once it was shrouded, it might appear astonishing. danger.

But at this moment, it is no longer realistic to want to avoid, Pei Junlin is completely blocked by the other two masters, and there is no way out.

The Soul Umbrella suspended above the head instantly exudes an astonishing light, and at one-thousandth of an instant, it instantly blocked the dark light.

But the Soul Umbrella only resisted for less than half a second, and Pei Junlin felt that the Soul Umbrella was greatly damaged, and Lao Wu’s screams came in his ears. Pei Junlin quickly moved his body, but he only had time. Turning his body quickly, half of his shoulder was directly penetrated by this brilliance.

A fierce tingling sensation made Pei Junlin's eyebrows ooze sweat. This time the injury was a feeling that Pei Junlin had never felt before, but now it is not when he is in a daze. Instantly shot in all directions.

Meng Qing and He An on the other two sides felt that Pei Junlin was a bit unstoppable, and they wanted to block Pei Junlin, but they couldn't stop it at this time.

Especially that Meng Qing retreated a little bit slowly, and he felt as if his chest was hit by a boulder, and blood spurted from his mouth instantly.

"It's amazing." Although He An escaped by chance, his face was pale with fright. Just now Pei Junlin fought back with the powerful force that broke out, and even he could feel a little frightened.

As for the instigator, Luo Song looked at Pei Junlin with surprise on his face. He did not expect that he was the strongest means to come out and let Pei Junlin escape.

The branches of life hidden in Pei Junlin's heartless life began to shake, drawing life force from the infinite void. The big hole in the shoulder that was pierced by the destruction light just now began to repair quickly, and the surrounding muscles began to squirm, some of the necrotic muscles peeled off, revealing bright red flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood was scattered with stars and stars, and it started to enter the hole, but it started to heal in less than a moment.

The Geng family brothers and sisters hiding in the distance had already raised their hearts to their throats. Seeing that Pei Junlin was injured, Fairness even cried bitterly.

"Well, the three of you finally got me hurt. You stopped here just wanting treasures. I will send you to the emptiness world to hunt for treasure." Pei Junlin's face was extremely cold, and the whole person seemed to be enveloped. In the iron and blood atmosphere.

The 5 fingers spread out like 5 sky pillars, shrouded from the midair in an instant, completely confining this space.

At the same time, the Soul Umbrella exploded with a powerful aura, and a dark black aura burst out from the Soul Umbrella instantly.

This is the power of the heavenly demon that has become a spiritual power that has been completely transformed into a substantive spirit. It shot out and divided into three in an instant, rushing towards the three people, Meng Qing Luo Song and He An.

However, there are two of these three spiritual powers, all of which are a vain shot, which is an illusion, and the most powerful move is Meng Qing, who is pointed at by Pei Junlin at the weakest of the three.

As the saying goes, it’s better to break one of his ten fingers. Pei Junlin will now find the weak point of cooperation between these three people. Otherwise, these three people are like an iron triangle, which cannot be broken at all. Only the three people have formed a horn. Internal breaches, it is possible to disrupt the opponent's layout today.

Pei Junlin now understands that he underestimated the enemy from the beginning. He didn't put these three people in his eyes at all, but he didn't know that Bai Fang was also a scheming old fox, how could he come to stop him by shooting three wine bags and rice balls. What?

What's more, these three are among the core disciples of Qingniu Holy Land, UU Reading www. None of's previous existences is a man of fame.

In particular, Na Luo Song's performance shocked Pei Junlin inexplicably. This man has many cards and many adventures, and his strength is even as strong as Chen Zhentian who has died.

This is a deeply hidden figure, which made Pei Junlin unexpected and suffered a big loss, but at this time Pei Junlin was mentally prepared to completely confine the surrounding space, which is the expression of Pei Junlin's strong and confident.

Pei Junlin has always been in the state of keeping a low profile and pretending to be a grandson in Qingniu Holy Land, but today, he doesn't want to pretend, everything will be in a showdown today.

In the sky, it was like a huge golden palm. The top of this mountain was completely covered in the palm of the palm. A transparent barrier, like a transparent film, completely covered the entire mountain.

Na Luo Song and others are not ordinary people, and immediately felt that this world was completely imprisoned by Pei Junlin, and it was basically impossible to escape.

The three people didn't put Pei Junlin in their eyes from the beginning, but now Pei Junlin's methods surprised the three of them inexplicably.

The most shocking thing was Luo Song. He thought that his various means would be effortless to kill Pei Junlin, but the reality was fiercely slapped, Pei Junlin's strength far surpassed the three of them.

"Don't leave any of you today, leave me all three of you." Pei Junlin let out a long howl, and the magic spear in his hand was assassinated in two directions instantly.

At the same time, Na Meng Qing suddenly let out a scream, a gap was opened between his eyebrows, bleeding and tears were flowing in his eyes, and blood even sprayed out from his ears like a fountain.

In an instant of his knowledge of the sea, Pei Junlin's in-laws fell directly into a state of insanity, and now Meng Qing is basically abolished. ?

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