Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1581: Root of all evil

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The spiritual power of 30 million heavenly demons was completely beyond the reach of ordinary people. This Meng Qing completely collapsed in an instant, the whole person went crazy, almost exploding.

On the other two sides, He An and Luo Song both showed shocked expressions. They didn't know what method Pei Junlin used. They actually made Meng Qing lose his combat effectiveness in a very short time. You must know that Meng Qing is a king. The masters of the late stage were just abolished silently.

However, neither of them showed a look of fear, and if they were able to cultivate to this point, everyone was a dragon and a phoenix.

Let Meng Qing be like this, Luo Song and He An even more so, the two people know that they want to go out in this space, there is only one way, and that is to defeat or kill Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin saw the crazy color and the other's determined will from these two people, but Pei Junlin was not worried, he had already prepared the latter means.

The brilliance in the palm of the palm flashed that magnetic primordial needle, quietly blending into the void, like a little ghost, without causing any fluctuations.

It is a high-speed magnetic primordial god, who came behind He An almost instantly under the blessing of Pei Junlin's power. At the moment Yuanci Shenzhen approached He An, he was also aware of it, and a layer of bronze armor appeared in He An's body.

On the bronze armor, there was a phantom flickering of the gods, who wanted to resist Pei Junlin's sneak attack. It's a pity that the primordial needle released by Junlin Pei is not an ordinary thing. The layer of bronze armor covered by He An's appearance was easily pierced, and his entire body was instantly pierced.

It didn't seem to have any trauma, but He An's face turned ugly, because he knew that he was abolished, because at that moment, Pei Junlin released a hidden weapon that destroyed his Dantian Qihai.

On the other side, the dreamland, which was already silly and completely incompetent, suddenly flew away, with a hideous expression on his face, and shot towards the unsuspecting Luo Song.

His ten fingers grew sharp nails in an instant, like a sharp knife, and instantly cut towards Luo Song who was standing next to him.

There was a stinking gust of wind, and Luo Song was unprepared. He was cut off by his good brother Meng Qing in an instant.

Pei Junlin's method worked. In a very short period of time, he used a hidden weapon to attack He An, and on the other hand, he also used the sky demon Lao Wu to control the attack. Meng Qing, who had completely become a fool, attacked.

The sneak attack on both sides succeeded instantly, and He An was like a leaky balloon. The true energy all over his body began to rush out, unable to stop it. On the other side, Meng Qing, who was manipulated by Pei Junlin's mind, immediately attacked Luo Song. .

In contrast, Luo Song was miserable. Many of his heads were different, and half of his body was directly broken. The whole body's powerful blood continued to gush out, but Pei Junlin didn't waste it, the Soul Umbrella suddenly sucked, and Luo Song's body was drawn into the Umbrella.

A body in the late stage of the true king's realm contains huge blood energy, like tens of millions of pills, if all the blood in Luo Song's body is released. Dilute the difficulty of ordinary people.

The blood in Luo Song's body was enough to cause a billowing river to burst. That is to say, the blood of a cultivator's body in Luo Song can completely fill a river, rolling endlessly.

A huge amount of blood poured into the Soul Umbrella, instantly repairing the damage of the previous Soul Umbrella, but Luo Song's head was left behind by Pei Junlin. He stretched out his hand, that Luo Song's heartless demon mark It was taken out directly by Pei Junlin.

This demon mark looks very weird. There is a small devil face on it, and a pair of eyes are shining with blood red light. When Pei Junlin reached out to grab it, the devil mark did not escape, but instantly got into Pei Junlin’s. Palm.

Pei Junlin was shocked, opened his palms, and found that a demon symbol appeared in the palm of his hand, as well as a vivid face, which turned out to be that of Luo Song.

"Do you think you can kill me with this simplicity? It's useless, I've dug a hole for you a long time ago." In the palm of Pei Junlin, Luo Song's face was formed, vividly.

Pei Junlin's face was so ugly that he instantly sealed off his entire palm. However, the demon mark in his palm burst out with powerful absorbing ability, and a black line followed Pei Junlin's palm, wrapping his entire arm.

These black lines were still spreading towards the whole body, but they were suppressed by Pei Junlin with the true energy of the whole body. This is the case, one of his arms has also turned into a black as ink color, and a strange demon mark appeared in the palm of his palm.

Meng Qing died, He An was abolished by Pei Junlin's dantian, and completely lost his combat effectiveness, standing still as if he were stupid. Only this Luo Song was parasitic on Pei Junlin's palm like a gangrene with bones.

"What the **** are you?" Pei Junlin looked at Luo Song's face in his palm in disbelief.

When I saw Luo Song for the first time, Pei Junlin still felt that this man was unusually handsome and elegant, but now Pei Junlin felt that Luo Song’s face was full of weirdness and hostility. It didn’t seem to be a human being on earth, but The devil came from hell.

"Don't care what I am. If you want to survive, just listen to my instructions. If you don't obey, I will completely turn you into the blood food of the Demon King in minutes." Luo Song let out a quacking laugh. sound.

Pei Junlin wanted to struggle, but an illusion appeared in his eyes for an instant. Under this blood-red sky, a terrifying demon **** stood on a tall altar.

The demon **** suddenly flew high into the sky, holding a pair of half-moon-shaped weapons in his hands, and his eyes shot cold eyes. At the moment when the eyes met, Pei Junlin seemed to feel that his heart was severely cut. This was a huge and incredible will that collapsed forever, so that Pei Junlin could not have any thoughts of resistance.

"This is the Demon God I believe in, and I am a child of Lord Demon God. Don't ask who I am. You are now a slave of Lord Demon God. Don't struggle, Pei Junlin, listen to my instructions and go." Luo Song said triumphantly.

Pei Junlin has counted thousands of things, but he did not count that he would have been caught in such a trick, and the origin of Luo Song is extremely evil and mysterious, I am afraid that even the Green Bull Holy Land back then was not guarded, in the whole Green Bull Holy Land Such a character unexpectedly appeared inside.

"Did you not hear what I said? Kneel down first." Luo Song appeared in Pei Junlin's appearance, and even gave orders to Pei Junlin, his tone is beyond doubt.

But at this time, Pei Junlin's face was extremely stern. You did not answer Luo Song's question, but showed strong fighting spirit in your eyes.

The light blue flame instantly wrapped Pei Junlin's entire arm. This blue flame was extremely gentle to Pei Junlin itself and would not harm Pei Junlin.

But when the blue flame wrapped the palm of his hand, Luo Song's face changed drastically, and he began to struggle wildly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Na Luo Song was wrapped in the blue flame, and the demon mark was also wrapped in the blue flame and began to burn.

Luo Song did not struggle for too long, and was completely wiped out by the blue flame, leaving no lingering consciousness.

The demon mark was made of forged material, but it was firmly printed on Pei Junlin's palm. No matter how the flame was burned, there was no change.

Distance tried to dig out the demon mark from his palm, but this thing seemed to merge with his own flesh and blood.

Even if Junlin Pei wiped out the entire flesh and blood in his palm, the demon mark would still appear.

"It's useless, it's not an ordinary means, but a mysterious and mysterious curse. Waiting for the demon mark to connect should be a place called the source of all evil. If you want to get rid of the curse, you'd better go to that place with me." A white shirt The fluttering middle-aged man appeared in the void.

The man is Bai Fan who looks very elegant, even if all his luck has been sucked away, but at this time Bai Fan still looks no different from ordinary.

But Junlin Pei can always feel the faint smell emanating from Bai Fan's body, UU Reading www. and Bai Fan looked even darker and his face was full of bad luck.

I am afraid that Bai Fan hasn't realized that his good luck has been completely taken away, and now the legendary death, bad luck and so on are surrounding him.

Such a figure can be calculated to succeed, and it also makes Pei Junlin puzzled, but what is this demon mark? Is there such a horror as Bai Fan said, Pei Junlin is not afraid now.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he couldn't catch Bai Fan. Although this alum was a powerful saint, but at this time, he was in bad luck, and Pei Junlin didn't believe he would lose to the opponent.

Bai Fan did not expect that Pei Junlin would dare to attack a powerful man of the saint level, and his face showed an insulted look.

With just a flick of his sleeve, Pei Junlin felt an upside-down force sweeping towards him, and at this moment he was like an ant in the middle of a sandstorm.

"This is the gap, this is the gap between you and me, do you dare to do it to me?" Bai Fan stared at Pei Junlin coldly, like a **** overlooking the world.

Pei Junlin's face also showed a confused look, and it is reasonable to say that Bai Fan was sucked away from all his luck. At this time, his fate should come to an abrupt end, but I don't know why this guy can survive stubbornly. Not only that, but he still has no luck so far.

"Where is the source of all evil? What good is it for me to go with you?" Pei Junlin wanted to delay as much as possible to wait for change.

"Generally speaking, it won't do you any good, but you will go back if you don't go, you will be cursed, slowly withering, like a leaf turning yellow, and finally decay." Bai Fan's voice is very calm, as if he is not afraid that Jun Pei will not come. Hooked. ?

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