Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1582: Ancient Portal

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Looking at the mysterious mark in the palm, Pei Junlin finally agreed to his request.

People had to bow their heads under the eaves, and now the mysterious demon mark in the palm of the palm really made Pei Junlin tremble. Before I suddenly thought of a question, why did Luo Song have such a demon mark on him?

And why does Luo Song have such a mark, will it not have any negative effects? And can also use this demon mark to summon some monsters in the center of the earth?

Pei Junlin's mind turned quickly, and his wisdom far exceeded that of ordinary people. Coupled with Pei Junlin's long experience, he quickly figured out one thing.

Na Luo Song was probably not a living person, or Luo Song completely became Bai Fan's external incarnation from the beginning.

"I need to settle the two people next to me first." Pei Junlin nodded towards Bai Fan and said.

The two were not as angry as their enemies, but looked very peaceful, like old friends.

Pei Junlin naturally knew what Bai Fan wanted. He liked the mysterious earthen jar on his body, but he didn't have the strength to rob Bai Fan directly. Now he just uses this demon mark to control himself.

Therefore, at this moment, Pei Junlin is not too afraid of Bai Fan. After all, Bai Fan has been sucked away from all the luck. This person is covered by bad luck. Once the battle begins for minutes, Pei Junlin can take Bai Fan Return to home.

Whenever Pei Junlin made a request, Bai Fan almost agreed without thinking about it, but his eyes were filled with doubts. For him, two ordinary people, why would Pei Junlin want to take care of their life and death? It is unimaginable.

After practicing for a while, due to the long-term loneliness and the distortion of their hearts, many cultivators are cut off from affection and become selfish without any human feelings.

People like Bai Fan who have cultivated to the level of a saint no longer look like a human being, but like a rational machine. All decisions he makes are useful for his own future, not based on humans. Something in feelings and hope.

Pei Junlin would also be confused when communicating or colliding with people like Bai Fan. After a long time, he would become this kind of person, but in the end Pei Junlin denied this terrible idea.

Just like an ordinary cultivator, Chen Zhentian He An, Meng Qing these people. Although they are outstanding in their current state of cultivation, they are among the top cultivation geniuses out of a million, but they are not as desperate as Bai Fan, without human feelings, but towards another extreme psychology, some distortions are often in The role of a perpetrator.

However, the reason Pei Junlin was sure that he would not become a person like Bai Fan and Chen Zhentian was because he always had expectations in his heart, as well as a longing for his relatives far away.

From time to time, Pei Junlin's mind flashed images of his beloved wife, Prince Qiong, his parents and sisters, and his relatives and friends. This is the driving force for him to move forward.

Although Pei Junlin heard the remarks that he could not return to the earth in the mouth of the light and heavy Emperor Qingniu, but he was only a temporary disappointment at that time.

Looking back, Pei Junlin's heart is still full of hope, because she believes that there is nothing impossible in this world, she just needs to find an opportunity.

For example, the golden carriage is now Pei Junlin's hope. Since the golden carriage could take it from the Donglai Star Region where the earth is located to Guixu, and then to this world.

Pei Junlin didn't say much to the Geng family brothers and sisters, just gave them some pills, and instructed them to wait for him on a nearby planet.

But even more listening to the two brothers and sisters of Geng Hu, they knew that once Pei Junlin left here, it would be difficult to come back again, because the conversation between Pei Junlin and Bai Fan just now was clear to them.

Just when he was about to part, Geng Pin suddenly pulled Pei Junlin's sleeve to one side, and the gentle and moist hand actually took the initiative to hold Pei Junlin's rough hand.

Geng Pin seldom dresses up and never wears cream or powder, but it seems to have a unique taste. At this time, he seems to take the initiative to make Pei Junlin's heart beat faster. Although he does not have much feeling for Geng Pin, a girl is so active. It really surprised Pei Junlin.

Geng Hu, who was standing next to him, didn't seem to be half surprised. He didn't object to his sister's behavior at all.

"Haha, Pei Jun is a little blessed with you. After arriving at the Green Bull Holy Land, there are several women who have lived closely with you. Besides Fang Zhiqing, I remember a girl named Zhang Huizi. Now add this Geng Pin, haha, you are really beautiful." After seeing all this, Bai Fan said bitterly, not knowing whether it was because of envy or jealousy.

But at this time, Pei Junlin did not take care of Bai Fan, because he suddenly discovered that Geng Pin held his little palm, and there was something hidden in his heart.

Geng Pin didn't directly tell Pei Junlin what it was, but told Pei Junlin with his eyes that this thing was very important to him, and it was a token given to Pei Junlin when he was parting.

Pei Junlin didn't speak too much, and his palm moved slightly, and this treasure was taken into the chaotic golden bucket space by him.

"Let's go, don't have a relationship with children here, we can get to that place earlier, so that you can get free soon." Bai Fan said indifferently, without a trace of human feelings in his eyes.

The Geng family brothers and sisters watched Pei Junlin leave, and the two brothers and sisters turned around and left here quickly, because Pei Junlin had already explained to them both, staying here is absolutely dangerous, and they ordered them to leave quickly.

What makes Pei Junlin feel strange is that Bai Fan didn't take him to other places, but went directly from a deep hole in the back mountain to an ancient jungle in the Blue Bull Holy Land.

This area should be an abandoned medicine gardener, Pei Junlin could only see the devastation. Obviously, this place hasn't been here for a long time. Bai Fan didn't speak, and Pei Junlin didn't ask the two of them as they walked towards the depths of the jungle one after another. A new behemoth appeared in the jungle.

This behemoth is just a tall stone statue, but the statue is not the Great Blue Bull, but a man who looks a little old.

Inside the Blue Bull Holy Land, Pei Junlin had never seen such a statue, and it was not the Blue Bull Emperor himself, which really felt a bit weird.

The old man held a scroll like bamboo slips in his robe and hands, as if thinking carefully. After Pei Junlin took a closer look, his eyes suddenly widened like a divine initiation, and he suddenly remembered who this person was.

Emperor Qingniu came from the earth, but the old man should be the most admired figure in the heart of Emperor Qingyou. If not, he would not be erected here.

As if feeling Pei Junlin's mood swings, Bai Fan turned and looked at Pei Junlin with a strange expression.

"In the entire Green Bull Holy Land, no one knows who the statue is, but the Bragging Emperor cares about this person." Bai Fan explained to Pei Junlin while taking the lead in stepping on the fallen yellow leaves and continuing toward the jungle. Go deep.

Finally a dilapidated ancient temple appeared in front of Pei Junlin. He never thought that there would be such a barren area inside the Green Bull Holy Land. Opening the door of the ruined temple, Bai Fan just pushed gently with his hands. The whole door collapsed suddenly.

But after entering this ruined temple, Pei Junlin discovered that there was an ancient teleportation formation hidden inside. This teleportation formation was extremely tall, paved with bluestone slabs, and some statues of void creatures were erected for 4 weeks.

The teleportation array has been in disrepair for a long time, and I don’t know if it can be used, but after Pei Junlin watched Bai Fan put in some top-quality spiritual stones, the entire teleportation array sent out a roaring huge stone millstone and began to rotate, a burst of white light, from this stone disk Flying out from above, the cage shone brilliantly and dazzlingly in the entire ruined temple.

Although Pei Junlin was calm on the surface, he was inexplicably shocked in his heart. Obviously, this portal was left by Bai Fan deliberately, or he built it by himself, but I don’t know how many years ago Bai Fan built such a portal. .

Is it just for one day, he can leave this area? And according to the scale of this teleportation array, Pei Junlin can guess that this is a very far trans-stellar teleportation array.

Just a few streams of light outside suddenly fell, Bai Fan suddenly became a little anxious, grabbed Pei Junlin and the two jumped into the teleportation formation. The teleportation formation instantly began to rotate rapidly, piercing through the void, and built one. Long-term channel.

Pei Junlin only felt a little dizzy, and then the whole person seemed to have fallen into the darkness, and only a strange sound could be heard in his ears.

I don't know how long it has passed, and how far it has fallen. When Pei Junlin opened his eyes again, he realized that he had reached a desolate planet.

This planet gives Pei Junlin the feeling that the ground is full of red soil, this kind of soil, and the look and feel for Pei Junlin is particularly strange, because the soil on which the foot is stepped on is still flexible, if it is said that Junlin Pei’s experience.

Pei Junlin couldn't tell exactly what this mud was, but after he lowered his head and stretched out his hand to pinch it, he found that the thing was as thick as flesh and blood.

Realizing something, Pei Junlin's complexion suddenly changed, and there was also an emotion of fear on his face, and Bai Fan turned to look at Pei Junlin coldly, and let out a soft snort from his nose.

Pei Junlin looked towards the sky and the sky was gray, and the planet seemed to be in a corner of the world, and the light could not be illuminated at all.

Under Pei Junlin's observation, several large mountains in the distance started to fluctuate slightly, and the ground under the feet was like a person's skin, stepping on it softly.

Pei Junlin can finally determine that this entire planet is not made of mud or rock, but the flesh and blood of a certain creature, or that the entire planet is composed of a certain creature's body. ?

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