Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1583: Flesh Planet

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What kind of creature is it?

There is a planet that is so huge, Pei Junlin has never heard of such a shocking thing, but after seeing it with his own eyes today, it has exceeded Pei Junlin's imagination.

It's hard to imagine how huge a life body is and how strong the spirit and soul will be. Bai Fan seemed to be familiar with this place. He took Pei Junlin and continued along a winding path without thinking.

And Pei Junlin noticed that since he walked out of the teleportation formation, Bai Fan had no plans to fly in the air.

Pei Junlin noticed that there was no force to suppress the photo area. People could fly here, but why didn't Bai Fan fly?

With this question in mind, Pei Junlin didn't ask Bai Fan anything, but sank the **** into the internal storage space of the Chaos Golden Dou.

At this time, the **** Pei Junlin saw a special object, which was a peculiar-looking thing, like a small monument.

Although this stone stele is only the size of a palm, some mosquitoes the size of rice grains are engraved on it. Some mosquitoes are even small and undetectable. If it weren't for Pei Junlin's amazing mental ability, these words would not be able to read clearly.

But even if he saw it clearly, Pei Junlin couldn't recognize the words on the stele, and many of the words were getting smaller and smaller. Pei Junlin's current spiritual consciousness was indistinguishable.

A small stone tablet is when parting, Geng Pin quietly stuffed Pei Junlin's long-hearted things, according to Pei Junlin's guess, it should belong to some kind of life-saving means.

The current strength of the Geng family brothers and sisters will not surpass Pei Junlin's imagination, but this small stone monument makes Pei Junlin feel invisible.

Pei Junlin once heard of the older generation of the Geng family brothers and sisters, that is, the parents of the Geng Hu brothers and sisters. They used to have a good position in the Qingniu Holy Land, and they were high-ranking monks. Are these things left behind by his parents? ?

Pei Junlin carefully probed this small stone monument with his spiritual sense, and secretly took it out and held it in his palm. However, regardless of Pei Junlin's injection, law or divine sense investigation, the secrets of this small stone tablet could not be discovered, but those extremely small words could not be engraved by humans.

Since the secret of this small stone stele cannot be discovered now, Pei Junlin will keep the stone stele next to him. He had to follow Bai Fan, and Pei Junlin felt more and more uneasy in his heart. Gradually, a stone gate appeared in front of a mountain col, and the stone door seemed to be embedded in the mountain col.

In the center of the stone gate is the dark whirlpool, and there are black ones who seem to enter another world. Bai Fan walked in first, and Pei Junlin had no choice but to follow in.

Just stepping into this, Pei Junlin found himself in a huge temple with tall sculptures, sitting there seemed to be enshrined by incense.

But these sculptures are strangely the existence of a dog head, sitting there with a huge axe in their hands, and a pair of eyes reveals a strange feeling.

Pei Junlin once heard Bai Fan mention the four words the source of all evils. Is this place the source of all evils in this world?

Pei Junlin saw that Bai Fan came to the place of worship with a serious face, and with a wave of his palm, a lot of worship appeared. Among the objects of worship, there are ordinary things such as incense table candles, but what shocked Pei Junlin the most was having a special head.

That head should belong to some kind of animal input, but it looks a bit like a snake head. Just when Bai Fan placed the snake head on the altar, Pei Junlin actually saw the snake open its mouth and the snake Xinzi began to spit back and forth.

The weird snake with only one head still didn't have a pair of strange eyes, it didn't seem to have any pain, and it seemed to enjoy the feeling of being placed on the altar.

With a serious expression on Bai Fan's face, he was extremely pious, and he knelt on the ground and began to kowtow. After three bows, Bai Fan got up, took out a dagger with his right hand and stroked the palm of his left hand, and bright red blood dripped directly onto the snake's head.

And after the blood dripped on the head of this strange snake, the strange snake seemed to feel great pain. It opened its mouth as if it wanted to yell, but without a body, it couldn't make a sound.

The blood penetrated in, and the head of the monster gradually stopped moving. At this moment, a group of people suddenly saw a blood-red mist appearing on the tongue, and a ghost of the evil **** appeared in the mist.

Bai Fan reached out his hand and dipped it in the blood mist, and there was some red blood on his fingers. He first clicked a bright red blood spot on the center of his eyebrows, then turned around and clicked on the center of Pei Junlin's eyebrows.

Pei Junlin wanted to evade, but in the end she didn't act. She frowned, just watching Bai Fan faintly preparing for it.

"Master Jin, are we really going to see the source of evil?" Pei Junlin was communicating with Master Jin in a low voice.

"Of course, the curse in your palm is indeed the mark of the devil. It is very difficult, almost impossible, to get rid of this mark. Even at the source of all evil, it is impossible to remove the mark of the devil, but after the old root of all evil, I have a way to make this demon mark work for you." Jin Ye's tone is not irritable, it seems that he has already negotiated with Pei Junlin.

On the surface, the current Pei Junlin is controlled by others, but in fact Pei Junlin has already grasped the initiative secretly. The reason why Bai Fan has been pretending to be passive and coerced here is actually to paralyze the opponent.

After several activities were completed, Bai Fan seemed to have a veil of mystery, especially the red dot on the center of his eyebrows, emitting a faint light.

Pei Junlin also felt boring and a little uncomfortable. Those blood seemed to turn into tiny insects and wanted to penetrate into his skin, but Pei Junlin cultivated to form a body and the holy blood flowing in his body was resisting the corrosion of blood.

Bai Fan seemed to be curious as to why the red dot on Pei Junlin's eyebrows had not penetrated, but at this time it seemed that time was a little tight, and he had no time to ask too much.

After Bai Fan hurriedly took Pei Junlin through this temple, he came to a portal at the back. As soon as he walked out of the portal, Pei Junlin discovered that he had come to another mountain col.

Some dull mist in this valley envelops the entire sky, and it is impossible to see things at all, and even in the mist there is a light blue thunder light continuously stretching back and forth in it.

A burst of weird sounds came out from the fog, which shocked Pei Junlin's heart, because although these sounds couldn't make out any beasts, the instinctive Pei Junlin felt that there was an uneasy atmosphere in it.

There was a roar of thunder from the sky, but when you listened carefully, it seemed to be the roar of some kind of beast. Gradually, large and large raindrops fell, but the room was not ordinary rain, but warm. Blood.

Seeing the blood under the sky and Bai Fan's face was extremely solemn, he took Pei Junlin and started running forward, and soon he came under a tree. The visit was a Pei Junlin, and he hid in this big tree with him. the following.

There were dull roars from all around, but the rain was getting bigger and bigger, and Pei Junlin's feet gathered into a river of blood. Pei Junlin can feel the power of blood surging in this snowy region. If all these blood qi are deep into the chaotic golden battle, then Li Ji can practice thousands of blood pills.

Just when Bai Fan took Pei Junlin to avoid, suddenly a soft branch appeared from the jungle behind. This branch had the thickness of an arm, and it swished toward Pei Junlin in a very short time. come.

Pei Junlin's reaction was quick, and with a wave of a wind blade in his palm, he cut and broke the black branch directly. On the top of this soft tree branch, a yellow stinking liquid was sprayed from the fracture. The liquid was scattered on the ground, and the corroded ground sizzled.

The moment I shrank from this broken branch, UU read www.uukanshu. All the trees in the entire forest of com seemed to come alive, and generally began to twist their bodies, countless branches like tentacles, grabbed towards Pei Junlin and Bai Fan.

Na Bai Fan let out a scream, as if he didn't expect such a change, but he was a saint-level powerhouse, suddenly bursting into a misty light, and pushing his palm forward, a large forest was destroyed in an instant.

Pei Junlin looked closely at these dry trees and saw no fire, but these trees seemed to have been steamed dry by high temperature. Pei Junlin also admired Bai Fan's methods.

After all, the gap between the two lies here, and if he does it head-on, it is almost impossible for him to be Bai Fan's opponent.

"Don't move the plants and trees here, they can kill you at every turn. When you encounter some very profitable things, even I can't keep you." Bai Fan tilted Pei Junlin's glance as a warning, but also as if he was admonishing. .

Pei Junlin nodded and did not refute. Bai Fan is at this moment when the enemy is strong and we are weak. He can only survive this catastrophe by pretending to be a grandson, and Pei Junlin has already discussed with Lord Jin. Once the source of all evil is reached, If you want to find a way to change from passive to active, it is not always certain who will have the final say.

Bai Fan looks like a madness now, when the time comes... there is an imperceptible flash of harshness in your eyes.

Do you know when Pei Junlin discovered that the surface of the ground is not as soft as before, and it doesn't have that fleshy feeling.

However, if you observe carefully, Pei Junlin will find that the black floor on the bare ground is like a huge scale, which also makes Pei Junlin silent. I am afraid this planet should really be some kind of huge creature. .

But Pei Junlin couldn't tell what it was. ?

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