Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1585: Fusion mark

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In other words, Lord Jin used the drop of Bai Fan's blood as a guide to instantly create a mysterious connection between Bai Fan and the Devil's Mark, which also freed Pei Junlin from the organization.

Now that the demon mark and Bai Fan are tied together to take effect immediately, when the devil mark disappeared from Pei Junlin's palm almost silently and appeared again, it appeared on Bai Fan's forehead.

Bai Fan didn't expect that he would steal the chicken and lose the rice. At the most critical moment, he not only failed to win Pei Junlin's luck, but also caught fire and directly bound the Devil's Mark.

The Devil's Mark was originally something he made, and Bai Fan was clearly aware of the danger of the Devil's Mark. Everything happened suddenly, and Bai Fan didn't react at all. Now that the boat was done, his face suddenly became extremely hideous.

What was not obtained would be destroyed, unable to take the luck from Pei Junlin, this Bai Fan immediately turned his face, waved his palm, and slashed towards Pei Junlin like a bottle of golden sword.

This is a powerhouse at the saint level, and every move can drive endless power. Pei Junlin was oppressed by this force, even if he couldn't escape Bai Fan's attack anyway.

However, at the most critical moment when the danger came, the Lao Wu in the Soul Umbrella suddenly gathered 30 million heavenly demons to form a huge protective shield of spiritual power, which completely enveloped Pei Junlin.

Thirty million gods, their spiritual power was completely released, and they could almost spur steel. At the moment when this spiritual power appeared, the space and time-space in front of Junlin Pei were completely distorted.

Pei Junlin, who was lucky enough to escape, did not sit and wait for death. His body shook slightly, and he appeared in the valley directly from the abdomen of the cave, as if he was moving across space in an instant.

The spiritual power of these 30 million heads of demon is equivalent to completely folding the surrounding space, Pei Junlin is now shrinking into an inch, and can span a distance of thousands of meters.

Although Bai Fan is powerful, he can't do what Pei Junlin is now. After all, the power of 30 million gods cannot be underestimated. The moment Bai Fan was about to chase Pei Junlin and kill Pei Junlin, he suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave. A dark sky demon appeared, and this sky demon was Lao Wu.

The strength of the demon king level demon is comparable to the human saint, but it is always so half way. My Lao Wu's strength is not a normal Demon King level. Although he swallowed the Black Wolf Demon King, there are 30 million Heavenly Demon blessings behind him, which makes Lao Wu extremely powerful.

The power of a person is equivalent to the power of a collection of ten demon kings.

In ordinary times, Lao Wu's power was completely imprisoned by Pei Junlin, because Lao Wu was equivalent to a beast, and Pei Junlin was a little weak in front of him. In order to prevent Lao Wu from backlashing, Pei Junlin kept Lao Wu under control most of the time, so that his power could not be fully used.

But now is a critical moment, a completely different moment, Pei Junlin can't take care of too much. Your old Wu must help him resist Bai Fan's attack, otherwise Pei Junlin may not survive on this planet.

Of course, there is another kind, maybe that is Bai Fan, who has no luck at all now, all his attacks are impossible to hit Pei Junlin's body.

However, this is just a hypothesis. Even if a hapless person is teased by fate, it may cause some backlash.

Pei Junlin did not dare to assume or make jokes about his life, so he began to run away and returned to the original hall along the original road, but at this time Pei Junlin found that the snake head on the table of the hall was A strange change occurred.

The eyes of the snake head turned scarlet, and the giant snake with only one head seemed to be staring at Pei Junlin. When Pei Junlin moved, the tongue actually started to turn, no matter what direction Pei Junlin went, this The tongue is always facing Pei Junlin.

For some reason, Pei Junlin suddenly found the statues enshrined in this hall, and their faces suddenly resembled Bai Fan. Although Pei Junlin thought this possibility was a bit funny, what happened now could not help but make Pei Junlin frightened.

"Now go back and get the Devil's Mark, but the good things can't be cheap, the guy named Bai Fan." The secret technique used just now seemed to cause great damage to Lord Jin, and he didn't wake up until now.

Seeing that Pei Junlin had escaped from the place where the evil originated, he was also surprised. There was a feeling that Pei Junlin had run out of Jinshan Yinshan, and he quickly urged Pei Junlin to go back.

On the other side, the battle between Demon King Lao Wu and Na Bai Fan has also entered a white-hot state. Both sides are restrained. I don't know why Bai Fan's tricks are all magical powers with a narrow range of strikes.

Beyond Pei Junlin's expectation, Lao Wu was able to completely block Bai Fan, and he was able to do so. Although he could not defeat Bai Fan, he could still control Bai Fan completely within a certain range.

After sensing the safety, Pei Junlin had no worries, and walked through the huge temple once again along the same path, and arrived in the valley. Sure enough, in this valley, Bai Fan was fighting the Demon King and Lao Wu.

When Jun Pei came and returned, he seemed very excited, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Junlin Pei, I will not let you go as a ghost, you actually hurt me." Bai Fan roared again and again, his eyes seemed to be a little confused.

In fact, Pei Junlin had already discovered this situation. It seemed that after the demon mark was established by Bai Fan's mysterious connection, she began to become confused.

Pei Junlin recalled the demon mark back then. When he got into his palm, he seemed to despise his body, but was resisted by a mysterious force.

Now looking at Bai Fan, it is extremely likely that he has been controlled by the Devil's Mark, and gradually lost his original will.

"Lao Wu will hold me firmly in Bai Fan. It has lost its mind and is slowly going crazy." Pei Junlin hurriedly directed Lao Wu to block Bai Fan.

After all, he is a strong man at the level of a saint, but at this time Bai Fan has lost all his luck, everything about him is faint, and the entire battlefield is not good for him.

Lost the favor of the goddess of destiny, Bai Fan looked very unlucky. It was either supernatural powers or infuriating retrograde, which was not going well in general.

On the other side of the demon King Lao Wu, he is now Pei Junlin's servant and Pei Junlin share the luck, so Pei Junlin's luck is equivalent to Lao Wu's luck. Pei Junlin's head is now covered with purple air and his luck is skyrocketing. Naturally, good fortune continues to share Pei Junlin's luck with the old crow, and naturally he is also drenched.

In all fairness, Lao Wu's strength is not enough to break his wrist with Bai Fan, but now he can easily block Bai Fan in the valley, which shows the importance of fate.

"Master Jin, what is the use of Bai Fan? There is also the mark of the devil, that thing is extremely evil..." Pei Junlin hesitated and stopped.

"If you merge this Baifan's mark of the demon with the gate of hell, guess what will happen. We are likely to be able to summon those **** creatures continuously. The endless army of demons, not only your enemies will fall into battle. Even you can enjoy endless benefits, because these monsters in the center of the earth are full of blood and energy like a melting pot. From now on I am afraid you will no longer have to worry about blood pills." Jin Ye smiled and said. One reason Pei Junlin was trembling with excitement.

Pei Junlin did not expect that the Devil's Mark had this magical effect. He saw Luo Song summon a large number of Geocentric Demons before. Pei Junlin didn't know why, but at this moment he finally understood that it was the Devil's Mark. It turned out to be a mark leading to the door of hell, which can open a dimensional channel in this world and continuously summon the demons of hell.

These **** demons can not only be used to deal with opponents, but also can be used to refine pill. It seems that it is really a wonderful way now. UU reading www.

However, it is not easy to say that the gate of **** must be integrated with the demon mark. After all, the demon mark is now like a curse. It is completely connected with Bai Fan. If you want to fully integrate the gate of **** with the demon mark, you need Defeat Bai Fan first.

Even if today's rice has completely lost its luck, it is still a powerhouse at the saint level. The lean camel was bigger than a horse, and it was a bit difficult for Bai Fan to wait and die to cooperate.

At this time, the Soul Umbrella, which was controlled by Lao Wu's strength, combined with 30 million Heavenly Demons, and the spiritual power, could completely suppress Bai in this valley.

But Pei Junlin warned Lao Wu more than once not to make too much movement. After all, the entire planet is an unknown creature. If the movement is too big to wake this sleeping creature, then everyone is in trouble. .

At that time, not only Bai Fan will be finished, but Pei Junlin himself will probably not be able to escape the planet.

"Pour all the magical pill and mana that you have stored crazily into the Soul Umbrella, so as to maximize the power of 30 million Heavenly Demons.

These celestial demons are not working hard now, and all of them are idle and idle. To fully stimulate their strength, they need to give them enough benefits.

Jin Ye summoned the power of **** while giving advice to Pei Junlin.

Now Pei Junlin’s trump card power is these 30 million heavenly demons. Once the power of these heavenly demons is fully activated, coupled with the power of Lao Wu and the Yuanshun Umbrella, then Bai Fan can be killed in an instant. Suppressed.

Just like a group of idle workers, these heavenly demons have not even had 10% of their power to the present, and sometimes the major formations in the primordial soul umbrella have not been activated even for a major formation, which shows how passive these heavenly demons are. ?

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