Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1586: Run out and save

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But when Pei Junlin poured a large amount of vitality and medicine into the soul umbrella, these demon began to restless, after all, there are real benefits, each of these demon began to frantically compete for crazy operation, so as to promote Great array.

"Now the third major formation has been launched." Pei Junlin was a little excited.

The blows already in the Soul Umbrella are no less than the big formation in the chaos, and now the third major formation has been activated in an instant, which shows that this surging power has never been seen before.

Even Pei Junlin was shocked by the surging spiritual power. These spiritual powers actually solidified like the substance, distorting all the space and time around them.

"Not enough is far from enough. At least 70% of the strength is needed to suppress Bai Fan. It is best to reach 80% of the strength, and the eighth formation is activated. At that time, Bai Fan can be firmly suppressed, making him obedient. With us, it will be simple and easy to merge at that time." Jin Ye did not frown, his hands twitched in her palms, and runes were constantly flashing. At this time, in the entire chaotic golden bucket, all Almost all the formations are activated, which consumes a lot of vitality every second.

These half-year foods originally prepared for the heavenly demons were put into the Soul Umbrella in large quantities by Pei Junlin reluctantly. At the beginning, Pei Junlin only invested in small batches, but in the end he had no choice.

These blood pills poured into the Soul Umbrella like raindrops, and the entire sky was filled with pills, rolling like hail everywhere.

The heavenly demons began to rush to swallow them, but afterwards these heavenly demons were like chicken blood, because they found that the harder they pushed the formation, the more the elixir in the sky.

Therefore, these heavenly demons almost desperately started to push the formation in the body element soul umbrella, and the fifth stage of the formation was opened in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, Pei Junlin watched the formation of the Soul Umbrella's continuous activation. Although he was delighted, he was also worried. After all, his inventory of ammunition was running out. Now he uses his old book, a large number of top-grade spirit stones, and even some Tianyuanyu was thrown into the soul umbrella by him.

If the First World War is unsuccessful, then Pei Junlin will completely become the original pauper, because all his savings are destroyed at this moment, these demon are like locusts, and no matter how much energy is given to them. , No matter how many pills they can swallow and digest.

And there are some demon who swallowed other demon while they are in chaos, these demon are greedy and cunning, Pei Junlin frowns.

The sixth formation is about to be promoted, according to Jin Ye, by the seventh formation, Bai Fan can be suppressed.

At the moment when the sixth major formation opened, Pei Junlin discovered that a huge regular chain flew out on the Soul Umbrella. The regular chain was actually made by the spirit of the demon. The moment the chain flew out, Bai Fan firmly controlled it.

Under the command of Lao Wu, the chain bound Bai Fan's five flowers.

However, Bai Fan still has the strength to struggle at this time. After all, he is a sage-level strength. The auras rippling all over his body continuously weaken the power of the entire chain of rules. Even the spiritual blades around him are also affected by this. The force of rules keeps expelling and shattering.

The sixth major formation has already started the crazier restlessness of the heavenly devil and needs more pills, but all of Pei Junlin's storage has bottomed out.

"The tree of life." Pei Junlin roared.

In order to fuse the mark of the devil, Pei Junlin almost bet on all the family assets. These 30 million demon, like locusts, completely swallowed all the wealth Pei Junlin has accumulated over the years in a very short time, and now his appetite has grown, constantly After the death of Jun Pei.

It seems that if Pei Junlin doesn't give these celestial demons more pill and more energy, these celestial demons will rebel and eat back.

At that time, even if Lao Wu was loyal to Pei Junlin, he could not completely suppress these mutated demons. After all, 30 million demons were definitely not a small number. Even the Lao Wu would be torn into pieces if these demons rebelled. Fragments.

The tree of the world listened to Pei Junlin's call and began to insert the branches into the surrounding void in an instant, and began to extract the huge life force in the surrounding space.

Under Pei Junlin's urging, those life forces formed clusters of green rays of light, and these rays of light condensed in mid-air to form a pill of life.

The essence of life pill is comparable to the purest blood qi pill, so as soon as these pill enters the soul umbrella, when these heavenly demons are immediately mad, one by one is like going crazy, with red eyes robbing them. .

Once again, the tide rose, and there was a feverish atmosphere in the entire Soul Umbrella. The Heavenly Demon was almost going crazy, and the surging spiritual power poured into the Soul Umbrella, instantly pushing the seventh major formation.

The seventh major formation, the moment it was blown, a force that was as powerful as a mountain overwhelmed Bai Fan, instantly submerging Bai Fan.

But at this time, he is a powerhouse at the level of saints, but under the violent suppression of 30 million heavenly demons, coupled with the suppression of the Primordial Soul Umbrella array, Bai Fan is unable to resist at all and is firmly chained to the rules. Bundled.

It was in this narrow and narrow canyon that something happened, and the tall portal was the gate of hell. This gate of **** is the most important formation in the Chaos Golden Fight. This time it stands here, making Pei Junlin feel in awe.

As Jin Ye's hands continued to seal, the formations slowly opened at the gate of hell, and a black light shone from it.

Pei Junlin looked towards the gates of hell, and only saw a piece of dampness. It seemed that there was a gray world unfolding before his eyes. That world was gray and white, and there were people wearing white clothes. , Walking around.

This is the first time that Pei Junlin has cast his gaze into the depths of the gates of hell. He didn't have this strength before, because his mental power could not bear the powerful pressure.

But now after playing in different amusement parks, Pei Junlin's spiritual power is equal to the fusion of the soul umbrella, and his spiritual power is extremely powerful.

So now Pei Junlin has the opportunity to cast his gaze into the gates of hell, but just after watching it for a while, Pei Junlin saw a weird person.

This is a man in white with a pointed hat, but there are four eyes on one face.

"Don't look, don't look." At the moment when Pei Junlin's spirit was about to lose, Jin Ye pulled Pei Junlin back.

Pei Junlin himself was also in a cold sweat. The feeling just now was speechless, just like his spirit, and he would completely get into a gray world. If there is no Jin Ye to remind him in time, I am afraid that he has been completely sinking now. Up.

Bai Fan's roar resounded in the valley. At this time, his whole body was bursting with amazing light, and the runes faintly shone from his skin.

A mysterious demon mark appeared on Bai Fan's eyebrows, and the demon mark gleamed with scarlet light. At this gate of hell, the moment when the devil's mark was suppressed, Bai Fan's whole person had a strange change, and his whole body was shrouded in gray light.

The skin and nails began to turn black, and his body began to swell rapidly, rapidly growing from an ordinary person. The inability to grow at a speed is also extremely astonishing. Watching Pei Junlin's gaze, Bai Fan has transformed from a gentle man to an exotic creature full of beast power.

"This should be the image of the demon **** of hell. A demon **** will always be projected through the infinite space." Jin Ye's voice was a little nervous, as if he was in trouble.

Now the entire Soul Umbrella has only just opened the seventh layer of formation, and the eighth major formation is still a long way away. At this time, the spiritual chain formed is somewhat loosened, and Bai Fan is constantly roaring and Struggling and being tight is at the risk of breaking at any time.

Pei Junlin clearly remembered that before Jin Ye had said that if he wanted to completely suppress Bai Fan, he had to open the eighth formation of the Soul Umbrella. UU reading www. uukā

But it is not easy to start the eighth formation. Now Pei Junlin has used up all of his own value. If you feed those demon here, you can only **** your pants.

The spirit sank into the storage space of the chaotic golden bucket. Pei Junlin saw that everywhere was empty. Almost even some top elixir or materials were used to feed the demon. Now all of Pei Junlin’s savings over the years have been destroyed. Once, even the dregs are not left, even the tree of life can no longer absorb the essence of life from the void in a short time.

Without the feeding of the pill and the supply of energy, these heavenly demons have completely slowed down once again, and it is not easy to be able to maintain the seventh formation. It is the effect of Lao Wu's full control.

"No, you must open the eighth formation. If you don't open it, you will probably be broken free by Bai Fan." Pei Junlin quickly judged the situation, his eyes filled with anxious expressions.

Pei Junlin cast his gaze on the squirming ground under his feet. The entire land or the entire mountain range is completely composed of flesh and blood. If these flesh and blood are plundered into the soul umbrella, feeding those demon can open the eighth in minutes. Formation.

But Junlin Pei did not dare to act rashly. A creature with the size of a planet, Pei Junlin did not dare to offend easily, and it would set fire to his body if it made trouble. If it caused this creature to wake up from a deep sleep, everyone would die.

The so-called small intolerance leads to chaos, and in the end Pei Junlin gave up this crazy idea.

Bai Fan Peanut's **** creature heart was exposed, forming a huge meat ball. The frantic beating, like the sound of drumming, hit Pei Junlin's heart, making Pei Junlin upset. This rhythmic rhythm seemed to disrupt the rhythm of Pei Junlin's heartbeat. ?

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