Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1589: 12 lights

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There were only seven rays of light in this world, but there were twelve rays of light behind Pei Junlin's head. Some rays of light cannot be described in human language at all, because they can only be seen, can only be understood by heart, and cannot be described.

The twelve Buddha lights represent a certain level of Buddhism practice. The moment when these twelve Buddha lights appeared, they enveloped Pei Junlin's head, making Pei Junlin look solemn and solemn, like a Buddhist monk's great virtue. The same is full of compassionate power.

At this time, the demon **** who was about to approach the gate of **** seemed to feel the surging power, and when he turned to see the appearance of Pei Junlin, he was shocked.

The eyes of the demon **** seemed to be able to see through everything, and his eyes could penetrate the sea of ​​consciousness of Pei Junlin and directly see the mysterious stone monument.

The moment he saw this stone stele, the devil was stunned. His face changed drastically, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

But with the departure of the demon god, that mysterious power finally disappeared, and the gate of **** was finally closed.

At the moment when the gate of **** was completely closed, Lord Jin also opened his eyes. Instead of saying anything to Pei Junlin, he waved his palm, carrying the entire gate of **** and flew into the world of Jindou space.

"It will take some time for the complete integration. During this time, I will fall into a deep sleep." Jin Ye's voice passed directly into Pei Junlin's ears, and there was no sound anymore.

Pei Junlin did not expect that the fusion between the gate of **** and the mark of the devil would take a certain amount of time. Does the deep sleep of the golden master during this period of time mean that he cannot use the chaotic golden bucket?

Thinking of this possibility, Pei Junlin was full of a sense of crisis, and at this time, the huge sky furnace had taken the initiative to shrink and reached Pei Junlin's palm.

For an instant, the gorge that had been fighting fiercely just now was quiet and quiet. The gorge was filled with the breath of death. Pei Junlin knew that this place could not be stayed for long, she had to leave this planet as soon as possible.

After passing through the previous passage, Pei Junlin successfully came to the surface of the planet, but Pei Junlin didn't know how to leave here.

When he came, he landed directly on this planet through a portal, but when he left, Junlin Pei did not dare to leave rashly. Although he could fly directly and pass through the atmosphere to leave here, Junlin Pei knew it was very risky. .

The attitude of Bai Fan before, Pei Junlin can see, since Bai Fan set foot on this planet, he has become cautious, he did not dare to fly in the air, let alone fly directly to high altitude through the atmosphere.

Pei Junlin guessed that once flying in this piece of airspace, it is very likely that this huge creature will be alarmed. This huge creature, like a planet, is now sleeping. If you wake up from your deep sleep, it will be a disaster.

At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly noticed a dull voice behind him, and he suddenly turned around and sacrificed a shield treasure.

Hearing a bang, the shield of this superb spirit treasure instantly fell apart and was shattered by a brilliance.

Pei Junlin's face is extremely ugly, you know that this is the best spirit treasure, if her body was excited by this brilliance just now, it is likely to end up even more miserable than this shield.

I don't know when the surrounding area was covered by the mist again. Pei Junlin saw the surrounding area and only felt the faint collision in the mist. There seemed to be countless earthworm-like creatures walking upright.

Pei Junlin didn't know what caused the brilliance that shattered the shield just now.

At this moment, a large worm in the mist penetrated the mist and attacked Pei Junlin. This worm looked like a giant earthworm, and its body was about the thickness of a bucket and more than ten meters long. Walking upright, with a huge eyeball growing at the top.

Pei Junlin had never seen such a weird creature before, and only felt very disgusting. After all, this monster looked sticky and sticky.

There seemed to be a layer of viscous liquid on the surface of the body, enveloping it, emitting a strange smell.

At the moment when Pei Junlin looked like a monster, the monster had already launched an attack towards Pei Junlin.

The attack of the monster outside was also very strange, and it turned out to be a brilliance from the huge eyeball above the head. When a beam of light arrived in front of Pei Junlin, it was blocked by a layer, and the translucent gas mask blocked it, and did not cause any damage to Pei Junlin.

This layer of translucent air shield is the spiritual barrier in the soul umbrella, protecting Pei Jun's surroundings all the time, resisting sudden attacks, being able to resist mental attacks, and also able to resist physical attacks.

Through the information fed back from the spiritual mask, Pei Junlin can know that the brilliance projected in the eyes is not very powerful. Before, the moment when the shield was broken instantly was a bit exaggerated.

But gradually more of these large earthworm-like worms emerged from the fog, and Pei Junlin’s face changed slightly. After all, one of these worms did not bring much pressure, but if they were thousands of At the same time release the light in the eyes, then it is very powerful.

At this time, Pei Junlin finally understood why the shield was directly shattered. It turned out that it was not the light from the eyes of such a weird cause, but thousands of earthworms at the same time. A superb spirit treasure was destroyed.

You know, the defensive ability of the best spirit treasure is still extremely amazing, especially the shield treasure, which has specially strengthened the defensive ability, which is ten times or even hundreds of times higher than the general best spirit treasure.

But it was such a shield that was specially used for defense, and it was crushed in an instant. This was where Pei Jun was shocked.

Seeing more and more such weird earthworms around him, Pei Junlin knew that he could no longer sit and wait for death. If he continued to wait like this, waiting for these worms to gather and form a general trend, it would be impossible even if he wanted to leave.

The surrounding dense rays shrouded towards Pei Junlin, but they were all blocked by the transparent barrier around Pei Junlin's body. Now the scale of these insects is not yet able to cause damage to Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin must kill one as soon as possible. Blood path.

Pei Junlin shot the mixed world demon general, this mixed world magic spear instantly turned into a huge white snow wolf, it was the Promise Wolf King.

On the back of the Wuji Wolf King that Pei Jun was jumping, one person and one wolf were racing through the earthworm swarm, and Pei Junlin was responsible for breaking a blood path.

The broken Pure Yang Flame Bell was re-sacrificed by Pei Junlin. Although the Pure Yang Flame Bell had been broken, the large amount of flames in it still had a strong ability to burn these insects.

I saw this broken pure sun burning fire clock like colored glaze, and a deep crack appeared beside it. But this middle mouth kept rippling with a fire dragon, and there was a lot of flame on the body of the pure sun burning bell, falling from the sky like a sky fire.

These nether real fires are like gangrene attached to bones. Once they are stained with these earthworms, they will immediately burn through the flesh and blood, attaching themselves to the bones for many deaths.

Therefore, where Pei Junlin went, a large number of earthworms were densely burned to ashes by her, and in less than half an hour, Pei Junlin actually massacred tens of thousands.

However, this number is still showing an exponential rise. There is a sea of ​​fire within a kilometer of Pei Junlin's body, and there are large fireballs in the sky falling towards the ground.

In order to escape for his life this time, Junlin Pei could no longer worry about alarming this huge creature. He was sitting on the back of the Wuji Wolf King, running on the flesh and blood of this creature, and at the same time releasing a large amount of flames, at least the earthworms rolling around.

There is also a huge eyeball, and weird earthworms that can emit amazing rays emerge in endlessly. As if it were impossible to kill, Pei Junlin didn't know that he had killed and injured tens of millions along the way, but gradually, he suddenly had an absurd idea. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Although these earthworms look disgusting on the surface, they are also flesh and blood creatures, and they contain amazing vitality. Why not capture a large number of such needs and introduce them into the soul umbrella for those gods to swallow, or simply kill three thousand All the Mandu Demons were released, allowing them to forage freely.

If it were before, Pei Junlin would naturally not dare to release these heavenly demons casually, but now it is different, this soul umbrella has evolved to an incredible level, exuding golden light, and each head is imprisoned in the soul umbrella. The demons were branded.

I am that once these demon of the previous days leave the primordial soul umbrella, they will never be able to return. After all, they have the consciousness of autonomy and will soon escape.

But now it's different. These heavenly demons are all stamped, unable to leave the Soul Umbrella too far away, and once they leave, they will automatically become fly ash.

In the face of this inexhaustible earthworm, Pei Junlin has no good way. Moreover, at the moment he understands, without a large amount of pill supplements, without legal supplements, Pei Junlin will soon be exhausted. Mana.

At that time, endless earthworms will surround them, and they will gather together to release rays.

So at this time Pei Junlin must make this difficult decision, but this decision is not easy to make. Competitively, once the 30 million demon heads are released, it means that the entire planet will be scrapped, and almost all the lives on it will be swallowed.

Not only that, even the body of this flesh and blood planet may be invaded by the demon. Once this behemoth is awakened, Pei Junlin will probably lose the opportunity to escape here.

Releasing the demon is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, and not wanting the demon is tantamount to sitting and waiting for death. It is difficult for Pei Junlin to make this dilemma. ?

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