Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1590: Planet recovery

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But in the end Pei Junlin still sacrificed the Soul Umbrella, and at the moment the golden Soul Umbrella appeared, eight portals appeared around the Soul Umbrella.

Groups of black fog flew out from the soul umbrella, and each fog group represented a powerful mutant demon. These demon did not launch an attack on Pei Junlin. After all, Pei Junlin was the master of the Soul Umbrella. Although these demon were powerful, they did not dare to have any disrespect towards Pei Junlin.

But the endless earthworms around them became the snacks of these heavenly demons. After all, the heavenly demons were imprisoned in the Soul Umbrella and had become starving ghosts. Seeing these living creatures, they suddenly rushed forward.

Like 30 million locusts, almost instantaneously with Pei Junlin as the origin, all the earthworms in a radius of hundreds of kilometers were sucked and shriveled in the blink of an eye, becoming an earthworm lying on the ground.

Moreover, this range is constantly expanding, and the entire planet is swept over. Pei Junlin doesn't know how many such weird earthworms there are on this planet, but he can feel that the strength of the entire Soul Umbrella is rapidly increasing.

The current Primordial Soul Umbrella is 30 million Heavenly Demons, and those 30 million Throwing Heavenly Demons have become part of the Primordial Soul Umbrella. These Heavenly Demons have devoured a lot of effort and are constantly strengthening themselves. At the same time, the Primordial Soul Umbrella Naturally, the strength of the country is also rising.

The flesh and blood storm with 30 million heads far exceeded Pei Junlin's imagination, and the greedy appearance of these demon made Pei Junlin's hair stand up.

Just like the snake swallowing elephant, the heavenly demons are already greedy to that extent, and the endless devouring seems to have an endless thirst for blood. Before, Pei Junlin fed all the family background to these heavenly demons, but it took less than half a day. In the past, these celestial demons began to devour a large number of them again.

It was in the midair that Pei Junlin also saw that a few heavenly demons were devouring and fighting each other. Obviously, devouring these earthworms was not enough to satisfy the greedy desires of these heavenly demons, and they actually attacked the same kind.

"Master, once these demons go out, it is difficult for me to restrain their behavior." There was a somewhat worried look on Lao Wu's face.

Although Lao Wu is the spirit of the Primordial Soul Umbrella, he is also a demon-level demon. Lao Wu didn't have any interest in these low-level blood. These earthworms couldn't lift Lao Wu any greedy desires, so Lao Wu was far more calm than those low-level demons.

"I'm afraid that they will take action against this terrifying existence under our feet. Once he is disturbed, none of us will want to leave here alive." Pei Junlin was worried, but somewhat helpless.

When releasing these demon all the time, Pei Junlin knew that this matter was difficult to control, but he had nothing to do. If he did not release these demon, then the endless earthworms would devour it alive.

At least these gods have been released, and there is still a glimmer of hope of winning. Now in Pei Junlin’s heart, after these 30 million gods have swallowed endless earthworms, they will grow stronger than ever, and then the soul umbrella will not know that it will be tough enough. What point.

If the ten-layer formation can be solved, it may be able to resist the behemoth of this flesh and blood planet. But it is also possible. After all, the body is as huge as a planet. Pei Junlin has never seen or heard of it. Even the exquisite fairy in the previous life has never heard of such horrible things.

Pei Junlin wasn't sure, to what extent could this creature with a huge body like a planet be so powerful? Is it someone whose strength is comparable to that of a great emperor?

When Pei Junlin stood in place and was full of panic, suddenly the earth began to tremble and a terrifying aura seemed to recover from his sleep.

Pei Junlin showed a look of despair in his eyes at this moment, because the most worried thing finally happened. These greedy demon finally stretched their sinful hands to this end, a creature with a huge body like a planet.

In the midair, Pei Junlin could feel the interlaced light and shadow flickering, as if the entire planet suddenly appeared on the surface of a continuously rotating saw blade.

These blades are all composed of spiritual power, and are as sharp as a steel blade. When encountering these powerful spiritual powers, some demons will be cut off instantly.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that the 30 million demon heads would develop in this direction. He lost millions in a blink of an eye. Pei Junlin's heart was bleeding when he saw this scene.

However, after these heavenly demons are cut off, they will definitely not die immediately. After all, the heavenly demons are invisible, but these spiritual blades are extremely lethal to the heavenly demons.

These constantly crisscrossing sharp blades are not cast by actual steel, but by mental power. These blades of mental power are extremely lethal to the devil.

Just looking at the demon in the blink of an eye, the body was cut open, and howls in the air. These demon will not die soon after being cut, but will slowly wither like a flower, and finally emit Pure spiritual power without consciousness at all.

However, when these demon are injured, they will not be rescued by their companions, but will be ruthlessly swallowed. A large number of heavenly demons were constantly being swallowed up, and in the blink of an eye of 30 million, there were only 20 million leftovers, and they were shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Pei Junlin's heart is dripping blood. You must know that the strength of the Soul Umbrella is very large, and part of it is supported by these days. If the number of heaven demons shrinks sharply, the power of the Soul Umbrella will also be greatly reduced.

Life has become a problem now, where Pei Junlin can manage this matter. The soul umbrella he wanted to control quickly used these heavenly dragons, monsters, and dragon balls, but the heavenly demons were greedy by nature. A look of fear.

On the contrary, these celestial demons were constantly drifting in the air, and after the waiting companion was damaged, they immediately rushed to bite and swallow.

Among them, 30 million gods swallowed each other, leaving only 3 million, and the number had shrunk by 90%.

Pei Junlin's distressed heart is dripping blood, but he also knows that this is a good thing. Thirty million heavenly monsters become three million, but the power of three million heavenly monsters far exceeds the power of the previous 30 million heavenly monsters.

The so-called concentration is the essence. The power of these demon is far beyond Pei Junlin's imagination, but at this time these demon are suffering a fatal crisis, because the spiritual blades around them have become sharper and denser.

Although the demon is cunning and greedy, they are also extremely clever, and they naturally know the truth of protecting oneself, so at this time these demon do not need to be summoned by Pei Junlin at all, and actively return to the soul umbrella.

The surrounding air is filled with layers of sharp blades like flowers. With Pei Junlin as the core, countless petals are formed. These petals are completely composed of spiritual power, and they are continuously rotating and cutting around to surround Pei Junlin in the core.

But when Pei Junlin took a step out, he would be cut into powder by these petal-like blades in an instant. Pei Junlin had seen the sharpness of these blades before, and they were completely composed of mental power. They were extremely lethal, and it was difficult for even the top-level demon to stop them.

At this time, Pei Junlin stood in place and watched the endless emergence around him. The blades like monster fangs were not too nervous, because he felt that these blades didn't seem to mean to attack him, because although these islands were sharp and terrifying, they didn't have any. murderous look.

In other words, the life bodies in this planet seemed to have no intention of killing themselves, so Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, there is a cavity in the core of the planet. In the huge cavity, black pipes are like human blood vessels. These blood vessels are woven into a huge king. At the core of this king, there is a human disk. Sit there.

A huge blood vessel extends from the back of the entire human race, which is connected to countless network pipes on the entire planet. The closed eyes of this human being gradually opened An astonishing light was revealed from his eyes.

It seemed that everything that happened outside could not escape his eyes, and it was this person's idea that Pei Junlin was trapped there at this time.

"After so many years, I finally came to such a person, his luck is amazing, and he is not an aboriginal from this world. Is it really God who cares for me, wanting me to get out of here?" The strange man murmured.

This weird man has a beard all over his face, and his beard is at least ten meters long. It seems that he has been trapped here for countless years, and his eyes are filled with the light of death, but at this time the light of death is slowly splitting, revealing an extremely strong hope.

Pei Junlin stood with the huge blade turned into the core, looking at the endlessly cutting mental power blades of the dead pigs.

But at this moment, under his feet, an extremely deep cave appeared. The surroundings of the cave were constantly squirming, as if a hole suddenly appeared in the flesh and blood.

Without any signs, Pei Junlin's body began to fall. He stretched out his hand to open the Soul Umbrella, and a cloud of brilliance shrouded Pei Junlin's whole body completely.

But Junlin Pei didn't want to break free from this quagmire of flesh and blood, because he wanted to see, what exactly was this creature's original face? Why does the other party have no intention of killing him?

Only when you understand your opponent can you walk out of this planet alive, and the forcible struggle can only anger this mysterious creature, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

As his body continued to fall, Pei Junlin gradually saw a mass of brilliance, as if he had come to the inside of a huge eggshell. The inside of the eggshell had a warm temperature, and the air revealed a fragrance like mushrooms. ?

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