Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1602: Protoss

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"By the way, how is the fusion of the demon marks in the gate of hell? How can we get out of here?" Pei Junlin looked expectantly at Lord Jin.

As long as there is Lord Jin, Pei Junlin always doesn't bother to think about it, and habitually throws these questions to Lord Jin.

"You said that an ancient mysterious power trapped you here. If you want to leave here, of course, you have to find the source of this ancient mysterious power and get to the bottom." Jin Ye naturally shook his head.

Regarding the question of the fusion of the gate of **** and the devil's mark, tonight brought Pei Junlin a disappointing answer, that is, the gate of **** and the devil's mark, it may not be finally merged, all the good visions before will all become Dream bubbles.

But this time when he heard the disappointing news, Pei Junlin did not fluctuate too much in his heart. After all, his life and death are now a problem, so he can take care of these things.

Moreover, he got the planet of flesh and blood, which was a top-notch thing, far surpassed because of the negative emotions brought by the mark of the devil.

"By the way, have you ever heard of anyone who can drop a piece of flesh and blood from their body, and they can directly increase in value and become an existence as large as a planet. The entire planet is like a huge mass of flesh and blood, possessing the most Basic consciousness, but not high intelligence." Pei Junlin tried to describe Jin Ye as detailed and accurate.

Jin Ye didn't listen. Just after hearing that Pei Junlin had finished speaking, he looked at Pei Junlin in surprise. After watching it for a long time, Pei Junlin couldn't help it.

"Yes, this piece of flesh and blood was discovered by me, and it was merged in by me with an external avatar." Pei Junlin saw that Lord Jin had been staring at him, staring at her all over her hair, and finally did not confess everything. Speak up.

I thought that Lord Jin would appreciate Youjia when he heard the news, or share the joy with myself, but I didn't know that Lord Jin frowned slightly after hearing the news, and then lost his face in shock.

Pei Junlin has been paying attention to Jin Ye’s reaction. When he saw that Jin Ye’s series of reactions were not deliberate, Pei Junlin’s heart was also a little panicked. Is it possible that he has done a wrong fusion of that flesh and blood planet? What kind of danger is there?

"If I hadn't guessed, this protoss should drink once. An immortal fought here, and eventually the immortal was wounded and escaped, and this protoss fell into a deep sleep." Jin Ye frowned and speculated.

Speaking of this, the answer is already obvious. The person who left the flesh and blood was an immortal...

Pei Junlin patted his head vigorously. In fact, he should have thought of this long ago. There are only immortals in this world, such a powerful cultivator, and only a piece of blood falling into the stars can slowly grow into one. A flesh and blood planet as big as a planet...

"If the immortal dies, the flesh and blood he left behind will slowly wither, but now that planet is continuously increasing in value, it means that the immortal who fought again that year did not die, and is still intact. Alive. Do you think you can dig a piece of flesh from the fairy for your own possession?" Jin Ye stared at Pei Junlin with a weird look.

Pei Junlin was hairy, he finally understood why Jin Ye was worried...

Judging from the Mars of that flesh and blood planet, neither of the two people who fought in this battle died. One side regarded it as a **** clan and fell into a deep sleep, and the other side was the immortal, I am afraid that he had already escaped to the immortal world.

If a piece of meat remains in this world, the immortal will come here sooner or later to retrieve his flesh and blood, which is a great threat to Pei Junlin.

It is equivalent to saying that he refines a part of the fairy body into his external incarnation, so sooner or later the fairy will come to the door to counterattack, or even be directly punishable by liquidation.

A piece of immortal flesh and blood is indeed extremely powerful, refining and transforming into an external incarnation, capable of displaying incredible magical powers. In a short period of time, this is something that makes everyone jealous, but after a long time, it is self-defeating. This is what Jin Ye can see through at a glance.

Pei Junlin felt that he was a little tall and funny, and he even described the matter as offering a treasure to the Lord Jin before, but he didn't know that he had caused such a big oolong.

"But don’t worry too much. This fairy’s flesh and blood has grown to this day. The large-scale show that the fairy has not freed up his hands. He said that this area took his flesh and blood. In a short time, you are There won't be any danger." You also see that Pei Junlin's face is pale, and he can't bear to speak comfortably.

Pei Junlin reluctantly calmed himself down. If this matter is not resolved, everything else will be vain.

"Then why do you say that this protoss wants to stay here? Is he asking for help? She has been asleep for so long, I am afraid that she doesn't want to fall asleep again. Keeping me here should be something on my body that can help She woke up, or to help him recover from the injury." After thinking about it, Pei Junlin slowly calmed down and began to analyze.

Lord Jin nodded: "The answer is like this. This deep place should be falling into a deep sleep and cannot wake up temporarily. He wants to ask you for help to help him wake up from the deep sleep, but he only wakes up A small part of the will is not enough to communicate with you."

After the answer came out, the two of them went through some planning and agreed that only by entering the body of the Protoss, they might be able to find a chance to communicate with each other.

The huge devil's claws were burned in the furnace by Pei Junlin, and the huge furnace also shocked Jin Ye. Before the furnace, it was the treasure Pei Junlin got from the fairy house. Find out what is the use of this thing.

However, during the past few years, Pei Junlin has been too idle, so Pei Junlin took out this treasure, and slowly studied it, and Pei Junlin discovered a strange secret.

This day furnace has a function, it is used to refine alchemy but to refine tools. There is no flame in my Heavenly Furnace. To practice Qi, I must use the mysterious blue flame on Pei Junlin's body.

And the will of the devil remained on the claws of the demon god, after so many years of refining and calcining, more than half of the will of the demon **** remained.

The claws of the demon **** kept ups and downs in the flames, coupled with the various injections that were constantly rotating in the furnace this day, it turned out to be refined, and the golden master was dumbfounded.

"Are you refining the best spirit treasure or refining a holy weapon? This devil's claw has been practiced to such an extent by you. It's really amazing. I really underestimated you before." Jin Ye looked at Pei with astonishment. King's Landing.

In the next few days, Pei Junlin and Jin Ye were both discussing how to continue refining the Demon God's Claws. In addition, entering this statue, the inside of the Protoss's body has also been on the agenda, stretching out the head is also a knife and a knife. If you want to leave the body of this Protoss alive, you must communicate with this Protoss.

Either help him fulfill his wish, or ask him to let him go. In short, there must be a break.

With the addition of Lord Jin, the progress of refining the Demon God's Claw has greatly increased. In the blink of an eye, another fifty years have passed, and the chain of the Demon God's Claw is nearing its end.

At this time, it was Lord Jin who was standing in front of the furnace and making handprints, while Pei Junlin on the other side was caught in cultivation. There was a white candle suspended in front of him, and the flame on the candle was also extremely strange.

Pei Junlin has been sitting under this tree like this for a full ten years. In these ten years, Pei Junlin has never awakened at all. It seems that he has fallen into a deep sleep. His spiritual consciousness has been refining this branch repeatedly. candle.

According to Yanlong's statement at the time, this candle and Pei Junlin's mysterious earthenware had the same origin, but after Pei Junlin's numerous explorations, he could never discover the role of this mysterious candle.

The Yanlong died too hastily, which angered Pei Junlin and did not leave him any chance of survival. This also made Pei Junlin completely lost the opportunity to ask about the purpose of this candle. Since the death of Yanlong, Pei King's Landing almost forgot this candle.

However, according to Jin Ye, the final process of the Demon's Claw, the success or failure is entirely on this candle.

If Pei Junlin can finally put the secret wood of this candle, then the final few tasks of the battle of the devil will be successfully completed. If the secret of the battle cannot be realized, then the claw of the devil will be difficult to succeed.

Holy artifacts can't be refined casually. According to Jin Ye, even in ancient times, sacred artifacts are extremely rare. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

The birth of a sacred instrument often represents the re-brewing of certain rules in this world. The saint’s preaching and enlightening the world are itself the rules of refining to supplement the heavens. Therefore, the sacred instruments are linked to the heavens, and there are many principles of the great.

For ten years, Pei Junlin served without eating or drinking. Sitting here is for the enlightened person. The secret of the candle is also suspended in the mysterious earthen jar above his head. The gray breath is connected with the flame of the candle, but This scene has never changed a point.

Everything was like a pool of stagnant water, and the breakthrough seemed to be indefinitely. On this day, Pei Junlin suddenly opened his eyes.

He seemed to have understood the truth, and he didn't seem to understand anything. He stared at the candle, and the whole person seemed to fall into a dream state.

Where did this candle and crock come from? Pei Junlin seems to know it, because he has been communicating with the mysterious earthen jar with the weak consciousness in this candle over the years.

Pei Junlin discovered that the earthen jar or the mysterious candle was not unconscious. They also had a weak consciousness. It was just ordinary people, and it was difficult to connect or even communicate with this weak consciousness.

It is difficult for Pei Junlin to communicate with these things, and it often takes several years to say a word. In simple terms, it takes even a year for a word to be expressed clearly.

But after spending such a long time, Pei Junlin finally figured out one of the most basic things, that is whether this mysterious earthen jar or this gray candle comes from a mysterious place, that place does not belong to the immortal world, nor Belongs to this great world, not even this Sanqing plane.

When communicating with the spirits of these two things, Pei Junlin kept hearing the words Forbidden Land and Unknowable Land repeatedly. ?

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