Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1603: Unknowable place

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Unknowable, what is the unknowable place?

Pei Junlin murmured and repeated his eyes, revealing a trace of confusion.

There was a cold current in the starry sky, and this area was divided into a world of ice and snow. At this time, Pei Junlin seemed to be an ice sculpture, and even his beard and eyebrows had been frozen. If he didn't move, the whole person would be an ice sculpture.

And even in this freezing season, the candle in Pei Junlin's hand still didn't go out, but the flame was very stable, being blown by the strong wind, it didn't even flutter.

Unknowable place, Pei Junlin kept repeating this word in his mind. If you want to unlock this mysterious earthen jar, or even the secret of the candle, you must figure out what the unknowable place is.

In order to forge this sacred artifact, Pei Junlin worked hard and struggled with his head. It's a pity that in the end he still hadn't figured out the secrets of the earthen jar and the candle. The forging of the demon's claw was only the last step, but it fell short.

With the Claws of the Demon God, this trip to the inside of the giant's body will inevitably be safer. Without the Claws of the Demon God, it will only make people a little bit disappointed.

All the efforts have not been abandoned, because in this mode, although there is no anger in the end, it has also become a top-quality Lingbao.

The material of this demon's claw itself is very sky-defying, and the attack power is very amazing, coupled with the fusion of more materials in the supporting role, the attack power of this demon's claw is extremely amazing.

The Demon God's Claw, which is different from the offensive and defensive demon spear of the mixed world, is specially created for attack, and this attack is not entirely a physical attack, but purely with a trace of spiritual influence.

How to reach out the paw on Pei Junlin's field is like a pitch-black glove, it looks plain and ordinary, but suddenly a mountain will be cut off directly.

Moreover, this devil's claw is especially useful for masters, especially the powerhouse of the demigod level. It is estimated that every face of Pei Junlin's devil's claw will be destroyed.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, even a cultivator like Pei Junlin can't withstand such a temperature. This area has no idea what happened.

According to Jin Ye's judgment, this should not be the climate here. It is probably because of the distortion of time and space here that Heavenly Dao punished this part of the area.

The way of the sky is more than damaged and makes up for the deficiency. The artificially distorted time and space of the years will be backlashed by the way of heaven, but the vast snow and extreme low temperature are one of the rules of punishment of the way of heaven.

The absolute status is enough to destroy everything, even a top cultivator like Pei Junlin can only maintain a thin body temperature.

The scents of birds and flowers on this one no longer exist, completely transformed into a vast patient, without any breath of life.

At this time, after careful discussion, Pei Junlin and Jin Ye decided to embark on the road ahead. If you want to leave here, you must complete an agreement with this ancient god, that is, the descendants of the ancient god.

The journey went smoothly. All the mosquitoes were invisible before, and most of them were frozen to death in the ice and snow. Pei Junlin took Jin Ye all the way unimpeded and directly entered the descendants of the gods, the body of the gods internal.

His two nostrils are like two bottomless tunnels, and Pei Junlin can directly enter the body of the **** race through his nostrils and even his ears.

After entering the body of the Protoss, Junlin Pei realized that there was a cave in it, and there were a large number of creatures taking refuge here.

The inside of the body of the Protoss is like a Noah's Ark. Almost all the creatures have hidden inside his body. Here, Pei Junlin, there is even an area where those terrifying big mosquitoes have been seen before.

Just entering this area, as expected, in Pei Junlin's divine sense, he knew a piece of information, it seems that this protoss is trying to communicate with Pei Junlin.

After going further, Pei Junlin quickly understood the meaning of the weak consciousness of this protoss. He was to bring Pei Junlin closer to his brain. Only in that area could his spirit be active enough to communicate with humans.

So Jun Pei continued to walk in his body non-stop following the guidance of the gods.

Soon Pei Junlin reached an area without any life, because this should be a forbidden area inside the Protoss body, and it may be difficult for other creatures to set foot in this area.

After half a month, Pei Junlin reached the brain of the gods.

"Outsiders, hello." A voice came into Pei Junlin's ears for no apparent reason, sounding gentle.

Immediately afterwards, a hazy phantom appeared in front of Pei Junlin. This is a man who looks more than 30 years old, with a vertical eye growing between his brows. He looks extremely handsome and magnificent.

Pei Junlin carefully looked at the need in front of him. He had reason to believe that the handsome man in front of him should be the spiritual projection of that protoss, perhaps just what it was.

"Don't have any doubts, I am like this. Now this huge body is indeed what our Protoss originally looked like, but we will not use such a huge body when we visit the venue." The man looked at Pei Junlin and explained patiently Said.

Maybe it was the language problem that made the communication a little bit unsmooth, and Pei Junlin even felt that he didn't understand the meaning of the other party's words, and was a little bit slurred.

"I mean, our protoss only expands infinitely after being injured. Because there is not enough energy density to restrain the tissues and cells in the body, the gap between them will be enlarged infinitely." The protoss man saw Pei Junlin's face became more puzzled, and quickly continued to explain.

This time it was very popular, and Pei Junlin understood it without much effort. Only then did he realize that not every protoss person was as big as a planet, which was too exaggerated.

According to the man in front of her, she has a name called Jing Kun.

It was he who fought against an immortal in this area, but in the end, the game was lost to the opponent. After being conspired by the opponent, he fell into a deep sleep.

But before Pei Junlin fell asleep, this Jing Kun was not so easy to provoke, and when he was about to lose consciousness, he hit with all his strength, and the immortal was seriously injured.

With Jing Kun uncovering the mystery of the year, everything came to life, as if appearing in front of his own eyes, Pei Junlin discovered that the previous speculations were completely correct.

"Was that immortal you knocked out a piece of meat back then?" Pei Junlin said curiously, looking at Jing Kun in front of him.

Hearing Pei Junlin ask such a weird question, even though he seemed a little confused, he almost thought about it for a long time before he nodded and said: "The fighting back then was fierce, and something like this would indeed happen."

The two talked a lot. Pei Junlin was almost like a curious baby. He brought up all the questions in his mind, but Shangkun had a very good temper. As long as Pei Junlin asked questions he would answer patiently, not at all. Ti Pei Junlin, how to help him.

"Brother Jingkun, I know that the mysterious power you used to have deliberately left me in this area. What is it that you asked me to do it for you? If I can help you, I must Willing to take action." At the end, Pei Junlin felt embarrassed.

In Jingkun, it was an ancient protoss, and its identity was not unusual. And Pei Junlin was willing to help the other party because he wanted to leave this area. If Jing Kun didn't get out of trouble, it would be difficult for him to leave this area.

"The previous gravity was indeed released by me, but it was not that I deliberately imprisoned you in this area. I have always been sorry for you. I will say sorry to you here." Jing Kun finished this. After speaking, he even politely held his fist towards Pei Junlin.

At this moment, Pei Junlin was a little confused, what exactly did Jing Kun mean? Why is he speaking so contradictory? So did he let himself stay here?

Although Jing Kun is a bit gentle, he is gentle, UU reading www. Sometimes will not explain things that can be said clearly in one sentence.

It clearly said that the gravitational force was released by it, but it was not that he deliberately, what does this mean? Pei Junlin was in a hurry.

"Big Brother Jingkun, what do you mean? Didn't you ask me when you brought me here?" Pei Junlin's heart was a little impatient, but his face still maintained basic politeness.

After all, Jingkun is not an ordinary person. It is a figure far beyond the emperor level. It can even fight against immortals without losing the wind. This kind of fierce and ruthless person is very gentle now, but Pei Junlin still refuses. Go out brow easily.

It is often said that Huluo Pingyang was bullied by a dog. Although Jing Kun is now weak enough to have only this projection of consciousness, Pei Junlin still dare not make a mistake.

"During the period of time when I was in a coma, in fact, another consciousness developed in my body, and everything can be born in a long time." Jing Kun said quietly, completely solving Pei Junlin's doubts.

In the area where Pei Junlin was confined, the person who prevented Pei Junlin from leaving was not Jing Kun, but someone else or another Jing Kun.

Hearing what Jing Kun said, Pei Junlin was completely shocked. This Jing Kun was clearly still alive, why did his body produce another consciousness? Is it schizophrenia?

"My time is running out. Soon, the other one will come to you. He is very likely to be against you. Remember, don’t cooperate with all of his actions at that time. If not, it’s not just you. To fall into a dead end, even I will suffer along with me." Jing Kun's expression has always been gentle and elegant, but at this time a trace of anger showed on his face.

"Big Brother Jing Kun, what do you say?" Pei Junlin was also a little worried. ?

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