Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1706: Meet the master

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The magnificent decoration inside the flying horse was extremely luxurious, Pei Junlin found a wide chair and sat down, glanced around a little, his eyes showed a look of wonder.

Pei Junlin is a master of formation, but for Master Baoyu only relying on the knowledge of the formation and using some organs to create such a device, Pei Junlin was shocked.

However, there are some things Pei Junlin still feels that this master of precious jade is probably limited by his vision. There was rapid development of science and technology on the earth. Although people do not understand the formations and runes, they still make use of gasoline and fossil energy. Many sophisticated instruments.

In contrast, although the flying horse made by Master Baoyu is very delicate, it is far behind the precision machines that Pei Junlin has seen.

"How is it? Mr. Pei, this master Baoyu is the trump card of our Sky Dragon City. It is a figure of the national treasure level. The things he makes are very popular in the entire star field or hundreds of star fields." The monk respectfully respected Walked in and said very proudly.

Although Pei Junlin admired Master Baoyu very much, but didn't want to be an echo bug, so he nodded slightly without saying anything.

It indicates that Master Baoyu has many directions. His genius talent is simply an undisguised edge, but there are some unsatisfactory places Pei Junlin, it is not convenient to say, and can only hold back.

The two are also human beings. Seeing Pei Junlin inconvenience to speak, a look of surprise appeared in their eyes. After all, they were born and raised in the Celestial City, and respected Master Baoyu. "Now that Pei Junlin is quite disrespectful to Master Baoyu in his heart, his heart is also a little shocked, and even a little doubtful.

One of the monks manipulated it slightly, and the entire flying horse began to slowly rise into the air, and then turned into a stream of light. Pei Junlin only felt a few breathing flying horses land in a vast courtyard.

Just walking out of the Flying Horse Pei Junlin, he saw General Kamo waiting for him below, and Pei Junlin hurriedly jumped down.

Seeing the formation below made Pei Junlin flattered, General Camo, dressed in military uniform, brought a dozen subordinates to greet him in person.

Before entering Pei Junlin, he heard the hearty laugh of General Camo.

"Junlin Pei is really worthy of you. I met in a peaceful water. I didn't expect that my little life would be saved by you in the end." General Camo did not shy away.

A group of his subordinates knelt on one knee towards Pei Junlin.

Seeing this neat scene, Pei Junlin was stunned. Along with General Camo's subordinates knelt down on one knee, the other monks in the yard also followed suit. They knelt down on one knee and bowed to Pei Junlin. For a time, the entire courtyard was filled with turmoil.

Pei Junlin saw these high-ranking monks kneel down on one knee, performing the highest etiquette, and he was a little shocked. He didn't expect that he would accidentally do such a earth-shattering event. Obviously General Camo was here. In these people's minds, it is a god-like existence, otherwise these monks will maintain their dignity and faith in General Camo.

"Everyone, please come up, you have broken me, how can He De receive such a big gift from you in Xia." Pei Junlin quickly arched his hands toward the middle and surrounding areas.

Soon Pei Junlin was invited into the hall by General Kamo, and the two sat opposite each other.

Like the last time I met, General Camo had just gone through jail, but his military appearance was neat and he looked vigorous, and his eyes were sharp as eagles.

"Your brother, I am able to escape the catastrophe this time, and I really rely on you completely. If it were not for you, I am afraid that I am now in a different place." General Camo replayed the old tune, expressing his gratitude to Pei Junlin.

"General Camo, please don't say that. You can regain power this time. In fact, I only took a small part of the credit. The Red Jade Girl and Marshal Silver Fox are the ones who really saved you. I dare not take credit for it. ." Pei Junlin waved his hand and said.

General Camo just laughed without saying a word. He did not refute Pei Junlin. Instead, he turned away and said to Pei Junlin in a low voice: "The Marshal has already told you, I am the descendant of the Ghost Eyes clan, look. People are extremely accurate, and you are born to look angry. Your luck is extremely strong, and there is a faint fit with this crisis. According to my calculations, the overall situation of the entire star field or the entire demonic invasion is maintained with you Being closely related together will also be the savior to save hundreds of billions of people."

Pei Junlin pretended to listen carefully, but in fact, for what General Kamo said, these things were vain, and Pei Junlin was only half-believing.

"General Camo, please don't say that. Doesn't this mean putting me on fire? If this news spreads, won't I become the target of Demon Race assassination?" Pei Junlin shook his head.

Hearing Pei Junlin say this, General Camo laughed and nodded again and again: "You are not bad, but it depends on how you say it. I only talked to the marshal about this matter."

"I am just a wanderer in the starry sky. I have seen too many disasters. If this starry sky requires me to give my own strength, then I believe I have done my own share. So I want to find opportunities Leave this area and return to Tianyun to meet as soon as possible, because there are people I miss over there." Pei Junlin said in a tactful tone.

Hearing what Pei Junlin said, General Camo sighed openly, rubbing his hands against each other, and his face was helpless: "There is a certain number in the world, and maybe that vague and unpredictable fate will be anytime, anywhere. Changes have taken place, so if you want to leave, I won’t be forced to stay, and if you need any help, you can tell me directly, as long as I can do my best."

Hearing the words of General Camo, Pei Junlin was very moved. The hearty character of General Camo was one of the reasons Pei Junlin insisted on saving him this time.

Love at first sight between men and women, in fact, the sympathy between men and men is similar to love at first sight between men and women. Although Pei Junlin and General Camo don’t have much contact, the friendship between the two is already known. Bright.

"The generals don’t need to worry about anything else. This star field has been smashed by the demons. I believe that the generals are busy with military affairs and have no time to deal with other complicated and messy things, but there is a small matter that requires the generals a little bit. Take care, that is, when I leave, I want to visit Master Baoyu." Pei Junlin stood up and arched his hand towards General Camo.

When Pei Junlin said this, General Camo was taken aback for a moment, and then he let out a hearty laugh: "If it's something else, I really can't do it. If you want to meet Master Baoyu , Then you really found the right person. This Master Baoyu is hard for ordinary people to see. Even if the lord of the Celestial City wants to see him, it would be even more difficult. But for me, this matter It's very simple."

Pei Junlin couldn't understand what he heard. He didn't know why General Camo said this. It was even harder for the lord of the Celestial City to see him. Master Baoyu was even more difficult for him. Master Baoyu's airs were really big.

"Don't think I'm bragging, because this Baoyu is my sister at all." General Camo laughed, his face full of triumph.

Pei Junlin was stunned. He had never heard anyone mention that there is such a relationship between Master Baoyu and General Kamo, and I am afraid that Hongyu didn't even know it.

"Don't be surprised, my sister? Never let me tell outsiders about the relationship between me and him, but you are not an outsider, brother, you want to see him, then come with me, I will take Go over to see him." General Camo took Pei Junlin heartily and re-boarded the flying horse.

Pei Junlin was surprised when he heard that Master Baoyu turned out to be a woman. According to his previous guess, he could create such an exquisite mechanical puppet. It should be a great man. He did not expect it to be such a young woman. .

It’s just that beautiful women generally rarely have the patience to delve into this kind of thing. Pei Junlin guessed in his heart that Master Baoyu, UU reading should be a shameless woman, right?

"What's wrong? I'm looking forward to it. I can tell you my little girl, but I have never been married, nor have I sneered at any man. Brother, if you are interested in my girl, I can help you." General Camo Haha smiled, stretched out his hand and patted Pei Junlin's shoulder twice.

Pei Junlin was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that General Camo would be so lively and joking after removing the monstrous appearance of the monk army.

Hearing General Camo joking like this, Pei Junlin had no choice but to refuse. This day, it landed quickly and landed in an exquisite courtyard. Pei Junlin discovered that this place was far away from the city of Heavenly Kings, and on a small mountain outside the city, where the scenery was beautiful and the feng shui was excellent.

According to Pei Junlin's observation, the pattern here is a pattern of Jiulong flowing out of water. According to Feng Shui, the Feng Shui here is simply wonderful.

Fei Tianma landed in a delicate yard. Pei Junlin saw that there was no one in the yard. He and General Camo stepped out and stood on the ground, only to find that two girls were coming.

Moreover, the two girls saw Pei Junlin and General Kamo as if they hadn't seen them, and walked past them directly, looking panicked as if they were extremely hurried.

"Don’t be offended, my sister, my sister has such a personality, and the people around him are also like this. Every day is busy, and all energy is wasted. In these wonderful skills, the cultivation is wasteful, even I have never found a Taoist couple who is looking for a dual cultivation." General Camo said while guiding the way for Pei Junlin.

Just before General Camo's words fell, a voice that sounded extremely gentle, suddenly came over, Pei Junlin and General Camo both turned their heads. ?

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