Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1707: Incarnation of wisdom

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Pei Junlin saw a woman in a red cloak standing among the flowers. The moment he saw the girl, even if Jun Pei was in Vietnam, the stunning beauty in the world could not help but was slightly stunned.

The girl's appearance is actually not beautiful, at most it belongs to the top color and Yun Yao's top beauties. There is a certain level, but the temperament of this woman is superb, Pei Junlin has never seen it.

Especially the powerful aura made Pei Junlin feel inferior. The woman's eyes seemed to be as deep as the sea of ​​stars in the universe. Just standing there gave Pei Junlin a feeling of being seen through.

What is wisdom?

When he saw this Master Baoyu, Pei Junlin knew that the true wisdom was in front of him. This woman was the embodiment of wisdom, and the whole person was like a pair of exquisite seven orifices.

"Big brother is not allowed to speak bad words behind me." The girl shook her finger at General Camo.

Pei Junlin saw the girl holding a simple water bottle in her hand, which turned out to be watering flowers.

General Camo was a little embarrassed, handed over Pei Junlin with one hand, pointed at Pei Junlin and said: "Look at who I brought you today. This is the little brother I admire most."

Sure enough, it was a sturdy style card. General Mo just missed the word blind date, and between the lines expressed the feeling that Pei Junlin and his sister knew each other.

Pei Junlin has a thick face, and has stabilized his emotions at this time. Standing there does not appear a bit abrupt and embarrassing. He smiled faintly at Master Baoyu and said, "Here is just a wanderer in the starry sky. I admire your name. Visit, hope it won't be abrupt."

Master Baoyu nodded slightly towards Pei Junlin, and groaned towards General Kamo: "Brother, I heard that you had an accident this time. It should be this Mr. Pei who rescued you. Hurry up and invite people to the house. My tea will be ready soon."

At this moment, General Camo coughed violently, got anxious eyes at Pei Jun, turned around and walked, stepped into the flying horse, and flew high in the sky in a blink of an eye, disappearing. Only Pei Junlin stood in place with a dull expression in embarrassment.

He didn't expect that General Camo would leave without even saying hello to hang himself here. What does it mean?

There was a chuckle in the ear. It turned out to be the laughter of Master Baoyu. Before Pei Junlin was killed, he never thought that the famous Baoyu Ambassador was actually a beautiful woman like a flower.

"Sir, please." Master Baoyu stood among the flowers and waved towards Pei Junlin, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a little different meaning.

Pei Junlin felt a little bit, looking at the road in front of him, his brows wrinkled slightly, because the road in front of him was not easy, it was an extremely weird formation. If you couldn't break this formation, then step into it, or say Stepping into this flower bush is equivalent to falling into a fascination formation.

Don't say it is going to drink tea, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out after seven days and nights in it.

Pei Junlin knew that this was the test of Master Baoyu, and if he could not break through this formation, there was a high probability that he would not be qualified to be a guest of Master Baoyu.

Pei Junlin pretended not to know that he stepped into the formation in one step, and the steel had already entered the formation. Pei Jun was at the first level, and he felt the surrounding scenery changed drastically. The whole thing became a sea of ​​flowers, and Pei Junlin stood among the flowers.

There is a vast sea of ​​flowers everywhere, and the flowers are next to the flowers, colorful and colorful, it is really a sea of ​​flowers.

Pei Junlin sighed in his heart, this master Baoyu is indeed a woman, who loves flowers so much, even if the formation is so wonderful.

However, Pei Junlin has already said that the changes in this formation have been counted to the extreme. In fact, there are ninety-nine or eighty-one changes implied by this formation. Each of the eighty-one types will derive from ninety-nine and eighty-one. Produce endless changes.

If you want to try your luck and go out from here, it is simply impossible, but Pei Junlin has his own countermeasures. He stood in place and muttered words in silence, suddenly took a step forward, and then rose into the air, his body like a monkey. Usually turn a few somersaults in midair.

At this time, outside the formation, Master Baoyu was sitting in the small courtyard in front of a small red clay stove, drinking tea comfortably, Pei Jun was jumping around in front of him like a monkey.

Pei Junlin cannot see Master Baoyu, but Master Baoyu can see Pei Junlin. When a maid saw Pei Junlin's funny look, she even snickered her mouth. All of them smiled happily.

Only the eyes of Master Baoyu showed amazing light, as if thoughtful.

"This person is so stupid, knowing why the general brought this person here, so stupid and stupid person is not qualified to step into this place." Several maids talked to each other, in their eyes to Pei Junlin's **** hand Show contempt for yourself.

However, Master Baoyu turned to the Diaoyutai to remain silent, and an unexpected look appeared in his eyes. It seemed that Pei Junlin would choose this method to break the formation.

Just these few are when you mocked Pei Junlin, suddenly the air in front of you was as if a curtain hole was torn directly by Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin stepped out of it.

The maids were originally looking at the monkey through a layer of transparent glass, but now the monkey suddenly passed through the glass and was brought to the front. The maids screamed, all with incredible expressions. No one would have thought that Pei Junlin would break out like this, without warning.

In fact, it only took a few breaths for Pei Junlin from entering the burst to breaking out of the shell. It was unbelievable that Master Baoyu's proud ecstasy array was broken in such a short time.

Only then did the several maids recall, realizing that Pei Junlin was not actually that kind of funny silly dumb person at all, but a shrewd and powerful character at all.

"This young lady, if you are scared, I will apologize again." Pei Junlin arched his hands towards the conservation ambassador and stood there calmly.

Master Baoyu stood up, looked carefully at Pei Junlin for a while, and suddenly smiled: "I really looked away before, but I didn't expect your Excellency to have such a clever insight on the formation. Since you can break this formation. Fa, then you and me are yourself, don’t talk nonsense, come in with me, I happen to have a problem, please help me to refer to it."

Although Master Baoyu looks very feminine in appearance, he speaks and does things in a gust of wind, as well as his brother General Camo's fierce style.

Vigorous and resolute, without any sloppyness, she has the style of a heroine.

Pei Junlin hurriedly followed Master Baoyu into this seemingly dilapidated thatched hut, but as soon as he walked in, he felt that there was something different. It turned out that this house was also a space of Sumina mustard. The space inside the treasure was huge, like a In the huge large laboratory, Pei Junlin saw various mechanical arms turning back and forth in it.

Pei Junlin even saw a huge LCD screen on the wall, but after a closer look, Pei Junlin discovered that this is not a modern technology LCD screen, but a jade screen polished from jade, but the image displayed on it is high-definition The extent is staggering.

After careful observation, Pei Junlin had to be shocked. This master Baoyu is a cultivator, he is simply a scientist, but it is completely different from the scientific and technological civilization that once existed on the earth. The research direction of Master Baoyu is completely cultivated civilization. Technology.

Everything here is not driven by electricity, all are driven by spiritual energy, and their unified energy is spiritual stone.

Many weird inventions make Pei Junlin feel dizzy. These inventions are no less than modern technological inventions. Many convenient things make Pei Junlin feel a little strange, such as something called the Thousand Mile Sound Transmission Stone and the memory of Pei Junlin. Mobile phones are nothing but a thing.

It's just that this kind of thing is more advanced than the mobile phone. It uses rune and space channel technology to spread the You see here I am studying this thing recently, once the research is successful. Need to open any wormhole and space passage, just use this thing to shuttle in the void, so you can reach the destination in an instant. "Master Baoyu pointed to a flying saucer-like aircraft.

After seeing this aircraft, Pei Junlin was truly shocked and shocked. This thing is completely a technological product.

It's just that in Master Baoyu's research, this thing is driven by spirit stones, and it can pass through the folded space to reach its destination instantly.

"Unlike a wormhole, a wormhole creates a passage between two spaces. In fact, it is a stable void path, so that people will not be squeezed by the force of the void when walking through it. But I invented this thing But it is different. It can directly connect two places. For example, two different spaces are actually folded and bent together. As long as you pass through the thin space barrier, you can instantly go from the start to the end." Master Baoyu was eloquent, with a glow of excitement in his eyes.

Pei Junlin exclaimed again and again. He did not expect that this Baoyu master had already penetrated the space folding technology and space jumping technology. The thing similar to the flying saucer in front of him was an invention of genius.

"And don't look at this thing as ugly. In fact, his combat effectiveness is also very strong. After controlling this thing and encountering the Demon Race, he can instantly burst out the combat effectiveness of a saint. However, generally those who do not know the formation or know too little People can't control it at all." There is a pity in Master Baoyu's tone.

There is no doubt that this is his painstaking work, but it has not been promoted because there are very few people who can control it. After all, there are too few masters in this world. ?

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