Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1713: Demon Princess

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Pei Junlin's reaction speed was too fast. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed the woman in his hand, and the woman said that she was about to escape, but Pei Junlin would not give him this opportunity.

The shot sealed the big acupuncture points of the woman's body, making him motionless, becoming like a puppet.

"Don't think that I dare not kill you. I don't want to kill you. I just want to capture a prisoner. You'd better cooperate a little bit. Otherwise, I will gouge your eyes and cut your tongue." Pei Junlin pretended to be vicious. , Threatening towards this demon woman.

The demon woman opened her mouth and was spitting out snakes, and Snake Xinzi turned towards Pei Junlin because there was no fear in her eyes.

On the contrary, Pei Junlin felt a gloomy cunning in her eyes, Pei Junlin felt bad instinctively, and the figure suddenly retreated. At this moment, when Pei Junlin pushed away, the woman's body suddenly exploded.

After avoiding another catastrophe, Pei Junlin was shocked in a cold sweat. He did not expect these demons to be so cruel and cruel, without any human feelings, nor any fear of death.

Seeing that the demon woman who was bombed to be mutilated, Pei Junlin shook her head, and did not look at the other party's final tragic situation. This woman was already dead and there was no sign of coming back to life, so Pei Junlin could only shake her head and left.

I still want to capture a prisoner, but now I have failed Pei Junlin. It feels a pity, but the road is urgent.

I noticed that there was no one around, and the demons in the back showed no sign of coming. When Pei Junlin raised his hand, the flying saucer-shaped aircraft was suspended in the air. Pei Junlin stepped in and the hatch closed instantly.

After the flying saucer-shaped aircraft swayed a few times in the air, it made a low whining sound, which instantly turned into a stream of light and flew towards the distance.

At this time, Pei Jun was sitting in the cockpit, and a virtual three-dimensional screen appeared in front of him. These were all virtual map information, and there was also the operation of the entire formation.

To control this treasure, it is not difficult for Pei Junlin, but it is almost as difficult for ordinary people.

But although for Pei Junlin, it is very easy to control this spacecraft, but it is too energy-consuming. If it is continuously controlled, it cannot last for a day.

But Pei Junlin suddenly thought of such a complicated spaceship and although it is different from the general aura, why can't he refine a spirit into it?

If this spacecraft can have a device spirit, it is equivalent to having a very smart control system. At that time, Pei Junlin would naturally be able to free his own hands with the help of the control of the device spirit, and he would not have to bother to control the spaceship.

This is the method of refining the spirit of the device, it is not difficult for the current Pei Junlin, but it takes time, after all, it takes a long time or a long time to breed a spirit of the device, and a short time cannot be achieved overnight.

Pei Junlin could only shook his head, temporarily letting go of this idea, he controlled the spacecraft, and quickly flew towards the sky cloud star field.

Just after Pei Junlin left, a large number of demons appeared in the place where she was fighting with the demons just now. In the Demon Race, the third and outer floors completely closed this space, and the package was tight, and a high-ranking man from the Demon Race appeared in this area with incomparable indifference and hatred.

When this man saw the broken body on the ground, his eyes showed an incredible expression, and then he roared into the sky, with an extremely angry expression on his face.

"Prince Batu must not be overly sad. We are at the most strenuous time of the war with the human race. We must not take it lightly, and we must not delay major events because of our sadness." The son comforted.

The crystal on the eyebrows of the man in the black robe has turned dark purple. When he heard the consolation of the male demon man next to him, his face showed a twisted look, and when he turned around, he grabbed the palm of his hand directly. Under the chest.

Hearing a puff, the leader actually submerged into his chest, grabbed a beating heart directly, and crushed it with a bang.

The subordinate had no heart, and fell straight to the ground, losing any breath of life.

"My sister died, she died in the war with the human race, there is no doubt that he is great, but for his revenge, I must come as a brother. Show me who the murderer is , I will make him pay the price." The man named Batu from the demon race showed a deep icy cold on his face.

Hearing this prince's order, a group of subordinates were silent and several demons with gray hair on their heads went around, took out some mysterious instruments and began to calculate.

A demon wizard with a vine wand in his hand came to the court and muttered a word, and the vine in his hand began to slowly glow with pitch-black light.

The demon wizard opened his mouth, and a crystal flew out of his mouth, gradually becoming larger and floating there. As the crystal continued to rotate, a picture appeared in front of everyone.

The crystal continuously rotates, and the picture gradually becomes clear from blurry. Everything about how Pei Junlin killed the demon girl before is vividly remembered and recorded on the picture.

This is a time-tracing method, which consumes a lot of people's energy, and the demon wizard seems to expend huge mouths and vomit blood, and the whole person quickly withers and declines.

It's just that in the blink of an eye this wizard is like an old cucumber that has been stripped of water. His whole person has become dying, his old eyes are dim, and it is almost difficult to lift his eyelids.

And Prince Nabatu stared at the picture in the air, with a deep hatred on his face. He remembered all the details of Pei Junlin in his heart. When a man sees this person, he must crush this person. Million paragraphs.

"Our sacred demons have completely sealed off this area. This human race will never escape from this area and let me check it. I have a reward for finding out his fate." Prince Batu ordered the surrounding group of men. .

At this time, the spaceship Pei Junlin was driving hovered over a group of demons. Pei Junlin accidentally stumbled into a fortress of the Demon Race, which made Pei Junlin regret. He didn't want to disturb these Demon Races, so he could leave quietly, but he didn't know he was in this situation now.

This army of demons seemed to be going to outflank human monks, but in the middle of the way, these demons quickly saw the weird aircraft hovering in the sky.

Pei Junlin also knew that there was no turning back arrow when he opened the bow at this time. If he did not destroy the demons, he would definitely be blocked from leaving, so without any hesitation, Pei Junlin directly launched an attack.

For the first time, she controlled this killing machine and began to slaughter the demons, and she did not disappoint Pei Junlin. The light group like a meteor shower exploded in the demons for a moment, and a large number of demons were bombed by Pei Junlin. Become fly ash.

Controlling the flying saucer to kill people and himself slaughtering the demons are completely two feelings. Sitting in the cockpit, Pei Junlin is like playing a video game, constantly pressing buttons, constantly combining various formations and constantly casting. The best spirit stone.

With Pei Junlin pressing the attack button one at a time, tens of thousands of demons were instantly wiped out, and only a few top demons escaped.

Pei Junlin didn't hunt down, because he knew that there were top masters in the Demon Race. These top masters in the Demon Race united to strangle him, and it was in trouble at that time.

It is not a panacea to hide in this aircraft. If it is blocked by a top expert, it is likely to be very dangerous.

When Pei Junlin saw it well, he took it, Jiayu's aircraft turned one direction and flew quickly towards one place. Pei Junlin wanted to use the weak demon defense line over there to break through.

But soon Pei Junlin discovered the abnormality of the matter, and the Demon Race reacted quickly. No matter where he drives the aircraft, he is always targeted by a large number of demons, and these demons also have energy weapons.

The dense energy cannon exploded in the void, even if Pei Junlin controlled the aircraft, he would be stumbled and killed for a lifetime. Once hit by these energy cannons, the entire flying saucer would probably explode.

At this time, in the base camp of the demons, Prince Nabatu was also watching the images recorded in the crystal. After seeing the mysterious black flying machine Prince Batu's eyes showed angry flames, and his sister died in the hands of the person who drove this saucer-shaped flying machine.

"To mobilize a master for me, I must block this person, don't let him die, I want to live, I want to torture him, tortured him for ten thousand years, so that he regrets being born in this world." The prince's eyes showed extremely cruelty. Look, Pei Junlin has become a prey in his eyes.

Pei Junlin didn't know at the beginning that he had touched the bottom line of the Demon Race and became the prey in the eyes of the Demon Race. He thought that he had driven such a flying machine. Even if it caused some Demon Race's ideas, the Demon Race would not stop it. Fully fire on yourself.

After all, according to Pei Junlin's idea, the main target of the module is still the human monks in the King City. For some small fish, shrimp and demons, they cannot mobilize a large amount of power to target themselves.

But soon Pei Junlin found out that he was wrong and completely wrong. A large number of iron armors were suspended in the void, almost forming an unbreakable line of defense. These iron armored spaceships have ferocious persistence, and the decks are densely covered with powerful energy. Energy cannon.

Pei Junlin's flying saucer can slaughter some low-level Mozu monks, but it is a bit difficult to face the top Mozu monks, but it can still dodge or escape quickly depending on the speed.

It was not the top masters of the Demon Race that put Pei Junlin in a dangerous situation, but these iron armored spaceships that appeared to be horrified.

The armored spaceships of these demons are unusual, and the energy weapons on them are also terrifying, even surpassing those energy weapons researched by Master Baoyu.

The most terrifying thing is a kind of weapon that Pei Junlin calls extinguishing. Once this kind of weapon explodes in the surrounding space, it will turn into dust as if it was broken by something. ?

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