Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1714: Breakout failed

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Pei Junlin is also aware of some things, because these days he alone has more and more iron armored spacecraft, especially the kind of demon warships with spikes, almost to the point where they are densely packed and cast into the Great Wall of Steel. .

Originally thought that controlling this flying saucer warship could easily break through the demon's defense line and return to the Sky Cloud Star Territory, but now Pei Junlin knew that he was deeply wrong.

The demons were not as incompetent as he thought, and this flying saucer-type aircraft was not as invincible as Pei Junlin had imagined before. It was also incapable of facing those persistent armored battleships.

"Who is this person? Why can he cause such great damage to the Demon Race? You must find him." At the same time, everyone was staring at a virtual picture in the palace of the Grand Marshal of the Kings City.

In the screen, there is a pitch-black circular dish-shaped aircraft that rushed into the Demon’s armored battleship group. After a frantic bombardment, at least a dozen iron armored battleships covered with spikes were caught by this ship. The weird aircraft was scrapped.

This is the picture recorded by the front scout using the photo crystal. Although it is a little fuzzy, it is still recognizable.

"Hero, this must be the hero of my human race. If you find this person, you must commend him vigorously." Marshal Silver Fox looked excited.

He is very old, but seeing this hero's behavior is still too excited, his beard is trembling.

Not only Marshal Silver Fox was thrilled, but even some of the top combatants in the room showed iron and blood on their faces.

Good man, who doesn't want to make meritorious deeds, who doesn't want to be such a lonely hero, but the actual strength does not allow no one to be able to do this step. But now, this black flying saucer turned out to be a great encouragement to the human race.

What Pei Junlin didn’t know these days was that he drove the flying saucer into the iron-clad battleship group to fight fiercely. It has been spread in the major cities of the human race, but it is not only the giant fortress of King City, but also everywhere. The places are similar.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed, and Pei Junlin has been constantly improving the formation of the flying saucer in the past half month. Not only the offensive formation and abilities, but also the defense system of the system was changed by Pei Junlin.

Although the original crafting of this flying saucer was very delicate, but the materials used were not very advanced, so the ability to resist hits was somewhat unsatisfactory.

However, under Pei Junlin's continuous refining, this aircraft has become more and more powerful. Moreover, with the joint efforts of Pei Junlin and Jin Ye, the aircraft has actually produced a faint consciousness, that is to say, the aircraft itself has begun to generate wisdom.

Originally, Pei Junlin didn't have any name for this aircraft, but now he named it No.7.

The reason why the aircraft was named No. 7 was not because Pei Junlin had a preference for the number seven, but because the shape of the aircraft was originally marked with the number seven when it was practiced.

Perhaps it was that when Master Baoyu refined the saucer-shaped flying vehicle, there were 6 defective products that were unsuccessful before, and only the seventh was finally successful.

After No. 7 was named by Junlin Pei, he also possessed a hint of wisdom, but now it is difficult to control many things independently. For example, some complex formations require Junlin Pei to do it himself.

But even so, it's already pretty good.

In the next few days, after Pei Junlin sensed the hopelessness of breaking through, he did not continue to forcefully attack the demon's defense line again. After all, that would be too risky for Pei Junlin.

The Mozu strengthens its purpose every day, and is constantly studying the weaknesses of No. 7, if Pei Jun arrives at this time and then makes a surprise attack, it will be self-reliant.

So Pei Junlin simply hid in a gap in a huge starry sky meteorite, staying here for half a month.

It was another half a month before Pei Junlin realized that the outside was calm and the waves were no longer as fierce as before, and the surrounding demons patrols were much less.

There are only two roads before Pei Junlin, the first is to continue to choose methods to wait for the opportunity to escape. And the second way is to go back to join the monk army and defeat the demons.

In the end, Pei Junlin felt that the first path was too risky, because now the demon race's defense line is no less than sympathetic to the iron arm. If it breaks through the encirclement forcefully, there is a high probability of being completely grasped by the demon race.

What's more, after these days of observation, Pei Junlin also found that the Demon Clan seemed to be particularly interested in him, and even Pei Junlin found some wanted warrants in some places.

Just the day before yesterday, Junlin Pei once defeated a small team of the Demon Race. In the hands of the team of this module, Junlin Pei found that they were holding a weird portrait in their hands.

This portrait looks a bit cold and hard, but Pei Junlin generally recognizes that the person in this portrait is himself.

Pei Junlin didn't know why he would be targeted by these demons when he was hiding in the 7th, and he even saw his appearance and turned it into a picture album specifically for himself.

What Pei Junlin can be sure of is that he has already attracted the attention of some senior members of the Demon Race. If not, these Demon Race teams will not come to search for him with a portrait.

Now that it has become the target of the Demon Race, it is even more impossible to forcibly attack the Demon Race’s defense line. If it is an ordinary monk, there may be a chance to rush over, but now he has become the key care object of the Demon Race. It would be very dangerous if you forcibly hit the demon defense line.

But staying here to join the cultivator army in Emperor City is not something Pei Junlin particularly wants to do. After all, his current four-point status has attracted the attention of the demons. Even if he joins the cultivator army, he will probably be specially targeted. .

In desperation, Junlin Pei chose to hide his identity. He changed his appearance and looked very different from the original. Now Junlin Pei is full of wind and frost, and he looks like a real starry wanderer.

Two days later, a man with a face full of wind and frost greeted the recruitment location of the monk army on the main street of King City. This man looks a bit vicissitudes of life, dressed as a wanderer.

The face looked a little ordinary, but the sharp eyes and the unspeakable temperament made the sergeants of the cultivator army show a surprised look.

"Your number is ninety five twenty seven. Are you sure you want to join our cultivator army Tiannan branch?" The two recruiters confirmed repeatedly.

Because it is difficult for them to imagine that such a person with special temperament would come to apply for an ordinary military. You must know that someone with a strong aura like Pei Junlin must have extraordinary strength. Such people will often apply for some. officer.

"Yes, I just want to be an ordinary soldier in the monk army." Pei Junlin confirmed.

Your voice is very hoarse, and there is a kind of wild and uninhibited in the rough mine, which is in line with the temperament of Pei Junlin's current star wanderer.

Soon the joining process of the monk army was completed, and Pei Junlin got his own identity card as he wished, but it was still the jade card numbered 9527, nothing else.

"You will get some basic equipment after three months of training in the new barracks. Now please go to the new barracks to report." The two recruiters were quite polite to Pei Junlin. After all, Pei Junlin's wife is more than an ordinary person. As long as one has a pair of eyes, one can see that Pei Junlin's future achievements are absolutely extraordinary.

There are many people who join the cultivator army, but not everyone can join the cultivator army as they wish. After all, now joining the cultivator army, the monthly salary is still very impressive, and some people may be purely to defend the entire star human race , And some people are greedy, eyeing this military salary.

After all, for ordinary cultivators, giving out one hundred top-grade spirit stones every month is still a lot of money, a part of their wealth.

Pei Junlin's current strength is only in the realm of true gods, and he belongs to a relatively high level in the entire new So Junlin Pei received the attention of the recruits as soon as he entered the camp.

Pei Junlin’s personality is very calm, and he rarely talks to others. Unlike the monks who get together and chat, Pei Junlin has been hiding in the corner by himself and hardly communicates with others. This also makes Pei Junlin’s maverick image. In the minds of these recruits.

During the three-month training camp, Pei Junlin hardly made any friends in the boot camp, and he hardly communicated with outsiders.

This is not to say that Pei Junlin’s character is withdrawn or to look down on these low-level monks, but that they have different strengths and do not have a common language. These low-level monks in the realm of Yin God realm and True God realm are in the eyes of Pei Junlin. Their current behavior is very naive .

The three-month training session soon ended, and Pei Junlin got his wish and got the armor of a recruit. However, Pei Junlin soon discovered that this shiny silver armor was not stronger than the one that General Kamo gave him before, but much weaker.

For ordinary Yin God realm cultivators, this point of protection is also sufficient. After all, they are all facing some low-level demon beasts, etc., and will not be really opposed to high-level demon cultivators. on.

After completing the training camp, there will be a three-day holiday. After three days, they will open the Futian Southern Star through the portal and be stationed there to become the front line.

Pei Junlin did not buy alcohol or go to some sensual places on the street like other recruits, but walked on the street alone, collecting all the information in the past three months.

Generally speaking, the whole battle situation has not changed much. Within three months, the Human Race and Demon Race have hardly advanced.

This is the issue that Pei Junlin is most concerned about now. Once the demon clan's defense line collapses, he will immediately jump out of the monk army as a deserter and rush to the Sky Cloud Star Territory. ?

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