Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1715: Demon spies

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But now from this information, Pei Junlin's research and judgment human race and demons are now showing a tug-of-war. The two sides are evenly matched, and it is impossible to kill the opponent or overthrow the opponent's defense in a very short time, but the strength of the demons is even greater. Slightly stronger, constantly eroding human territory.

Terran is also intensively preparing for a huge battle. These days Pei Junlin has researched and judged some material information and found that almost all major chambers of commerce are hoarding materials, which means that the entire day is completed and a huge battle is going on. The deployment of materials.

It's just that the mobilization of this material was only carried out in the dark, and on the surface it looked calm, but the undercurrent was already surging in the dark.

The three armies have not moved, and the food and grass will go first. The mobilization of this material indicates that there will be a huge military mobilization. By studying and judging some recent military transfers, Pei Junlin can judge that there will be a high-intensity battle in Tian Nan, and the front line he is heading for is Tian Nan.

Naturally, it belongs to a rear area in everyone's eyes, so the soldiers sent there are recruits, not some veterans who have been honed by the war with outstanding achievements.

Seeing the excitement on the faces of those newly joined cultivators on the street, Pei Junlin sighed. Among these people, it is likely that they will be plunged into the cruel quagmire of war, and most of them may want to. He died in a foreign land and never had the chance to return to the Uranus City in his lifetime.

At this moment, Pei Junlin saw a small man appeared in the place where he had just bought the stars, and this small man had a special breath.

Pei Junlin almost immediately felt that this was not an ordinary human being, but a gap between a demon cultivator, because of the aura of the demon, Pei Junlin could clearly distinguish it.

Pei Junlin was hesitating whether to be a sister and arrest the monk of the Demon Race. After all, his current identity cannot be revealed. Once his true identity is revealed, he will most likely be targeted by the Demon Race, so Pei Junlin seemed very careful.

At this moment, a familiar figure flashed by. Pei Junlin saw a long-legged beauty. This beauty was wearing red boots. Her whole body was fiery red. She was very conspicuous on the street. Almost all the men who passed by were covered by this figure. The tall woman was attracted.

But this woman looked a little lonely and depressed, walking on the street as if she had lost something.

Pei Junlin recognized that this woman was not someone else, it was Hongyu. Pei Junlin had a relationship with him, and the two lived together for a few days to rescue General Camo.

However, Hongyu later confessed to Pei Junlin and was tactfully rejected by Pei Junlin. This is because Pei Junlin did not expect to have the opportunity to see this girl again in this life.

For a time, Pei Junlin's mood was a bit complicated, but he soon thought of a brilliant idea, just to give Hongyu the credit of this demon spy.

Pei Junlin quickly wrote a small note on the side of the road, and he quickly passed by Hong Yu, and silently stuffed the note into Hong Yuyu's hands.

What made Pei Junlin regret was that Hongyu almost didn't even look at it, so he threw this piece of paper directly away. This piece with Junlin was a little disappointed.

I don't know what happened to Hong Yu, and she looked a little lost. Her eyes were red, and she had just cried.

At this moment, another girl came over, came to Hongyu’s side, and comforted her in a low voice: "Don’t be sad, General Camo has already said that it’s impossible for the Demon Race to catch Pei Junlin. He definitely doesn’t. Something will happen, you can rest assured."

Pei Junlin happened to hear this sentence, and he felt a little stunned. He didn't think that Hong Yu was worried about himself and became like he didn't think about it.

Suddenly, a complex and difficult feeling came out of Pei Junlin's heart. He didn't expect that in this strange foreign world, there was a person who was worried about himself.

He became more and more determined about Pei Junlin's determination to give this credit to Hongyu. He quietly hid in a corner of the street and hid it, and at the same time used his divine sense to transmit sound towards Hongyu.

Pei Junlin deliberately made his voice very hoarse, and also specially changed the tone, so that Hongyu could not detect his true identity.

Soon Hongyu looked vigilantly around, his eyes finally locked on Pei Junlin, and he saw the demon spy.

At that time, a pair of guards happened to pass by, and the red horses stopped the guards and said something to the guards. Soon a few guards surrounded the demon spies, and the demon spies checked and saw that Taozu net finally showed desperate fangs and immediately deformed.

A sharp story appeared behind him, and a purple mark unique to the demon monk appeared on his eyebrows.

The strength of this Demon Clan monk was very powerful, and Pei Junlin did not expect it. The guards had almost no suspense, and they were killed by the spy of the Demon Clan in an instant.

And obviously, the spy of the Demon Race had no intention to escape here. This is the City of Heavenly Kings. Once discovered, there is no hope of escape, so the eyes of this demon race showed a very cruel look, ready to slaughter on the street, and slaughter.

Just when the spy of the demon clan cast his gaze on a little human girl, Pei Junlin finally couldn't help but make a move. The claws of the demon **** instantly used it, and a breath of chaos locked the demon clan.

Pei Junlin didn't see any movement at all, and the body of this demons instantly exploded and turned into blood. Just as the surroundings were in a mess, Pei Junlin hurriedly left.

At this time Hongyu stood in the crowd, staring blankly at Pei Junlin's back, with a very confused look on his face.

Pei Junlin left. He didn't want to leave any handle to Hongyu, nor did he want to reveal his identity. Now Pei Junlin wants to hide quietly among the monks waiting for the day when he breaks through the defense line.

The army of cultivators who rushed to Tiannan three days later was about to set off. Three days passed in a flash, and it didn't give Pei Junlin much time to think.

These days Pei Junlin has been taking time to enter the Chaos Golden Fighting world to observe the state of Antie, but the state of Antie does not seem to be optimistic. The repair of the injury is very slow. According to the current repair speed, it will take at least five thousand years for Antie to wake up. time.

An Tie is Pei Junlin’s first apprentice to accept, and he is also an apprentice who has invested a lot of emotions. Now seeing the situation of An Tie, Pei Junlin’s heart is not good. After all, the original An Tie was to save her. King's Landing became what it is now.

This distance is still instructed, Geng Pin takes care of Senior Brother An Tie, and Pei Junlin also arranges a job for the gods, which is to deliver some medicine to An Tie every day.

The medicinal power of this peerless great medicine is extraordinary, and ordinary people only need to inhale the system of medicinal power, which is equivalent to taking a perfect pill.

But for An Tie, even a peerless drug would have little effect, because the damage to his body was not an ordinary sword damage, but a very serious curse damage.

Pei Junlin estimated that in order to repair this kind of damage, he needed to find some mysterious power that could restrain the curse. The current welfare of Buddhism was not enough to restrain the power of the curse. Even the mark of the devil, fighting poison with poison was not the best way.

The appearance of rushing to the Southern Star Territory was extremely excited for these recruits, because for most of them, waiting for them was not a fight on the battlefield, but a comfortable life in the rear.

Many of these people are the children of high-ranking officials and nobles. They often have prominent family backgrounds in the Celestial City. It can be said that these should be called old soldiers.

But Pei Junlin is a bit out of place among these people. She is maverick, and she is very eye-catching not to interact with others.

And these days, these people secretly gave Pei Junlin a nickname called One-eyed Wolf, which means that Pei Jun’s lone wolf never interacts with others.

But Jun Pei couldn't get angry with these people. His purpose in joining the monks' army was to rush to the front.

If you want to rush to the southern frontier, you don’t need to take a big iron-clad ship, because it has become more and more unstable recently The iron-clad battleship is likely to be in the footsteps of the demons, so these recruits are transported to the front this time. The choice is to use the portal.

There is a special teleportation hall on the north side of Uranus. There are hundreds of portals in the teleportation hall, teleporting to all corners of the entire Uranus region.

At this time, Pei Junlin and some new recruits were waiting in this hall. Some people entered the portal one after another, and it would be Pei Junlin and others soon.

At this moment, the elbows and armpits were transformed, and a loud noise came from the hall. At first, Pei Junlin didn't know what happened, but soon Pei Junlin realized the danger was coming.

Several portals suddenly turned black without warning, and from these black vortexes began to emerge a large number of demons monks and demons.

These demonic cultivators entered the hall through the portal in an instant. For these newly joined cultivators, they have not seen the blood-fighting recruits carry out a slaughter.

For a while, these veteran soldiers were screamed and screamed again and again. There were screams everywhere, and the ground was full of blood. These low-level monks were not the opponents of these elite demons at all.

This sudden change made these recruits at a loss for a while, scattered and fled, and trampled on each other like flies, and hit each other.

Although some lower-level officers yelled frantically at the surroundings to gather these recruits, many of the lower-level monks who had newly joined the monk army were frightened at this time, and some of them had even become mentally deranged and did not listen to these officers' orders.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin's figure suddenly disappeared in place, turned into a black smoke, and suddenly appeared next to the leader of the demon clan. He took the knife and fell. The leader of the demon clan didn't react at all, and he was in a different place. , Half of his body was almost torn apart by Pei Junlin. ?

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