Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1716: Rough formation

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And those monks who were in the same barracks with Pei Junlin saw this scene, and they all showed incredible expressions. No one thought that this one-eyed wolf guy with the nickname could be so fierce and powerful.

The leader of the Demon Cultivation in the realm of the True King was killed by Pei Junlin in an instant, and these ordinary monks were dumbfounded.

As the saying goes, catching the thief first catches the king Pei Jun, and he took down the leader of the Demon Assault Squad, which instantly caused the entire Demon Race team to become chaotic.

And at this time, the external rescue force had to rush to Pei Jun, and he couldn't care much about seeing his identity exposed, and he got into a portal as soon as he flashed.

Pei Junlin originally intended to stabilize the family monk army, but he couldn't help but expose his identity at the last moment.

In fact, Junlin Pei knew that his identity could not stand scrutiny at all, but his identity would soon be exposed when seen by a discerning person, so Junlin Pei chose to enter the portal very simply and directly teleported to the Southern Star Region.

When he came out of the portal again, Pei Junlin found that there was a white wilderness outside, where an abandoned planet should have been transformed into a fortress.

It’s just that there are not many people stationed in this fortress. Because of the previous changes, there are corpses everywhere. It should have been raided by the demon team. Through the portal, it is said that Wang Tianwang once massacred the newly promoted monks there.

The corpses of human monks were all over the ground, and Pei Junlin couldn't care to see too much, he soon left.

When she left, Pei Junlin also threw away the armor on her body. She now needs to leave the monk army, so this armor is naturally unnecessary.

In the following days, Pei Junlin found a meteorite and hid it again. He had to wait to break out when the battle situation changed, but it took a long time for Pei Junlin.

Soon Pei Junlin found that his hiding place could no longer be hidden, because the surrounding battles had been completely chaotic, and the general battle of the Human Alliance was completely disrupted. Obviously, a spy had leaked the plan. The battle of Tiannan has been resolved.

The monk army originally in Tiannan has gradually gathered into a fist force that defeated the demon race’s defenses in one fell swoop, but since the news was leaked, the demon race has become vigilant and has adopted split tactics to destroy the entire human race. The front was cut into pieces like sausages.

Now the entire Tiannan has almost become a pot of soup, the monks of the human race are fighting on their own and have lost communication with each other, while the monks of the demon race are connected together, stepping up the encirclement and suppression of the monks of the human race.

Today, Tiannan has become a purgatory and human monk here, and it has become the target of hunting. The major legions have lost contact with each other. They are fighting each other, and they are gradually eroded by the demons. Almost every day, the human legions are destroyed. The news came.

Pei Junlin was originally waiting for the human race to break through the demon's defense line, but now the bad news came one after another, making Pei Junlin also angry.

On the one hand, it is mourning its misfortune, on the other hand, the leak of the plan of the human race will be a huge mistake in this battle. The person who planned this battle was no one else, but the Marshal Silver Fox that Pei Junlin had ever met.

These days Pei Junlin has encountered many disbanded human monks in the starry sky. The complaint Pei Junlin has heard most from them is the complaint against Marshal Silver Fox.

Even from a monk, Pei Junlin heard the bad news that the army where General Camo was in was already in danger and was in danger of being destroyed and eaten at any time.

No matter from which aspect, the human race is no longer optimistic. The entire Aura plus the fall of Uranus is only a matter of time.

"Let’s all go together. If one person wanders in the starry sky, he will most likely be spotted by the Demon’s team. If you are together, you can have a caring for each other. Let’s go to General Camo’s army now to help them. Resist the demons. General Camo is a benchmark for the Southern Army. If he falls, then the human race in this starry sky will have completely dispersed so far." A monk who looked like an officer said to everyone, and got everyone 'S nodded unanimously.

Pei Junlin did not express his position, he did not want to join the team, so he did not express his position. At this moment, a huge dynamic sound suddenly came from a distance, and Pei Junlin knew that it should be a demon armored battleship.

The armored battleship of the Demon Race found that paratroopers like this basically only had the result of being killed, so after hearing this voice, everyone's faces showed despair.

There are hundreds of monks here, and so many people have a look of sadness on their faces, which is indeed desperate.

"I have a way to avoid detection by the armored battleship, but everyone must cooperate with me." Pei Junlin said suddenly.

These people heard Pei Junlin's statement and no one cares, because Pei Junlin is very inconspicuous among this group of people, and coupled with Pei Junlin's appearance, it looks like a starry wanderer.

However, the officer who was about to gather these defeated soldiers took Pei Junlin’s words into her heart. She came to Pei Junlin and asked Pei Junlin with a serious face: "You really have a way to make everyone live. Come down?"

After getting confirmation from Pei Junlin's nod, the officer immediately ordered those people to be promoted and listened to Pei Junlin's arrangements. More than a hundred pairs of eyes all fell on Pei Junlin's body. Among these eyes, there were doubts and disappointments, and some people were desperate and pinned their hopes on Pei Junlin.

But Junlin Pei didn't care much about all of this. The reason why he wanted to save these people was because these people were working hard for the sake of the human race, so even though these people had doubts about themselves, Junlin Pei didn't care.

"The method is very simple. It is to arrange a hidden formation to escape the detection of the demon's armored battleship." Pei Junlin said lightly.

Hearing what Pei Junlin said, these people were completely forbidden, and none of them thought that the method Pei Junlin said was actually this.

Even the recruits who have just joined the monk army know that ordinary formations can't stop the detection of the demon's iron armored battleship. The formation is like paper, it doesn't work at all.

Disappointment and pain came from the crowd, as well as angry screams. These people vented all death and fear of death on Pei Junlin, and some even began to curse Pei Junlin.

Even the officer who had put more trust in Pei Junlin before showed a deep disappointment: "It turns out that this is the method. This method is not working. The formation method cannot stop the exploration of the armored battleship."

The officer didn't say anything badly at Pei Junlin, just a faint explanation, his eyes full of despair.

The huge demon iron armored battleship has revealed a shadow, and it will soon come here. Pei Junlin did not hesitate or explain to these people. A dozen formation flags appeared in his palm by the wrong hands. These formation flags were thrown by Pei Junlin and fell around like eyes, forming a big net instantly.

Soon the master was completely enveloped in the formation. Among these people, there were naturally masters, and there were also people who had some knowledge of some formations. Pei Junlin's hidden formation was completely different from the ordinary formation. It seems that the technique is extremely simple, but some things are totally different.

"What kind of formation is this? Can such a formation work? Can it really escape the eyes and ears of the demons?" There was another discussion, and at this moment the armored battleship finally passed here.

Everyone was silent involuntarily, and almost everyone felt a powerful spirit sweeping over, but when they encountered the formation, this spirit was strangely curved.

Unbelievable expressions appeared on everyone's faces, and the eyes that looked at Pei Junlin became like hell. No one thought that such a simple and crude formation could prevent the exploration of the armored battleship.

Soon the iron-clad battleship plunged into the darkness, and seemed to go to other airspace to search. At this time, the suppressed monks burst into surprise expressions on their Their eyes fell on Pei Junlin, with gratitude, doubt, admiration and admiration.

"This brother, you should be a master of formations. I really didn't expect that we were blinded before you were really human." The officer came to Pei Junlin's side and patted Pei Junlin's shoulder heavily, his face covered. It's all a grateful look.

The others looked different, but on the whole they were grateful for Pei Junlin, and some even took the initiative to come to Pei Junlin's side to apologize and confess to him.

"There will be a large number of demons squad rushing here soon. Let's disperse and flee separately, so that the chances of surviving are greater." Pei Junlin suddenly said to these people.

Upon hearing Pei Junlin's words, everyone panicked first, then questioned. Because Pei Junlin's current strength is only true monarch level, and the strongest in this group of cultivators has the strength of the early stage of the true king realm.

None of the masters of this king realm found a threat. How could Pei Jun, who was near a small real monarch-level powerhouse, found danger? Therefore, many instinctive people expressed disbelief. Although Pei Junlin saved them before, they did not establish complete trust in Pei Junlin.

Actually respecting strength in the cultivation world, although Pei Junlin knows some formation knowledge, for these monks, it is the cultivation state that convinces them.

That’s why so many people were grateful to Pei Junlin before, but few people came to Pei Junlin in person. After all, many people in this group are higher than Pei Junlin, so they rely on themselves. The status is relatively high.

"I believe you, what you said must be true. Everyone will send out a team of five and leave this area as soon as possible." The officer said to everyone. ?

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