Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1717: 1 person

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Seeing these people quickly leave Junlin Pei without delay in the same place, he left soon.

Soon after Pei Junlin left, a large number of demons rushed to the place where the incident occurred, but they did not find any signs of Pei Junlin and others, and these demons were confused.

At this time, Pei Junlin was hiding nearby, and he was planning a raid against the demons. Just now, Pei Junlin had a huge plan in his heart. He wanted to use the power of one person to turn the tide of the battle. Although this was an incredible thing for ordinary people, Pei Junlin was determined to do it.

Starting from the ambush of this team, Pei Junlin planned to lead the human race to start a counterattack against the demons.

I am afraid that those who left just now would not even think of breaking their heads, Pei Junlin actually dared to ambush a demon assault team alone. You must know that the demon raid team is often composed of elite demon monks in the army, and each of them is above the true monarch level.

However, Pei Junlin can’t manage that much. He wants to return to Tianyun Xingyun as soon as possible, so he can only defeat the demon’s defense line as soon as possible. If this is the case, I am afraid that the entire reputation will fall short. One round of limits, it is estimated that the time to return to the Sky Silver Star Territory is indefinite.

This group of teams is evacuating, but Pei Junlin has already figured out the strength of this team. Although Pei Junlin did not understand the cultivation realm of the demons, judging from their aura, Pei Junlin could feel that the strength of the team leader should be equivalent to the late True King realm of the human monk.

As for the strength of the rest of the players are generally at the true monarch level, there are only a few demons that look different, and their strength may be slightly higher.

Generally speaking, there are about one or two people in this group of demons, so it is not a big threat to Pei Junlin. Only to solve the leading demons, the rest is not a big problem for Pei Junlin.

And just before this, Pei Junlin deliberately released his breath, just to lure this module team into his own trap, and Pei Junlin had already laid down a formation around this area.

The poor thing is that these demons have not even noticed that they have been arranged by the human monks. After not finding any clues, they have begun to repair their equipment and prepare to retreat.

But when these demons were correcting, Pei Junlin suddenly found that the things hanging on their waists were a little eye-catching. Upon closer inspection, Pei Junlin's scalp was numb, because these demons were hanging around their waists. The human ear.

Almost every demons had ears hanging around their waists, and all of them were left ears.

It seems that after these demons killed the human monks, they used these ears to receive rewards, but wearing these ears around their waist was too **** and cruel.

Pei Junlin's heart was filled with anger in an instant, he didn't have any softness at all, and he activated the formation in an instant. At the moment when the formation was activated, a large amount of astonishing murderous aura suddenly burst out around these demons.

The low-level demons, who couldn't react for almost an instant, had their heads in a different place and died tragically on the spot. Although the demon leader reacted quickly, Pei Junlin was already ready. Aiming at his method, the hand of the demon was instantly enveloped by a **** hand that was used by Pei Junlin to cover the sky.

The master of the demon race shot a purple light from the center of his eyebrows, his entire popularity changed drastically, and bone spurs grew behind him, instantly turning into wings.

Incited by the wings, the demon flew up to the sky and opened his mouth. Pei Junlin saw the sharp teeth in the mouth of the demon.

This demon race was not easy to deal with, and actually escaped Pei Junlin's claws at the moment when he thought he was weak. However, this did not make Pei Junlin too surprised. Although this Demon God’s Claw was made from the palm of a foreign demon God, the magical powers were very powerful, but the Demon Race may be naturally immune to these demon gods and the like. effect.

However, Pei Junlin has even more powerful methods to target this demon monk. Only seeing Pei Junlin's palm, a big golden hand suddenly patted it.

The demon monk couldn't avoid it, and was instantly grabbed by the big golden hand on the wings to give Pei Junlin a sudden meaning, and directly tore off a wing bloody.

When the ice-covered blood rain fell down, Pei Junlin discovered that the blood of the monks of these demons was as dark as ink, and at the moment when Pei Junlin killed the demons, he suddenly felt the jade pendant on his chest. A warm current.

Moreover, this warm current and the surrounding wall even had a burning feeling. After Pei Junlin boarded at this time, he discovered that the points on the jade pendant turned directly into one thousand.

This is the identity that Tianwangcheng issued to Pei Junlin. The jade talisman is also a jade talisman that can be used to score points. It will automatically be scored after killing the demons.

After killing the demons, the points are all the cheats that can be used to exchange resources and cultivation, etc., which is very important for ordinary monks, but Pei Junlin has never paid much attention to these things, so there is nothing special. Followed.

When Pei Junlin used the flying saucer to kill the Demon Race, the points of this service have been increasing, but Pei Junlin has not paid attention to it, and has not checked it carefully. Check it now, the points have reached millions, but Let Jun Pei linger.

In those few days, driving the aircraft No.7, the wanton massacre did cause great harm to the Demon Race.

Pei Junlin killed the leader of the Demon Race leader Qi and the Demon Race with one move, and immediately fled to escape, but the moment Pei Junlin collected the dragon formation, various disasters occurred in the entire formation. , This is exactly Pei Junlin's supernatural power to destroy the world.

The meteorites descended from the sky and the ground produced a tsunami-like lava. These terrifying disasters made these demons miserable, and almost all fell in the blink of an eye.

After killing these demons, Pei Junlin did not stop, because he felt that another breath had paid attention to this side. It should be the powerhouse of the demons with the demon **** level, and he was looking at the entire Tiannan star field with his divine consciousness.

If it is targeted by a powerful person of this level, it may be difficult to escape, so Pei Junlin is not staying, and even the spoils are not searched, and he fled into the space directly.

Pei Junlin is undoubtedly very smart. At the moment he left, a man covered in shadows appeared on the spot. This man should be equivalent to a strong man at the level of a human saint. He saw that these demons lost their defense. , Issued an angry roar. A pair of eyes showed an inch-long black light, shining toward the surrounding space.

It's a pity that Pei Junlin has been away for a long time, and he hasn't left any clues, so even this powerful saint of the demon clan can't trace any signs.

In the next few days, Pei Junlin did the same thing, first made some noise, attracted some demon squads to search, and then used the formation to match his strength to annihilate more than ten demon squads.

Although what Pei Junlin has done these days is not enough to reverse the battle of the human race, of course there are huge fluctuations in the heart of the demons. Because the patrol team of the Demon Race has lost a lot in recent days, this has made some Demon Race people in danger, and all of them are frightened.

"You must find out who this person is for me." Prince Batu was full of anger, his status in the demons was such a high.

Since the tragic death of his sister, the prince of Batu has become more gloomy, even the men beside him dare not offend her easily, and will kill people at every turn.

The thing that Prince Batu is most passionate about is to pursue the whereabouts of a human monk, that person is Pei Junlin, and even the entire tent is full of various portraits about Pei Junlin.

Almost a month passed, Pei Junlin showed no signs, as if disappearing into the vast starry sky, there was no trace at all, which made Prince Batu even more angry.

But what happened in the past few days caused Prince Batu to ignite the flames again, because this person's technique is too similar to that of Pei Junlin before.

More than a dozen teams were destroyed in succession, which not only attracted the attention of the top demons, but also attracted the attention of Prince Batu.

"It must be the monk of the human race. I can smell it. He can't get away. This time I will definitely catch him to avenge my sister." The sullen look on Prince Batu's face at this time, let People are daunting.

He picked up a weird-shaped wine glass on the table and drank the blood red wine. After drinking the wine in the glass, Prince Batu's six fingers pressed at the same time, and with a click, the glass in his hand turned into crushed powder.

The Demon Race is different from the Human Race. Each hand of the Demon Race has six fingers. This is the difference between the Demon Race and the Human Race. The glasses used by Prince Batu to drink were also extraordinary. This wine glass was forged from the skull of a human saint-level powerhouse, and it was very strong.

But just now, he was crushed by the slap of the Batu prince, making the surrounding demons look on their faces and fear in their hearts.

Naturally, he decided that he did not know that he had been targeted again, but he didn't have to worry about being besieged by some masters of the Demon Race, because if he didn't control the aircraft No.7, Pei Jun would come and go freely by himself.

Moreover, the more Pei Junlin contacts with the demons, the more he understands some of the fatal weaknesses of the demons, such as the demons. It is impossible for their gods to leave the body too far, which means that the demons are not as sensitive as the humans.

But the Demon Race has another characteristic, that is, the skin is thick and thick. The Demon Race cultivators of the same level are more common, stronger than the Human Race cultivators, and the speed, strength, and hardness of the flesh far exceed the Human Race.

In addition, some high-level demons have trained some demons. These demons will take on various forms. Some demons will fly directly into the sky and fall into the forms of various animals. Some demons will turn into shadows. Human defense is hard to defend. ?

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