Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1719: Hero's misunderstanding

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What Pei Junlin worries about is that once his disguise skills are observed by others, he will be self-defeating and may be misunderstood as a spy of the Demon Race.

Therefore, after three more considerations, Pei Junlin decided to enter Tiannan City as he is now, but after modifying the prepaid information, everything is tightly integrated and will not arouse others' suspicion.

The process of making this identity jade charm seems simple, but in fact there are many sophisticated formations in it, just like the electronic products of the human race, there are countless transistors in it.

It was a long process for Pei Junlin to study and crack these formations, but it only took one night for Pei Junlin to crack all the formations of Jade Talisman.

When entering the Heavenly King City, Pei Junlin was also very careful and paying special attention, he was specially mixed in a group of insurgents. The team was broken up, these people looked very embarrassed, and they were very lucky to be able to escape back to Uranus. Therefore, few of these people doubted the identity of others.

When they entered the city, these people also took out the identity jade amulet. What shocked Pei Junlin was that several demon spies were quickly found among them.

Soon it was Jun Pei's turn, and Junlin Pei calmly took out the identity and jade complex information, and everything was compared correctly. Just when Jun Pei was happy, thinking that he could smoothly enter the Heavenly King City, suddenly, an old man with sharp eyes came over.

The old man stared at Pei Junlin for a long time, then suddenly pointed to the number on the jade symbol and said: "I remember this number very clearly. He is a distant nephew of mine. Why did he get into your hands? The information in has also been tampered with. You should be a spy of the Demon Race, arrest him."

Pei Junlin was dumbfounded on the spot, he didn't expect that his luck would be so bad, and that such a small probability would let himself encounter.

You didn't make any resistance, and you were very obediently imprisoned. Pei Junlin knew that his human identity could not be changed, so he might soon be able to clear his grievances.

In addition, Pei Junlin is also very clear in his heart. In the human race's achievement, if he wants to resist, there is no chance of escape. Here, the human race’s great power is not very guarded, and there are gatherings of saint-level powerhouses. There are great emperor-level powerhouses guarding here, if you do it yourself, it will soon be wiped out.

"I want to see Marshal Silver Fox, I want to see General Kamo." Pei Junlin said to the guard.

The ordinary demon spies will not be censored, because they are usually killed on the spot after being discovered, but Pei Junlin's identity is somewhat unusual, because Pei Junlin is not the same as the ordinary demons.

In Pei Junlin's body, these humans did not find any aura belonging to the demon race, so many guards believed that Pei Junlin was an object worth studying.

"What is the method used by the Mozu to hide the devilish energy so deeply that we can't find out. If you tell this secret, you may be able to forgive you." Several interrogators began to lengthen Pei Junlin. Up to day and night torture.

But no matter how they interrogate Pei Junlin, there is only one sentence, that is, I am a spy of Human Race and not Demon Race. But no matter how Pei Junlin explained, these people didn't believe that there were three reasons why they left Pei Junlin.

First, Pei Junlin was able to tamper with the formation information in the jade talisman, which shows that the Mozu may have mastered extremely high formation secrets.

The second point is how the demons hide their demonic energy. This is what these people want to know urgently.

In short, because of these two reasons, Pei Junlin’s life was kept, but Pei Junlin’s current situation is not optimistic. He has to endure torture every day, and even endure the burning of soul fire. This is for Pei Junlin. The same is huge torture.

"I want to see Marshal Silver Fox, I want to see General Kamo, I am Pei Junlin telling them that I have important things to tell." Pei Junlin finally couldn't bear it, and said his true identity.

But it is a pity that these people didn't mean to let Pei Junlin go, but didn't believe it.

After several days of severe torture, Pei Junlin has been tortured into a human form. He really wants to resist is to escape, even if it is better to die outside, but Pei Junlin finally bears it. He knows that people need a little bit sometimes. Patience of determination.

Sure enough, a sage of the clan came to interrogate Pei Junlin personally, and finally proved that after some investigations, the saint of the human race confirmed that Pei Junlin was the human race, not a hidden spy of the demons.

However, this did not completely change Pei Junlin's situation, because these people suspected that Pei Junlin was a scum who took refuge in the demons, so the methods of Pei Junlin were even more cruel.

"I have an identity jade talisman, you can really check it, and I really am Pei Junlin, I can release No. 7 for you to see." Pei Junlin said towards the celebrity saint level powerhouse.

After observing the jade charm of Pei Junlin's identity, these people were shocked, because no one thought that the tortured inhuman figure in front of them turned out to be the famous black wind hero circulated in the human race.

When Pei Junlin released the mysterious UFO No. 7 from the Chaos Golden Fight, everyone present was shocked, because this can completely prove the identity of Pei Junlin, and the Black Wind Hero cannot be a demon. Spy.

"There are tens of millions of points, and it's really hard for you. You have made a huge contribution to my human race." The saint-level powerhouse of the celebrity race looked at Pei Junlin with a pity, and seemed to apologize slightly.

But Junlin Pei can't take care of too much. She just wants to leave here as soon as possible to see Marshal Yunhu. The injuries on her body are actually not serious to Junlin. He was the injuries on the surface of the celestial body, but Pei Junlin disguised it.

I thought I could turn over and be released, but soon Pei Junlin discovered that these people looked at him wrongly, and offered worship, and finally felt pity and even a hint of guilt.

Regarding Pei Junlin, who is familiar with human nature, he soon discovered that there was definitely something tricky in it.

Soon Pei Junlin wanted to understand the truth. He is the black wind hero who is admired by the human race. If the news of his tortured in prison spreads, those who tortured him will probably be severely punished.

In addition, Pei Junlin also guessed an important reason, that is, the human race of Tiannan City has probably changed commander in command, whether it is Marshal Yinhu or General Kamo, it is very likely that they have been marginalized. The new figures in power brought new strategies, and this was the pace of war, which completely changed.

"Although we admire you very much, we can't let you go, because after you leave, we all will be finished here." The saint of the celebrity race looked at Pei Jun with pity for a while and then suddenly turned and left.

Pei Junlin's heart is completely cold. He knows that he will definitely die forever this time. For these people, it doesn't matter what heroes are. Their desire for their own lives far exceeds their admiration for heroes.

"Mr. Pei, we are also compelled. There is an order that we dare not defy at all. According to me, even if we are broken bones, we don't want you to have any problems." The two guards found Pei Junlin in private and wept bitterly.

Obviously not everyone here has no conscience, at least these two guards moved compassionately towards Pei Junlin.

Although they were afraid of being punished by the above after torturing Pei Junlin, their conscience was even more troubled, so the two guards would secretly find Pei Junlin crying and confessing to him.

After this incident, Pei Junlin found that the environment he was in had improved a lot, the conditions had improved, and people were constantly torturing him, but in his heart, Pei Junlin knew that he was not far away from his death.

"My lord, please rest assured. After you die, our brothers will help you take your corpse out. At least one whole corpse will be kept. This is the only thing we can do for two guards Looking at Pei Junlin and said.

Pei Junlin didn't speak, and was a little sad in his heart. He didn't expect that things would have gotten to this point. A series of changes happened after self-defeating, which caused him to be in a dangerous situation now.

"With your current power and strength, it is indeed impossible to rescue me, but I am able to transport my body intact, thank you for it." Pei Junlin said gratefully as he looked at the two guards.

Pei Junlin had already thought of a way to escape, which was suspended animation. From the mouths of these two guards, Pei Junlin knew that the person who executed him needs to give himself a poison, and this poison is extremely poisonous to the practitioner, even if the saint takes this poison, it is difficult to escape. .

Soon the poison was brought in. It was a bottle of dark green liquid, even boiling. The toxicity of it could be imagined, but Pei Junlin did not say anything.

After taking the poison, Junlin Pei quickly entered a state of death. Of course, this was not a real death, but Junlin Pei had a countermeasure against this poison.

However, the moment the poison was drunk from his stomach, it was actually enveloped by the mysterious power in Pei Junlin's body, and this mysterious power was exactly the divine power secreted by the gods acupoint in the center of Pei Junlin's eyebrows.

Pei Junlin actually knew everything that happened around him, but he was not sure to escape the eyes and ears of the powerful saint.

Pei Junlin's body was carried out by two guards. The two guards buried Pei Junlin's body in the courtyard, and they fled the city directly.

At night, the land loosened, Pei Junlin broke through the ground, with a trace of dust on his face.

Seeing the sky glowing with the blue light of the lake, Pei Junlin took a long breath, and this time he finally escaped. ?

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