Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1720: Death and death

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But just as Pei Junlin breathed a deep sigh of relief and felt that he had escaped this catastrophe, the danger came again. Behind Pei Junlin, there was an extremely powerful breath. When Pei Junlin turned around, he saw a man standing behind him holding a **** sword in his hands.

"The two jailers are talking about loyalty and some humanity, but I have sent them to the west. Then it's your turn. You can rest in peace, my hero, you can't get the whole situation down because of you." The gloomy man stared at Pei Junlin and said.

Pei Junlin has recognized that this person is one of the saints who interrogated him before. This person's strength is very strong, it is the strongest among all the saints Pei Junlin has ever seen, even Zhou Ying of the Taiyi Immortal Sect before, the finger of Lotus Pond is not as good.

This person just stood there and made Pei Junlin feel his scalp numb, as if this person was the incarnation of a sword, not a human being. His whole body was like a sword, and a murderous aura could not be contained.

"Don't resist or be afraid. My sword won't hurt soon, and I won't feel anything, just as soon as I sleep." The saint carrying the long sword walked towards Pei Junlin step by step. , The long sword drew a spark on the ground.

Pei Junlin was not dynamic, he felt cold all over, she didn't choose herself, and actually fell into this kind of infighting.

Obviously, a series of things that have been experienced recently has made Pei Junlin vigilant, and he also understands the reason. The complexity of breaking the sect may not be wrong at all. After these people arrested themselves, after torture, and now they want to kill people, things are definitely not that simple.

At this time last year, I realized that Marshal Silver Fox and General Camo might have been marginalized in the cruel internal fight, and those who were going to target themselves were obviously those who stood opposite the Marshal.

Seeing Pei Junlin's eyes flickering, as if thoughtful, the look on the face of the saint carrying the black long knife was slightly surprised: "You are not bad, and the fact that you can think of this step shows that your wisdom is far beyond ordinary. I'm not afraid to tell you that you are indeed a victim of the infighting between the two big groups. Now Silver Fox and Camo are already at a disadvantage. With your current reputation, if it appears at this time, it will be enough to bring down the situation."

"The human race is clearly in hand. If you continue according to Marshal Silver Fox's strategy, the human race will break through the room of the demon race just around the corner. Why do you want to do this?" Pei Junlin did not panic, nor anger, nor yelled or yelled. It was said calmly staring at this saint-level powerhouse.

A strong person of this level will never easily betray the human race and take refuge in the demons. Because a strong person like a saint has far more wisdom than all living beings, they can definitely calculate the gains and losses until they take refuge in a foreign race, which is basically the way to die.

So Junlin Pei is very confused, what does this saint-level powerhouse think? Is it necessary to lead the human race to death?

"The world is bustling, it's all for profit, and there are some things you still don't know too clearly." The saint-level powerhouse sighed, and there seemed to be helplessness in his eyes.

The phrase that the world is full of prosperity, let Pei Junlin fully understand the stakes.

The direction of war has never been shifted by the will of ordinary cultivators at the lower levels, but the tools of the interests of those upper-level rulers and businessmen.

Pei Junlin now has some doubts that the Demon Race can invade this world. Is someone taking it? Are these demons deliberately released by the tigers, they are disrupting the world and creating more benefits for those businessmen.

Although the other party didn't say it clearly, Pei Junlin also understood. Marshal Silver Fox is advancing all the way, defeating these demons is already a certainty.

The reason for the unprovoked obstruction is that being marginalized is actually a stake. It must be to completely drive away the demons and affect the interests of some people. So these people united to form an interest group to try to obstruct Marshal Silver Fox. A series of means.

"You know the causes and consequences. You can safely embark on Huangquan Road. Don't be afraid of pain. The sword in my hand is the sharpest sword in the world. As long as your head can be in a different place in a moment. If it's fast, you can even see your head flying up." This saint-level powerhouse stared cruelly at the sword in Pei Junlin's hand and suddenly turned into a light and shadow.

Pei Junlin looked down at his shadow, as if his shadow was divided into two halves under this light.

Pei Junlin only felt that his eyes were shaken, but Pei Junlin did not sit still, and Pei Junlin used the most powerful means almost instantly.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and a black whirlpool appeared in front of him, and this black whirlpool was the key to blocking this fatal blow for Pei Junlin.

Buddha light oozes out of the black vortex, and even a Buddha can be heard in the center of the black vortex.

Endless Buddha power was born from a stone tablet, which helped Pei Junlin withstand this fatal blow.

There are also dark places in the light and shadow. Pei Junlin successfully used the light to escape the punishment in the shadow, and escaped a fatal blow. He was about to jump into the sky as soon as he flashed.

At this time, Pei Junlin can’t take care of anything. The cards are all out. Not only the mysterious earthen jar, but also the mysterious candle is surrounded by Pei Junlin. In addition, Pei Junlin reaches out and points to a large cloud of ice blue. The flames shrouded towards that saint-level powerhouse.

Everything was done in a flash of lightning, the opponent only shot one sword, and Pei Junlin responded with dozens of moves and made a judgment.

Fortunately, Pei Junlin saved his life in this first confrontation, and even consciously, this is equal to victory. Although very embarrassed, Pei Junlin finally blocked the opponent's move.

"You want to attract other people's attention, so as to save your life. I'm sorry for your abacus. You made a mistake. I will not give you a second chance to escape." The saint-level powerhouse seems to have seen through Pei Junlin's heart. As I thought, he reached out and pointed at the long sword in his hand and flew high in the sky instantly.

The long sword exploded with a thud in the air, turning into countless ghosts. These phantom shadows shrouded and formed something similar to an umbrella cover, completely covering this area in the shadows.

In the past few years, he felt a tingling pain in his chest. When he looked down, his chest was directly pierced by a long sword, and a hole appeared in the position of his heart.

The sudden injury made Pei Junlin stunned, and then he fell into the eternal darkness. Just before Pei Junlin was about to lose consciousness, he felt that one of his hands was being held by someone. It was warm and soft. .

Pei Junlin dreamed for a long time, flashing almost all the pictures of this life in his brain for a period of youthful things, the warm picture of being with his parents and the scene of meeting his beloved wife, Prince Qiong, the former brother The scene when we got together.

The folk song of his hometown seemed to be heard in his ears, and a drop of crystal tears dripped from the corner of Pei Junlin's eyes. He had been fighting against the sky for his life all his life, and it was not easy to walk step by step until now.

But the road of cultivation is like walking a single-plank bridge, and it is possible to fall into an abyss at any time, so Pei Junlin does not regret this step. What he regrets is that there are many things that have not been completed, and it is too late.

"If there is an afterlife, let's continue again." A thought flashed through the corner of Pei Junlin's mouth.

He opened his arms and seemed to be floating in a dark space, and his body slowly floated towards a huge black vortex in the air.

The surroundings are extremely cold, but Pei Junlin feels the whole body is warm, this feeling is addictive, but also frightening.

Pei Junlin opened his eyes and looked at the huge vortex in the dim sky. He suddenly understood that this should be the soul vortex. He had witnessed the vortex that swallowed thousands of dead souls, and the soul eater also seemed to come from this vortex. Among. UU reading

What world is the other end of this vortex connected to? Is it the world of the undead?

There was a sense of fear in Pei Junlin's heart. He knew everything was empty when he died. He knew that after death, everything had nothing to do with him. Everything before his death was just an arrangement of fate. But Junlin Pei had a lot of things that he couldn't let go of. He wanted to struggle, but the suction of the whirlpool made Junlin unable to break free.

A black shadow flashed, it turned out to be a Soul Eater with a long mouth. This is the Soul Beast that seems to have been eyeing Pei Junlin's brigade. After opening Pei Junlin, he felt a whirlpool of conspiracy and swept toward him.

At this time, Pei Junlin realized that his body was so weak.

The huge Soul Eater has opened its mouth and swallowed it towards Pei Junlin.

At the most urgent moment, Pei Junlin suddenly blessed his soul. A magical vortex was suspended above his head, and the phantom of the chaotic golden bucket appeared on Pei Junlin's head. The moment the soul-eater bite, the chaotic progress suddenly issued a golden halo.

The Soul Eater seemed to have encountered a strong impact. With a glance forward, his body staggered and almost fell, while Pei Junlin took advantage of this opportunity and the force of recoil to rush towards the bottom of the vortex.

Although Pei Junlin had to endure a huge mentality every step he took, the people who took each step were very difficult, and Pei Junlin persevered step by step.

Later, even every step he took, Pei Junlin felt a mountain of hardship, and this hard feeling made Pei Junlin even think of giving up.

If relying on a will not to admit defeat, relying on the love of life, Pei Jun is going retrograde, turning his back to the soul vortex step by step, and seeing a glimmer of light walking. ?

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