Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1722: interest group

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That is, the interest group in Uranus is really ready to ruin the entire Araceae region. The purpose of this is actually very simple. It is for profit. With the war between the demons, the resource allocation of the human race will become very tense. The prices of many things can be directly driven up.

For example, the premium spirit stones specially used for energy cannons are now priced ten or even hundreds of times higher than usual. If the war is over, the price of these materials will soon fall. It is unacceptable for the major chambers of commerce that stock up on a large amount of materials, so they will unite to instigate this change in Tiannan City.

The direct result of this change was that Marshal Tong Shuai Yinhu of Tiannan City went directly to the wild card, and General Mo, as the main vanguard, was also buried.

And there is a marshal who is not well-known and also a marshal of nepotism, a man named Zhao Xiao, but now the head of Tiannan City.

This day, Nancheng's new coach was young and not very high, and his nepotism had climbed to where he is today. Moreover, this person is particularly good at being a teacher, and he claims to be proficient in the art of war, but he is actually a tent general who talks about war on paper, and has never experienced the baptism of actual combat.

After this person took the position of commander-in-chief, he brought a huge disaster to Tiannan City, causing the Interstellar Great Wall carefully prepared by Tiannan City to be cut off and completely destroyed.

In less than two months after the new coach took office, all the superior forces created by Marshal Silver Fox were ruined.

This also caused a discussion in Tiannan City. Some military forces also began to counterattack, but the power of the Chamber of Commerce is really too great.

And just when the two sides struggled happily, Pei Junlin, a key figure, entered Sky Blue City and was recognized at a glance, and Pei Junlin, as a heroic character with great prestige, can be described as the entire Tiannan City. No one knows that no one knows.

In the Hero Square in the center of Tiannan City, there is a huge jade wall. This jade wall is like a stone monument. It changes every day and countless numbers are arranged in it.

In fact, the order of arrangement is quite knowledgeable, because after each number is a monk. Just like Pei Junlin's number, the identity jade talisman he holds will generate points when he kills the demons. These points are the basis for ranking.

Although the ranking changes every day, only one person remains at the top of the list, and this person is Pei Junlin, known as the Black Wind Hero.

At the most critical moment, Pei Junlin entered Tiannan City, which was likely to cause the deflection of the winning balance, which aroused the vigilance of the chamber of commerce forces, which caused Pei Junlin to be hurriedly imprisoned and almost lost his life.

Based on the analysis of intelligence experience that Junlin Pei has detected these days, Marshal Silver Fox and General Kamo should still be in Tiannan City and preside over the forces of the rebels.

But Junlin Pei cannot appear rashly now. If discovered in the story of Tianmeng City, Junlin Pei is likely to be murdered now, so Junlin Pei must be very cautious when he appears.

The Marshal Mansion of the Silver Fox must be under heavy surveillance, so Pei Junlin directly chose to retreat. In the end, Junlin Pei chose Kamo's General Mansion, which is relatively safer, and there are not so many eyes and ears around, so Junlin Pei took advantage of the night to come to the General Mansion.

Pei Junlin's entire body was wrapped in a black robe, and looked like a mysterious figure, but no one noticed Pei Junlin because it was late at night.

After the two guards noticed that someone came to visit, there was almost no screening, and they took Pei Junlin into it directly. After one of the two guards took off the cloak, Pei Junlin discovered that under the cloak was a woman's face, and it was the red jade girl he was familiar with.

"We knew you were in danger half a month ago, and we also knew that you escaped, so we knew that you would definitely come to the door, so I have been acting as a sentry at the door these days, and I didn't expect to really wait until you came." Yu's voice trembled a little, as he looked at Pei Junlin's eyes with affection.

This made Pei Junlin a little speechless, but he is extremely weak now, and his combat effectiveness has not been fully recovered, so Pei Junlin did not say much. Soon Pei Junlin saw a tall figure standing in the yard, it was General Camo. .

This time General Camo was looking up at the stars in the sky, with a melancholy expression on his face. He suddenly turned around and stared at him, General Mo's face showed a look of surprise.

"You are finally here." General Camo grabbed Pei Junlin like a straw for life.

You must know that Pei Junlin is no longer an unknown person. With Pei Junlin's current strength and identity, it is enough to shake the current division of forces in the entire Tiannan City.

After all, although Pei Junlin's current strength is not very strong, his reputation is outside, and the reputation of Black Wind Hero is no one in the whole Tiannan, and no one knows.

At this time, as long as Pei Junlin shows up in public and raises his arms, the people who respond will definitely follow him. By that time Marshal Silver Fox regained power, and returning to the spotlight was no longer a problem.

"The reason why I ventured into success is because the course of the war has changed, and all the triumphs of the human race will be stolen, so I can't help entering this city, but I didn't expect to fall into these cunning foxes. He died inside at one point." Pei Junlin still has lingering fears in retrospect, and his face pales slightly.

General Camo was full of regrets, but he looked at Pei Junlin with a pair of tiger eyes, but he was full of admiration. This is the friendship between men.

This General Camo stood there as an iron tower. The tough guy was like a javelin, strong and straight, but Pei Junlin was not inferior to General Camo, and Pei Junlin’s presentation was more of a vicissitudes of life and favor for the world. Of the training.

"These things have passed. From now on, no one will dare to hurt you." General Camo patted your shoulder with his right hand.

In the next few days, Pei Junlin was in the general mansion heavily protected by several saint-level powerhouses sent by General Kamo, and with the help of several saint-level powerhouses, Pei Junlin deployed Zhou Tianxing to attract the big formation. .

The biggest feature of this formation is that it can gather the rays of stars for 9 days, like a huge hole, gathering all the rays of stars into one point.

Pei Junlin can absorb thousands of times the light of stars every day, so now he recovers much faster than before.

Just half a month passed, Pei Junlin felt that the wound in his heart had completely healed, and his strength was almost restored.

Nowadays, even when encountering a saint-level powerhouse Pei Junlin, he still has the power to protect himself, at least he can guarantee that he will not be killed within a few breaths, and even has the ability to escape.

The recovery of Pei Junlin's strength is crucial to General Kamo, because he has to arrange the following activities according to Pei Junlin's physical state.

If General Camo wants to return to the center of power, he needs huge reputation support, and this requires not only a large number of officers in the entire Tianlan City, but also Pei Junlin who can gather the confidence of a large number of ordinary refugees. People appear.

After all, Pei Junlin’s reputation now far surpasses that of General Silver Fox, and many people regard Pei Junlin as an idol as an object of lifelong admiration.

"Everything that happened has been recorded by me with a photo-taking crystal. If these things are unavailable, I believe that the opponent will have no power to fight back. As long as General Silver Fox regains power, then the demons will have no chance of arrogance. It will soon be torn through the line of defense." Pei Junlin directly took out a crystal that resembled a diamond, which was the photo crystal that Pei Junlin secretly concealed.

The effect of this crystal is that it can secretly record the picture and sound, and restore everything that happened at that time.

The moment General Camo saw Pei Junlin take out the photo-taking crystal, his face showed an incredible look. In fact, he never thought that Pei Junlin could record some things completely, which added a lot of persuasiveness, even Pei Junlin didn't need to personally show up everything for the truth to come to light.

At that time, the power of the Chamber of Commerce will be swept away in the entire Tiannan City. UU reading

Sure enough, the plans of Marshal Silver Fox and General Kamo were underway in the next few days. Pei Jun stayed at home and could get first-hand information every day, and every detail of changes outside, Pei Junlin You can know clearly.

Although Pei Junlin is recovering from his injuries these days, he is not idle. Pushing with Jin Ye every day is also the homework Pei Junlin must do now. Moreover, many of the things introduced by Pei Junlin, after being said by Pei Junlin, can often make General Kamo stunned.

"You mean that if you want to overthrow the power of the Chamber of Commerce, the current strength is not enough, you have to find a different way, what other way?" General Camo is a rough man who only knows how to march and fight. He is against conspiracy and trickery. Not good at it.

Although Marshal Silver Fox was brilliant, he was not very good at this kind of intrigue. Fortunately, Pei Junlin has been acting as a staff officer these days, reporting the results of his deduction with Jin Ye to General Camo every day.

"If you want to smoothly resolve this dispute, completely defeat the power of the Chamber of Commerce, there is only one way to defeat the disabled, and that is to agitate the public. Initiate a bottom-up change, rather than starting from the upper level as it is now. This will be fierce resistance from some inherent interest classes." Pei Junlin stared at General Camo lightly and said.

Regardless of what Pei Junlin said, General Camo was half-knowledgeable. He didn't understand the great principles Pei Junlin said, but often after he relayed these words to Marshal Silver Fox, they were able to cause a huge response.

And Camo also discovered an amazing thing, that is, whenever Pei Junlin said these words, Marshal Silver Fox would carefully record these words in a notebook, trying to figure it out all the time. ?

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