Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1723: military adviser

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This incident made General Camo extremely surprised, because he never thought that Pei Junlin's words would have such a strength that the Marshal couldn't help but write it down in his notebook and study it every day.

Therefore, the status of Pei Junlin in General Camo's heart has once again been raised to a higher level, and has even been on the same level as the Marshal of Yi.

In this way, Pei Junlin became the chief staff officer behind the entire Tiannan City Silver Fox Marshal, that is, the army officer behind the scenes.

Although there is no formal appointment, everyone knows that Pei Junlin now acts as a think tank in this inner circle.

Everyone is respectful and respectful to Pei Junlin. In front of Pei Junlin, everyone respects Pei Junlin like a marshal. Even General Kamo must be careful when seeing Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin didn't pay much attention to this. He was not quiet every day when he was unkempt, and he secretly discussed with Jin Ye every day to discuss a complete plan.

At this time, both knowledge and wisdom played a decisive role. Although the same cultivators, wisdom is actually on the same level, but reality limits the imagination of ordinary cultivators.

The past life of Pei Junlin and the many incredible things he has seen in this life and this life have also broadened Pei Junlin's knowledge and undoubtedly added a lot of richness to Pei Junlin's wisdom.

Under the plan of Pei Junlin's arrangement, step by step implementation, the public opinion of the entire lower level of Tiannan City is also beginning to be agitated. According to Pei Junlin's wishes, three hundred eloquent practitioners were selected in the entire Marshal's Mansion.

These cultivators were arranged by Junlin Pei to enter its hinterland and conduct intensive training for an hour a day. No one outsiders knows what the training is, but everyone who has seen the training feels dumbfounded and unbelievable.

The training subjects Pei Junlin gave to these people is very simple, in fact, it means the training of cross talk and storytelling. Public opinion cannot be for Pei Junlin to deeply know the power of public opinion. Sometimes the lower-level cultivators and ordinary cultivators can control the success or failure of the entire battle, and can control all the development of the entire Tiannan City.

The two most feared words in this world are understanding, and understanding requires communication. There was no channel of communication between the upper and lower levels, all relying on orders, so what Pei Junlin has to do now is to build a bridge between the Silver Lake Marshal and the ordinary monks in the lower level, and even let the ordinary interstellar Refugees and refugees who have fled have participated.

Although the ordinary power of these people is very weak, but when combined, they are too powerful, as indestructible as the vast ocean.

And Pei Junlin also drew a blueprint that allowed General Kamo Xingye to bring into Uranus. The formation on this drawing is that Pei Junlin was inspired by the earth's scientific and technological civilization, and the original master Baoyu had already made many incredible machines for cultivation and civilization.

The reason why Pei Junlin trained these 30,000 eloquent people is to let them rush to the places where people at the bottom gather to swim, to tell some profound stories and so on.

These behaviors that seemed unbelievable to others, and even felt useless, had profoundly changed the entire Tiannan City.

Another few months passed in the blink of an eye. For a while, General Camo and the opponent of the Marshal did not realize the danger was coming.

But Junlin Pei knew that the emotions in the entire city had reached a camp, and as long as there was a little spark in the explosion point, it would explode instantly. As for the Chamber of Commerce power that was still sleeping soundly, they were already in the tranquility before the storm.

In the afternoon, General Camo came again and talked with Junlin Pei for a while, but General Camo couldn't understand a lot of what Pei Junlin said, and he couldn't communicate with Marshal Silver Fox at all.

In the evening, an uninvited guest came to Pei Junlin's temporary residence. After entering the room, this person took off his cloak and revealed his silvery white hair. This is not someone else but Marshal Silver Fox.

Pei Junlin also did not expect that Marshal Yunhu would come to his room and talk to himself, but Pei Junlin did not feel that there is anything in his mind that everyone's status is actually the same, regardless of the level of achievement or status. The level.

However, this matter caused a huge storm in the minds of General Camo and others, because in their eyes, Marshal Yunhu's status was unattainable. He was able to talk to Pei Junlin for a long time, which was enough to prove Pei Junlin. This person is extraordinary, different.

After a long talk in the architecture department of the night, Pei Junlin's status is undoubtedly elevated again. This time even General Kamo wants to see Pei Junlin need to notify him in advance, and the people around him are more cautious about Pei Junlin.

Of course, with one exception, it is Hongyu. On the second day that Pei Junlin moved into this mansion, Hong Yu moved in quietly, looked for Pei Junlin and became Pei Junlin's caring maid.

However, Hongyu felt surprised because Pei Junlin would not keep her by her side all the time, and Hongyu had seen a strange woman by Pei Junlin's side several times.

This caused Hong Yu to be very injured for a while, but he is not a woman with a long-term relationship with children. After being rejected by Pei Junlin, he slowly cut off his nonsense. He just wanted to stay beside Pei Junlin and help Pei Junlin. Just do something.

"Master, I think this girl in red seems to be a little bit interesting to you." Geng Pin said with some emotion looking out the window, Hong Yu who was busy.

A pot of tea was being stewed on the stove in the room, Pei Junlin's eyes were fixed on the teapot, looking thoughtful, he didn't hear what Hongyu was saying.

Time passed by, and another year in the blink of an eye, Pei Junlin’s desire to return to the Sky Cloud Star Territory fell through again. Although everything has been going on in full swing recently, this is too slow for Pei Junlin. Up.

It's like driving home and encountering a big rock. It takes ten years to remove this rock. This is absolutely crazy to most people.

But Pei Junlin endured it. He knew that time and years in the starry sky were fast, and countless years passed.

He looked at the starry sky, wondering how Wang Ziqiong and others were living under another starry sky? What kind of fortune is there anyway?

I don't know why Pei Junlin was so melancholy and depressed tonight. Even Marshal Silver Fox invited him to visit the mansion, but Pei Junlin refused.

It stands to reason that today is a day worth celebrating. After all, Junlin Pei’s plan is progressing smoothly, and today he won a small victory.

But Junlin Pei did not have any mood to celebrate, because he found that the red thread wrapped around his finger turned red and gorgeous, making Pei Junlin feel extremely surprised in his heart, because this red thread, this is His former master Linglong fairy entwined the marriage line at his fingertips.

This line of marriage is not a simple thing, but it was made by Linglong who was trained by a mage. The three thousand red power contained in it. Pei Junlin didn’t know the use of this thing, but this thing was once Pulling him back to reality at the most dangerous moment, he was alive.

But it has been too long since there has been no response on the sound source line, there is no movement, but Pei Junlin does not know why this marriage line has suddenly moved today.

It's just that this thing is also something refined by the exquisite fairy. For Pei Junlin, he can't guess the mystery at all. Even if he has reached the realm of the true king now, he still remains in front of the exquisite fairy. A trivial dust.

At this moment, Pei Junlin felt that a ray of extremely profound and incomprehensible information from the marriage line came into his mind.

This is a piece of information transmitted across time and space and infinite time and space, and it contains a revelation about fate. Pei Junlin almost immediately knew that this should be the message that Linglong fairy passed to him.

Pei Junlin suddenly stood up from the fire dragon, and even a pot of tea that had just been stewed was overturned by him.

Geng Pin, who was sitting opposite Pei Junlin, frowned slightly, and stood up and stared at Pei Junlin in shock.

" What happened to you that surprised you so much?" Geng Pin stared at Pei Junlin and said.

Since the encounter between him and Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin has been unpredictable and unpredictable. It seems that Geng Pin has never seen such a panic scene of Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin gradually calmed down, and he waved his hand to signal Geng Pin not to disturb himself. Soon, Pei Junlin sank into the chaotic world between his eyebrows and met with Jin Ye.

"This time you can't decipher the information, but you know that it comes from your master?" Jin Ye became more and more unpredictable, his whole body was covered with a layer of chaotic light, so that Pei Junlin could not see him clearly. Faces.

When Pei Junlin unreservedly showed the red marriage line at his fingertips, Jin Ye showed a surprised look. The fog cleared, revealing a familiar and unfamiliar face of Pei Junlin.

The former Jin Ye looked like a handsome young man, but the exchanges between Pei Junlin and Jin Ye in these years were limited to the exchange of spiritual knowledge, and he had indeed not seen Jin Ye’s deity for a long time.

This time, Pei Junlin wanted to meet Jin Ye in person because he actually wanted to ask Jin Ye about a lot of things, but he didn't expect that Jin Ye would have changed a lot.

Is it possible that the spirit of the instrument grows, just like a human being, with the growth of the years and the change of age, the face gradually changes?

Pei Junlin looked confused, because he had never heard of this statement. Therefore, I was a little surprised to see what Jin Ye looks like now.

"This thing is not simple. This is the legendary sentiment. A thousand miles of marriage is linked by a thread. This thing has no concept of time and space. Even in the long river of time and space, this marriage line can still be connected to each other." Jin Ye looked ambiguous. Looked at Pei Junlin and said. ?

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