Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1724: Love message

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Pei Junlin's face flushed slightly, because this sentiment was not given to him by others, but his master exquisite fairy.

However, Pei Junlin had an extra heart and didn't tell Lord Jin about this matter.

"I remember that this thing should have been given to you by your master, I didn't expect you two masters and apprentices..., hehe." Jin Ye did not finish speaking, Pei Junlin's face seemed to rise The fire is as embarrassing as the cloud.

After saying these words, Lord Jin did not speak any more, but silently accepted the message passed by Pei Junlin. The two divine minds collided in midair and produced a series of sparks.

That was the message Linglong Fairy used to pass on to herself, and Pei Junlin passed it on to Lord Jin without reservation, out of showing the absolute trust between the two.

But the moment Jin Ye received this message with his eyes closed, his brows slightly frowned. Soon, Jin Ye's complexion changed drastically, and a panic expression appeared in his eyes.

Seeing Jin Ye's expression, Pei Junlin was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Jin Ye's face to change. Could it be that something serious happened?

"I'll tell you the news, can you survive it?" After a long time this year, the expression on his face slowly calmed down, but there was a hint of sympathy in Pei Junlin's eyes.

Pei Junlin felt bad instinctively. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Jin Ye's sleeve: "Just tell me what the matter is. The man stands upright, there is nothing that can't stand it."

Jin Yan nodded slightly, looking into the distance, and then said in a low tone: "This message is indeed passed by your master Linglong fairy, but his situation is already very bad, then The Great Thousand World has also been invaded. I am afraid that the entire Great Thousand World is already on the verge of destruction."

Hearing what Jin Ye said, Pei Junlin was completely stunned. He never thought that this was the case.

The Great Thousand World is the world where the earth was originally located, and the world Pei Junlin is now in is called the Sanqing World, which was created by three supreme powers.

If someone told Pei Junlin that the Great Thousand World would die one day, Pei Junlin would never believe it, and would even treat that person as a fool, but now that he heard this news from the mouth of Lord Jin, Pei Junlin had a saying in his heart Unreliable sadness.

Because Pei Junlin knows very well that nothing in this world can't die. Even the world universe will become ashes and disappear after countless epochs, and then a new universe will be born again, and there will be new life. Bred.

Countless ascetics flock to it, and the pursuit of immortality simply does not exist. Immortality is actually limited. Even if it is the life span of an immortal, according to Pei Junlin's recent searches, it is only 120,000 years.

One to two thousand years is an epoch, and a universe will have one to two thousand epochs.

"This message also said that the Linglong fairy took away your wife and parents when the world was about to be destroyed, so you don't have to worry too much. They are still safe now." Jin Ye looked at Pei. King's Landing said a message again


Pei Junlin was completely stunned when he heard the news. He did not expect that his master Linglong fairy would actually do such a thing for himself.

But Junlin Pei was also relieved and let go of his heart.

But soon there was a question again in his heart. The Great Thousand World really is the Great Thousand World. According to the information that Pei Junlin Qian received some fragments from Linglong Xianzun's mouth, Pei Junlin once heard that Linglong Fairy said, now Today's Big Thousand World is not the real Big Thousand World at all, but the legendary Little Thousand World.

The so-called real great world is not the fairy world, but another magnificent world, but no one has ever been there.

There are many ultimate secrets in this world, which ordinary cultivators can't know in their entire life. For example, Pei Junlin has cultivated to the realm of the real king, but he still has a little understanding of many of the mysteries of this world.

"I can tell you a secret. The Big Thousand World you call it is actually not the real Big Thousand World at all, but just a place called the Little Thousand World, but even the Little Thousand World is impossible to be destroyed at all, so you There is a great probability that the master of this is an alarmist talk.” Jin Ye suddenly said to Pei Junlin a shocking news with a smile.

Pei Junlin was not too surprised, because he had heard the news from his master Linglong Fairy. Although it was just a guess, it has now been confirmed by Jin Ye.

Distance naturally had also doubted the identity of Jin Ye, after all, the advanced strength is too strong and unfathomable.

A secret you’ve ever heard is that there are some top treasures in this universe that can live the same life as the heavens and the earth, even if the universe is destroyed. These treasures will not necessarily be destroyed, but will be passed on to the next era, even There are some treasures that can recreate the era and reach the heavens and the earth, and within the treasures, a world can be brewed anew.

For example, the world in the Chaos Golden Dou, the general treasure, although it also contains the world inside, but this kind of world is generally single, and it will never produce the five elements, let alone wind, water and fire.

However, the chaotic world inside the chaotic golden bucket is extraordinary. The current five primordial gods of Pei Junlin have entered the world in this chaos, forming the five gods, that is, the gods of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

This had to make Pei Junlin doubt Jin Ye's identity further, after all, the chaos entering the inner world is too magical, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary treasures to do this step.

So now when I heard Jin Ye said very confidently that the Great Thousand World was not the real Great Thousand World, but only the Little Thousand World, Pei Junlin had almost no doubt.

After receiving this news, Pei Junlin was uneasy for a few days. Although he knew that Linglong Fairy, who was his master, had taken away his parents and relatives, Pei Junlin was still not sure whether his friends and some other people were in the end. Has it been redeemed?

The earth has been pulled by the mysterious golden carriage to return to the market, and now the small world is about to collapse. Although the small world in Jin Ye’s mouth will not die at all, the average heart is still a little worried. Although the world does not know what Something happened, but the characters like Linglong Fairy appeared in a panic, indicating that the catastrophe of that world is absolutely no less than the world of Sanqing.

"You want to return to the world of Xiaoqian, then I can tell you that Tianyun Sect is a springboard. Tianyun Sect is definitely connected with the people of the world of Xiaoqian." Jin Ye said with a very determined expression.

After exiting from Chaos into My World, Pei Junlin applied in a daze, and it took three full days to relax.

During these three days, huge changes have also taken place in Tiannan City. When Pei Junlin came back to his senses, he discovered that the power of the Chamber of Commerce almost died out overnight.

The outside of Marshal Silver Fox's mansion has been surrounded by water. These people are not malicious, but all are whistling the tsunami in the mountains, and Marshal Silver Fox must be invited to come out.

When Pei Junlin walked out of the marshal's mansion, all eyes stayed on her, and those who knew the truth regarded Pei Junlin as a god.

Because this matter was created by Pei Junlin from beginning to end, Marshal Silver Fox, who was at the lowest period of his life, was pushed back to the throne of Marshal.

And from the beginning to the end, Pei Junlin did not use the power of some cultivators, nor did he use violence. Instead, he used a method that was invisible to others.

It was the power of strategy, and Pei Junlin used wool to make it visible to the enemy, but he couldn't prevent the frogs boiled in warm water. In less than a year, he completely dismantled this gloomy force.

At this time, on the largest square in Tiannan City, two saint-level powerhouses were restrained, and dozens of true kings and true monarch-level masters were also listed.

One of the two saint-level powerhouses is the saint-level powerhouse who once shot Pei Junlin and caused a huge wound to his heart, but at this time this person has no longer the madness of the past. state.

In the sky above the square was suspended a group of light as strong as the scorching sun, and a figure was projected in the light. It was the powerful master who came from the city of Heaven.

Today, these two saint-level powerhouses and the rest of the true king realm masters are all going to die, and they are executed in public.

Knowing whether it was accidentally or deliberately, today's Superintendent is Pei Junlin. This is Yuan Yinhu who gave Pei Junlin a chance for revenge.

"As long as the master starts to do it later, I will definitely help you get the spirits of these two saint-level powerhouses." said a flattering voice.

This voice is not someone else, it is the Ling Lao Wu of the Soul Umbrella. Lao Wu was originally a combination of the human soul and the demon. He was a freak, with both human nature and the cunning and flattery of the demon.

At this time, Lao Wu appeared in front of Pei Junlin with only the upper body, while the lower body was nothing. Although there was a lot of people on the court, no one could see what Lao Wu really looked like. Only Pei Junlin could see it. This is because Lao Wu is invisible and invisible, as long as it is projected on the human spirit, it will be seen. Seeing that, if you don't project, even the powerhouse of the saint level can't see the existence of the demon.

It's like there is no light, and you still can't see things. People can only see those objects when they can reflect light. The same goes for the demon.

And Pei Junlin stared at these two saint-level powerhouses without any emotions in his eyes. The reason why he wanted to secretly bring these two saint-level spirits to the giant was not to say that Pei Junlin wanted to torture. They have another reason. ?

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