Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1725: Small 0 world

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The saint-level powerhouse Divine Soul is extremely powerful, and it would undoubtedly be a waste to let it dissipate between heaven and earth after beheaded. That's why Pei Junlin ordered Lao Wu to secretly retrieve the two saint-level spirits and then use them.

Normal saints are difficult to kill, but they have special instruments of torture. I saw the strong man above the sky with a roar, and several lightning bolts fell from the sky instantly.

Pei Junlin knows that this is the power of the catastrophe, and even the power of the saint level will not be wiped out even under the catastrophe. Although their souls will be damaged, they will not die immediately, but ordinary people It's different, even a master of the real dragon realm will soon be wiped out under the robbery of heaven.

In the evening, Pei Junlin was sitting in the room with a small transparent bottle in his palm.

The bottle is the container used by Pei Junlin to practice calligraphy, and is used to hold the saint-level spirit. There is a transparent small flat back and flat distance called the soul bottle. This soul bottle looks extremely delicate, like a finely crafted work of art, which is made by Pei Junlin using a very rare crystal.

It's just that in this small jade bottle, a middle-aged man was imprisoned in it. The middle-aged man kept roaring at Pei Junlin, but he couldn't make a sound.

The distance picked up this small bottle and shook it, the middle-aged man seemed to have been violently shaken, his appearance was slowly broken like water, and finally turned into a pale golden liquid.

Soon now, the liquid gradually condensed and gasified and became a human form again.

"I won't let you go, I will give up this dream as soon as possible." Pei Junlin shook his head.

The middle-aged man in the bottle seemed to have a lot to say, gesturing towards Pei Junlin constantly, and his face showed a subdued look.

After Pei Junlin hesitated for a while, he still opened the cork. As soon as he opened the cork, a yellow smoke came out and gradually condensed into a figure in the air. This figure slowly solidified. There is no difference from real people.

"How about a deal between the two of us? I tell you a secret, and you promised to let me go." The middle-aged man said towards Pei Junlin.

This person is no one else, but the powerful saint who caused fatal damage to Pei Junlin before. Later Pei Junlin inquired that his name was Seguin.

"It's useless, it doesn't matter what you say." Pei Junlin shook his head without showing any fluctuations on his face.

The sage-level powerhouse Divine Soul in front of him finally revealed his unwilling body. He knew that he had no hope of survival this time.

Tomorrow, after a long laugh, Seguin said to Pei Junlin: "It looks like I am in a disaster this time, but I have something to give you before I die. Don't worry, there are no conditions. I have a sword in my life. My understanding is far beyond ordinary people, and I realized a trick called the Thirteen Swords of Tianyun. If I don’t pass this one forward, then I won’t look down on my eyes. Although you are the one who made me die last, I will use this sword. Recruit and teach it to you."

Pei Junlin didn't speak, he was trying to figure out the other party's intention. Since the other party said so, Pei Junlin didn't know if there were any traps.

However, the man did not wait for Pei Junlin to express his attitude, but the soul turned into a testimony and began to operate. Pei Junlin's gaze stared at the testimony, his expression became more and more surprised, and in the end, Pei Junlin stood up in shock.

Pei Junlin could not fully understand the mystery of the thirteen swords of the cloud this day, although he couldn't fully understand it through his eyes, but the mystery made Pei Junlin astonished.

The power of this sword formation is really too great, enough to allow ordinary cultivators to leapfrog one level, even over two levels, to challenge advanced masters.

Pei Junlin had never seen such a powerful sword formation before. It is estimated that this kind of formation would have the power to destroy the world.

"I have exhausted my life to practice this Tianyun 13 swords to the fourth level. This is the testimony of the sword spectrum, you can take it, and this sword formation must have a special flying sword as a match, and it must Thirteen flying swords." When Seguin spoke, Pei Junlin saw a light flying towards him when he opened his mouth.

This is a small golden sword that flies directly towards Pei Junlin’s eyebrows. Pei Junlin can’t avoid it at all. When Pei Junlin’s heart is throbbing, he suddenly feels that this sword-shaped mark is not for himself. What hurts, but directly enters the divine consciousness and becomes a sword art.

This sword technique secret is exactly the cultivation method of the Tianyun Thirteen Swords. From the first level to the twelfth level, the creation of the spectrum without any concealment or modification is completely a gift to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was stunned, he didn't expect the other party to be so generous.

After doing all this, Seguin's figure slowly melted like a candle. Only the golden droplet returned to the bottle, but it was much cleaner than before, without any impurities.

Jun Pei looked at the midair, only to see a little silver dust falling in the midair, which was the dust of the soul.

Pei Junlin felt a little sad, but he didn't know why and for whom. This day, the Thirteen Swords of Cloud is definitely a magical skill of the swan song level. If the cultivation is successful, it will be the most powerful method in the hands of Pei Junlin, even far beyond the hand of the devil.

It should be said that the hand of the demon **** is not enough to see in front of the thirteen swords of Tianyun. It is like the relationship between a dust and the planet river.

Pei Junlin closed his eyes and carefully figured out the sword art of the Tianyun Thirteen Swords. Only at the thickest part, Pei Junlin saw what Seguin left for himself.

The original Tianyun Thirteen Swords was not Seguin’s original, but he encountered this sword art through accidental encounters in a mysterious place.

It's just that it is an impossible task to fully train the Thirteen Swords of Tianyun. It's like Sekanai is a powerhouse at the level of a saint, and this has only reached the fourth level.

For ordinary cultivators, it is even an impossible task.

Pei Junlin carefully figured out the Tianyun Thirteen Swords, only to find that it is really difficult to make up the Thirteen Swords, because this Tianyun Thirteen Swords has special requirements for each sword and special materials. Forged.

At this time, Marshal Silver Fox had regained power in Tianlan City, and Pei Junlin was no longer worried about his safety. Moreover, after a long-term business, Pei Junlin and Yinhu Yuanshui have reshaped their strategic plan, which is stronger and more thorough than the previous plan.

According to Pei Jun's estimate, it will take at least three months for the Demon Race's defense line to be completely breached, and at that time he will directly enter the Sky Cloud Star Territory through this gap.

It’s just that the strength of the Sky Cloud Sect makes Pei Junlin a little discouraged. With his current strength, it is indeed difficult to enter the Sky Cloud Sect, but now Marshal Silver Fox has given Pei Junlin a promise that once he breaks the Demon Race’s Room, he will command the cultivator army to attack Tianyunzong.

On that day, Yunzong was a powerful and incredible behemoth for a person, but for the entire natural legion, it was just a dust.

After all, if you have such confidence, Chu Yunniang is not a problem with Pei Junlin, and from the mouth of Tianyunzong, how to go to the world of Xiaoqian is no longer a luxury for Pei Junlin.

Everything seems to be going well. If you follow the established plan, Pei Junlin may be able to return to the original world without a year, but I don't know why Pei Junlin's heart is a little empty.

There were pictures flashing in his mind. These pictures are all the friends he met in this world. Some of these friends have lost contact, and some people have no news. When they leave, they may be goodbye. At the time, I'm afraid there will be no chance to meet again in this life.

There is also the secret of the golden carriage. Pei Junlin has not solved it yet. He wants to enter the abyss and explore the golden carriage, but obviously there is no chance.

Another important thing in front of Pei Junlin is that before leaving here, the dragon girl must bring the dragon girl back to her original world. Because the two are from the same place, Pei Junlin can’t bear it. Leave the dragon girl in this lonely world.

In addition to the dragon girl, there is also the white-haired old woman. Pei Junlin is curious as to what identity this white-haired old woman is? Why does a young girl pretend to be a white-haired old woman to fool herself?

The battle situation is undergoing tremendous changes every moment, but Pei Junlin, a military-style character, can know a lot of information without leaving his house.

Every day's battle reports flew like snow flakes, but Pei Junlin did not need to process this information, because there were tens of thousands of staff in the Marshal's Mansion.

Each of these lower-level officials is a true monarch-level powerhouse. Their brain computing speed is much faster than ordinary people. A large amount of information is summarized and purified by them, and only after they are refined, will they be on the table of Pei Junlin and the marshal.

What Pei Junlin needs to do is to discuss some of the most important information with Marshal Yunhu every day, and then make some important decisions.

And every major decision negotiated between Pei Junlin and Marshal Yinhu could affect the fate of thousands of people.

Various orders are issued from Pei Junlin's desk every day, and there are a large number of army gatherings and the demon army in a melee.

There were heavy footsteps outside the door, the door was suddenly pushed open, and it was General Camo who walked in. The current General Camo was completely different from before. With a look of surprise on his face, he didn't speak after seeing Pei Junlin, and he just bowed his head and knelt down.

"We have won the demon's defense line and have collapsed. It is only a matter of time before they completely break through their fortress and destroy their Changchun Gate. There will be no more demon in the entire Tiannan Star Region soon." General Camo used one. A trembling voice looked at Pei Junlin.

The Pei Junlin in his eyes was like a god. ?

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