Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1728: Reincarnation

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There were dozens of planets along the way, and all that Pei Junlin saw were bones and hunger for thousands of miles. In the starry sky, there are still millions of monks' corpses floating.

This is definitely a catastrophe, and the suffering of the Tianyun Star Region in this catastrophe far exceeds that of Tiannan.

Pei Junlin couldn't help but become more worried. He worried that the Tianyun Sect could not resist the Demon Race. If the Tianyun Sect fell, then where did Yun Yao go?

Inquiring along the way, Pei Junlin finally got a relief that gave her a sigh of relief, that is, the Sky Cloud Sect is still standing.

But what makes people scolded is that Tianyunzong actually chose to be neutral in this catastrophe, that is, not to interfere in the battle between the demons and the human race.

You must know that in the Sky Cloud Sect, it is the largest sect in the entire Sky Cloud Star Region, and it almost occupies the absolute power of the entire Sky Cloud Star Region. At this time, the Tianyun Sect did not resist the invasion of the Demon Clan and it was tantamount to surrendering, so all the way Pei Junlin saw all the curses and curses on the Tianyun Sect, almost no one had a good impression of the Tianyun Sect.

"Master, during the days when we entered Tianyun Xingyu, I detected that there was a fleet following us." Xiao Qi reported to Pei Junlin with a sound similar to a machine.

This was an unexpected result Pei Junlin didn't expect. He didn't expect the Demon Race to chase down to Tianyun. Pei Junlin almost acted decisively, and absolutely couldn't let this tail follow him, because no matter where he went, the Demon's fleet would attack wherever he went.

This tail must be removed, this is what Pei Junlin can think of now.

But soon Pei Junlin discovered that things were not as simple as he thought. The demons were coming on fiercely, and they were definitely not a single soldier, but a huge invincible fleet.

This proves that the demons in the Southern Star Territory have been defeated, and a large number of demons have retreated to the Heavenly Clouds Star Territory. They will use this area as a stronghold and continue to expand toward the surrounding area.

In other words, the entire Tianyun star field has fallen. Except for the neutrality of the Tianyun Sect, Pei Junlin in the rest of the area has hardly seen tourists have formed a large-scale resistance.

Now what Pei Junlin sees are some deserted planets. These planets were originally prosperous human planets, but now a large number of deserted people die and a large number of monks flee, making the entire sky cloud star field. There is a **** smell in the air.

There are too many dead people, and Pei Junlin's eyes can already see, a huge vortex has appeared in the sky above the entire sky cloud star field.

In this huge vortex, soul beasts danced in it again, and a large number of disabled or intact souls were dragged by a mysterious force and flew toward this vortex.

Still the same as the previous few times, this mysterious vortex can only be seen by Pei Junlin alone, no matter how Pei Junlin asks the people around him, even Jin Ye cannot see this mysterious soul vortex.

Pei Junlin has summed up a law, wherever a large number of human deaths, or where a large number of spirits are produced, such a mysterious vortex will always appear.

When Pei Junlin's heart was cut open with a sword by the saint-level powerhouse, he was almost caught in this vortex.

At the most critical moment, Pei Junlin relied on his own will and two forbidden weapons from the mysterious forbidden area to pull him back from death.

Facing the soul vortex for this matter again, Pei Junlin felt complicated, and felt a sense of hatred for the training of this thing. He felt that this thing was absolutely evil, and definitely not a normal way of reincarnation.

So far, Pei Junlin has had two near-death experiences. The first and most dangerous time was when Pei Junlin was refining the mysterious blue flame.

His body was completely wrapped in the mysterious blue flame, and Pei Junlin's life will also reached the end, Pei Junlin walked for a long time on the chaotic road of death. In the end, Pei Junlin died and came back to life because of the runes of the primordial beginning, and returned from the cycle of death.

Therefore, Pei Junlin can be sure that this mysterious vortex is definitely not the home of the soul, nor is it the orthodox path of soul reincarnation. Where does your mysterious vortex lead? What kind of ending will these souls have? Pei Junlin didn't want to guess, because he couldn't interfere with such things at all now.

In front of the soul vortex, Pei Junlin felt like an ant, and his power was insignificant.

There is no doubt that the entire Tianyun star field has been completely occupied. Without a strong organizational force, Tianyun’s heart is showing a disc of sand. The vast majority of monks and warriors, a small number of monks, wandering and fleeing in the stars, and then a large number of ordinary people practice in the lower levels The person was completely wiped out and reduced to the dust of history.

This is completely different from the Tianyun Xingyu that Pei Junlin saw not long ago. At that time, the Tianyun Sect was the core of the entire Tianyun Starfield, illuminating the surroundings like the sun.

Hundreds of thousands of planets in the entire Tianyun Star Territory are thriving, and all the monks are yearning for this sacred place in their hearts, and have even been proud of entering the Tianyun Sect.

But now Pei Junlin saw the completely opposite situation. The reputation of Tianyunzong had completely turned into an unsmelling stinky dung. Almost all monks gritted their teeth when extracting the four words of Tianyunzong.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely disgraceful role played by the Sky Cloud Sect in the disaster of the entire Sky Cloud Star Territory. Although the Tianyun Sect did not face the demon in the face, everyone knew secretly that if the two of the Tianyun Sect did not help each other to maintain neutrality, it was tantamount to surrendering.

On the wasteland at night, Pei Junlin could see a large number of beasts running here. These ordinary beasts are often the remains of human monks in their mouths.

I have seen a lot and watched a lot. Pei Junlin is already numb. If he saw humans exposing the corpse in the wilderness before, Pei Junlin would definitely help bury it, but at this time there are too many bones everywhere, even if Pei Junlin is a star in the sky , He is too busy.

So seeing these wild beasts walking in groups on the wasteland, Pei Junlin had no intention of interfering.

It was surprisingly cold on the wasteland at night, perhaps because of the invasion of the demons, which caused a drastic change in the rules of heaven and earth in the entire star field.

The temperature during the day is very hot. According to the average estimate, it can reach at least hundreds of degrees Celsius. The temperature at night is very cold and has reached an unbearable level. Even if you are practicing, it is still under this extremely cold temperature. Unbearable.

Several wounded monks who were rescued by Pei Junlin during the day were dying at this extremely cold temperature. In desperation, Pei Junlin could only find some materials and set a bonfire.

Of course, the bonfires lit are not ordinary wood, but materials specially prepared by Pei Junlin. After being ignited, these woods will release a lot of heat, and the temperature of the flame is extremely high, which can make it warm within a radius of ten meters. Environment.

Looking at these wounded monks, Pei Junlin felt sympathy in his heart, but knew that everyone would go their separate ways after daybreak. Among these people, there were only a handful of people who could survive.

But Pei Junlin had nothing to do. After all, everyone met in peace. He couldn't stop for these people. She was going to Tianyun Sect, and she couldn't delay it for a moment.

The monks under the bonfire were all wretched by the fire, like wounded beasts. Some of these people were crying in a low voice, while others had firm eyes.

But no one spoke, because in this desperate mood, no one wanted to speak, nor did they want to communicate with the people around them.

There was a rustle of footsteps in the distance, Pei Jun went to the fame and saw a rickety figure on the wasteland walking towards the place of fire. His moving speed was very slow, and he had to stop and rest almost every step he took. For a while.

This is an elderly man, looking extremely embarrassed, and dusty, but he has no injuries. What makes Pei Junlin feel even more incredible is that this person's cultivation realm has only the Yinshen realm. You know, before the invasion of the demons, this realm was like dust, UU read www. uukanshu. com will disappear in an instant.

But what shocked Pei Junlin was that the old man was still alive and his mental head looked good. The reason he walked slowly was because he was carrying too much weight.

"Young people are all merits, you saved so many people..." The old man was particularly talkative, unlike the other injured. This old man looked at Pei Junlin almost at the beginning, chattering on Pei Junlin's ears endlessly. While talking.

Although he could only get a response from Pei Junlin occasionally, the old man kept talking on his own.

"It should be from the south side of Tiannan, I heard that the situation there is not bad. Look at our Tianyun star field, it has been completely ruined, completely ruined in the hands of Tianyunzong." The old man mentioned Tian. At the time of Yunzong, there was no hatred in his tone, but his eyes were particularly cold. Even the beating flames in the eyes couldn't conceal the utter coldness.

"This bitch's Tianyun Sect will sooner or later be broken by the demon army." someone nearby cursed in a low voice.

Hearing the man's curse, the old man showed a mocking laugh with disdain. The wounded cultivators around were immediately unhappy. They struggled to stand up from the ground and pointed to the old man’s nose and cursed: "Old coffin, why are you laughing? Didn’t we say something wrong? Tianyunzong don’t look at it now. Take care of yourself. When the Demon Race has cleaned up our ordinary monks, they will definitely be the next turn."

Pei Junlin didn't say anything. These monks' accusations were not unreasonable, but the old man's words were yin and yang strange, which really made people uncomfortable.

"You posterity is right, but don't you know if there is no capable person in Tianyun Sect? Can they not see the results today? Obviously they can see it too." The old man smiled and said There was something that stunned everyone. ?

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