Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1729: Mysterious old man

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Hearing this old man's argument, everyone felt that internal power must have a mystery, and this sloppy-looking old man actually knew the inside story.

Pei Junlin carefully observed the sloppy old man. Upon closer inspection, Pei Junlin found that there was nothing unusual about the other person. The whole person looked like an ordinary low-level cultivator.

But Junlin Pei knew that behind the seemingly common things, there was definitely something unusual. The old man hadn't encountered any danger along the way, and he didn't even have a bump on his body. Although he looked sloppy, he was indeed spotless.

That's right, it's spotless. Pei Junlin has carefully looked at the old man's tatters, but the clothes are very clean and there is no dust. This is absolutely abnormal, and between the old man's eyebrows, Pei Junlin saw a special breath.

"Old gentleman, sit here." Pei Junlin gave his seat to the old man.

Pei Junlin's position is the best, and it is also the most precious among all the people present, because the terrain is the highest and it faces south.

Pei Junlin rescued these people before, so everyone respected him and gave the best position to Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin is the leader of this group no matter where he goes.

But now everyone sees that Pei Junlin actually gave up his position to such a sloppy old man, and indeed many people have revealed their puzzled bodies.

However, no one stood up to oppose this, after all, Pei Junlin saved their lives, and Pei Junlin's strength was unfathomable. These cultivators scattered in the starry sky, in fact, everyone is very smart and knows how to perceive words and colors.

There is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason. Many things in this world have their own reasons. Why does Pei Junlin suddenly respect such a bad old man? Everyone's eyes are sharp.

There were also a few heads turning fast among the crowd, and soon discovered the unusualness of this old man.

"Little baby, don't be polite to the old man. I am here today to call you a few words, and I know you are going to Tianyunzong. I will give you a task. If you can complete this task, I will satisfy you. A wish." The old man suddenly looked at Pei Junlin with a smile and said.

A gust of wind blew his straw hat into the air, revealing white hair.

The old man seemed to mean something dying, but Pei Junlin felt that there seemed to be an indescribable force in this thin body.

It seems that the old man is like a piece of ginseng, or an old root is the root between the heaven and the earth. No matter how you look at it, this old man is integrated with the whole world, completely natural, and has no intention of violating peace at all.

"If you have any requirements, old sir, you can do it if the younger generation can do it." Pei Jun said politely.

At this time, Pei Junlin had realized that this seemingly ordinary old man was actually not simple at all, with a straw hat and ragged appearance, but no one could tell the background behind it.

Therefore, Pei Junlin chose to be respectful and respectful to the other party, without any adulteration.

"That's good. I will tell you about this in private, but I won't tell anyone. As long as you help me with this, I can help you fulfill any request you make." The old man is secretive Smile.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew Pei Junlin, and suddenly he looked up and saw the old man sitting above him, and suddenly disappeared.

None of the people present could see clearly, and no one knew what was going on. They just saw a gust of wind coming, and a dying old man disappeared like this.

But Junlin Pei looked thoughtful, because the old man had passed him a sound transmission when he was leaving, and the contents of the sound transmission were also very simple with only a few words, which was to let him find a way to destroy the Sky Cloud Sect.

Pei Junlin also didn't expect that the task the other party gave him was such a task to destroy the Sky Cloud Sect. These words are simple and simple to say, but only Pei Junlin knows very well that this matter is almost impossible to achieve.

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even in ordinary times, the Sky Cloud Sect is like the sky, and no one can challenge it.

Not to mention that now the Sky Cloud Sect has relied on the backing of the Demon Race, and the two are secretly accommodating.

If you want to shake Tianyunzong with Pei Junlin's own power, it is simply impossible that it is a daydream at all. But Junlin Pei was not discouraged by this, because Marshal Silver Fox had promised him before, lending him the strength of a regiment.

The strength of this corps is the basis for Pei Junlin to start his career, but it is far from enough, because the cultivator army’s combat effectiveness is very strong, but the general cultivation level is not high. Even the masters of the real king’s realm might be in front of Yunzong that day It will turn to ashes between your fingers.

Although no cultivator of the Corps was enough to destroy the Sky Cloud Sect, Pei Junlin was very confident in this matter. And listening to the old man's tone, Pei Junlin felt that the other party was confident enough.

Then the promise made by the other party is too imaginative. Pei Junlin wants to do it now, but there are too many things that cannot be done. The most important thing is that Pei Junlin wants to do the most is to return to the original world. .

Of course there are other things, such as Pei Junlin trying to figure out the origin of the golden carriage.

If the old man can do these things, Pei Junlin will make a lot of money. After all, for Pei Junlin, it is very easy to destroy a sect and a secret that can never be solved. Made a judgment.

The strength of a corps is indeed a drop in the bucket, but Pei Junlin is also very clear in his heart that it is completely unrealistic to rely on Marshal Yin Hu's help to destroy a Big Mac.

The Sky Cloud Sect exists in the entire Sky Cloud, just like the Uranus City exists in the Southern Star Region. Therefore, if you want to destroy the Sky Cloud Sect, for Pei Junlin, it is no less than removing a Taishan Mountain.

Although Pei Junlin had the patience of Yugong Yishan, he did not have such a long time to use him. He must return to the original world as soon as possible, and urgently, because the teacher's exquisite fairy sent him to Pei Junlin's mind already very restless.

"Dare to ask everyone here, where will you go after today?" Pei Junlin said to everyone.

Barbecue is set up above the flame, and the fragrance is scattered under the raging flame. Everyone was eating meat with big mouthfuls, and when they heard Pei Junlin's words, they stopped unanimously. They looked at Pei Junlin with reluctance, shock and confusion.

"Brother Pei, do you really want to leave us? If it weren't for you to save me, I'm afraid I am now a bone." A tender voice said with a choked look at Pei Junlin.

These days, Pei Junlin has saved many people along the way, so that the team behind him is getting bigger and bigger. These people are often injured very seriously, not a pill, or simple rescue can save them, so Pei Junlin simply brought these injured people with him, so that even his side has reached more than a hundred people. .

"Of course, there are all banquets in the world. Sooner or later, everyone will go their separate ways. And I will never be your guardian. I still have my own things to do." Pei Junlin said lightly.

Hearing Pei Junlin's words like this, some people cried, some no longer had the intention of eating meat, and many people showed a confused look on their faces.

"Yes, Brother Pei is right. We can't hold him down forever. It is a great blessing for him to save us. How can we follow him forever?" Someone stood up and said with red eyes, and the firelight appeared on the face. With a changing look.

Pei Junlin saw the expressions of everyone here, and sighed in his heart.

"Big Brother Pei, what are you going to do next? But if we people can help, we are willing to help you, even if it is going through fire and water." A man with a beard on his face stood up. Head towards the princess Pei Jun.

Although this person’s age is much older than Pei Junlin, UU Reading www.uukānshu. Com looks more vicissitudes of life, but he calls him Big Brother Pei Junlin.

"Next I naturally have something to do, but I feel a little worried about you." Pei Junlin sighed.

The friendship formed between life and death is extraordinary. These people now regard Pei Junlin as the flesh and blood of hands and feet, and do not want to leave Pei Junlin for a minute.

When someone is facing death or despair, if someone saves him, then that kind of gratitude will accompany him for a lifetime, so these people here are completely heartbroken towards Pei Jun, without any double heart.

Even if they were to die for Jun Pei immediately, these people probably wouldn't frown.

"What I will do next may be difficult to complete, but I might as well tell you that what I want to do is to be positive. All the people with lofty ideals in the entire star field will fight back the demons and overthrow the Sky Cloud Sect." Pei Junlin said very calmly.

There was a sound of inhaling air-conditioning from the crowd, because almost everyone felt that the thing Pei Junlin said was impossible to accomplish, because any of these two things was almost double the difficulty. Increase, whether it is driving away the devil or overthrowing the Sky Cloud Sect, it is simply a dream.

"Brother Pei, I am willing to be with you. Everyone will die together. I will still be a good brother in the next life. Anyway, I will die once. I don't care anymore, and I am already homeless." A thin man Standing up, this man was a master in the early stage of the real king realm.

The rest of the people stood up after hearing this, and one of them said to Pei Junlin: "If you let me leave this cloud star field, it would be better to kill me. Even if I die, I will die here, so I am I won't leave here, Brother Pei, I did it with you."?

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