Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1730: Coalition forces

The sound of support made Pei Junlin feel sore in his nose. The people he accidentally saved have now become his **** helpers.

And the people who can survive are undoubtedly people with both strength and luck. If they don’t have strong strength, they may have died under the hands of the demons. Therefore, Pei Junlin rescued the general strength of the more than one hundred people. Above the real monarch level.

And Pei Junlin glanced at it roughly, and there were at least ten True Kings masters in the crowd. This was a force that could not be underestimated.

But now Pei Junlin has twisted the power of these people into a rope. As the saying goes, brothers work together to cut money, and these people's hearts are moving from one place to another, and the power generated by that time is definitely much stronger than a disc of loose sand.

"Boss, please tell me how to do it, let's follow you, you said we will never go to the east." Someone stood up and arched his hand towards Pei Junlin.

Under the light of the fire, one by one bright men standing in the light, Pei Junlin suddenly felt sore in his eyes, because he thought of the loyal brothers who had been on the earth.

Everything seemed to reappear, and Pei Junlin seemed to have returned to the days of yesterday on the earth.

"Well, we are together, as long as we are together, nothing can't be done." Pei Junlin arched his hands towards everyone.

Pei Junlin had already understood that to accomplish these two things alone, it was impossible to destroy the Sky Cloud Sect. It could only be an unrealistic dream. But to gather all the power and squeeze it into a fist to hit the Demon Race and the Sky Cloud Sect, then it will be very simple.

After all, the demons are not invincible, and the power of the demons will be weakened when they descend from their original world to this world. Moreover, according to Pei Junlin’s observation, the Demon’s portal has limited output capabilities of some top-level demon powers, and they cannot stay in this world for too long, because they will be punished and squeezed by heaven.

There is also the Sky Cloud Sect, although it looks like a giant, like a giant, but the entire Sky Cloud Star Territory has a large population, and there are also thousands of masters.

If the masters gather, their power will definitely far exceed the Sky Cloud Sect.

"Brothers, it was Tian Yundong's collusion with the Demon Race that made us what we are now. We must unite together to mobilize all our friends and relatives, and we must gather together to overthrow the **** who destroyed our home." Jun Pei raised his arms. Shouting.

Although there were only more than a hundred people in the sky below, the cry was like a mountain whistling a tsunami, and the waves were higher than the waves, and even the beasts in the distance ran away.

In the days that followed, Pei Junlin Ni Ling's subordinates of the more than one hundred people all sent out so that they could save people everywhere and preach the truth.

Pei Junlin wrote down the general program and distributed it, and instigated a three-inch tongue to give full play to his eloquence.

In less than half a month, Pei Junlin's power turned out to be as powerful as a snowball. In just a dozen days, Pei Junlin's subordinates had tens of thousands, and they were all top cultivators. The general strength of these people is around the true monarch level, which is a force that is hard to ignore.

If there are too many people to gather together, it will naturally not be scattered, Pei Junlin wants to give this monk army a name. Otherwise, these people gathered together and did not form an army, did not have a special hall, and did not have a correct program, so Pei Junlin decided to organize and solve this matter recently.

Pei Junlin is a person who has been in contact with modern technology and civilization, and he deeply understands that the current management methods and the current organizational methods are completely advanced in the cultivation civilization.

So after Pei Junlin's operation, the people under his name formed an army of monks. Moreover, with complete ideological guidance, the hierarchy has been ruled out by Pei Junlin. In just a few days, it has completely changed. After the weather has changed, everything will be well-acted.

The entire Tianyun Xingyu is now in chaos, a large number of planets have been destroyed, a large number of people have fled, and those low-level cultivators have completely died, and all who can survive are elites who can survive.

Pei Junlin gathered these people together, and his own strength is undoubtedly as strong as a snowball. When General Camo led the Corps to the Sky Cloud Star Region a month later, he was completely stunned.

Because at this time, there was a huge army under Pei Junlin's hands, and the strength even far exceeded that of Marshal Silver Fox in the south of the sky.

In other words, Pei Junlin doesn't need them to support Pei Junlin now. He is now a huge Giant Corps, and when confronted with the Demon Race, he successfully defeated several demon forces.

With the success of the record and the spread of fame, there are a large number of masters coming to Pei Junlin every day. All of these people are dead in this star field, and they have a heart of revenge.

Although Pei Junlin had no books and had read military books, he also knew the principle of the victory of a soldier. This was his first time leading troops, but he managed this huge army of monks in good order.

No matter the details, from the big to the small, and in terms of a kind of operating regulation, it is completely standardized and quantified by Pei Junlin, and there is a special regulation.

Pei Junlin's management experience learned from the earth civilization is used here, and it is completely seamless, without any intention of violating peace. This army of hundreds of thousands of cultivators is managed by obedience, and the combat effectiveness is amazing.

Moreover, the operation of the entire monk army does not require Pei Junlin to do it himself, because with the passage of time, a large number of top talents have also gathered under Pei Junlin's command, and many of these people are also natural commanders.

The most outstanding person among them was Huo Dong, who made Pei Junlin feel amazing. This person and Pei Junlin felt exactly the same when he first met his apprentice at An Tie. Sure enough, after Pei Junlin's training, only half a month's time, this person's military genius was fully demonstrated.

In the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, Pei Junlin received General Kamo and his party. General Camo now brought a corps of 10,000 people. According to his estimation, it was a great help for Pei Junlin, but when he entered the camp of Junlin Pei again, General Camo was completely shocked.

Because compared with Pei Junlin's current strength, the people he brought were just like mosquito legs, which didn't work at all.

"Brother Pei really didn't expect your current strength to be so tyrannical. I didn't have enough people with me. It really made you laugh. I will go back to discuss with Marshal Silver Fox and support you." Camo The general looked at Pei Junlin in admiration.

In his eyes, Pei Junlin is a god-like figure, there is nothing that Pei Junlin can't do. The young Pei Junlin even has a little tenderness on his face, but no one dares to despise Pei Junlin.

Because every decision made by this young commander was deliberate, even after a full deduction, Pei Junlin ordered the prohibition, and every strategy played a huge role, Pei Junlin has used many classic strategies in the past few days.

This kind of strategy of Sun Tzu's art of war that Pei Junlin learned on earth has actually played a huge role in this starry sky. Although the cultivators have a high level of wisdom development, each of them is far more intelligent than ordinary people.

But the monks were pure-hearted and accustomed to fighting alone, so they were not good at fighting such large-scale legions.

But Junlin Pei is different. For a human being living on the earth, he has too much military experience. Even if he only watches TV dramas every day, Junlin Pei has become a military genius.

So in this star field, Pei Junlin thinks that insignificant military talent has been infinitely magnified here, and every one of his strategies, lure the enemy deep, highlight the auspicious soldiers, etc., these simple strategies can achieve miraculous effects.

The demons didn't know what a strategy was. They only knew that they swarmed up and ignored the rest, relying on absolute strength to suppress the power of the human race.

It was Pei Junlin's tactics that were different, roundabout outflanks, surprise attacks, and those masters of the Demon Race who were tossing every second of every day and every second were going to collapse.

Moreover, Pei Junlin was suspicious of the true and false of the array, and led the demon races by their noses. Gradually, the demons were eaten away in the territory of this star field. Pei Junlin led the army of monks under him. Many planets are being repaired every day.

The situation is very good, everything seems to be going in the direction Pei Junlin imagined, it seems that it is just around the corner to regain the entire sky cloud and completely drive away the demon in his heart.

"Master Marshal someone asked to see him outside, saying it was the messenger of Tianyunzong." A subordinate came in to report.

Pei Junlin raised his eyebrows but there was no expression on his face. He knew that this day would come sooner or later, and Tianyunzong really couldn't sit still.

With a sneer on Pei Junlin's face, now the battle with the demons has come to an end, and it is already the end of the crossbow, the grasshopper after autumn, and it will be a matter of complete destruction sooner or later.

At this time, the Sky Cloud Sect jumped out. There are two possibilities. The first is to stand on the side of the demon and fight against the human race. The second type is the hypocritical cat crying mouse. At this time, he stands up to form an alliance with Pei Junlin to drive away the demons together.

These two possibilities Pei Junlin prefers the second one. After all, Tianyun Sect is not a fool, knowing that the general trend cannot be violated, and the truth of the general trend.

But this tactic was too much for Pei Junlin, after all, Tianyunzong had not openly colluded with the demons, just not helping each other.

And now, today, Yunzong has shown a posture of resolutely hating and fighting against the demon clan, which will create great resistance for Pei Jun to overthrow Tianyunzong in the future.

After all, it is the foundation for victory in battle to be famous and build a righteous division. _

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