Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1731: In control

"Geng Pin, you can meet this messenger for a while for me." Pei Junlin smiled faintly, everything is under control.

In fact, as early as a few days ago, when Pei Junlin was in the sand table deduction with Jin Ye, he had predicted that Tianyunzong would definitely move in the near future.

After all, when a Tianyun meets, the Demon Race will be completely wiped out soon. By that time, the status of the Tianyun Sect will be very embarrassing. After all, the eyes of the masses are discerning. Almost everyone has seen the Tianyun Sect. How did you do it?

The eyes of the masses are sharp, and the behavior of the Sky Cloud Sect has touched the bottom line of many monks. If Tianyun Sect does not jump out to remedy it at this time, when Pei Junlin completely drives out the demon clan, then the status of Tianyun Sect will become very embarrassing.

Therefore, the arrival of Tianyunzong at this time was an expected thing for Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin had already thought out a countermeasure.

The countermeasure is actually very simple. It is to kill the messenger directly, completely angering Tianyun Sect, making the contradiction not intensified. At that time, Pei Junlin can use the banner of justice and lead the elite soldiers to destroy Tianyun Sect in one fell swoop.

The idea of ​​Tianyunzong is nothing more than a very simple one, that is, to form an alliance with Pei Junlin to grab the fruits of victory. But if Pei Junlin refuses on the face, he will definitely be opposed by many people. After all, now that he is allied with the Tianyun Sect to drive away the demons together, this can reduce a lot of sacrifices and unnecessary deaths.

But now Pei Junlin has come up with a very simple strategy, which is to send Geng Pin to meet this messenger. Let Geng Pin act cheaply, anger the messenger when he finds an opportunity, and then take the opportunity to kill the other party.

At that time, with the arrogance and strength of the Sky Cloud Sect, after the messenger is killed, he will surely jump into thunder.

Pei Junlin thought of this strategy and completely forced Tianyunzong to go up to Liangshan to stand on the opposite side of the entire alliance. By that time, Tianyunzong became the target of public criticism. When the time comes, coupled with Pei Junlin's current strength, it will only be a matter of time before Tianyunzong is destroyed.

Pei Junlin walked out of the tent and looked at the confusion of the night. He himself couldn't believe it. Everything seemed like a world away. It was so simple. In just a few months, his subordinates had hundreds of thousands. The cultivator army, Pei Junlin before this period seemed impossible.

A large amount of resource deployment, every day tens of thousands of armored battleships transport tons and tons of resources, copy this area of ​​deployment.

If Junlin Pei is willing, these wealth will completely become Junlin Pei's personal wealth, he can take it whatever he wants, but Junlin Pei did not do so.

Because Pei Junlin feels that these people gathered together are completely for the entire Tianyun Xingyu, they are fighting for their hometown, and these resources are resources deployed from all directions, which belong to the Tianyun Star Domain itself. Of wealth.

After all, he himself was just a passerby here, so Pei Junlin did not occupy these resources, but dedicated these resources exclusively.

There was a scream from the tent in the distance. Pei Junlin knew that Geng Pin had succeeded. The reason why Geng Pin was allowed to kill was actually because Pei Junlin deliberately did it.

Geng Pin is Pei Junlin's second apprentice after An Tie, but this female apprentice appears to be a bit weak and too easy-going. Sooner or later, if she is in the cultivation world with this character, she will be tricked.

Although Pei Junlin can now protect Geng Pin under his wings and will not let anyone hurt him, just as Pei Junlin said before, there is no permanent banquet in the world. Even if they were the master and the apprentice, they would be separated sooner or later, and he couldn't be called Geng Pin for the rest of his life.

So at this time, Pei Junlin wanted to take this opportunity to hone Geng Pin and make his character tougher. For this reason, Pei Junlin gave this task to Geng Pin. Although it seemed cruel, it had to be done.

When Ping came back, he looked a little embarrassed. It may be his first murder, but from the fair eyes, Pei Junlin did not see any fear or excitement. On the contrary, he was kind of plain. .

"How? Is there any psychological pressure? You have to remember that the person is. There is more than a guilty death." Pei Junlin said while looking at Geng Pin.

Geng Pin’s eyes were a little confused and big, and it took a while to regain the focus. He looked at Pei Junlin and said, “Master, I know what you mean. You have been known since my brother died. There are good people in this world. There are also bad people, some people are not worthy of sympathy, and they don't deserve to be called human beings."

Hearing what Geng Pin said, Pei Junlin nodded. He was completely relieved now. Originally, he thought that if this matter was serious, it would affect the fairness of Taoism, and even cause his follow-up practice.

But now Pei Junlin knew that his worries were completely unnecessary.

A team of people walked outside, all of whom were made up of powerful saints, and there were a total of eight people who were the strongest force under Pei Junlin's command.

In the next few days, these eight saint-level powerhouses will always be by the so-called Pei Junlin's side, because Pei Junlin has already calculated that the Tianyunzong ruins will fail, and a second poisonous trick will definitely be produced.

Now, because of his Pei Junlin's operation, Tianyunzong has completely pushed the opposite side, so the next method of Tianyunzong is easy to guess.

According to Pei Junlin's estimation, the next move of Tianyunzong is very simple. It is to behead him Pei Junlin. As long as the pro-blind date will kill Pei Junlin, the entire alliance will be scattered.

Of course, Tianyunzong could think of this plan, and Pei Junlin naturally wanted to understand it, and naturally he was prepared in advance. These eight sage-level powerhouses are Pei Junlin's killers.

Time came faster than Pei Junlin had imagined. Before dawn that night, everything happened. It turned out that Tianyunzong was ready for the second hand.

They didn't really mean to form an alliance with Pei Junlin, but at the beginning they sent messengers to paralyze Pei Junlin, but secretly sent top masters to assassinate Pei Junlin.

The messenger who had been dispatched before was just a blindfold, temporarily stabilizing Pei Junlin.

However, Tianyunzong obviously did not expect that Pei Junlin would be so fierce, and even kill the messenger in advance, so the assassin they sent immediately encountered a strong counterattack as soon as they started.

The entire night sky was filled with all kinds of divine brilliance, and eight powerful saints were attacking a half-step true emperor. This great emperor-level powerhouse was the person sent by the Tianyunzong to assassinate Pei Junlin.

The battle lasted for a long time, all the strong men of Mingsheng level were wounded, but the strong man who came to assassinate Pei Junlin did not step out of the siege.

As early as half a month ago, Pei Junlin and Jin Ye had already reasoned everything out clearly, and at that time Pei Junlin had already begun to arrange a top-level formation.

This formation has almost condensed all the spirit of Pei Junlin, which is also the strongest formation Pei Junlin has arranged so far. The purpose is to eliminate this assassin of himself. Of course, when Pei Junlin first designed it, he didn't expect that the person who came to assassinate him was a half-step emperor-level figure.

Although this formation is very strong, if you want to strangle such a top expert through the formation alone, it is completely idiotic.

And this formation designed by Junlin Pei is to condense all the power of the eight saint-level powerhouses, and according to the characteristics of these eight saint-level powerhouses, a specially customized formation method.

Only in this way can all the strengths of this formation be fully utilized, and finally be able to win.

After a battle, a planet was completely turned into dust, and the eight saint-level powerhouses were all seriously injured, but in the end Tianyunzong also paid a huge price for it.

A few days later, Pei Junlin got the news that the top powerhouse who came to assassinate him turned out to be the deputy master of the Sky Cloud Sect. Such a powerful person died here. For the Sky Cloud Sect, it was not only a huge loss in strength, but also an earth-shaking blow to his reputation.

Pei Junlin did not hesitate, and immediately announced the news. As soon as it was announced, it caused a huge sensation in the entire Tianyun Starfield, and the sensational effect was wave after wave, almost an overwhelming posture.

Because no one had thought that the coalition forces were so powerful, they were completely equal to the Tianyunzong, and the coalition forces directly killed one of the deputy suzerains of the Tianyunzong.

Some people who had no confidence before were already full of confidence at this time. Everyone was cheering and they were soaring. Pei Junlin even heard a roar to destroy the Sky Cloud Sect.

If everyone's mood was suppressed before, then the emotions at this moment were finally released, and the waves of eliminating the Sky Cloud Sect occupied the absolute mainstream in the entire coalition. UU reading

With just one move, Pei Junlin completely pulled down the aloft Tianyun Sect. The Tianyun Sect whose altar had revealed its mystery was like a tiger in a zoo.

The Heavenly Cloud Sect, which used to make people feel unattainable and invincible, doesn't seem so terrible at this time.

Pei Junlin also knew that his opportunity had finally come, but before that he had to fight the Demon Race for the last time.

At this time, on Pei Junlin's desk, he received a special battle book, which was sent by the Demon Race.

The person who wrote this book of war was a man named Batu. This person claimed that Pei Junlin had killed his sister, so he had to fight Pei Junlin alone.

Pei Junlin naturally smiled when he received such a challenge. For him, the demise of the Demon Race was already a matter of time, and there was no need to have a general knowledge of such a naive and stubborn person.

Under Pei Junlin's command, everything is advancing in an orderly manner. A large number of demons have been beheaded by the coalition forces, and the front of the demons has been squeezed into a ball_

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