Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 173: Willow flower


When the Taoist monk's words fell, Pei Junlin couldn't help but show an expression of interest: "What can you have worthy of my attention!"

This is really not a blow. Today, Pei Junlin has tens of billions of assets, and Junlin International is a daily jackpot. The number of people entering and leaving each day is as high as hundreds of millions. It is difficult for ordinary belongings to enter Pei Junlin ’s eyes, unless it is the kind Thousands of ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum and other precious herbs.

However, which of these cherished medicinal materials is not tightly controlled by the forces of all parties, unless it is a particularly enticing treasure, no one will take these millennium medicinal materials out.

The Taoist monk groaned a little, motioning to Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran to follow him.

Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran also relied on Ye Gao's boldness, and immediately left. The three walked around the complex mountainous terrain in this mountain range, and finally stopped at a cave entrance under a cliff.

"Live, this is where the old monk is hiding!"

The monk said, "Amitabha, this place is rude. I hope the real people don't mind!"

After Xu finished speaking, the Taoist monk took the lead in bending into the cave. Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran looked at each other and followed.

I didn't expect that there were caves in the rough-looking caves, with an area of ​​nearly a hundred square meters, neatly packed, bookshelves on both sides, and dense books on top of them. In addition, there were some daily necessities.

In the middle of the lotus, there is a Buddha who is free to come, his hands are crossed, his eyes are kind, and there is only a futon below.

"This place is too shabby, isn't it?"

超 Li Chaoran felt that the Yanhuang organization base he was in was simple enough, and it was built in a cave. The place where he lived was also a wooden house built of big wood. There was no entertainment equipment. I did not expect that there were people who were harder to practice than him.

The monk said with a smile: "Being a monk, you have already let go of your passions and loves, and you are completely oblivious to the world, completely forgetting and returning to yourself, you will be at ease!"

Li Chaoran pouted his lips, he didn't believe that, and couldn't help but said, "Hey, old monk, didn't you say you want to exchange things? What about your treasure!"

He has already looked around the entire cave, and there is no mouse hole. Where is the treasure?

"Should you be prepared to exchange this mantra of your mantra with your mastery of Buddhism? In that case, it is not impossible!"

Li Chaoran rubbed his chin. Ancient Shaolin has been a martial arts shrine since ancient times. Even if we don't know why it has fallen, we must not lose the details such as unscrupulous secrets. This is a powerful background accumulated over many years.

It is rumored that ancient Shaolin had seventy-two stunts, each of which was enviable and advanced martial arts. If you are proficient in one discipline, you can establish a foothold in martial arts. If you are proficient in several types, you are already a master and a world leader.

The monk said that the monk chanted: "Although the old monk has mastered a few Buddhist schools, he can't exchange them because of the Buddhist rules."

李 Just as Li Chaoran was thinking about the abacus, the monk said quietly and let Li Chaoran's abacus die.

"Old monk, are you teasing Xiao Ye!"

Li Chaoran has exploded his hair. He has never been a good-tempered master, otherwise he will not have the reputation of a mixed devil in a place like Yanhuang organization hiding a dragon and a tiger.

After entering the cave from beginning to end, Pei Junlin, who had never spoken a word, suddenly blinked at this moment, inadvertently swept somewhere, and finally fell on the face of the Taoist monk, and said lightly: "Old monk, you As I said just now, monks should let go of their affections and desires, so there is no need to hide themselves! "

"I didn't expect it, there is still a master of matrix formation in front of me!"

At the moment when Pei Junlin spit out the words of the formation method, she always calmly and calmly said the monk. The pupils in the deep eyes suddenly shrank, and her gaze toward Pei Junlin changed completely.

Pei Jun stood up with his hands in a negative posture, straight like a gun, and looked indifferent: "I'll give you three more breaths. If you're not ready to show your sincerity, then this mantra will be magical, and I'll have to use it myself!"

虽然 "Although it is a pity that there is a real charm of the ancient Buddha on it, but with this mantra of magic, it can still be worth the full blow of a congenital three-class strong!"

超 Li Chaoran stared: "Ancient Buddha? What a ghost ?!"

However, before waiting for his words to fall, he saw that the monk who was always calm and calm, suddenly raised his hands, and dazzled a dazzling seal, which is obviously a certain seal-making technique of the Buddhist monk, which matches the Buddhist mantra. Ordinary people can't see it at all.

In the end, when the Taoist monk exhaled and issued a '如' like a strong bull roar, he saw the Taoist monk flapping the French-Indian shock in the air with his hands, and a ripple like water appeared in the air of the cave, like a side Mirror, ripples.

"A real person is really an eye-catcher like a torch, it's an old monk! Please wait a moment, I'll go and get the treasure!"

The Taoist monk bowed down and saluted to Pei Junlin, and kept talking about sin, sin!

Then under the gaze of Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran, he stepped into the ripple like water and disappeared.

"It's a superb trick, this old bald donkey is not a good person!"

Li Chaoran opened his mouth, and Pei Junlin twitched slightly. Which of the martial arts in the world is stupid and sweet, and what about the monk, if he did n’t see the hidden formation in this cave just now, who knows How can it be obscured by this old monk!

After a short time, the formation was rippling again. The figure of the monk came out of the formation, and saw his hands holding the ore that broke down very quickly, and said, "Real man, this is the third old monk. Some years ago, in the depths of the ground destroyed by the mountain stone monkey, I got occasional strange ore. "

"I saw that this texture is quite special, so I collected it on my own. I guess it should be abandoned by the mountain stone monkey. Since the real people are so eager for the mountain stone monkey, maybe these strange ore will be of some use to you ..."

Only halfway through the words of the Taoist monk, he found that Pei Junlin, who had a calm and indifferent look, became more and more bright, and reached out to take over some of the ore in his hand with a little urgency: "These How much more do you have? "

The Taoist monk felt a joy in his heart, knowing that he was really gambling right now, and this young man who had already reached the real life at an early age really needed everything about the mountain stone monkey.

"There aren't any more left. If a real person needs it, he can follow the old monk into the back room to get it." The monk said in a saying.

The words did not fall, I saw that Pei Junlin had taken a step forward, and instantly disappeared into the matrix method. By the time it appeared, there were already a few similar strange ore in his hands.

矿石 The total amount of these ores is almost the size of a washbasin, but it has made Pei Junlin excited and inexplicable. Without him, these seemingly gray stones are like **** stones, which are the long-awaited spar stones!

Although the Laoshan fine stone monkey has gone away, it must have ore that taints its breath in the place where it was bred.

Since this place can make mountain crystals become fine and produce sages, then the heaven and earth must be rich to a rare degree. In the process of sages of mountain sacred monkeys, the surrounding ore naturally follows the heavens and the earth. Cui, and these ores are what Pei Junlin needs most now!

Of course, if it is undoubtedly the best to surrender the mountain stone monkey, it is the big treasure who is full of treasures, but unfortunately, Pei Jun arrived a little late, but being able to get these mountain crystals accidentally is already an extra Hi!

"Old monk, where did you find these stones, do you still have them?"

Pei Junlin asked.

The Taoist monk shook his head: "On that day, the place where the mountain stone monkey rushed out was the depth of a straight canyon. Because the monkey was too fierce, it caused the earth to shake, and that place was buried deep in the ground long ago. km!"

Pei Jun suddenly felt disappointed, but quickly picked up his mood, and handed the mantra to the Taoist monk, and said, "We are clear!"

The Taoist monk respectfully took the mantra with both hands respectfully: "Goodness! Goodness!"

Two days later, two figures came out of Songshan.

Both men are the kind of handsome guys who are far beyond the so-called stars of the world today, especially those who are in the past. They wear casual clothes, black hair is thick and dark, their eyes seem to contain magnetic awns, and they can devour people's hearts. The skin was crystal clear, and even women should be jealous and screaming.

His temperament, increasingly dusty, as if walking in this world, the immortal, does not touch the slightest red tack.

The two of them had a chic and unrestrained temperament, letting the waves form the skeleton, and one was as cold as a mountain, and the dust was misty. Walking together was really dazzling.

"Boss, although I have always felt that my face value is not worse than you, but now walking with you, I always feel like being needled and transformed into that green leaf!"

As he walked, Li Chaoran suddenly exaggerated a small face, bitterly, "Especially in the past two days, you have already made a breakthrough in strength, not to mention how bad my psychology is!"

Pei Junlin glanced at Li Chaoran beside him: "Is this a hit? If so ~ ~ You should go back and find your dad, the province will be hit more in the future!"

超 Li Chaoran immediately regretted it, and said, "How can that work, let's say yes, go and find Danzong together!"

"Brother, speaking of this Danzong, I received a message in the past two days, saying that Danzong will hold a grand elixir in Luoyang City in the near future. By then, the entire martial arts circle in Zhongzhou will be a sensation. Do you think we should Go for some fun? "

Pei Jun Lin squinted: "Is the message OK?"

超 Li Chaoran patted his chest and promised: "That's natural, you don't see who I am!"

"Very good! Since that is the case, let's start in Luoyang City!"

Pei Junlin opened his mouth, and a pair of dark eyes filled with coldness.

He still didn't believe it. He couldn't investigate the black man behind the scourge of Qingzhou Pei's family that day. It was impossible. He would attack Danzong's gate and ask him in person!

As a dignified Shura warlord, at some point there is no need for exact evidence of revenge. If you are guilty, you are guilty! Ps: My friends, I am Langya No. 1. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel download, book listening, zero advertisement, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press and hold for three seconds to copy) Book friends, pay attention!

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