Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 174: Vignette before the start of the elixir exchange

The time for the elixir exchange meeting was finalized three days later, and the venue was in an environment-friendly manor in Luoyang City.

In the past three days, Pei Junlin didn't go anywhere, but stayed in the hotel quietly, consolidating his self-cultivation, but Li Chaoran, he was a master who couldn't rest all day, and didn't see people all day long.

Finally, the time for the elixir exchange meeting has arrived. On this day, Pei Junlin left with Li Chaoran to the place where the elixir exchange meeting was held.

The reason why Pei Junlin participated in this elixir meeting was not so-called elixir. After all, he could defeat even a senior alchemist like Liu Yuebai, and he would never believe that the so-called elixir meeting The elixir that made him feel good.

What he cares about is only some precious medicinal materials like millennium ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum. In addition, seeing the grand situation of martial arts today, it seems that he has never participated in similar martial arts meetings since his rebirth.

Of course, he is more concerned about the people of Danzong. As long as the people of Danzong appear, he can follow the other party to find the gate of Danzong Mountain.

多 At 9 o'clock in the morning, outside the city of Luoyang, there was a crowd of people named Ziding Manor. The cars were raining. At the gates of the manor, men and women with extraordinary temperament came in and out, laughing and laughing.

As a top force in Zhongzhou, Luo Danzong has a natural reputation throughout the world. This elixir of medicine has long been fired by the entire Zhongzhou land, and everyone knows it.

Among them are many celebrities and celebrities in the land of Zhongzhou, the rich locals, and even the foreign armored forces. They all rushed in early in the morning. If they were eager to get a panacea, they would be happy. As for how much it cost, That doesn't matter at all.

When Pei Junlin followed Li Chaoran to the outside of the Ziding Manor, he was slightly surprised by the scene in front of the gate of the city. It seems that the name of Danzong indeed has an unshakable status in this state. There will be such a magnificent scene.

"Aloof! Here! Here!"

A clear voice came from not far away. Pei Junlin turned around and saw a few beautifully dressed women standing under a big tree not far from them. Fat buttocks, white-skinned, charming women are waving their hands vigorously.

Pei Junlin recognized the woman who was with the twelve elders of Qinghongmen Overseas on the way to ancient Shaolin. The name seemed to be Xue Yangyang. I didn't expect to come back to Luoyang City, and it depends. Obviously, it has already been agreed with Li Chaoran.

At this point, Pei Junlin can understand why Li Chaoran hasn't been home for the past few days. The emotional reason is here, so the two of them got together so quickly.

I seem to feel the disdain in Pei Junlin's eyes, Li Chaoran smiled awkwardly: "Play! It's just play, man, you should know!"

During the conversation, Li Chaoran greeted him enthusiastically. Pei Junlin was not good enough and could only follow him.

Under his gaze, Li Chaoran and Xue Yangyang embraced each other closely, just as Xue Yangyang's face was facing Pei Junlin, when he saw Pei Junlin clearly, he immediately gave a surprise voice: "Brother Pei is here!" Where's Meiling? She's not with you? "

The sister Meiling in Xue Yangyang's mouth is Zheng Meiling, the twelve elders of Qinghongmen Overseas. They also met halfway. At first sight, Xue Yangyang admired Zheng Meiling's extensive knowledge.

Pei Junlin can't always tell the other party that he has burned the so-called Meiling sister to ashes, and smiled when she heard it: "No, we have already separated!"

Xue Yangyang was very shocked, kept talking to herself, it was strange, Sister Meiling did not contact her, and the phone could not get anything ...

"Yangyang, I didn't expect it. You didn't brag this time, and you unknowingly caught such a handsome guy, then ... is this handsome guy?"

At this time, the beautiful and touching girls standing with Xue Yangyang had their eyes glowing and staring at Pei Junlin. It was really Pei Junlin's temperament and appearance were too outstanding, even if he was wearing ordinary casual clothes. It is also like a luminous pearl that has attracted many eyes of the opposite sex.

洋 Xue Yangyang clung tightly to Li Chaoran's arm, he didn't care about his crispy breasts, and Wen Yan proudly introduced: "That is, you don't look at Miss Ben's eyes!"

"This is Brother Pei, if you are a hoof hoof, if you are in a hurry, hurry up, there will be no shop after this village!"

The word fell, and the women around him were immediately like bees who smelled the flowers and gathered around Pei Junlin. All kinds of bold teasing, what handsome guy Georg Prestige, what handsome guy has a girlfriend, etc. Wait!

Pei Junlin smelled all kinds of pungent perfumes in the air, and couldn't help but brow hard. Perhaps these women's looks are already goddesses in the eyes of ordinary people, but who is he? I have seen, how can I look at these rouge gouache.

He is also a kind of stallion that doesn't pick taste, such as Li Chaoran.

Just as Pei Junlin was preparing an excuse to get rid of Yingying Yanyan from his side, suddenly his eyes lighted up. In his sight, several unscrupulous men strode over from the stream of people. Two of them, very Familiar, they were the two they met in ancient Shaolin.

But at this moment, the two men were so dull that they stared at Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran, striding closer, sneer and sneer: "It's really no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere. The two **** dared to appear here! "

After being suddenly inserted by a wave of people, the women who had gathered around Pei Junlin finally converged slightly, but after seeing the people coming in, these women who were still lovely immediately spilled.

"Well, who am I so brave, I'm Ma Xiaoyue and Yang Bing!"

"Oh, what's wrong? What do you want to do?"

When I saw someone, a group of women immediately had a hot and direct counseling. Obviously, both sides knew each other and they knew each other.

"*, When our brother is Kaizi, isn't it?"

But what was unexpected was that Ma Xiaoyue and Yang Bing ignored these hot women directly, and instead reached out and pointed at Xue Yangyang's brows.

As the famous and rich second generation of Luoyang City, Ma Xiaoyue and Yang Bing have never suffered such a big loss. They have always dug into the corners of others. Why was it their turn to be dug away? The encounter in ancient Shaolin made the two people sicker than eating shit.

The two beauties were struggling to saliva, and the two beauties caught on the way did not hesitate to be cut off. This is completely unforgivable to the proud of them.

Not only did they hate Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran, but they also hated Xue Yangyang and Zheng Meiling. Such a woman with a watery poppy can hardly vent the condescending spirit in her heart.

"Ma Xiaoyue, Yang Bing! Have you two just come out of that pit! Whoops are you scolding so badly?"

Just as Ma Xiaoyue and Yang Bing's swear words fell, a burgundy woman with curly hair and charming looks, but a very hot personality, exploded her hair. She grabbed Xue Yangyang's arm and said coldly: "This It's my good girlfriend. Recently I came here to relax because of a family accident! "

"Well, Liu Zihan! I care what you are good girlfriends are not good girlfriends, I only know that this is the play of our two brothers!" Ma Xiaoyue sneered.

"In your face, our brothers can forgive her ignorance this time, but these two are miscellaneous, and no one wants to leave today!"

The horse's fingers finally fell on Li Chaoran and Pei Junlin in the crowd, their faces were cold, and the dog legs that followed him showed the color of trance.

In this scene, a group of women were suddenly stumped. You look at me, I look at you, and finally your eyes fell on the hot-skinned woman's face. Although Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran are outstanding in appearance, they are strangers. Who would help a stranger for no reason, thereby offending powerful opponents like Ma Xiaoyue and Yang Bing.

"Yangyang, look at this ..."

子 Liu Zihan was embarrassed and asked her good girlfriend.

Xue Yangyang's body shrank, his charming eyes glanced at Li Chaoran next to him, and then he looked at the fierce Ma Xiaoyue, Yang Bing, and others. Finally, his voice was weak and weak: "I didn't know him a lot. It's just heaven! "

The meaning of has been understood, but the atmosphere suddenly changed, and the women who had been tightly surrounded by Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran left the location and isolated them instantly.

In the market, only Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran were left alone facing Ma Xiaoyue, Yang Bing and five or six fierce men and women.

Pei Junlin glanced at Li Chaoran, who stood beside him, and chuckled, "This is the woman you are in?"

Unexpectedly, Li Chaoran's expression was very calm. When he heard the words, he just glanced and hid behind Liu Zihan, and narrowed his neck. He didn't dare to look directly at Xue Yangyang. Just play! Don't you feel so better? "

Pei Junlin was silent. Even though Li Chaoran's words were so light and unconcerned, he could perceive as sharp as him, and still noticed the disappointment that was difficult to hide in Li Chaoran's words.

People often say that men need to play!

Sometimes, why do men not want to let the women they like play a role, at least they should give men a certain amount of encouragement and support so that the two will not get too tired to get along!

女人 This woman named Xue Yangyang ~ ~ According to Pei Junlin's vision, she is not as good as that friend Liu Zihan.

"Forget it, just these little fishes and shrimps, let me do it for you, you don't matter what you do!"

Pei Junlin finally said gently.

Li Chaoran sneered: "Boss, you despise me too much. How can anyone in Li Chaoran be angry at this little thing?"

After speaking, Li Chaoran suddenly sneered at Ma Xiaoyue, Yang Bing, and others: "Miscellaneous people, come and come! Aren't you asking for Grandpa's trouble? Let's go to the grove there and talk Talk about life! "

He said, Li Chaoran took a big step and walked towards the grove not far away. A group of people behind Ma Xiaoyue and Yang Bing were furious and followed closely.

Less than three minutes before and after his death, Li Chaoran had walked out of the woods again, with a soothing look, but looking at the group of people, he didn't know where to go.

"Boss! Go! Let's go in!"

Li Chaoran stepped forward, put his hand on Pei Junlin's shoulders, ignored a group of suspicious women around him, and strode toward the manor ... Ps: Book friends, I am Langya No. 1, and recommend a free novel app , Support for novel download, listening, zero advertising, multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press and hold for three seconds to copy) Book friends, pay attention!

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