Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 175: Julia? Julia!

Ziding Manor, as the venue of this medicine exchange meeting, is undoubtedly very beautiful.

The entire estate is built in Yishui, with a large area. It is divided into a front yard and a back yard. The front yard is the place where the medicine exchange meeting is held, and the back yard is equipped with all the equipments such as accommodation and entertainment, which is a luxury.

According to Li Chaoran, the elixir conference lasted for a week. During this period, there were naturally hundreds of millions of wealthy wealthy people coming, and for the convenience of these people, the owner of Ziding Manor would naturally entertain.

It is rumored that the owner of this Ziding Manor is the land of Zhongzhou. The very influential Zhu family, the Zhu family is a family of medicine, good at treating diseases and saving people, and has a good relationship with Danzong. It can be called the mundane spokesperson.

The Danish Medicine Exchange Conference was organized by Dan Zong and the Zhu family. The benefits of the Zhu family here are beyond words!

Walking in this spacious and tree-lined manor, Pei Junlin first saw the scale of martial arts today.

On weekdays, the great masters respected by many forces can be seen everywhere, and there are a lot of them. Among them are the extraordinary masters from the third grade to the fifth grade. Not to mention the dark masters, flying out with one slap, you can die. Blockbuster.

Many warriors wear closely following the current trend. Some warriors wear dirty braids, some have the most fashionable hairstyles today, wear earrings, wear a custom-made brand, and wear precious jewelry on their necks and wrists. .

This is the first day of the elixir. In the front yard of the manor, there are already many warriors like small vendors in the market. They have erected their own stalls and put banners on them. Kind of handwriting.

Some are preparing to barter, while others are buying a lot of precious medicinal materials, such as millennium ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, and other drugs, and others are selling elixir, spells, magical instruments, etc. There are different types of medicines. Dazzled.

Pei Junlin couldn't help wondering: "Isn't this the elixir meeting? Why is it so mixed?"

Li Chaoran joked: "This is the national condition of our current martial arts world in China. Anyway, no one has stipulated that other things can not appear at the elixir, so everyone is like this!"

Pei Junlin smiled, he walked around, and found that there was nothing to look at. The so-called magic instruments and spells were just superficial works, and maybe only used for ordinary people. , Used to cheat those big dogs.

It seems that he can only wait until the people of Danzong appear. Anyway, his goal is this time, and he has no expectations for other items.

The two walked around like this, unknowingly coming to the entrance to the backyard, just getting ready to enter, but were stopped by two black bodyguards standing at the door, "I'm sorry sir, this is a private place, No one is allowed to enter! "

Li Chaoran couldn't help glaring, cursing broadly: "Miscellaneous things, I just saw a lot of people entering here!"

When a bodyguard in black heard that, he couldn't help showing a touch of contempt. He looked down at the young faces of Li Chaoran and Pei Junlin, especially when they saw the strange appearance of the weak scholars. They were even more disdainful. You are yourself! "

"This backyard of the manor is not allowed to enter if it is not a great master or a child worth enough!"

The underlying meaning is already obvious, if you are not one of these two identities, please get out of here immediately!

Li Chaoran looked at the two apparently dog-guard bodyguards and was laughed at directly.

He did not expect that one day, he would be despised, and even Pei Junlin was despised. It can be seen that those who can teach such men are not good birds.

"Brother, this is pushing me over and over again! Malgobi's, the tigers don't show their might, they really treat me as a sick cat!"

Li Chaoran yelled directly, thinking about his identity, the top child of Jiaxia in the whole of China, with a monstrous background. I do n’t know how many of the children of the Minister of Xinjiang or the real grandchildren. It ’s kind to see him. The younger generation's leading figures have already entered Yanhuang Organization, the country's cutting edge organization, at a young age. They have repeatedly performed special tasks to win glory for the country and solve their problems.

Now I can't imagine that I will be repeatedly despised in this tier-three city. If he can bear it again, then he will not be the mixed devil Li Chaoran!

"Oh, isn't this Master Li?"

Just as Li Chaoran was about to get angry, a scent of incense rushed towards him, accompanied by a burst of laughter from Yingying Yanyan, and a group of women approached.

This group of women is not someone else, it is the group of people who met recently outside the manor, including Xue Yangyang and Liu Zihan.

Seeing Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran who were blocked outside the door, Xue Yangyang in the crowd directly exposed the unabashed ridicule, and changed the enthusiasm a few days ago.

"When I was with me before, I bragged about how powerful I am. I have a strong family background and powerful authority. But now I ca n’t even get in the back door of this small manor. Is this what you call your confidence?" Xue Yangyang sneered. .

Pei Junlin couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He was so used to seeing the human nature of being cold and warm, and was also very different from Xue Yangyang's attitude before and afterwards. Some women were embarrassed to be so good.

Half an hour ago, when the two met, they hugged and kissed each other enthusiastically. Even in the blink of an eye, they would be like a stranger, but they would be vilified, and they could not wait to step you into the bottomless abyss.

Li Chaoran's face was gloomy and watery, and it seemed that he could not accept the huge change in Xue Yangyang's attitude before and after, biting his teeth and saying, "Xue Yangyang, you ..."

"Is your name Miss Ben! Hunk!"

Unexpectedly, Li Chaoran had just spoken and was caught by Xue Yangyang. His face was cold and arrogant: "Miss was blind before the loss, and had a few days with someone like you!"

"Yangyang, all right!"

Liu Zihan grabbed his girlfriend, glanced at the gloomy faces of Li Chaoran and Pei Junlin, and said lightly: "Let's go in, there is no need to make some people dirty their eyes! What happened a few days ago, let us be It was licked by the dog, it's okay! "

Pei Junlin pumped slightly at the corner of his mouth. He suddenly found himself in vain for so many years. He killed countless stars, gangsters, princes, gods, goddesses, and others. He also ate a lot of dragon meat and Phoenix meat. I haven't found the woman.

Thanks to him, he thought that Liu Zihan's character was not bad. It turned out that all snakes and mice were in the same house, not a type of person, and he would not enter a house!

With his steady power today, he couldn't wait to slap his palms and **** up the mouths of the two biting women, let alone Li Chaoran!

Pei Junlin has felt that the evil spirit that is gradually rolling in Li Chaoran's body around him is obviously unable to control, and he is nearing the volcanic eruption point.

"Mr. Pei!"

At this time, a voice full of surprise suddenly came from a distance, and Kanchaan interrupted Li Chaoran, who was about to break out. When Pei Jun turned his head, he saw a side of the corridor and a group of people came.

The head of the person is a stunning and charming woman who is charming and charming. She wears lilac work clothes and adds a three-pointer to her. The whole person is full of boundless charm and makes people unbearable. Live unforgettable.

Throughout the manor, I don't know how many men's eyes are all converging on this enchanting stunner, full of heat.


Pei Junlin saw the person clearly and couldn't help but be surprised. In front of this peerless woman, it was Julia, the manager of the five-star Grand Dragon Hotel in Qingzhou, known as his wife Prince Joan. The presence of Shuangjiao.

Two women, one beautiful and peerless, and one enchanting allure, do not know how many men have been fascinated, but did not expect, but met in this Ziding manor today.

And judging by a group of men and women standing behind Julia, it is clear that Julia has an unusual identity here.

and many more!

Julia? Julia? !!

Could it be ...

"Mr. Pei, it really is you! Why are you here?"

Julia approached with great excitement, then ignored the horrified look around her, and went directly to Pei Junlin with a warm hug.

In this hug, Pei Junlin didn't feel anything unusual, but in the eyes of everyone around, many people's faces have changed, especially the two bodyguards who originally looked down on Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ and Liu Zihan, Xue Yangyang and others.

"Of course I came here to attend this party, but you, dressed up ..."

Pei Junlin lightly opened her enthusiastic Julia's hands, ignoring the touch of resentment deep in the other's watery eyes.

"Me? I was this Zhongzhou native!"

Julia laughed. In a flash, the beautiful style once again fascinated a group of people.

"Yes, boss! I have to apologize to you. Because of something recently at home, I recently quit my job in Qingzhou. It didn't take long for me to return ..."

Pei Junlin nodded and said that he was okay. When he noticed Julia for the first time, he noticed that the other party's identity was extraordinary, but he was not from the Zhongzhou Zhu family.

The Zhu family in Zhongzhou is not a small force. This rumor is that this family medicine exchange meeting was organized by Zhu family and Danzong.

"Mr. Pei, why are you standing here? Follow me in quickly!"

Julia suddenly said, her face enthusiastic.

"This beautiful lady, we want to go in, but the people here won't let in! They say we have no status or status?"

Li Chaoran's calm voice sounded, and Julia's complexion that was originally full of enthusiasm and smile changed immediately. A pair of narrow and danfeng eyes showed a strong majestic color, and her eyes fell on the faces of two bodyguards standing at the door.

"A good thing for the two of you ?!"

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