Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 176: Zhuzhou

When Julia's fierce and majestic eyes fell on the faces of the two bodyguards, the two shameful bodyguards immediately became a little ugly.

They still can't see where they are now. Pei Junlin and Julia have a great relationship. Maybe they don't know the specific identity of Pei Junlin, but they can't understand Julia's identity!

Julia is a very embarrassing identity in the Zhu family, because Julia's head bears three words-illegitimate daughter.

发展 The plot development of that year was very bloody. After Zhu Zhenting, the Zhu's owner, was drunk again, he gave a subordinate, and then there was Julia.

Originally, Julia's mother still wanted to rely on Julia's relationship to get rich and rich, but apparently she idealized things too much. In a large family like the dragon and fish family in Zhongzhou, an ordinary subordinate wants to rely on an illegitimate child. It is obviously impossible for a female to have a sufficient wrist and courage.

Julia's mother is such a living failure. Not only did she not get the glory and wealth that she wanted, but she was finally torn and tortured, and was assassinated to death.

My grandmother died, and Julia's experience is conceivable. She suffered various kinds of suffering since she was a child. She was pushed out by her peers and the entire Zhu family. Fortunately, Julia was born with wisdom, and she had already seen the warmth and warmth among big families.

So she knew how clumsy she was since she was a child, she used stupidity to conceal her intelligence, and finally survived the bumpy situation. Until a few years ago, she chose to run away from home, only to return in the last few days due to something serious about the Zhu family.

"Miss Lia, we are just a subordinate, and we are completely in accordance with the rules set by Er Ye, don't embarrass us!"

I heard Julia's questioning. One of the square-faced burly bodyguards smiled and smiled. Don't look at him as just a bodyguard, but he is already in the dark period and has a good status in Zhu's house.

Julia's identity as an illegitimate daughter, although he is a little jealous, is not enough to fear.

Being hit by a soft knife in public by a bodyguard, Julia's long and narrow Danfeng eyes had a faint glint of cold light, but now she is no longer the same as before. Although her heart is angry, there is no emotion on her face. Faintly said: "Second Lord? It seems that in your eyes only my second uncle!"

那 "Did you know that since my father and my brother had an accident, I have been the owner of the largest family share that inherited my father's pulse. I wonder if you will give me this face by virtue of this?"


This time, the two shameless bodyguards finally changed their faces, and looked at Julia's eyes full of fear.

"Things that don't have long eyes, don't you see that these two young masters are friends of Miss Lea? Don't hurry up to make way?"

At this time, in the team behind Julia, suddenly a scrupulous middle-aged woman, about 40 years old, stepped out, coldly reprimanding, majestic, full of harshness.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Two bodyguards seemed to be in awe of this rigorous and old-fashioned woman, and quickly let go of their bodies, while apologizing to Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran.

"Lia thanked May!"

Julia smiled charmingly and thanked the middle-aged woman with a harsh face behind her.

Tong Mei said with no expression: "Miss Lea is polite. It is because these two subordinates are too short-sighted, and I will surely make people punish them for a while!"

Julia just smiled when she heard the words, and then enthusiastically reached out to invite Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran to enter the inner courtyard of the manor.

From the beginning to the end, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran faced the scenes of the Zhu family's fight and indifference. They watched indifferently without inserting a word. After being invited, the two were not polite and went straight into the inner courtyard.

切 "Cut, what kind of identity did I think they would play against us? Is that so?"

Seeing Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran being enthusiastically invited by Julia to enter the inner courtyard, Liu Zihan standing at the door couldn't help sneering, and several other women also had almost similar expressions.

Xue Yangyang even held her chest with her hands, and she still had a high expression. She said lightly: "Things are grouped together, people are grouped!"

There is also a thin lips, a single eyelid, a woman who is born with a mean, staring at Julia's enchanting and charming appearance, sneer and jealous: "Any illegitimate daughter, only the whole Luoyang City who doesn't know, this woman's Good days are only these days! "

"Since Zhu Zhenting, the owner of the Zhu family, has been poisoned and lying on the bed, no one knows. Now the Zhu family has been controlled by Zhu Erye Zhu Zhenzi!"

"Hee hee, I heard that too! And I also heard the gossip saying that it was Zhu Erye who was going to marry Julia and the son of the elder Danzong, in an attempt to deprive Julia of her family shares!

A group of women were embarrassed. The more they talked, the more excited they got. The more they talked, the more Liu Zihan walked in front of the two bodyguards and smiled. A circle, can we go in? "

"Since you are a circle of people, of course!"

Two bodyguards quickly cleared the way and let a group of women enter.

The inner courtyard of Ziding Manor is larger and more brilliant than the front yard. The entire inner courtyard is completely designed according to the resort. The villas are clustered, and there are racetracks, golf courses, outdoor swimming pools, etc. during the period. Beautiful.

Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran followed Julia in the inner courtyard of the Ziding Manor. However, the expressions of the two were very calm, and they were not surprised by such a luxurious position.

In the process, the two found that the inner courtyard had already occupied a lot of people, and each of them was noble and calm, and many people were even more obscure and powerful. Even if there were some ordinary people, I'm basically with a strong bodyguard around me.

Obviously, the elixir conference is very attractive. It has long attracted the wealthy businessmen and wealthy people in Tiannanhaibei, as well as the strong men in the martial arts circle. Those who can live in the inner courtyard of this Ziding Manor. Are different.

"Mei Ye, go and get busy if you have something! They are my friends, and I will entertain myself!"

As she walked, Julia suddenly said to Mei 婶 and others who had been closely following her.

对 "Yes, the villa in size A should still be empty. I'll take my friend there!"

Mei 婶 heard the words and said, "Miss Lia, you are a body of money. How can this rough work let you come?"

His voice didn't fall, Mei Yan suddenly said lightly: "Qiu Chan, Gui Lian, what are you still doing? Do you want to hurry up and bring Miss Lia's friend into the villa A, good hospitality?"

At the moment Mei Mei's words fell, of the men and women who followed him, two women who looked beautiful and had a clean atmosphere stood up immediately. Seeing the action gestures, they were both practising family members, saying politely: "Two Come with us, sir! "

Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran looked at each other, nodded and smiled at Julia and followed.

"Miss Lia, please come with me, we have more important guests today!"

After waiting for Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran to leave, Mei Yan politely said to Julia.

Julia's face was cold and frosty: "Mei Mei, don't you think it's too much of you? What about my friend in person? Do you still think of me as Zhu's? So are the prisoners? ! "

On Mei Yan's harsh and old-fashioned face, a smile that was uglier than crying was revealed: "Miss Lia, you misunderstood! I haven't done this for the homeowner's consideration? Do you think it is your friend that is important or your father and your brother? Life matters? "

Julia was ugly and silent.

Seeing this, Mei Min added: "They are all still lying on the bed, unconscious, and our medical family like the Zhu family is helpless. Isn't this the stranger and stranger who came up through this elixir, Get to know a lot, maybe you can find the first line of life ... "

Julia snorted and strode toward the villa in front. Mei Mei looked at the back of Julia's angry humming, and there was a taunt of ridicule in the depths of her silent eyes.

In the Jiajia brand villa, led by two enthusiastic maids, Qiu Chan and Gui Lian, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran lived here.

It is indeed a villa of size A. Its decoration equipment shows the distinctive low-key luxury everywhere. There are everything in the villa, wine, food, fragrant tea ... comparable to a five-star hotel.

"Boss, I can finally understand why you have given up on the lady Zheng a few days ago! Feelings you already have a little lover outside!"

After the two maids Qiu Chan and Gui Lian left, Li Chaoran lay back and forth lying on the soft leather sofa, with an envious look: "Which is such a peerless thing, if I have it, where else can I see it? Ordinary rouge gouache! Huh! "

Pei Junlin heard the words lightly: "Julia is just a subordinate of my former company, and, I have always forgot to tell you that I am actually married!"

Is it really fake? !!

裴 Just when Pei Junlin's words fell, Li Chaoran, who was originally lying on the sofa, was shocked by a shock, and jumped up from the sofa, his face was incredible.

"Boss, aren't you kidding me? You're not too old!"

Pei Junlin is too lazy to answer this boring question ~ ~ Turn around and walk into the bathroom, wash your face with water.

But apparently he underestimated Li Chaoran's gossip ability, and kept standing at the door asking questions, who is the cripple, what is the age of cripple, and what is it?

I really want to see what kind of woman Xunzi is, and she can surrender a character like you ...

"Boss, are you sure you have no interest in that Julia?"

Finally, Li Chaoran asked extremely seriously.

Pei Junlin finally responded: "What? Your stallion wants to sow again?"

"Then I can tell you that this pond in the Zhu family is very deep, you must be ready to drown!"

超 Li Chaoran dismissed with a smile: "Just a Zhu family, if Master Ben is in love, everything is not a problem!"

"Unfortunately, although Julia's beautiful girl looks beautiful and charming, she is not the type I like, and everyone can see that the beautiful girl has a different feeling for the boss. I do n’t want to participate. ! "

"Julia's situation is extremely worrying this time, I don't believe that you will wait and see indifferently!"

所以 "So, I'm more curious about you, boss, how do you choose this time?"

Pei Junlin finally frowned. To be honest, this trip to Zhongzhou met Julia, which really surprised him.

Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Knocking at the door suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two, and then the LCD screen on the wall showed a beautiful figure standing outside. No one except Julia!

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