Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1743: Treasures everywhere

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"It's not what you said, it's not that there was a mysterious old man who saw him next to him. That day, the emperor-level figure of Yunzong was going to make a move. I felt that he would have made a move." Jin Ye did not agree.

Pei Junlin and Jin Ye finally reached a consensus, that the eve of the turmoil is also the most chaotic and the most favorable time. At this time, it is the best time to harvest the treasures. Once this time is missed, then these treasures Will be divided up.

At night, Pei Junlin was hiding in a mysterious earthen jar. He steered the chaotic progress and appeared quietly above the battlefield. The entire battlefield stretched for hundreds of miles, and it almost became the Shura massacre field around the gate of the Tianyun Sect. There are corpses, treasures everywhere.

But now this frightening battlefield is empty. In the sky above the sky, there is even a cloud of dead air that is several tens of meters behind, covering the sky and the sun.

"The lifelessness of the sky is also a treasure, and all the treasures of this class are good things, don't waste it." Jin Ye is polite and unfolds a vortex, and countless treasures are completely swept into it.

The internal world of the Chaos Golden Dou is endless, and the natural capacity is also infinite. The treasures from this time have completely become the nourishment of the Golden Lord. Many treasures will be completely shattered and refined as soon as they enter the chaos. All kinds of top grade refining materials will be absorbed by Jin Ye to make up for itself.

As for some medicinal pills and top-grade spirit stones, as well as materials or extremely precious things that Jin Ye didn't use for the time being, Jin Ye would automatically categorize them together.

Today's Jin Ye is like a treasure hunting machine, endlessly collecting trophies over this battlefield.

Pei Junlin on the other side was not idle either. He hid in the mysterious earthen jar and squeezed out the soul umbrella. The Soul Umbrella itself is a treasure of the Demon Dao, and it is extremely mysterious. After being sacrificed by Pei Junlin, the sky full of lifelessness immediately gathered into the Soul Umbrella.

The breath of death and resentment, these are the favorite things of the heavenly demons, Pei Junlin can even hear the cheering of Qi Ling Laowu, and the crazy howling of countless heavenly demons in the soul umbrella.

Pei Junlin is like a crazy treasure, and the corpse hunters frantically grab the treasure in this life forbidden zone. Only he has the ability to sweep and protect in this battlefield. Once the rest of the people appear here, they are immediately killed on the spot.

Coming quietly and leaving quietly, this is of course Pei Junlin’s good wishes. In fact, this buffer area has become a place where everyone’s eyes gather. Pei Junlin collects a treasure in this area, and soon Was discovered.

Astonishing fluctuations came from the Sky Cloud Sect, and on the other side, the coalition army, a large number of masters also swept over here.

Pei Junlin accepted it when he saw it, and immediately drove the Soul Umbrella, disappearing into the void instantly, and he had a mysterious earthen jar that could come and go without a trace.

"You go first, I'll play with them." Jin Ye's voice was full of jokes.

Although Pei Junlin was a little worried about Lord Jin, he also knew that it was too late. If he went back and looked for Lord Jin, he might be found unable to leave here.

On this battlefield, with Pei Junlin's current strength, it can only be regarded as a small role. Those top powerhouses are playing games here, and hundreds of people will be wiped out at every turn.

Yi Junlin didn't dare to delay hiding quickly into the void. He dared to land on a hill after escaping hundreds of miles away, and completely hid himself.

After hiding his figure, Pei Junlin was still worried about being on the periphery of his own, building a hidden formation.

At this time, Pei Junlin looked towards the center of the battlefield, and he realized that the Tianyunzong and the coalition were fighting again. Several saint-level experts fought, and there were experts in the realm of true kings assassinating each other.

Human lives on this chaotic battlefield are actually worthless. A large number of treasures are scattered on the ground, and after being picked up, they will be scattered on the ground again.

Among them, Pei Junlin saw Jin Ye who was transformed into a black whirlpool, desperately harvesting treasures on the battlefield, and Jin Ye soon attracted the attention of both sides.

Because the master bombarded Jin Ye, but after their attacks fell into this black vortex, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without any feedback.

And Jin Ye is like a large vacuum cleaner, sucking all the treasures on the ground into the whirlpool.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin clenched his hands in excitement, knowing that such treasures may not be able to accumulate even the powerhouses of the emperor level.

And Pei Junlin and Jin Ye are connected by blood, he can feel the power of Jin Ye is rising rapidly, these treasures swallowed by Jin Ye are completely crushed and used.

Gradually, Pei Junlin had a feeling of horror, because he never thought that the golden master would be so powerful. After such a large amount of treasure was swallowed by the golden master, it turned out to only increase in strength without qualitative changes.

What level of treasure is Star Lord? There is no definite answer to this point in your heart. Only at this time, seeing Lord Jin devour these top treasures in large quantities, Pei Junlin could feel the mystery and power of Lord Jin.

Several saint-level powerhouses joined forces to bombard Lord Jin. After the power of ruining the world fell into the whirlpool, Lord Jin finally reacted this time.

Pei Junlin saw only a ray of light, scattered from the black whirlpool, and several powerful saints around him were hit hard.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the black vortex incarnate by Lord Jin instantly left the battlefield, disappearing into the void in the blink of an eye.

Pei Junlin's heart finally fell, and his worries about Jin Ye was completely relieved at this moment, Jin Ye became very strong, and the robber Pei Junlin did not even recognize it.

"How? Are you still worrying about me?" Jin Ye, in a silver robe, appeared next to Pei Junlin without warning, and even the outer defense formation arranged by Pei Junlin did not stop Jin Ye.

Pei Junlin shook his head and didn't say anything, but the expression on his face was a little excited and a little weird: "Aren't we doing this a bit unnatural?"

Jin Ye smiled: "Is there anything you don't remember in the future when you leave all the things in this Sanqing world, all people will be cut off from you. And your brothers and confidants, you saved their lives, you are very worthy They are, why should you worry about them? We must use the treasures we can obtain by ourselves."

Pei Junlin nodded. What Jin Ye said was reasonable, but she soon looked at Jin Ye with some excitement and said: "How much do you help me collect the materials I need?"

Pei Junlin asked Jin Ye to collect the materials that were used to refine the Thirteen Swords of Tianyun. This Thirteen Swords of Tianyun is a set of sword art and a set of formations!

The core of the most basic is also thirteen flying swords. To refine these flying swords will consume countless precious materials, and some of these materials are as large as a mountain, and some are precious, even the name has not been heard.

For example, a top-level refining material called Gengjin, ordinary flying swords only need to add a small amount of powder to make the flying sword produce qualitative changes.

But the sword embryo pill of one of the swords in the refining of the Tianyun Thirteen Swords is to refine a sword embryo, which requires tons of Gengjin.

Knowing that the reserves of this kind of metal in the universe are extremely scarce, even if a planet is completely refined, perhaps only a piece of the size of a fist can be obtained. To get tons of this kind of metal is simply a dream.

"You got a lot, but you are still a long way from the goal you expected." Jin Ye smiled.

Spreading out his palm, a silver storage ring appeared in the palm of Jin Ye. This was specially prepared for Pei Junlin, and what he stored was the material used by Pei Junlin to refine the Tianyun Thirteen Sword.

Pei Junlin's consciousness swept through it, and he was surprised and delighted. The storage space of this storage ring was extremely vast, but the pile of materials in it also shocked Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin took a closer look and found that these materials were dazzling, with tens of thousands of types, and all of them were refined metals.

Those top refining materials should be the essence left by the removal of impurities after Jin Ye swallowed a large number of top treasures.

But after reading it carefully, Jun Pei was a little disappointed, because so many kinds of materials were not collected to refine a flying sword. It can be seen how mysterious and incredible this Tianyun Thirteen Sword is.

Once the thirteen flying swords are trained, they have the power to destroy the world. So after seeing the cultivation method of the Tianyun Thirteen Swords, Pei Junlin has never given up his vow in his heart that even if he exhausts his efforts to search the universe, he must find these materials in every corner. Refining these thirteen flying swords.

"It may take countless time and energy to refine this Tianyun Thirteen Swords, but I have also seen the sword tactics of Tianyun Thirteen Swords. This is very strange, and it is quite a prototype of the good fortune of the year." Jin The master didn't talk much, but a few faint sentences revealed extremely important information.

That is the scary origin of the Thirteen Swords of Tianyun, it is likely to involve the origin of the universe, and even have some connection with the legendary good fortune.

Pei Junlin was naturally surprised and happy when he heard this, but Pei Junlin was already very happy to be able to get so much material this time.

In the next few days, as Jin Ye expected, the Tianyun Sect and the emperor-level figure seemed to disappear in this world. There was no intention to shoot at all, and the remaining Tianyun Sect masters were trees. Pour the hoop scattered.

Some people are resisting desperately, and some are choosing to flee. The huge cake of the entire Sky Cloud Sect has already begun the division.

As the instigator of this incident, Pei Junlin naturally did not leave anyone behind. In the following days, Pei Junlin took action every day, leading these people under his command to obtain huge benefits and wealth every day. ?

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