Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1744: Moment of destruction

Pei Junlin himself knew that such days would not be long, and he would finally enter the final battle moment soon.

Sure enough, the final moment of decisive battle arrived. At the moment when Tianyunzong collapsed, everyone was shouting hoarse roars, the coalition army was roaring with excitement, and many disciples of Tianyunzong made desperate voices.

Pei Junlin saw the tear marks on Tang Yujiao's face and immediately understood Tang Yujiao's complex emotions. Perhaps between justice and evil, Tang Yujiao is on the side of justice, but in terms of emotions, Tang Yujiao and Tianyunzong are still inseparable. After all, this is where he grew up.

And sometimes, it is actually difficult to define between justice and evil. For example, a behemoth like the Sky Cloud Sect possesses huge power, so it will naturally be arrogant and domineering.

As the saying goes, the Taoist tree is very popular, and Tianyunzong is like this, but Pei Junlin has a new understanding of all this. Since coming into contact with these mysterious super-evolutions like Fatty, in fact, Pei Junlin’s three views have undergone subtle changes, such as the reincarnation of justice and evil in this world. Pei Junlin has a different understanding from the past. .

The most memorable sentence Pei Junlin said is what the little fat man said, there is no cause and effect to do evil without being punished.

Pei Junlin used to think that Heavenly Dao is the ruler of this world, but gradually the army also discovered that Heavenly Dao may be just a will, which is a will produced by all the people in this world. Just like an instrumental spirit, this kind of thing also has its own feelings and preferences, and it will not judge anything completely in accordance with justice.

There must be good people and innocent people in the Tianyun Sect, but Junlin Pei knew that under the whole environment, no one could reverse it, and the negative of the Tianyun Sect was already a certainty.

As for how many disciples can escape, how many are deserved, and how many things have become foolish, no one knows this.

Seeing that his two major tasks have been completed, it is time for the other party to fulfill his promise, but Pei Junlin has a kind of anxiety.

Little Fatty has not received any news yet, and Yun Yao's life or death is uncertain and has not yet landed.

Another thing that makes Pei Junlin unable to relax is where exactly did Dragon Girl go?

Nowadays, the Tianyun Sect's blood is flowing into a river, fighting and snatching everywhere, and even some decorations of the Tianyun Sect have been madly raided by people, not to mention the vast ocean of classics and massive resources.

But these are not important to Pei Junlin, because in the early days of the Tianyunzong's demise, Pei Junlin has transferred most of the resources that he can grasp into the Chaos Golden Dou world.

Prior to this, Jin Ye had sneaked into the warehouse of the Sky Cloud Sect for several times, and transferred all the stored resources there into the Chaos Golden Dou.

So now facing this kind of crazy scramble behavior, Pei Junlin is just a spectator, or an indifferent bystander, without any emotion of substitution at all.

Based on all the information, Pei Junlin knew that the core members of the Sky Cloud Sect were on the highest peak of the Sky Cloud Sect. The prepared portal had reached the most critical juncture, and Yun Yao was probably also waiting to be transferred into that place. Little Thousand World.

On the only way up the mountain, there appeared a large number of interceptors, mysterious figures in silver robes, and their strength was amazing. All of them used swords, and their sword skills were extremely sharp.

Some members of the coalition forces were deterred from attacking here, because the foot of the mountain had been soaked in blood. But Pei Junlin couldn't stop here. In order to rescue Yun Yao, he could only bite the bullet and rush up.

The swordsmen wearing silver robes are extremely mysterious, and their swordsmanship is extremely tricky. Even if Junlin Pei’s current strength has reached the realm of the true king, he is only half a step away from the semi-sage level in the later stage, but still Was stuck on the mountainside, unable to make any further progress.

A whole day of fierce fighting has caused Pei Junlin's new skin to do his best to have multiple wounds on his body. Although Pei Junlin is a celestial body, but the other party is not bad, these mysterious characters seem to be tireless, and the swordsmanship is extremely superb, even in these people, Pei Junlin did not find any mental fluctuations at all.

In other words, these are not people at all, but machines or puppets. Pei Junlin didn't know before, but now he can be sure of this. These silver mysterious figures are definitely puppets, without any life fluctuations, and no emotions.

It just made Pei Junlin want to break his head, and couldn't figure out who made such a sophisticated puppet. They could use sword tricks, and the sword tactics used were extremely powerful.

"Everything should be over, this world is almost deserted." A voice looked indifferently over the ground, and on average saw a huge face occupying almost the entire sky.

This golden face is exactly the emperor-level figure of Tianyunzong, but what Pei Junlin didn't expect was that this figure finally made a move.

The dark golden palms fell suddenly, and countless cultivators of the coalition screamed at this moment, and many others were wiped out before they even screamed.

And Pei Junlin was also pale with fright. In this case, even with his current strength, he would be trampled to death like stepping on an ant. After all, he was a figure of the emperor level and a great emperor in his heyday.

Pei Junlin wanted to escape, but reason told her that she should not act rashly now. Once she caught the attention of this top figure, she might be easily crushed. So the best way is to stay here calmly and not attract the other party's attention.

The huge palm was photographed in the Sky Cloud Sect, a piece of dead body, pieces of fleshy mud. The nightmare of countless monks, at this moment in the top monks crushing the low-level monks, it is as simple as trampling ants to death.

This human face shining with golden light does not contain any human emotions, and its eyes are extremely hollow, just as merciless as God.

Countless allied monks died tragically at this moment and turned into a quagmire of flesh and blood, and the entire Sky Cloud Sect became completely lifeless, because Pei Junlin suddenly discovered that the Emperor-level figure of the Sky Cloud Sect was indistinguishable when killing people.

Whether it is a member of the Sky Cloud Sect or a monk of the coalition army, they all turn into mud under his palm, there is no difference.

Pei Junlin felt a smell of something wrong, which was a bit unusual after all.

"Is this person crazy? Even the people under his command have to kill." Pei Junlin said to himself.

"He is not crazy, he is not human." Jin Ye's voice came.

Just before Jin Ye's voice fell, Pei Junlin suddenly felt an extremely dangerous aura. He raised his head to look at the golden face of the sky, and his eyes were already turned towards him.

After all, he was discovered, Pei Junlin's heart suddenly lifted, and at this moment he felt that his breathing had stopped.

"Quick, use your second soul!" Jin Ye's voice trembled a little, this is because Pei Junlin has never felt panic from Jin Ye.

But Jin Ye's reminder also saved Pei Junlin's life in an instant, because Pei Junlin had never thought of using the second soul to save himself. But this time Pei Junlin suddenly understood that the huge flesh and blood planet of the ancient **** would be his only life-saving straw at this moment.

In the deep, lonely, dark starry sky, there is a huge planet. If you look at this planet with the naked eye, you can’t see any abnormality, but if you look at it at a slower time, you can feel it. The surface of the planet is constantly creeping.

Just like human muscle tissue, beating slightly and slowly, and this planet is the flesh and blood planet of the second soul that was refined before Pei Junlin.

It was originally a piece of blood and flesh of an immortal, but after being refined by Pei Junlin, it became the place where Pei Junlin's second soul resides.

Although there is an infinite starry sky far away, there is a strong connection between Pei Junlin and the second language. At this moment, Pei Junlin can draw all the power on this planet to resist this fatal blow.

The timing that Jin Ye reminded was very appropriate, and the reaction time to configure you was also very fast. Almost in a very short time, Pei Junlin gathered the power of his whole body, summoning all the power of the second soul.

Far across the infinite starry sky, Pei Junlin still felt the second soul, powerful and abundant power.

Directly in front of Pei Junlin, a starry sky wormhole is formed with a steady stream of power, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com used from this wormhole to form a hemispherical convex lens in front of Junlin Pei.

This was a moment of life and death, Pei Junlin did not hesitate. But at the moment when Pei Junlin launched his defense, the golden face suddenly moved. Without seeing any movement, Pei Junlin felt a huge force twisted into a bunch of silk threads to assassinate him. .

When this powerful force condensed into a bunch of silk thread came to Pei Junlin, the energy wave magic like the transparent mirror encountered.

Pei Junlin could feel the powerful pressure that the two forces burst together. At this moment, Pei Junlin felt his breathing and heartbeat, and even the blood had stopped flowing, and the vitality of his whole body was condensed into a bunch of threads.

This is the feeling of wandering on the edge of death, until the moment when the energy film in front of him burst, Pei Junlin was relieved, a feeling of relief after all was not defensible, the opponent may be too strong.

However, in the next moment, what made Pei Junlin stunned happened. A black vortex appeared in front of him, and then Chaos Jin Dou burst in front of him with a dazzling light. _

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