Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1749: Tianzhu Mountain

Therefore, it was only a short time for these people from the initial panic to the final acceptance and calm down. Soon these people became a team, walking along this road.

Pei Junlin, Princess Dragon Thirteen, as well as the white-haired old woman and Ningning girl, are equally silent among the group, while Pei Junlin is looking down in thought, wrinkling from time to time. On the brow, there seemed to be some problem that had baffled him.

Gradually, Pei Junlin realized that the surrounding area was no longer dark, and a large barren wilderness appeared, but it was like a screen separated by a layer of screen, only to see but not touch.

In the barren wilderness, elements such as lightning, wind, water and fire began to be born. These elements began to change drastically, entangled with each other, and finally life appeared.

Life began to evolve, and various plants began to appear. Of course, all these processes were extremely short-lived.

Everyone was amazed, some made a shocked sound, and some made a knowing laugh. But Junlin Pei discovered that some of the people in the crowd had some enlightenment, and they had already entered a state of epiphany when they were walking.

At the same time that Pei Junlin was shocked, he also felt a little incomprehensible.

Why would there be such things around, scenes of life evolution, could it be that when the universe is about to be completely destroyed, and before the death of human beings, all the pictures of life will be plated over?

Gradually, Junlin Pei discovered that, perhaps, as he guessed, two huge screens were formed on both sides of the road composed of rays of light, and the pictures continued to evolve in them, with the beginning of life and the evolution of civilization.

Pei Junlin watched all this from beginning to end, his eyes unblinking. Because all these evolutions gave Pei Junlin some inspiration, such as the chaotic Jindu inner world, now only 5 elements are gradually evolving, when will it evolve into a complete world, Pei Junlin has no feelings, and nothing Common sense.

But now there is a real world, from birth to death, Pei Junlin can observe the whole process.

This is equivalent to giving Pei Junlin a demonstration, but Pei Junlin didn't want to do it completely, because it didn't take long for this world from birth to death, in other words it was just a failed world.

Pei Junlin wants to create a world, it is naturally a perfect world, after all, everyone has different wishes.

The surrounding pictures are still changing, and the evolution of civilization has begun to appear. The appearance of various human beings, the change of dynasties, etc. are constantly changing the picture like a marquee.

There are wise people in the crowd that have actually understood that these people have already begun to discuss with each other whether the world has died and the universe is about to be destroyed.

The thirteenth princess just listened quietly and didn't interrupt, but his eyes were brighter and brighter, shocked and shocked.

Pei Junlin kept his promise and didn't say a word. He continued to walk along this passage. He didn't know how long he had walked, maybe one day or one year. In short, there is no rotation of the sun and the moon, nor the concept of time, all on this path of light, as if the years have already left people.

I don't know when a dawn appeared in front of everyone, just like the gate of a huge palace, but the gate of this palace was tightly locked, showing no sign of opening.

Pei Junlin was a little shocked, could it be that this is the gate of the world, the place where the great world enters?

There is such a door in a world, so big, and entering into the bronze door of even more ancient existence, Pei Junlin can't see the edge.

But the appearance of the bronze gate shocked Pei Junlin, because the shape of the bronze gate was somewhat similar to the gate of **** in his chaotic golden battle.

Could it be that this is not the great world, but the **** in the legend?

Pei Junlin's heart was filled with all kinds of chaotic thoughts, and now his heart was so flustered, he didn't know what was right.

Everyone was blocked by this door. There were different opinions, and everyone was in a mess. Some were sitting and crying, while others had firm eyes.

Knowing how many days have passed to give people away, I gradually became numb, and suddenly someone found an entrance one day. It was something similar to a dog hole. From that place, you could cross the fence and pass through the gate.

However, after discovering this entrance, the crowd was divided into two sides. On the one hand, people thought it was not safe to enter and refused to enter from here, while others had an adventurous spirit and planned to get in through this hole.

Pei Junlin did not follow the crowd, nor did he venture in, nor did he wait again. Instead, he took the old white-haired woman, the girl Ningning and the three girls of Princess Long 13 along the wall of the gate towards the other Walk away.

Sitting and waiting for death is not Pei Junlin's own character, so she has to take the initiative to attack. As for whether she can enter the big world from that dog hole, Pei Junlin is not known, but he always has a bad feeling. Go in from there. Not the best way.

I don’t know how long I have been walking along the wall, maybe one year or ten years. In short, there is no concept of time. A few people just walked like this.

In the end, I don't know how long it will take. When Pei Junlin felt that his patience was running out, a mountain appeared in front of him, a huge mountain that was extremely tall and majestic.

There was a look of surprise in Pei Junlin's eyes, she was not afraid, and he was afraid that he would not find anything after walking like this. But now that such a mountain has appeared, Pei Junlin feels a little change. Maybe he can make new discoveries through this mountain.

Pei Junlin, who was so high on the mountain, couldn't see the edge, and everything was hidden in the darkness, but the mountain radiated lightly.

"This world has been destroyed. We are now going to another world, the Great Thousand World, which is the most important world in this universe." Pei Junlin said towards the other three.

Princess Long Thirteen didn't say anything, but the old white-haired woman looked more than you, and said in an old voice: "Did you not find out? This mountain is surrounded by an extremely powerful formation. I am afraid that no one in this world can crack it."

Pei Junlin naturally discovered that this needle technique was very peculiar, or that he didn't look like a formation technique, like a placenta wrapped in a mother's womb.

That kind of transparent film is like a light curtain, but it is not a kind of formation or a kind of rule woven into it, but it is undoubtedly a foolish dream to go through here.

But Junlin Pei had a way. He tried to use the mysterious earthen jar, and it really succeeded. The mysterious earthen jar can take him successfully across the transparent film and reach this mountain.

In the end, Pei Junlin and everyone easily crossed this boundary and entered the mountain. Just after entering the mountain, Pei Junlin discovered that the scenery here has changed a lot. The mountain became **** and everywhere. It was full of corpses, and they were all huge corpses.

There are several humanoid monsters walking around in this sea of ​​blood. These people don't have any consciousness, their eyes are prominent, their hair is scattered, and their whole body exudes a foul smell.

Why are there so many corpses? And why is there such a weird person? Pei Junlin didn't even know that he could only use the ability of the mysterious crock to hide his breath, leading everyone to avoid these weird people.

"This should be the legendary Tianzhu Mountain. Let's get out of here as soon as possible. Crossing here should be the Great Thousand World." The white-haired old woman looked a little serious and urged Pei Junlin to leave this area quickly.

The legendary Tianzhu Mountain should be the pillar of the sky. Sure enough, this place should be the edge of the world, and you should be able to enter the great world through this place.

However, what happened in Tianzhu Mountain makes Pei Junlin puzzled. Why are there so many corpses here? And what are those bad guys with prominent eyeballs and a foul smell all over?

Intuition tells Pei Junlin not to pursue too much, after all, this is about the origin of this universe and some of the deepest secrets.

Without this mysterious earthen jar, I'm afraid they will die the moment they step into this place.

A huge dragon corpse was entrenched in a ravine. The dragon was exposed to all kinds of glow, but died, but a huge wound appeared on his neck.

And beside this giant dragon, Pei Junlin saw countless bad guys with prominent eyeballs. They were lying on the giant dragon and they were eating the dragon's flesh and blood.

Pei Junlin was frightened, his face was earthy. Not only Pei Junlin but also the white-haired old woman and Long Fashion Princess were all scared.

When he came to another mountain, Pei Junlin was distraught, because this mountain turned out to be completely human hearts, all kinds of human hearts, all kinds of strong people, and even Pei Junlin saw the corpse of an immortal. .

Piles of celestial bodies, what is the situation? Jun Pei was stunned.

Just relying on the eyes to be unable to find the answer, told Pei Junlin that he must leave this place as soon as possible. UU reading is too dangerous.

Without any hesitation, these days Pei Junlin has been using the mysterious earthen jar to hide the breath of everyone, carefully bypassing the mountain, wanting to leave here.

I know how long this mountain has been wandering, and I don't know how many horrible pictures I have seen. In short, what Pei Junlin sees most here are corpses, all kinds of corpses, and corpses of all kinds of strong men.

Whether it is some saint-level corpses, or the corpses of some great emperor-level figures, and some true spirit-level creatures, their corpses are piled up here.

Any one of these powerful men who will shock the world when they go out, their dead bodies are piled up here, and they are thrown everywhere like garbage...

Those monsters with protruding eyeballs and rotten aura all over them seemed to be dealing with these corpses.

Pei Junlin discovered that these corpses seemed to be finally thrown into a huge furnace. The contents were so huge that they could rival countless corpses in the sky. _

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