Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1750: Dead city

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This amazing scene shocked Pei Junlin and others inexplicably.

However, everyone relied on Pei Junlin's mysterious earthen jar to hide his figure, and disappeared in this huge city. If it were not, I would have been discovered long ago.

"Let's get out of here quickly, we don't want to be the forbidden land in the legend." There seemed to be some indescribable fear in the eyes of the white-haired old woman.

Regarding the white-haired old woman, whether it is Pei Junlin or Princess Long Shisan, they all agree with both hands, because as long as they have the ability to judge, they will know that this place is definitely not suitable for long stay, this is the most dangerous place.

"Oh my God, what kind of power are these? Why did they say they were in this place after death?" Princess Long Shisan was cold in character, but at this time she couldn't help but sigh.

Moving forward, Pei Junlin noticed that a city appeared in front of him, like a gate, guarded by skeleton guards.

These skeletons are tall, standing there with dark weapons in their hands, majestic. In the hollow eye sockets, two clusters of cold flames flickered.

This is a level. It is not easy to use Pei Junlin's mysterious earthen jar to pass here, and it may only be possible to avoid a certain detection range.

But in such a small area, it is impossible to pass through, so Jun Pei is in trouble, and everyone is trapped inside this small open space.

"We are here waiting for the timing. Don't be impulsive now. Remember that impulse is the devil." Pei Junlin warned everyone.

The mysterious earthen jar exudes a gray atmosphere, shrouded several people together, but the scope is very limited, Pei Junlin can only squeeze tightly with three women.

Everyone was shrouded in fear along the way, so no one cared about the problem, but at this time, it was quiet, and the problem highlighted that the four people must be close together to ensure that they do not get out of the scope of this crock pot.

If it is three ordinary women, it's just that these three women are superb beauties, especially the white-haired old woman, although it looks like a white-haired old woman. But Junlin Pei knew that under this man's mask was a young girl.

It's really embarrassing to be so close now.

But what worries Pei Junlin even more is the issue of security. After all, this mountain is too weird. The city halfway through the mountain has completely subverted all of Pei Junlin's imagination.

The most weird, scariest and **** picture in this world, Pei Jun Lin has seen all of them here.

After waiting for three days, Pei Junlin finally waited for the chance to leave. This opportunity looks very strange, because a team of people walked towards the city staggeringly.

These people are very weird. They are dead, but they can walk with their eyes closed. They walk very slowly, and what makes Pei Junlin feel weird is that these people have a very strange rune on their eyebrows.

"Keep up with these people, maybe we can get through." Pei Junlin gritted his teeth and said to everyone.

At this time, taking risks is the only opportunity. If you continue to wait here, there will be many factors of instability, so Junlin Pei decided to leave here now.

Pei Junlin's words were unanimously supported, and the other three women completely listened to Pei Junlin's arrangements. In a very hidden corner, Pei Junlin walked out quietly, mixing in the crowd.

Pei Junlin began to imitate the walking pace and manners of these people, and soon Pei Junlin adjusted his posture to be exactly the same as these people.

But gradually Pei Junlin discovered a weird scene, that is, the woman walking in front of him is obviously dead, but the softness of the body is still amazing, especially the body exudes a very strong breath of life. .

This is not surprising, because the extremes of things must be reversed. If the dead energy in the body is strong to a certain level, it will definitely produce a steady flow of life.

In this way, Pei Junlin, Princess Long 13, the old white-haired woman and Miss Ningning were mixed into this team. It quickly proved that Pei Junlin's strategy was right. Sure enough, he didn't receive any interrogation when he passed the city gate. The standing skeleton guards were like immutable stone statues without any movement at all.

After finally entering the city, Pei Junlin's mood relaxed a lot. He started to observe around and found that some weird facilities appeared this time.

For example, a huge grinding disc, from which there was blood flowing. There are huge pipes. These pipes don't know where they lead, but Pei Junlin can hear the sound of trickling water.

If there are gaps in these pipes, Pei Junlin can see a drop of blood flowing down. The horrible scene was playing every minute and every second, but Pei Junlin gradually became numb.

Leading to survival and death, there is nothing that can make Pei Junlin feel scared. Following this haunting team, Pei Junlin has been leading the other three women forward, although he does not know where the road ahead is.

When he was bored, Pei Junlin began to observe the woman walking in front of him. Although the appearance of this woman can only be said to be average, it was not the appearance of the woman that Pei Junlin focused on, but the earrings on the woman’s ears. And the ring on the finger.

Pei Junlin doesn't like to make money, but this dead woman, his strength in life can make Pei Junlin look up, because Pei Junlin can tell from the opponent's skin and some other breaths that this woman should be a great emperor. Characters.

Why did a big man who had shaken the world appear in this place after his death? Pei Junlin is also unknown, but it is definitely not easy to appear in such a character.

Pei Junlin reached out several times to try to remove the ring from the opponent's finger, but ultimately failed. Pei Junlin did not give up and has been working hard all the way.

"You can't go forward anymore, look at the place ahead." Pei Junlin was patted behind the back, it turned out that Princess Long 13 was reminding herself.

Pei Junlin looked to the front and realized that there was a tall shelf in front of him. After these people stepped up, they would all jump into the huge furnace.

Pei Junlin quickly led everyone away from the team and continued to move forward in this silent city of death. There are no signs of any other activities in this city, only four people are active here.

Everything in this city seems to be operating automatically. According to Pei Junlin's estimation, this should be a huge corpse processing center.

In other words, this place should be a huge prison, and these dead strong men should be the people who were eliminated from that prison.

The corpses of the strong will not rot, and they also contain a huge amount of energy, so they will see such a level to deal with the corpses of these strong.

What Pei Junlin was curious about was that after the corpses of these powerful men were crushed, where did their flesh and blood quagmire eventually lead to and what effect?

Along the pipeline, Pei Junlin felt that he could finally find an opportunity, so he continued to move forward, leading everyone.

Just like this, Pei Junlin led the three women around in the city. Soon Pei Junlin found that countless pipes finally gathered in one place. It was a dark underground palace leading to nowhere, but this palace But the look attracted Pei Junlin's attention.

Pei Junlin had never seen such a weird palace. The shape of the palace alone gave people a feeling of death, a kind of silence, chaos and complexity, irritability and so on.

However, everyone had a discussion about whether to enter this underground palace. Pei Junlin, for example, wanted to enter this palace, but he was strongly opposed by the white-haired old woman.

"Never enter it, there is definitely something ominous in it." The white-haired old woman asserted and strongly prevented Pei Jun from entering.

But Junlin Pei insisted on entering here. After all, it is not easy to come here. If you don't explore the ultimate secret here, Junlin Pei will be unwilling, although he knows that it is dangerous. But a man who is born with an adventurous spirit will never give up this opportunity. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

In the end, Pei Junlin's opinion prevailed. What surprised Pei Junlin was that Miss Na Ning was also on his side, which was definitely something that Pei Junlin had not thought of.

Three of the four said they wanted to go in, so even if the old white-haired woman strongly opposed it, she could only compromise in the end.

A small team of four people probed into the underground palace and walked inward along the dark and deep passage. Pei Junlin smelled a strong smell of blood.

When you go down, Pei Junlin realizes that he has brought everyone to a bridge. The bridge is not long an arch bridge, but the shape is exceptionally beautiful.

The water flowing under this bridge made people shudder, because all the water was blood, but the color of the blood was different, and Pei Junlin even saw golden blood from the concentration.

"The blood of the strong will not blend together casually, and the golden blood can only be possessed by the Eucharist." The white-haired old woman said to everyone.

His eyes glanced at Pei Junlin inadvertently, which seemed to contain a profound meaning.

Pei Junlin's eyes moved away from the **** water. What surprised him was that there was a plant growing in the water, which was a little different from ordinary lotus flowers.

At this moment, everyone suddenly smelled a strange fragrance for Pei Junlin, and when they looked into the river, they discovered that the budding lotus flowers were blooming at this time, and the fragrance was transmitted from the lotus. of.

"Why are there lotus flowers in such a place, and they can still bloom?" Pei Junlin was shocked and inexplicably.

Her pair of eyes stared at the lotus flower, and as expected, Pei Junlin found some unusual places. The reason why these lotus flowers can be opened in the **** water is because the call is not simple. ?

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