Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1751: Underground broken bridge

Because at the stamen of the lotus flower, Pei Junlin saw a golden Buddha image. Pei Junlin knew this golden Buddha statue, and he was exactly like the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

"This is something from the ancient Buddhism, used to suppress the powerful grievances here. If there is no such lotus to suppress, I am afraid the blood will turn the sky." The white-haired old woman sighed, her eyes deep and frightening.

In fact, there is no need for the gray-haired old woman to explain, Pei Junlin has already seen the clues, these lotus flowers are indeed used to suppress evil things. Although these **** waters contained billowing energy, there were also countless strong and insoluble resentments.

When these powerhouses were alive, every one of them was a powerful figure who stomped their feet, and Yifeng Star Territory could tremble, but they were treated in this way after death, which indeed caused countless resentments among these powerhouses.

Standing on this bridge, Pei Junlin could even feel a cold breath, as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him coldly and quietly under the bridge.

Suddenly Pei Junlin saw a person, and a dark shadow flashed across the bridge. Although it was only a simple glance, it was certain that a sense of fear and familiarity was born.

The fear is because of the terrifying look in the eyes, which makes Pei Junlin feel familiar with it, because Pei Junlin is sure that he has definitely seen these eyes.

"Is it him?" Pei Junlin was so shocked that his feathers stood up.

This is the evil spirit! ! !

At the place where Pei Junlin met Chen Jianghai, he had seen this earth-level evil spirit before, but Pei Junlin did not expect to see this evil spirit again in this mysterious and weird place.

There is no absolute coincidence in this world. Why do you see the same evil spirit in different places? This made Pei Junlin shudder. Could it be that this evil spirit has been following him all the time?

Pei Junlin, looking towards the other side, really found that the black shadow was still there, a pair of blood-colored eyes wrapped in the black shadow, staring at him coldly.

Pei Junlin was not too scared, because if the other party had been following him, there would be too many opportunities to attack him.

The other party has been standing still, which shows that he has no choice but to do so, so Pei Junlin is not afraid, but looks at the other party.

From these eyes, Pei Junlin didn't see too much malice, the coldness seemed to be born. Even Pei Junlin could feel a hint from this evil spirit, which seemed to suggest that Pei Junlin was following him.

"That's a powerful evil spirit, why is it here? Don't look at him, be careful to be bewitched by her." The white-haired old woman's voice passed into Pei Junlin's ears, like a heavy hammer. Pei Junlin woke up.

Pei Junlin shook his head, feeling that he was a little impulsive. The thought of keeping up with him just now, could it be that he was bewitched?

But soon, Junlin Pei felt that things were definitely not that simple. This evil spirit didn't seem to have too much malice, which made Junlin Pei puzzled.

"I think it's better to follow, I can feel that he has no malice." Pei Junlin thought about it again and again, and finally decided to follow.

After all, he and this evil spirit are old acquaintances. If the other party wants to harm him, I am afraid that he would have taken action long ago, and Pei Junlin has no evidence to prove that the evil spirit is unconscious.

But this time Pei Junlin's decision was not supported, and even the Princess Dragon Thirteen did not stand on Pei Junlin's side. Although Pei Junlin wanted to follow up and see what happened, in the end, only a few could obey the majority.

Crossing this bridge may be another step of the field, but Pei Junlin did not continue to move forward because of strong opposition from the other three.

But when I was about to turn around and go back, the bridge deck suddenly began to vibrate at this time. Pei Junlin reacted quickly, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the other people and held them hand in hand.

But at this moment, when drinking water slurped and bubbling, Pei Junlin saw a toad burst out of the river, and a black water arrow shot at several people.

The situation was urgent, and Pei Junlin had almost no time to react. With a bang, a large black umbrella opened in front of everyone, blocking the black sewage from corrosion.

This is when Pei Junlin released the Soul Umbrella at the most urgent moment, using the Soul Umbrella to withstand this deadly attack.

But when Pei Junlin turned his head, he realized that the bridge had collapsed in half, and everyone had no way back. At this time, it was impossible to go back.

Suddenly, dense toads appeared in the river water, spraying black venom on the bridge continuously. Pei Junlin had no choice but to quickly jump off the bridge with three women.

It was impossible to go back, so he could only go forward. Pei Junlin looked forward and found that the evil spirit was waiting for him at the corner in front of him.

"Now there is no way, I can only move forward. I hope this evil spirit will not have any evil thoughts, or I will let Ningning purify it." The white-haired old woman's face suddenly became cold, and there was a look in her eyes. With a trace of killing intent.

Pei Junlin turned his head and looked at the girl Ningning, only to find that this icy and jade girl was exuding holy rays of light, and it seemed that there was a Buddhist aura that enveloped everyone.

It was at this time that Pei Junlin discovered that the lotus flowers blooming in the river water actually emitted a light. These lights rose up in the sky and formed a huge lotus and fell down, and finally fell into the hands of Miss Ning.

The lotus flower shrank to the size of a palm with a pink light, but even if Pei Junlin was knowledgeable, he didn't know what this treasure was.

From the perspective of breath alone, this thing should be a treasure of Buddhism because it is full of Buddhism.

Girl Ningning frowned slightly, she looked melancholy at the lotus flower in her palm, but she finally sighed and opened her mouth the lotus flower actually flew into Girl Ning's mouth.

"With this thing, even the evil spirits can't help us anymore, now we can go forward." Girl Ningning said confidently.

Seeing that Ningning girl was unwilling to explain too much, Pei Junlin naturally did not dare to force it. He continued to walk forward and soon found a strange area.

The reason why this area is weird is that this area seems to be like a huge river beach. On this river beach, there were actually a dense crowd of strange fishes. These fishes had two legs and a pair of eyes, just like human beings. They were shining with evil light.

You can see these densely packed strange fishes, and an extremely disgusting feeling immediately develops in his heart. Although these strange fish will not hurt people, from their eyes, it seems that there is a human soul in their bodies.

Could it be that the souls of those strong men who died were imprisoned in the bodies of these strange fish after their bodies were destroyed?

Pei Junlin had countless absurd ideas in his heart, but there was never a clear answer.

"Don't touch this kind of strange fish. Their origins are not simple. According to legend, they are fishes returning from the circuit of rebirth." When the old white-haired woman saw these strange fish, her eyes were full of fear.

"Then how do we get there? It's difficult to pass through this area." Pei Junlin also frowned, because the evil spirit was waiting for people like him on the other side.

It is also faster than growing in the sludge, and this sludge is not a simple thing, but a thing that settles out of the thick blood.

In these sticky sludge, Pei Junlin can feel a deep resentment, this thing should be born of resentment.

"It's easy to want the past, I'll help you." Ning Ning suddenly opened her mouth and spat out a lotus flower.

The lotus flower quickly grew bigger, and in the end it could accommodate four people. Pei Junlin jumped onto the lotus without hesitation. When everyone jumped on the lotus, they suddenly felt a light spreading on the lotus, and then slowly flew up.

Wherever they went, there were dots of starlight scattered, and the following about encountering these rays, the ferocity in the eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by confusion, and gradually the bodies of these strange fishes turned transparent and eventually disappeared. Up.

Pei Junlin didn't know, so he was a little surprised when he saw this strange scene. What is the origin of this girl Ningning, and the white-haired old woman is also very mysterious. These two women simply made Pei Junlin unable to guess.

This lotus flower dragged everyone forward, and the evil spirit saw Pei Junlin and the others following and moved on. Moving forward, Pei Junlin discovered that this underground city is not simple, it is well built, and many planned places are very tidy.

But there was no one in this city, just like a city of death, Pei Junlin continued to walk along the evil spirit's guidance and finally saw a huge palace.

And this palace is deep and gloomy, with black as the main color, giving people a sense of infinite mystery and depression.

The evil spirit stood on the steps, watching Pei Junlin seem to be entering with Pei Junlin and others, but Pei Junlin and others who were standing on the steps hesitated.

"There may be a way to leave here. As long as you can leave here, you may be able to leave this forbidden area and enter the great world directly." Pei Junlin said towards the three girls.

There is no doubt that the forbidden area is the most mysterious and weird place in the world, and few monks who enter the forbidden area can walk out alive.

Even some of the emperor-level figures or immortals dare not easily set foot on the forbidden ground. At this time, Pei Junlin and the other four were standing on the boundary of the forbidden area, not knowing where to go.

"Anyway, it's just a death. I think we should continue to explore. If we never stop, we will never leave here." Princess Long 13 finally spoke.

After Miss Naning and the old white-haired woman looked at each other, their eyes were a little helpless. _

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