Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1752: Evil spirits guide the way

"You have to go in and we will accompany you, but we may not be able to save you if we encounter any danger." The white-haired old woman's tone was full of helplessness and seemed to carry a trace of guilt.

But time did not allow Pei Junlin to think too much, she finally lifted her foot, walked up the steps step by step, and came to the palace gate of that song, Pei Junlin reached out and pushed open the palace gate.

The moment Pei Junlin opened this gate, the surroundings suddenly became extremely dark, everything became dark and he couldn't see his fingers.

This sudden darkness caused a little panic among the girls around, especially Princess Long Shisan who hugged Pei Junlin from behind.

"This should be the original face of this world. We are going to move forward in the dark. I am afraid that if we encounter any danger, it will be difficult to deal with." The white-haired woman's voice seemed a little firm.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and a white candle appeared in his palm. The top of the white candle was burning with a flame the size of a soybean.

The pale flame kept beating, but it illuminates the surrounding ten meters. Just shrouded in darkness, and suddenly reaping light, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, especially the white-haired old woman and girl Ning Ning. Seeing the mysterious candles in Pei Junlin's hands, there was a look of wonder in their eyes.

I also tried to illuminate with a flame just now, but no flame can emit light here. Why can these ordinary candles illuminate such a large area? "Princess Long 13 said curiously.

Pei Junlin didn't explain, because he felt that there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes looking at him around him. She turned and looked behind her, only to realize that there were scarlet eyes not far behind, looking at her.

It was the evil spirit, the evil spirit that had been following Jun Pei. At this moment, the evil spirit stopped outside the palace and refused to take a step. It was just a pair of eyes, and there was a worry in the evil.

This evil spirit is not simple, why help yourself at this critical moment?

However, King's Landing quickly denied this sentiment. Judging from the current situation, it is difficult to tell whether this evil spirit is good or bad, and it is even more difficult for the other party to help himself.

Pei Junlin kept admonishing himself to be careful, be careful and be careful, after all, it is a matter of four lives, and whether he can leave from here alive is critical.

Pei Junlin took the candle and walked forward cautiously. After the candle light illuminates the area, Pei Junlin found that everything around him had completely changed, not in a palace, but under a barren hillside.

Why did the surrounding scene change drastically after passing through a door? Obviously entered a palace, why is there now a wilderness?

Pei Junlin instinctively thought these were hallucinations, but soon he realized that they were not hallucinations. The four of them were really walking on a wild hill in the wilderness.

Is there any way? And the road under his feet seemed to be the beginning of this road. Looking back, Jun Pei came to realize that there was no road behind him.

This is weird, is there any way in this world?

This road actually started from under the feet, as if someone had set it up, Pei Junlin felt incredible.

There was a shadow in the darkness, it seemed that there was a black shadow gleaming in the darkness, not the evil spirit, which made Pei Junlin even more worried.

He urged everyone to walk along this road quickly, and don't delay one minute and one second. This is because Pei Junlin has an intuition in his heart. It is Pei Junlin who has this emotion because of fear.

Under Pei Junlin's strong request, everyone walked forward and quickly reached a position halfway up the mountain. It was just that a weird thing appeared in this place, it was a well, but the well water was shining with faint fluorescence.

This well is not simple, Pei Junlin looked into the well water, and even felt a trance. In this well, Pei Junlin saw a figure.

This figure does not belong to anyone else, it is Wang Ziqiong who Pei Jun thinks about day and night. In this shadow, Wang Ziqiong seems to be walking on a street in a city. This city is not a modern earth city, but an antique city.

Wang Ziqiong was dressed in white, holding a sword in his hand, with a lonely look on his face. There are people around him, but no one communicates with Wang Ziqiong, as if the whole world has abandoned Wang Ziqiong.

Suddenly, Pei Junlin felt a very heartache. Suddenly the picture changed and the picture changed to another figure, and this figure turned out to be Yun Yao.

At this moment, Yun Yao seemed to be in a sedan chair, with countless sadness on his face, and tears could even be seen in the corner of his eyes. From Yun Yao's expression, Pei Junlin can tell that Yun Yao seems to be in a bad situation.

At this moment, the picture disappeared, Pei Junlin retracted his gaze and looked at the other people, only to realize that the expressions on the faces of the other three girls were different.

Duke Long Shisan mainly calmed down, but looked at Pei Junlin with weird eyes for a while, and didn't say anything. And Miss Na Ning's eyes were always a little sad, she looked at Pei Junlin flashingly and said: "I saw An Tie, she seems to be lying in a small courtyard, there is a woman taking care of him, and he is in a coma."

Pei Junlin had some doubts in his eyes at first, but it quickly turned into shock and shock. He didn't understand why Miss Ningning could know all this?

"Are these things you just saw?" Pei Junlin looked at Ning Ning with a hoarse voice.

After getting the affirmative reply from Ningning girl, Pei Junlin's face completely shocked her. He did not expect that the scene seen from the well water turned out to be a real scene.

In other words, this well water has infinite power and can see what is happening on the other side of the world. It can see what a person wants to see based on what a person thinks in his heart.

Recalling the two figures I saw before, one was Wang Ziqiong and the other was Yun Yao. Pei Junlin's heart was shocked and joyful, and some melancholy.

If the picture seen in the well water is really true, then Wang Ziqiong is fine, and he is still living in this world.

Suddenly a stone fell in Pei Junlin's heart and he was deeply relieved, but soon Pei Junlin had new worries again, that was Yun Yao.

Just seeing Yun Yao in the well water made Pei Junlin's heart very complicated. He has always been reluctant to admit that he has a good impression of Yun Yao, but this well water is not deceiving.

And the white-haired old woman's eyes were still staring at the blue well water, as if thoughtful.

"This well should be the legendary Wangxiang Well, from which you can see the current situation of the person you most want to see, but the picture will soon disappear, and you can only see two people at most." The old white-haired woman sighed. A pair of eyes revealed a very complex emotion.

Pei Junlin was a little unwilling. He wanted to see the situation of his parents and friends, but no matter how he looked at the well water, the well water remained unchanged.

In desperation, Pei Junlin could only lead everyone forward. After crossing a canyon, Pei Junlin discovered that a deep cave appeared in front of him.

"Passing through this cave should be able to walk out of the forbidden area. It seems that the evil spirit before is indeed helping us. Without his guidance, we might not be able to get out of this strange situation at all." The old white-haired woman The tone was a little relaxed, and everyone's emotions finally began to slowly relax at this moment.

As long as you go through this tunnel, you should be able to reach the Great Thousand World. Pei Junlin's mood is very complicated, because what is in front of him is a whole new world.

"After passing through this door, I will tell you a secret." Pei Junlin nodded towards the three women and walked into the tunnel.

The passage was very dim, but the candle in Pei Junlin's hand could illuminate the surroundings. But as he moved forward, Pei Junlin found that the candle in his hand seemed to be unable to withstand the deep darkness around him.

The flame on the candle was wrapped in darkness, and gradually turned into a light the size of a mung bean, and the illuminated area was already like a spark.

In desperation, Pei Junlin could only put away the candles, and the four of them walked in the dark. In such a dark place, people could only hold hands to prevent any accidents.

Pei Junlin closed his eyes. By intuition, he always felt that there seemed to be some creatures peeping around him, but he could not be sure what these creatures were.

I don't know how long, a light finally appeared at the entrance of the cave in front, and the middle man's heart was a little excited, and the dawn of victory was before his eyes.

Without any words, everyone speeded up the pace unanimously, but at this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly felt that his back was slapped.

The four people obviously hold Then who is it that frees up their hands and pats behind them? Pei Junlin's hair immediately stood up, and cold sweat dripped down his temples.

Who is this person who photographed himself? Pei Junlin didn't dare to ask or say, he could only pretend not to know.

As soon as everyone walked out of the cave, Pei Junlin suddenly noticed that the faces of the three women turned pale, and people looked at him with horror and seemed to have discovered something incredible.

Pei Junlin's hair was about to stand up, his face became extremely gloomy when he watched the three women not talking.

"Behind you..." Princess Long Shisan said in a trembling voice.

Although Pei Junlin felt fear in his heart, he still said in a depressed and relaxed tone: "Is there anyone behind me?"

"A lot of palm prints, very small, like they were taken by a very small child." Princess Long Shisan said in a trembling voice.

Pei Junlin nodded, took the three women, and quickly walked out of the cave. When the sun was shining outside, Pei Junlin suddenly felt a lot more relaxed inside. _

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