Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1753: Large 0 world

But what happened from this cave just now, Pei Junlin couldn't tell. Those little palm prints on your back made Pei Junlin shudder in his heart, but everyone came here safely.

Seeing the sun in the sky and the bright sunshine, Pei Junlin felt comfortable, because this place was completely different from Sanqing World.

But when everyone looked back at the deep passage, they suddenly found that there was no incitement at the bottom of the mountain, and everyone seemed to have passed through that mountain out of thin air.

This scene stunned everyone, not only Pei Junlin, Princess Long 13 and the old white-haired woman, but also shocked expressions on their faces.

"The forbidden land is strange and weird, which is not surprising." The white-haired old woman sighed.

Pei Junlin nodded, and suddenly looked at several people with a serious face and said: "Since I have come to this world, then my promise is over. Now I want to tell you a secret."

Pei Junlin's words made the expressions on the faces of the three girls different. The white-haired old woman may have used disguise on his face, so the expression is not obvious.

Princess Dragon Thirteen knew about Pei Junlin. Generally, Pei Junlin rarely speaks in this tone. Generally speaking, this tone shows that things are a little serious.

"Before you left the world before, the will of Heaven there turned into countless avatars and got into the bodies of you people. That is to say, each of you has the power of a avatar of Heaven." Pei Junlin Speak slowly in a serious tone.

As soon as his voice fell, the face of Princess Long Thirteen showed shock, while the faces of the white-haired old woman and Miss Ning Ning were all blank, not knowing what had happened.

"Heaven Will?" The white-haired old woman's tone changed from shock to a kind of fear.

"Otherwise, why would you suddenly come to that area, and the avenue full of light was condensed by the will of Heaven, in order to send these people out of the Sanqing world. Before we left, his will was scattered It has become countless strands that have penetrated into everyone's body. As long as someone can come to this world alive, it will continue." Pei Junlin's eyes flashed with pale golden light.

At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly discovered that apart from the white-haired old woman and Ningning girl, only the dragon was the eyebrow of the third princess, exuding a little grey air. These breaths gathered on the top of Princess Long Shisan's head, and finally gathered into a cold face.

This indifferent face carries a trace of mercilessness, and the rhyme of the great road flows in it.

When seeing this scene, both the white-haired old woman and the girl Ningning showed shocked expressions, and they couldn't help paying attention to themselves.

You have been waiting for a long time, from the bodies of Na Ning and the white-haired old woman, Pei Junlin did not see the same avatar of the will of heaven, that is to say, there is only one avatar of heaven, following the body of Princess Long 13 To the great world.

As for the avatar of Dao Will that day, why didn't it attach to the old white-haired woman and the girl Ningning, Pei Jun was puzzled.

After thinking about it, it was the Ning Ning girl who was talented and possessed some mysterious body guards of Buddhism. Perhaps this was the reason Dadao did not dare to get involved with him.

But this white-haired old woman made Pei Junlin a little confused, but it was not surprising that even the Will of Heaven could not see his face clearly before that mountain green world was destroyed.

Whether it's the white-haired old woman or Ningning girl, the mystery of these two people can't even be traced by Pei Junlin.

The current situation can only make Pei Junlin admire from the heart. I am afraid that these two women have extraordinary origins, especially the white-haired old woman. From a young girl disguised as a white-haired old woman, I don’t know what it is. What is the idea?

"So many people, only four of you, came to the Great Thousand World alive. What a pity, I only have this clone." That day, the face of Dao Will was suspended on the head of Princess Long 13, and Princess Long 13 at this time was His eyes were extremely dull, and there was no response from standing in place like a piece of wood.

His words were low and slow, his eyes were cold and emotionless, like a giant tree revived from ancient times.

"Then what do you plan to do in the future? Don't you want to lurch in his body forever?" Pei Junlin has calmed down. When he speaks, his tone is calm, neither humble nor overbearing, and even there is a hint of threat in his eyes.

How keen the Dao clone was that day, it was a great power that could create the world, how could he not understand the threat in Pei Junlin's eyes?

However, he didn't speak this time, but instead answered Pei Junlin with practical actions, until the gray mist began to dissipate, and gradually penetrated into Princess Long 13's eyebrows.

Seeing this scene, the muscles on Pei Junlin's face twitched a few times, and there was a strong hatred in his eyes. He did not expect that the clone of the will of heaven would be so rampant.

"It's not that I want to occupy it forever, but I want this body." Dragon Girl spoke in a cold tone.

Pei Junlin said with a gloomy face, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face after a long time: "You can use it if you want, have you asked me?"

When Pei Junlin was speaking, he suddenly shot at the same time. His eyes glowed with gold, and there was a terrifying amount of lightning in his palm.

At the same time, the mysterious earthen jar suddenly flew out, and instantly enveloped Princess Long Shisan. The icy blue flame covered it, instantly freezing the thirteen princesses of the dragon clan into ice.

Pei Junlin's series of complicated methods only accomplished this in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, Long Yu was frozen by the blue flame.

In such an extremely short period of time, Pei Junlin's reaction speed was not unpleasant, and the other two people, whether it was Miss Ning or the old white-haired woman, looked a little dumbfounded.

Pei Junlin did not speak, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Princess Long Shisan in his palm.

Then Pei Junlin began to arrange a big battle around him, he wanted to find a way to extinguish this ray of heavenly will. You are the clone of the will of Heaven, not so terrifying to Pei Junlin, the complete will of Heaven may be a great threat to Pei Junlin, but such a small distraction, Pei Junlin is really not afraid.

Princess Dragon 13 followed Pei Junlin all the way, so at this moment, Pei Junlin would rather turn his face with the clone of Heavenly Dao than abandon Princess Long.

"What are you doing? If you do this, it is likely to kill him." The white-haired old woman looked at Pei Junlin in confusion.

But Junlin Pei did not speak. He has been arranging the formation. It will take at least half a year to arrange this formation. This is also a long time for Junlin Pei, but Junlin does not regret it.

"The two of me are likely to stay here for a while. If the two of you want to leave first, there will be a period of time later." Pei Junlin glanced deeply at the white-haired old woman.

Pei Junlin doesn't know what kind of soul is under this mysterious skin, but he can know the relationship between himself and the white-haired old woman.

"That's OK, let's leave first, and see you in the future." The white-haired old woman didn't talk nonsense, she turned around and stayed there, and Miss Ningning disappeared.

Pei Junlin also just said casually, did not expect the other party to actually leave. For a moment, his expression was a little blank.

But after the two girls left, Pei Junlin could concentrate on rescuing Princess Long 13. In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed. During this half a year, Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin has arranged an unprecedented formation. This formation is divided into 99 layers, one ring and one ring using the power of the surrounding mountains and rivers, plus Pei There is no new tree of life in King's Landing.

All of these magical methods were used on Princess Long 13 to finally refine the clone of the will of the world.

Seeing Princess Long Shisan's slowly opening eyes, Pei Junlin showed a gratifying smile on his face. But at this time Princess Long Shisan showed an expression of astonishment, looking at Pei Junlin in front of her, she seemed a little unbelievable.

Pei Junlin was a little surprised at first, but soon laughed, because his beard and hair have grown very long in the past six months, and now he looks like a big man with a thick beard. No wonder Princess Dragon 13 will be shocked. .

"What happened? How long has it passed?" Princess Long 13 was still deserted.

After Pei Junlin described everything completely, Princess Long 13 shocked him. He did not expect that half a year had passed since the blink of an and he was completely in a coma during the half year. ,do not know anything.

Seeing the sloppy Pei Junlinlong with beard all over his face, the thirteenth princess suddenly felt sad. He did not expect that Pei Junlin would expend such a huge effort to rescue himself.

"What the **** is this place? It feels different from the original world." Princess Long 13 looked strange.

Perhaps she didn't want the atmosphere to be too sensational and ambiguous, so Princess Long Shisan took the initiative to change the subject. Pei Junlin naturally borrowed the donkey from the slope. He closed his eyes and felt a little bit, and his face also showed a slightly surprised look, because Pei Junlin could feel the power of the rules of this world, which was better than the original Sanqing world or the original The world the earth is in is more perfect.

In other words, this great world is the origin world of the entire universe, or the main world of the entire universe. The rest of the small worlds are nothing more than vassal commodities, some worlds and even the rules of heaven are messy. But the rules of this great world surprised Pei Junlin. This is the magic of the true Creator.

"This is the real Great Thousand World, and it is also the main world in this universe. The place where we used to live is called the Little Thousand World, which is just a projection of this Great Thousand World." Pei Junlin explained towards Princess Long 13. _

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